245 research outputs found

    Fijación externa del húmero en aves rapaces : descripción de un caso clínico en un ejemplar de Ratonero común (Buteo buteo)

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    Un Ratonero común (Buteo buteo) fue intervenido quirúrgicamente de una fractura de húmero en su ala derecha. Mediante la colocación de un fijador externo le fue inmovilizada la fractura resultando una correcta formación del callo óseo y la recuperación total de la funcionalidad del ala.The surgical treatment of the humeral fracture in a buzzard (Buteo buteo) by means of external fixation is described. The fracture healed correctly and the wing recovered its normal functinability by the 51st day postop

    Descripción de una cepa de Klebsiella pneumoniae con gen blaOXA-48 en Lima-Perú

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    Letter to the Editor (without abstract)Carta al editor (sin resumen

    La enseñanza universitaria apoyada en plataformas virtuales. Cambios en las prácticas docentes: el caso de la Universidad de Sevilla

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    El estudio de los usos de las plataformas virtuales en la enseñanza universitaria constituye hoy un referente de interés para la docencia. El objetivo de esta investigación es explorar los usos pedagógicos de estas herramientas, con la finalidad de identificar factores condicionantes y sus variables asociadas. Esta investigación, que analiza el caso de la Universidad de Sevilla, se basa en un estudio descriptivo, tipo encuesta. Los resultados obtenidos permiten establecer como conclusiones relevantes que las prácticas de enseñanza online están mediadas por las concepciones y creencias pedagógicas del profesorado; pero a su vez los usos tecnológicos influyen y transforman dichas concepcione

    Spanish facilities and fisrst results in measuring thermodynamic temperature using the radiance method

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    Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire, May 18-19 2015; https://royalsociety.org/science-events-and-lectures/2015/05/new-kelvin/Currently, the dissemination of the kelvin, according to the International Temperature Scale (ITS-90), at high temperatures is realised at the Centro Español de Metrología (CEM) by using the fixed points of Ag and Cu and a standard radiation thermometer. Recently, absolute radiometry has been proposed by the CCT Working Group 5 [1] to be included in future revisions of the Mise-en-Practique for the kelvin (MeP-K). The Centro Español de Metrologia (CEM) in collaboration with the Instituto de Óptica of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (IO-CSIC) has been working in the following lines linked to this new alternative to disseminate the kelvin: ¿ Absolute calibration, i.e., calibration in terms of the thermodynamic temperature, of commercial radiation thermometers, by using a facility based on a monochromator and a high stability lamp [2]. At present, the uncertainties of these measurements, obtained with a KE-LP2 radiation thermometer, are about the ones obtained with the ITS-90 method, i. e. from 0,3 K to 1,1 K (from 1084,62 °C to 2474 °C, k = 2). Some improvements in the facilities described in [2] have been implemented in order to reduce uncertainty. ¿ Development of a filter radiometer to measure the thermodynamic temperature. It has been designed by CEM based in NPL previous work [3]. This filter radiometer can be calibrated with a laser based experimental setup, which improves the above measurement uncertainty [4]: from 0,2 K to 0,7 K (from 1084,62 °C to 2474 °C, k = 2). Because of some problems with the radiometer stability at 2500 °C, some changes in the design have been done. The facilities used in [2] and [4] are currently been developed at CEM site as the transportation of the instruments for calibration has caused significant drifts. A complete description of IO-CSIC and new CEM facilities will be presented, together with the results obtained on the determination of the WP1 InK cells thermodynamic temperatures by using both, a radiation thermometer with an absolute calibration, and a filter radiometer.Peer Reviewe

    Sustainability-driven decision-making model: case study of fiber-reinforced concrete foundation piles

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    Currently, foundation piles for inhabited areas are often constructed using a continuous flight auger, which is a cost- and time-efficient technology that does not require stabilization of the borehole wall; the steel bar reinforcement is embedded after the concrete has been poured. However, this reinforcement operation can lead to severe construction and structural issues. Thus, several improvements to this technology have been proposed since its first application in the 20th century, such as the use of more fluid concretes. Nevertheless, steel and polymers are emerging as a potential replacement for steel bars in concrete reinforcement for several types of structures and building components, with identified and quantified benefits from a sustainability perspective. Accordingly, this paper proposes and validates a multicriteria decision-making approach designed with multidisciplinary experts within the construction field to assess the sustainability index of concrete pile foundations. The results of a case study enable us to conclude that polymeric fiber-reinforced concrete piles are the most sustainable due to their cost–structural efficiency ratio, high durability, and minimal risks during construction. Steel fiber-reinforced concrete alternatives were also found to be more sustainable than traditional reinforced concrete. Nonetheless, these results are unrepresentative of the current practice as direct costs were found to be the main driver in the decision-making processes, while other costs and both environmental and social indicators are disregarded. This justifies the urgency to provide sustainability-driven decision-making approaches capable of objectively quantifying the satisfaction degree of economic, environmental, and social indicators involved in the analysis

    Elucidating the aryl hydrocarbon receptor antagonism from a chemical-structural perspective

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    The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) plays an important role in several biological processes such as reproduction, immunity and homoeostasis. However, little is known on the chemical-structural and physicochemical features that influence the activity of AhR antagonistic modulators. In the present report, in vitro AhR antagonistic activity evaluations, based on a chemical-activated luciferase gene expression (AhR-CALUX) bioassay, and an extensive literature review were performed with the aim of constructing a structurally diverse database of contaminants and potentially toxic chemicals. Subsequently, QSAR models based on Linear Discriminant Analysis and Logistic Regression, as well as two toxicophoric hypotheses were proposed to model the AhR antagonistic activity of the built dataset. The QSAR models were rigorously validated yielding satisfactory performance for all classification parameters. Likewise, the toxicophoric hypotheses were validated using a diverse set of 350 decoys, demonstrating adequate robustness and predictive power. Chemical interpretations of both the QSAR and toxicophoric models suggested that hydrophobic constraints, the presence of aromatic rings and electron-acceptor moieties are critical for the AhR antagonism. Therefore, it is hoped that the deductions obtained in the present study will contribute to elucidate further on the structural and physicochemical factors influencing the AhR antagonistic activity of chemical compounds

    Artificial-intelligence-augmented telemedicine applied to the management of diet-treated gestational diabetes

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    Gestational diabetes (GD) confers an increased risk of complications as well as future type 2 diabetes. We assess the safety and efficacy of an artificial intelligence (AI)-augmented telemedicine system (ruled-based reasoning) that includes a blood glucose (BG) classifier (C4.5 Quinlan decision tree) in comparison with the standard care in the management of GD while insulin is not required

    Pathogenic Acinetobacter species including the novel Acinetobacter dijkshoorniae recovered from market meat in Peru

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    Species of the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complex are important human pathogens which can be recovered from animals and food, potential sources for their dissemination. The aim of the present study was to characterise the Acinetobacter isolates recovered from market meat samples in Peru. From July through August 2012, 138 meat samples from six traditional markets in Lima were cultured in Lysogeny and Selenite broths followed by screening of Gram-negative bacteria in selective media. Bacterial isolates were identified by MALDI-TOF MS and DNA-based methods and assessed for their clonal relatedness and antimicrobial susceptibility. Twelve Acinetobacter isolates were recovered from calf samples. All but one strain were identified as members of the clinically-relevant Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complex: 9 strains as Acinetobacter pittii, 1 strain as A. baumannii, and 1 strain as the recently described novel species A. dijkshoorniae. The remaining strain could not be identified at the species level unambiguously but all studies suggested close relatedness to A. bereziniae. All isolates were well susceptible to antibiotics. Based on macrorestriction analysis, six isolates were further selected and some of them were associated with novel MLST profiles. The presence of pathogenic Acinetobacter species in human consumption meat might pose a risk to public health as potential reservoirs for their further spread into the human population. Nevertheless, the Acinetobacter isolates from meat found in this study were not multidrug resistant and their prevalence was low. To our knowledge, this is also the first time that the A. dijkshoorniae species is reported in Peru

    Clasificación de medidas de glucemia en función de ingestas en diabetes gestacional

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    Este trabajo presenta un clasificador de medidas de glucemia en función de las ingestas asociadas para pacientes con diabetes gestacional. Se presentan los resultados obtenidos al comparar la relevancia de diferentes atributos así como del uso de dos de los algoritmos más populares en el mundo del aprendizaje automático: las redes neuronales y los árboles de decisión. El estudio se ha realizado con los datos de 53 pacientes pertenecientes al Hospital de Sabadell y al Hospital Mutua de Terrassa obteniendo un 91,72% de precisión en el caso de la red neuronal, y un 95.92% con el árbol de decisión. La clasificación automática de medidas de glucemia permitirá a los especialistas pautar un tratamiento más acertado en base a la información obtenida directamente del glucómetro de las pacientes, contribuyendo así al desarrollo de los sistemas automáticos de ayuda a la decisión para diabetes gestacional

    Design evaluation of a prototype user interface to support a guideline-based decision support system in gestational diabetes

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    Gestational Diabetes (GD) has increased over the last 20 years, affecting up to 15% of pregnant women worldwide. The complications associated can be reduced with the appropriate glycemic control during the pregnancy