3,619 research outputs found

    Blood lactate clearance after maximal exercise depends on active recovery intensity

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    AIM: High-intensity exercise is time-limited by onset of fatigue, marked by accumulation of blood lactate. This is accentuated at maximal, all-out exercise that rapidly accumulates high blood lactate. The optimal active recovery intensity for clearing lactate after such maximal, all-out exercise remains unknown. Thus, we studied the intensity-dependence of lactate clearance during active recovery after maximal exercise.<p></p> METHODS: We constructed a standardized maximal, all-out treadmill exercise protocol that predictably lead to voluntary exhaustion and blood lactate concentration >10 mM. Next, subjects ran series of all-out bouts that increased blood lactate concentration to 11.5Ā±0.2 mM, followed by recovery exercises ranging 0% (passive)-100% of the lactate threshold.<p></p> RESULTS: Repeated measurements showed faster lactate clearance during active versus passive recovery (P<0.01), and that active recovery at 60-100% of lactate threshold was more efficient for lactate clearance than lower intensity recovery (P<0.05). Active recovery at 80% of lactate threshold had the highest rate of and shortest time constant for lactate clearance (P<0.05), whereas the response during the other intensities was graded (100%=60%>40%>passive recovery, P<0.05).<p></p> CONCLUSION: Active recovery after maximal all-out exercise clears accumulated blood lactate faster than passive recovery in an intensity-dependent manner, with maximum clearance occurring at active recovery of 80% of lactate threshold

    The North Street Community Development: A New and Replicable Model of Housing for Developmentally Disabled Individuals?

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    In 2012, residents began moving into a community in Central Durham they decided to call the North Street Community. Once complete, this community will consist of 16 multi-family buildings originally constructed in the 1940ā€™s as workforce housing but that have suffered from years of neglect. The units, located a few blocks from downtown, range from two to four dwelling units, in a variety of customized floor plans. This allows those both with and without developmental disabilities to live in a supportive community. The residents are diverse: families with developmentally disabled children, disabled adults living alone, seminary students, young professionals, and families. Some have bought the units, while others rent. Yet covenants in place require residents who do not have a family-member with a disability to support the community in an active way. Additionally, all residents must sign a deed tying the value of their homes to a market formula for the larger Durham region and allow the neighborhood association to have first refusal on all properties. Developing such a community in an urban context is an unprecedented approach to housing those with developmental disabilities. Yet early indications suggest it is yielding astounding results for community residents as well as the surrounding neighborhood. Those who have moved into the community feel it better facilitates social and emotional growth, and have parents have seen much more independence and confidence in their child with a disability. Such results solicit the question of whether this situation is unique, or could other groups across the country also ask ā€œWhat if?ā€ and expect to see comparable results? The following paper hopes to explore the reality of this question, examining what made the North Street community feasible and what tools, insights and lessons could be used by others hoping to develop a similar community.Master of City and Regional Plannin

    The Leeds Met Book of Resilience

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    Community Structure in Congressional Cosponsorship Networks

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    We study the United States Congress by constructing networks between Members of Congress based on the legislation that they cosponsor. Using the concept of modularity, we identify the community structure of Congressmen, as connected via sponsorship/cosponsorship of the same legislation, to investigate the collaborative communities of legislators in both chambers of Congress. This analysis yields an explicit and conceptually clear measure of political polarization, demonstrating a sharp increase in partisan polarization which preceded and then culminated in the 104th Congress (1995-1996), when Republicans took control of both chambers. Although polarization has since waned in the U.S. Senate, it remains at historically high levels in the House of Representatives.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures (some with multiple parts), to appear in Physica A; additional background info and explanations added from last versio

    Planar chromatography - Current practice and future prospects

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    Planar chromatography, in the form of thin-layer or high-performance thin-layer chromatography (TLC, HPTLC), continues to provide a robust and widely used separation technique. It is unrivaled as a simple and rapid qualitative method for mixture analysis, or for finding bioactive components in mixtures. The format of TLC/HPTLC also provides a unique method for preserving the separation, enabling further investigation of components of interest (including quantification/structure determination) separated in both time and space from the original analysis. The current practice of planar chromatography and areas of development of the technology are reviewed and promising future directions in the use of TLC/HPTLC are outlined

    Oxygen supplementation before induction of general anaesthesia in horses

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    REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Hypoventilation or apnoea, caused by the induction of general anaesthesia, may cause hypoxaemia. Pre-oxygenation may lengthen the period before this happens. No scientific studies are published on pre-oxygenation in equine anaesthesia. OBJECTIVES: To determine whether supplementation of oxygen at a flow rate of 15 litres per minute for 3 minutes via a nasal cannula before induction of general anaesthesia is effective in elevating the arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2 ) directly after induction. STUDY DESIGN: Randomised, prospective clinical trial. METHODS: Eighteen adult horses, American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status 1 or 2, undergoing elective anaesthesia were randomly allocated to one of 2 groups. The first group (control group) received no oxygen supplementation before induction of general anaesthesia, whereas the second group (oxygen group) did. All horses were anaesthetised with intravenous detomidine, butorphanol, ketamine, midazolam and isoflurane. Directly after induction (T = 0) and 30 min later (T = 30) an arterial blood sample was taken for blood gas analysis. At T = 30 an estimate of intrapulmonary shunt fraction (Qs/Qt) was calculated. RESULTS: At T = 0 arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2 ) was significantly higher in the oxygen group compared to the control group (11.0 Ā± 2.6 kPa versus 7.4 Ā± 1.6 kPa; mean Ā± s.d., p = 0.005), at T = 30 differences were not statistically significant. Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2 ) and Qs/Qt did not differ between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: Supplementing oxygen by a nasal cannula before induction of general anaesthesia in horses is feasible and does effectively elevate the PaO2 immediately after induction. Future research is needed to determine whether supplementation of oxygen before induction of general anaesthesia in horses will affect outcomes. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    In-situ measurements of total reactive nitrogen, total water vapor, and aerosols in polar stratospheric clouds in the Antarctic stratosphere

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    Measurements of total reactive nitrogen, NOy, total water vapor, and aerosols were made as part of the Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment. The measurements were made using instruments located onboard the NASA ER-2 aircrafts which conducted twelve flights over the Antarctic continent reaching altitudes of 18 km at 72 S latitude. Each instrument utilized an ambient air sample and provided a measurement up to 1 Hz or every 200 m of flight path. The data presented focus on the flights of Aug. 17th and 18th during which Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSCs) were encountered containing concentrations of 0.5 to 1.0 micron diameter aerosols greater than 1 cm/cu. The temperature pressure during these events ranged as low as 184 K near 75 mb pressure, with water values near 3.5 ppm by volume (ppmv). With the exception of two short periods, the PSC activity was observed at temperatures above the frost point of water over ice. The data gathered during these flights are analyzed and presented

    Measuring pregnancy planning: An assessment of the London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy among urban, south Indian women

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    Copyright Ā© 2010 Corinne H. Rocca et al. This open-access work is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License 2.0 Germany, which permits use, reproduction & distribution in any medium for non-commercial purposes, provided the original author(s) and source are given credit. See http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/de/.We evaluated the psychometric properties of the London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy among Indian women using classical methods and Item Response Modeling. The scale exhibited good internal consistency and internal structure, with overall scores correlating well with each itemā€™s response categories. Items performed similarly for pregnant and non-pregnant women, and scores decreased with increasing parity, providing evidence for validity. Analyses detected small disadvantages, including low endorsement of middle response categories and some evidence of differential item functioning by parity. We conclude that the LMUP is suitable for use in India and recommend steps for improving scale performance for this cultural context.National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the Levis Strauss Foundation

    AR-C155858 is a potent inhibitor of monocarboxylate transporters MCT1 and MCT2 that binds to an intracellular site involving transmembrane helices 7ā€“10

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    In the present study we characterize the properties of the potent MCT1 (monocarboxylate transporter 1) inhibitor AR-C155858. Inhibitor titrations of L-lactate transport by MCT1 in rat erythrocytes were used to determine the Ki value and number of AR-C155858-binding sites (Et) on MCT1 and the turnover number of the transporter (kcat). Derived values were 2.3Ā±1.4Ā nM, 1.29Ā±0.09 nmol per ml of packed cells and 12.2Ā±1.1Ā sāˆ’1 respectively. When expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, MCT1 and MCT2 were potently inhibited by AR-C155858, whereas MCT4 was not. Inhibition of MCT1 was shown to be time-dependent, and the compound was also active when microinjected, suggesting that AR-C155858 probably enters the cell before binding to an intracellular site on MCT1. Measurement of the inhibitor sensitivity of several chimaeric transporters combining different domains of MCT1 and MCT4 revealed that the binding site for AR-C155858 is contained within the C-terminal half of MCT1, and involves TM (transmembrane) domains 7ā€“10. This is consistent with previous data identifying Phe360 (in TM10) and Asp302 plus Arg306 (TM8) as key residues in substrate binding and translocation by MCT1. Measurement of the Km values of the chimaeras for L-lactate and pyruvate demonstrate that both the C- and N-terminal halves of the molecule influence transport kinetics consistent with our proposed molecular model of MCT1 and its translocation mechanism that requires Lys38 in TM1 in addition to Asp302 and Arg306 in TM8 [Wilson, Meredith, Bunnun, Sessions and Halestrap (2009) J. Biol. Chem. 284, 20011ā€“20021]
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