62 research outputs found

    El treball cooperatiu de les ciències socials i les matemàtiques. Accions de connexió universitària catalana

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    Aquest article pretén mostrar experiències de treball cooperatiu a dues universitats catalanes —la Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) i la Universitat de Vic (UVic)— en dues àrees de didàctica: la de les ciències socials i la de matemàtiques. A partir de treballs específics de classe, s’ha fet una immersió teòrica i pràctica en el treball cooperatiu als alumnes del grau d’Educació Primària. En la part pràctica s’han analitzat les seqüències procedimentals dels treballs efectuats i s’han detectat actuacions positives i d’altres de millorables per ajudar els futurs mestres a ser competents en el treball cooperatiu amb els alumnes de primària.This paper relates some experiences of cooperative work in two Catalan public universities: the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and the Universitat de Vic. The cooperative work was carried out in the disciplines of Social Sciences and Mathematics. We implemented specific exercises in the degree in Primary Education to enable students to engage in and experience cooperative work on both a theoretical and a practical level. During the practical part, we analysed working procedures and found that while some were decidedly positive, there were others which could be improved. The analysis aims to help future teachers to become competent in adopting cooperative methodologies with their own primary school students

    Dexibuprofen prevents neurodegeneration and cognitive decline in APPswe/PS1dE9 through multiple signaling pathways.

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    The aim of the present study is to elucidate the neuronal pathways associated to NSAIDs causing a reduction of the risk and progression of Alzheimer's disease. The research was developed administering the active enantiomer of ibuprofen, dexibuprofen (DXI), in order to reduce associated gastric toxicity. DXI was administered from three to six-month-old female APPswe/PS1dE9 mice as a model of familial Alzheimer's disease. DXI treatment reduced the activation of glial cells and the cytokine release involved in the neurodegenerative process, especially TNFα. Moreover, DXI reduced soluble β-amyloid (Aβ1-42) plaque deposition by decreasing APP, BACE1 and facilitating Aβ degradation by enhancing insulin-degrading enzyme. DXI also decreased TAU hyperphosphorylation inhibiting c-Abl/CABLES/p-CDK5 activation signal pathway and prevented spatial learning and memory impairment in transgenic mice. Therefore, chronic DXI treatment could constitute a potential AD-modifying drug, both restoring cognitive functions and reversing multiple brain neuropathological hallmarks

    El paper dels sistemes de gestió en el desenvolupament de competències transversals en els estudiants

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    S’ha treballat la formació competencial dels estudiants mitjançant la realització d’activitats relacionades amb la implementació de sistemes de gestió (qualitat, medi ambient i seguretat). A l’assignatura “Qualitat i Prevenció” (Grau Química), els alumnes han fet auditories de medi ambient i seguretat als laboratoris de pràctiques de la Facultat de Química. Els alumnes de l’assignatura “Direcció d’operacions en el sector químic” (màster Enginyeria Química) han treballat la implementació del sistemes de gestió mitjançant un joc de rol. Finalment, a “Anàlisi i estimació del risc” (màster Enginyeria Química) s’ha treballat una part concreta del sistema de gestió de la seguretat mitjançant l’anàlisi de risc d’una pràctica de laboratori. Els estudiants han treballat competències relacionades amb l’ètica, capacitat d’expressió oral i escrita, capacitat de diàleg, capacitat de lideratge, gestió de la qualitat, el medi ambient i la seguretat. Els resultats de les actuacions han posat de manifest mancances i problemes als laboratoris i als sistemes de gestió, l’anàlisi del quals ha de permetre millorar la qualitat de les pràctiques i dels ensenyaments. Finalment, les enquestes fetes a alguns dels grups implicats han reflectit un alt grau de satisfacció amb la feina feta i la manera de fer-la

    Les competències transversals i les auditories als laboratoris de pràctiques de la Facultat de Química: desenvolupament i anàlisi

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    S’ha treballat la formació competencial dels estudiants mitjançant la realització d’auditories del sistema de gestió de la qualitat dels laboratoris de practiques de la Facultat de Química. Per fer aquesta tasca, s’ha seleccionat com auditors a 102 estudiants de l’assignatura “Qualitat i Prevenció” del Grau de Química, els quals, després d’una breu formació, han actuat com auditors en 49 auditories, la qual cosa ha implicat també la participació de 99 estudiants i 49 professors com a interlocutors en els laboratoris auditats. En total han estat auditats 49 torns de pràctiques relacionats amb els diferents tipus d’assignatures pràctiques impartides per tots els departaments de la Facultat i corresponents als tres graus que s’imparteixen (Química, Enginyeria Química i Enginyeria de Materials), havent estat auditats pràcticament tots els laboratoris docents de la Facultat. Seguint els objectius del projecte, els estudiants han pogut treballar competències transversals relacionades amb l’ètica, la capacitat d’expressió oral i escrita, la capacitat de diàleg, la capacitat de lideratge, l’anàlisi i la interpretació de dades, la gestió de la qualitat, el treball respectuós amb el medi ambient, la seguretat, etc. Per tant, aquest projecte ha sigut una eina important en la seva formació. D’altra banda, dels resultats dels informes d’auditoria realitzats pels estudiants, s’han posat de manifest una sèrie de mancances i problemes als laboratoris que estan sent analitzats per tal de millorar la qualitat de les pràctiques. Finalment, s’han realitzat enquestes de satisfacció a tots els grups implicats (estudiants auditors, estudiants auditats, professors auditats) i els resultats de les mateixes han posat de manifest un alt grau de satisfacció amb la feina feta i la manera de fer-la.PMI

    Gaia Focused Product Release: Radial velocity time series of long-period variables

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    Context. The third Gaia Data Release (DR3) provided photometric time series of more than 2 million long-period variable (LPV) candidates. Anticipating the publication of full radial-velocity data planned with Data Release 4, this Focused Product Release (FPR) provides radial-velocity time series for a selection of LPV candidates with high-quality observations. Aims. We describe the production and content of the Gaia catalog of LPV radial-velocity time series, and the methods used to compute the variability parameters published as part of the Gaia FPR. Methods. Starting from the DR3 catalog of LPV candidates, we applied several filters to construct a sample of sources with high-quality radial-velocity measurements. We modeled their radial-velocity and photometric time series to derive their periods and amplitudes, and further refined the sample by requiring compatibility between the radial-velocity period and at least one of the G, GBP, or GRP photometric periods. Results. The catalog includes radial-velocity time series and variability parameters for 9614 sources in the magnitude range 6 ≲ G/mag ≲ 14, including a flagged top-quality subsample of 6093 stars whose radial-velocity periods are fully compatible with the values derived from the G, GBP, and GRP photometric time series. The radial-velocity time series contain a mean of 24 measurements per source taken unevenly over a duration of about three years. We identify the great majority of the sources (88%) as genuine LPV candidates, with about half of them showing a pulsation period and the other half displaying a long secondary period. The remaining 12% of the catalog consists of candidate ellipsoidal binaries. Quality checks against radial velocities available in the literature show excellent agreement. We provide some illustrative examples and cautionary remarks. Conclusions. The publication of radial-velocity time series for almost ten thousand LPV candidates constitutes, by far, the largest such database available to date in the literature. The availability of simultaneous photometric measurements gives a unique added value to the Gaia catalog

    Genome-wide transcriptional profiling of pulmonary functional sequelae in ARDS- secondary to SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    Background: Up to 80% of patients surviving acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) secondary to SARS-CoV- 2 infection present persistent anomalies in pulmonary function after hospital discharge. There is a limited un-derstanding of the mechanistic pathways linked to post-acute pulmonary sequelae. Aim: To identify the molecular underpinnings associated with severe lung diffusion involvement in survivors of SARS-CoV-2-induced ARDS. Methods: Survivors attended to a complete pulmonary evaluation 3 months after hospital discharge. RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) was performed using Illumina technology in whole-blood samples from 50 patients with moderate to severe diffusion impairment (DLCO<60%) and age- and sex-matched individuals with mild-normal lung function (DLCO≥60%). A transcriptomic signature for optimal classification was constructed using random forest. Transcriptomic data were analyzed for biological pathway enrichment, cellular deconvolution, cell/tissue-specific gene expression and candidate drugs. Results: RNA-seq identified 1357 differentially expressed transcripts. A model composed of 14 mRNAs allowed the optimal discrimination of survivors with severe diffusion impairment (AUC=0.979). Hallmarks of lung sequelae involved cell death signaling, cytoskeleton reorganization, cell growth and differentiation and the immune response. Resting natural killer (NK) cells were the most important immune cell subtype for the pre-diction of severe diffusion impairment. Components of the signature correlated with neutrophil, lymphocyte and monocyte counts. A variable expression profile of the transcripts was observed in lung cell subtypes and bodily tissues. One upregulated gene, TUBB4A, constitutes a target for FDA-approved drugs. Conclusions: This work defines the transcriptional programme associated with post-acute pulmonary sequelae and provides novel insights for targeted interventions and biomarker development.MCGH is the recipient of a predoctoral fellowship from the University of Lleida. MM is the recipient of a predoctoral fellowship (PFIS: FI21/00187) from Instituto de Salud Carlos III. AC is supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Sara Borrell 2021: CD21/00087). DdGC has received financial support from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Miguel Servet 2020: CP20/00041), co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) “Investing in your future”. IML is supported by a Miguel Servet contract (CPII20/00029) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) “Investing in your future”. CIBERES is an initiative of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. This work is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (COV20/00110), co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) “A way to make Europe”. Supported by: Programa de donaciones "estar preparados"; UNESPA (Madrid, Spain) and Fundación Francisco Soria Melguizo (Madrid, Spain). Funded by: La Fundació La Marató de TV3, project with code 202108–30/ 31. COVIDPONENT is funded by the Institut Català de la Salut and Gestió de Serveis Sanitaris. This research was funded in part by a grant (PI19/01805) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) “A way to build Europe” and by the Fundación Rioja Salu

    Considerations for future modification of The Association for the Study of Reproductive Biology embryo grading system incorporating time-lapse observations

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    10 Pág.The Association for the Study of Reproductive Biology (ASEBIR) Interest Group in Embryology (in Spanish 'Grupo de Interés de Embriología') reviewed key morphokinetic parameters to assess the contribution of time-lapse technology (TLT) to the ASEBIR grading system. Embryo grading based on morphological characteristics is the most widely used method in human assisted reproduction laboratories. The introduction and implementation of TLT has provided a large amount of information that can be used as a complementary tool for morphological embryo evaluation and selection. As part of IVF treatments, embryologists grade embryos to decide which embryos to transfer or freeze. At the present, the embryo grading system developed by ASEBIR does not consider dynamic events observed through TLT. Laboratories that are using TLT consider those parameters as complementary data for embryo selection. The aim of this review was to evaluate review time-specific morphological changes during embryo development that are not included in the ASEBIR scoring system, and to consider them as candidates to add to the scoring system.Peer reviewe

    Trends in socioeconomic inequalities in cancer mortality in Barcelona: 1992–2003

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The objective of this study was to assess trends in cancer mortality by educational level in Barcelona from 1992 to 2003.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study population comprised Barcelona inhabitants aged 20 years or older. Data on cancer deaths were supplied by the system of information on mortality. Educational level was obtained from the municipal census. Age-standardized rates by educational level were calculated. We also fitted Poisson regression models to estimate the relative index of inequality (RII) and the Slope Index of Inequalities (SII). All were calculated for each sex and period (1992–1994, 1995–1997, 1998–2000, and 2001–2003).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Cancer mortality was higher in men and women with lower educational level throughout the study period. Less-schooled men had higher mortality by stomach, mouth and pharynx, oesophagus, larynx and lung cancer. In women, there were educational inequalities for cervix uteri, liver and colon cancer. Inequalities of overall and specific types of cancer mortality remained stable in Barcelona; although a slight reduction was observed for some cancers.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study has identified those cancer types presenting the greatest inequalities between men and women in recent years and shown that in Barcelona there is a stable trend in inequalities in the burden of cancer.</p