1,269 research outputs found

    Necrológica. Míkel de Epalza Ferrer (1938-2008)

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    La paradoja de Epiménides, Cervantes, y de nuevo sus moriscos

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    La forma en la que Cervantes presenta a sus personajes moriscos más importantes en la fase final de su creación literaria demuestra tanto el impacto que tuvo en él la medida de expulsión general como el conocimiento que tuvo del tema. Desde la verosimilitud del caso narrado en el Persiles, Cervantes plantea la paradoja de unos moriscos apoyando la expulsión de su comunidad como símbolo de salida en falso de un problema muy complejo.The way Cervantes presents his most important Morisco characters within the final phase of his literary work shows both the impact the expulsion had on him and his deep knowledge of the subject. From the verisimilitude of the case narrated in the Persiles, Cervantes raises the paradox of Moriscos supporting the expulsion of their community as the symbol of a failed solution to a very complex problem

    Paramagnetic spherical nanoparticles by the self-assembly of persistent trityl radicals

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    et al.Spherical nanoparticles and fibres observable by cryo-electron microscopy are spontaneously formed by the Finland trityl radical at concentrations above 15 mM. These species represent a new class of paramagnetic, metal-free, nanoscale supramolecular materials. Self-association was observed under a variety of experimental conditions, including aqueous solution at room temperature, low temperature frozen glasses and the gas phase. Oligomers formed by at least 5 Finland radicals were detected by ion-mobility mass spectrometry. Magnetic susceptibility data as well as low temperature EPR spectra show coupling between electronic spins in the self-assembled species. Quantum chemical calculations show stacking along the C symmetry axis. Nanoparticle formation requires additional lateral packing that can be provided by hydrogen bonding involving the triangular array of carboxylic acid groups leading to the assembly of geodesic spheres.This work was supported in part by funds from the Spanish government (BIO2013-45793-R, MAT2012-38318-C03-01, and Juan de la Cierva), Cataluña (2009SGR1352 and Beatriu de Pinós) and Aragón (E98-MOLCHIP) governments, The European Comission (BioNMR contract 261863), and the COST action (TD1103).Peer Reviewe

    The training of educational researchers: Quality or marketing in Higher Education?

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    Itineraries for the training of educational researchers in Mexico

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    El objetivo del artículo es conocer los itinerarios que sigue la Formación de Investigadores Educativos (FIE) en México, así como los sentidos que se dan a esta formación en el escenario actual marcado por la mercantilización de la educación. La investigación, de corte exploratorio-descriptivo, contempló una metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa que incluyó el análisis de la magnitud de la oferta educativa dedicada a la FIE (292 doctorados de los que se seleccionaron 41) y el reconocimiento de los sentidos que asume la FIE (análisis de los objetivos establecidos en los planes de estudio). Se propone ir más allá de la descripción de las perversiones que abordan diversos autores que centran su atención en la facilitación de los procesos de obtención de grados académicos, la confrontación entre educación pública y privada, así como el sometimiento de la educación a las leyes de un mercado competitivo, para profundizar el análisis de las transformaciones por las que atraviesa la FIE, como son la virtualización y la presencia de intereses diversos de formación a los que las IES responden, lo que necesariamente cambia los sentidos tradicionales de esta formación y abre nuevas vetas para su comprensiónThis research was built upon the recognition of the what, the how/where, and the for what of the FIE, with the purpose of exploring the itineraries and meanings that the Training of Educational Researchers (FIE, for its acronym in Spanish) assumes in Mexico, in a scenario marked by the marketing of education. The research, exploratory-descriptive, contemplated a quantitative and qualitative methodology. First, at the quantitative level, which started with the recognition and characterization of the educational offer (292 doctorates of which 41 were selected); secondly, at the qualitative level, that interprets the different meanings that the FIE assumes in these educational programs. The debate over the results goes beyond the mere description of the perversions on which diverse authors focus. Such authors tend to center their attention on the facilitation of the processes for obtaining academic degrees, the confrontation between public and private education, and the submission of education to the laws of a competitive market. The authors of this paper, rather, aim at transcending the exploratory level to deepen into the analysis of the transformations experienced by the FIE, such as the virtualization and the presence of different interests for the training which necessarily changes the traditional meanings of this training while opening new paths towards their understandin

    Public Art? Examining the Differences between Contemporary Sculpture inside and outside the Art Institution

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    This text explores three main differences between a sculpture installed within a museum and a sculpture installed in public space. It analyses the institutional framework, the relationship between the viewer and the artwork, the nature of the audience. The authors argue that there are key differences that require correspondingly different ways of understanding, conceiving and making sculptural projects in public space. When installed in public space, art encounters a whole new environment: conventional museum procedures and attitudes are no longer applicable. Sculptures installed in public space lack clear institutional reference points that would confer them the status of art, so they automatically settle in beside other urban objects, in a diffuse and mixed zone. New approaches must be found that take into account the specificities of public space, the local context and the establishing of dialogue with the local community. Moreover, the evaluation of these projects should depart from mere aesthetic considerations and take on board ideas and methodologies from other disciplines. With regards to a broadened, diversified and participatory audience, it would make only sense to involve them as an intrinsic part of a more collaborative notion of sculpture and public art