183 research outputs found

    Actividad de catalizadores de Co promovidos con concentraciones variables de KNO₃ soportado sobre zirconia frescos y tratados térmicamente para la combustión de material particulado (MP)

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    Proteger el planeta para las generaciones presentes y futuras es un compromiso que debemos asumir todos. El cuidado del medio ambiente involucra entre otras cosas la reducción de las emisiones de material particulado (MP). Estas partículas que penetran por las vías respiratorias transportando compuestos con conocida actividad genotóxica, mutagénica o carcinogénica, son las responsables de la disminución de la calidad de vida de animales y seres humanos. Las medidas regulatorias exigidas con respecto a los microgramos de MP por metro cúbico, son cada vez más exigentes en los países desarrollados, buscando de esta forma, mejorar el medio ambiente y con ello la salud de su población. La emisión de gases por la combustión del diesel en los motores de los automóviles contribuye al aumento de MP en el ambiente. Para disminuir o eliminar el MP de estos gases efluentes se pueden utilizar filtros catalíticos en los caños de escape de los automóviles, esta es una tecnología viable para dar solución a este problema. Debido a las condiciones severas en las que serán utilizados estos materiales, alta temperatura, presencia de vapor de agua y otros contaminantes, sus propiedades térmicas y estructurales son determinantes para su elección, ya que de otro modo las propiedades catalíticas se verán afectadas. Se sabe que el KNO₃ soportado presenta actividad en la reacción de combustión de MP, debido al aporte de un ciclo redox nitrato/nitrito. En trabajos previos, nuestro grupo estudió la estabilidad hidrotérmica de catalizadores de Co y/o KNO₃ soportados sobre zirconia y alúmina. Se demostró que estos catalizadores continúan siendo activos a pesar de haberlos expuesto ex - situ a diversas condiciones de temperatura y tiempo en presencia de vapor de agua. En este trabajo se estudia la estabilidad térmica de catalizadores de Co y/o KNO₃ en concentraciones variables soportados sobre zirconia y su actividad en la reacción de combustión catalítica de material particulado.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias Aplicada

    Goethe e l'antico

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    Il tema Goethe e l’antico, contrariamente alle aspettative, non è un campo di ricerca molto frequentato dalla germanistica internazionale. Il presente volume, che raccoglie – in gran parte – i contributi tenuti al convegno internazionale svoltosi a Roma nel novembre del 1998, vuole rappresentare un cambio di paradigma nell’approccio al problema, in quanto prende in considerazione l’assieme del conforto di Goethe con l’antico, tanto nei suoi aspetti di teoria dell’arte, quanto nei suoi aspetti poetologici. Prima del 1770 il testo letterario acquisiva la sua autorità dalla tradizione antecedente che costituiva un rapporto con il passato come una catena senza soluzione di continuità. A partire da Goethe il testo non fonda più la sua autorità nei suoi riferimenti ad Omero o a Orazio, ma nella capacità combinatoria dell'autore che è in grado di riformulare i motivi poetici in modo da ricollocarli nel suo tempo e nel contempo di ridefinirne il significato anche rispetto all'antico. Goethe ha preso dall’antico temi, immagini, motivi perchè credeva che essi potessero esprimere letterariamente una serie di situazioni archetipiche in grado di essere recepite in ogni caso. Ma ha anche avuto l’intuizione geniale, e di una sconcertante modernità, di rappresentare tali immagini e tali motivi con un linguaggio adeguato alla capacità recettiva dei sui contemporanei e di costruirli in un contesto artistico adeguato alla comunicazione della sua epoca

    Tick size and price diffusion

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    A tick size is the smallest increment of a security price. It is clear that at the shortest time scale on which individual orders are placed the tick size has a major role which affects where limit orders can be placed, the bid-ask spread, etc. This is the realm of market microstructure and there is a vast literature on the role of tick size on market microstructure. However, tick size can also affect price properties at longer time scales, and relatively less is known about the effect of tick size on the statistical properties of prices. The present paper is divided in two parts. In the first we review the effect of tick size change on the market microstructure and the diffusion properties of prices. The second part presents original results obtained by investigating the tick size changes occurring at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). We show that tick size change has three effects on price diffusion. First, as already shown in the literature, tick size affects price return distribution at an aggregate time scale. Second, reducing the tick size typically leads to an increase of volatility clustering. We give a possible mechanistic explanation for this effect, but clearly more investigation is needed to understand the origin of this relation. Third, we explicitly show that the ability of the subordination hypothesis in explaining fat tails of returns and volatility clustering is strongly dependent on tick size. While for large tick sizes the subordination hypothesis has significant explanatory power, for small tick sizes we show that subordination is not the main driver of these two important stylized facts of financial market.Comment: To be published in the "Proceedings of Econophys-Kolkata V International Workshop on "Econophysics of Order-driven Markets" March 9-13, 2010, The New Economic Windows series of Springer-Verlag Italia

    Studies of the limit order book around large price changes

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    We study the dynamics of the limit order book of liquid stocks after experiencing large intra-day price changes. In the data we find large variations in several microscopical measures, e.g., the volatility the bid-ask spread, the bid-ask imbalance, the number of queuing limit orders, the activity (number and volume) of limit orders placed and canceled, etc. The relaxation of the quantities is generally very slow that can be described by a power law of exponent 0.4\approx0.4. We introduce a numerical model in order to understand the empirical results better. We find that with a zero intelligence deposition model of the order flow the empirical results can be reproduced qualitatively. This suggests that the slow relaxations might not be results of agents' strategic behaviour. Studying the difference between the exponents found empirically and numerically helps us to better identify the role of strategic behaviour in the phenomena.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Combinatorial effects on gene expression at the Lbx1/Fgf8 locus resolve Split-Hand/Foot Malformation type 3

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    Split-Hand/Foot Malformation type 3 (SHFM3) is a congenital limb malformation associated with tandem duplications at the LBX1/FGF8 locus. Yet, the disease patho-mechanism remains unsolved. Here we investigated the functional consequences of SHFM3-associated rearrangements on chromatin conformation and gene expression in vivo in transgenic mice. We show that the Lbx1/Fgf8 locus consists of two separate, but interacting, regulatory domains. Re-engineering of a SHFM3-associated duplication and a newly reported inversion in mice resulted in restructuring of the chromatin architecture. This led to an ectopic activation of the Lbx1 and Btrc genes in the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) in an Fgf8-like pattern. Artificial repositioning of the AER-specific enhancers of Fgf8 was sufficient to induce misexpression of Lbx1 and Btrc. We provide evidence that the SHFM3 phenotype is the result of a combinatorial effect on gene misexpression and dosage in the developing limb. Our results reveal new insights into the molecular mechanism underlying SHFM3 and provide novel conceptual framework for how genomic rearrangements can cause gene misexpression and disease

    Tungsten Oxide Nanorods Array and Nanobundle Prepared by Using Chemical Vapor Deposition Technique

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    Tungsten oxide (WO3) nanorods array prepared using chemical vapor deposition techniques was studied. The influence of oxygen gas concentration on the nanoscale tungsten oxide structure was observed; it was responsible for the stoichiometric and morphology variation from nanoscale particle to nanorods array. Experimental results also indicated that the deposition temperature was highly related to the morphology; the chemical structure, however, was stable. The evolution of the crystalline structure and surface morphology was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, Raman spectra and X-ray diffraction approaches. The stoichiometric variation was indicated by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

    The mitogenome portrait of Umbria in Central Italy as depicted by contemporary inhabitants and pre-Roman remains

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    Umbria is located in Central Italy and took the name from its ancient inhabitants, the Umbri, whose origins are still debated. Here, we investigated the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation of 545 present-day Umbrians (with 198 entire mitogenomes) and 28 pre-Roman individuals (obtaining 19 ancient mtDNAs) excavated from the necropolis of Plestia. We found a rather homogeneous distribution of western Eurasian lineages across the region, with few notable exceptions. Contemporary inhabitants of the eastern part, delimited by the Tiber River and the Apennine Mountains, manifest a peculiar mitochondrial proximity to central-eastern Europeans, mainly due to haplogroups U4 and U5a, and an overrepresentation of J (30%) similar to the pre-Roman remains, also excavated in East Umbria. Local genetic continuities are further attested to by six terminal branches (H1e1, J1c3, J2b1, U2e2a, U8b1b1 and K1a4a) shared between ancient and modern mitogenomes. Eventually, we identified multiple inputs from various population sources that likely shaped the mitochondrial gene pool of ancient Umbri over time, since early Neolithic, including gene flows with central-eastern Europe. This diachronic mtDNA portrait of Umbria fits well with the genome-wide population structure identified on the entire peninsula and with historical sources that list the Umbri among the most ancient Italic populations.We are grateful to Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio dell’Umbria, to Istituto Comprensivo Statale Foligno 5 (Perugia) and to all the volunteers who generously participated in this survey and made this research possible. We thank our colleagues Prof. Fausto Panara and Dr. Livia Lucentini with whom we have been discussing the feasibility and the first steps of this project, and Prof. Cristina Cereda, Dr. Gaetano Grieco, Dr. Marialuisa Valente, Dr. Nicole Huber and Jannika Oeke for technical support. We would like to thank the two anonymous reviewers for their suggestions and thoughtful comments. This research received support from: the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research projects FIR2012 RBFR126B8I (to AO and AA), PRIN2017 20174BTC4R (to AA); Dipartimenti di Eccellenza Program (2018–2022)—Department of Biology and Biotechnology “L. Spallanzani,” University of Pavia (to AA, AO, OS and AT) and Department of Biology, University of Florence (to DC); the Fondazione Cariplo (project no. 2018–2045 to AA, AO and AT); the Fon-dazione Carifol (2008 to AA) and the Tiroler Wissenschaftsfonds (TWF) (UNI-404/1998) (to MB)

    Reconstructing the three-dimensional GABAergic microcircuit of the striatum

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    A system's wiring constrains its dynamics, yet modelling of neural structures often overlooks the specific networks formed by their neurons. We developed an approach for constructing anatomically realistic networks and reconstructed the GABAergic microcircuit formed by the medium spiny neurons (MSNs) and fast-spiking interneurons (FSIs) of the adult rat striatum. We grew dendrite and axon models for these neurons and extracted probabilities for the presence of these neurites as a function of distance from the soma. From these, we found the probabilities of intersection between the neurites of two neurons given their inter-somatic distance, and used these to construct three-dimensional striatal networks. The MSN dendrite models predicted that half of all dendritic spines are within 100 mu m of the soma. The constructed networks predict distributions of gap junctions between FSI dendrites, synaptic contacts between MSNs, and synaptic inputs from FSIs to MSNs that are consistent with current estimates. The models predict that to achieve this, FSIs should be at most 1% of the striatal population. They also show that the striatum is sparsely connected: FSI-MSN and MSN-MSN contacts respectively form 7% and 1.7% of all possible connections. The models predict two striking network properties: the dominant GABAergic input to a MSN arises from neurons with somas at the edge of its dendritic field; and FSIs are interconnected on two different spatial scales: locally by gap junctions and distally by synapses. We show that both properties influence striatal dynamics: the most potent inhibition of a MSN arises from a region of striatum at the edge of its dendritic field; and the combination of local gap junction and distal synaptic networks between FSIs sets a robust input-output regime for the MSN population. Our models thus intimately link striatal micro-anatomy to its dynamics, providing a biologically grounded platform for further study

    Oceanic eddy‑induced modifications to air–sea heat and CO2 fluxes in the Brazil‑Malvinas Confluence

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    Sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies caused by a warm core eddy (WCE) in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean (SWA) rendered a crucial influence on modifying the marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL). During the first cruise to support the Antarctic Modeling and Observation System (ATMOS) project, a WCE that was shed from the Brazil Current was sampled. Apart from traditional meteorological measurements, we used the Eddy Covariance method to directly measure the ocean–atmosphere sensible heat, latent heat, momentum, and carbon dioxide ( CO2) fluxes. The mechanisms of pressure adjustment and vertical mixing that can make the MABL unstable were both identified. The WCE also acted to increase the surface winds and heat fluxes from the ocean to the atmosphere. Oceanic regions at middle and high latitudes are expected to absorb atmospheric CO2, and are thereby considered as sinks, due to their cold waters. Instead, the presence of this WCE in midlatitudes, surrounded by predominantly cold waters, caused the ocean to locally act as a CO2 source. The contribution to the atmosphere was estimated as 0.3 ± 0.04 mmol m− 2 day− 1, averaged over the sampling period. The CO2 transfer velocity coefficient (K) was determined using a quadratic fit and showed an adequate representation of ocean–atmosphere fluxes. The ocean–atmosphere CO2, momentum, and heat fluxes were each closely correlated with the SST. The increase of SST inside the WCE clearly resulted in larger magnitudes of all of the ocean–atmosphere fluxes studied here. This study adds to our understanding of how oceanic mesoscale structures, such as this WCE, affect the overlying atmosphere

    A Novel ‘Gene Insertion/Marker Out’ (GIMO) Method for Transgene Expression and Gene Complementation in Rodent Malaria Parasites

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    Research on the biology of malaria parasites has greatly benefited from the application of reverse genetic technologies, in particular through the analysis of gene deletion mutants and studies on transgenic parasites that express heterologous or mutated proteins. However, transfection in Plasmodium is limited by the paucity of drug-selectable markers that hampers subsequent genetic modification of the same mutant. We report the development of a novel ‘gene insertion/marker out’ (GIMO) method for two rodent malaria parasites, which uses negative selection to rapidly generate transgenic mutants ready for subsequent modifications. We have created reference mother lines for both P. berghei ANKA and P. yoelii 17XNL that serve as recipient parasites for GIMO-transfection. Compared to existing protocols GIMO-transfection greatly simplifies and speeds up the generation of mutants expressing heterologous proteins, free of drug-resistance genes, and requires far fewer laboratory animals. In addition we demonstrate that GIMO-transfection is also a simple and fast method for genetic complementation of mutants with a gene deletion or mutation. The implementation of GIMO-transfection procedures should greatly enhance Plasmodium reverse-genetic research