341 research outputs found

    Elaboración de un plan de emergencia y desarrollo e implementación del plan de contingencia, ante el riesgo de un incendio en el Palacio del Muy Ilustre Municipio de Guayaquil.

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    Este documento contienen archivo en PDF.El propósito de la tesis es lograr que el Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal de Guayaquil genere una respuesta oportuna y eficiente frente a una emergencia de incendio, mediante la aplicación correcta de protocolos reconocidos de prevención del siniestro y de evacuación de personas, de forma que se proteja al ser humano y los bienes. Por otra parte el propósito del autor durante el desarrollo de la tesis fue: determinar la situación de vulnerabilidad del Palacio Municipal de Guayaquil, empleando instrumentos de medición que permita valorar el grado de riesgo; desarrollar un plan de acción frente a probables incidentes de incendio que permita a las personas seguir una línea de conducta ante el evento adverso; incluir a las autoridades y al personal del Municipio en las reacciones de respuesta frente a una emergencia en incendio e implementar medidas básicas complementarias que reduzcan la vulnerabilidad del Edificio Municipal frente a emergencias de incendio mediante el cumplimiento de las normas jurídicas con el propósito de evitar la pérdida patrimonial, que pueda incluir bienes, documentos públicos y especialmente las vidas de los funcionarios y usuarios en el Palacio Municipal. Por lo expuesto, la seguridad de los edificios de la Ciudad debería contar en el futuro con este referente estratégico. Se han utilizado básicamente métodos de evaluación de riesgos que permitieron encauzar preguntas para la encuesta a funcionarios que permanecen en el edificio, además un análisis exhaustivo de las características arquitectónicas del edificio Municipal, (sector por sector, piso por piso) para identificar sus fortalezas y debilidades. En el proceso se procedió a una encuesta de 11 preguntas respecto a las condiciones de vivencia en el Edificio Municipal. La idea es que con este esquema los conceptos de emergencia, contingencia y evacuación formen parte de las Ordenanzas Municipales. En definitiva se obtuvo este instrumento de prevención logrando entonces un particular precedente de utilidad para toda la ciudad.The purpose of the thesis is to make the local Government Decentralized Municipal de Guayaquil generate timely and efficient response to a fire emergency, by the proper application of recognized prevention of incident and evacuating people protocols, so that it is protected human beings and property. Moreover the author's purpose for the development of the thesis was: to determine the vulnerability of the Palacio Municipal de Guayaquil, using measuring instruments designed to assess the degree of risk; develop an action plan against probable incidents of fire that allows people to follow a course of action before the adverse event; include the authorities and staff of the Municipality in the reactions to respond to a fire emergency and implement basic complementary measures that reduce the vulnerability of the Municipal Building against fire emergencies through compliance with legal standards in order to avoid capital loss, which may include property, public documents, particularly the lives of staff and users in the Municipal Palace. For these reasons, the safety of buildings in the City should have in the future with this strategic benchmark. They have basically used methods of risk assessment that allowed channel survey questions to officials who remain in the building, plus a comprehensive analysis of the architectural features of the municipal building (sector by sector, floor by floor) to identify their strengths and weaknesses. In the process he undertook a survey of 11 questions regarding the conditions of living in the Municipal Building. The idea is that with this scheme the concepts of emergency, contingency and evacuation part of municipal ordinances. Ultimately this prevention tool then achieving a particularly useful precedent for the entire city was obtained

    Optimización del proceso de cocción de quinua utilizando el diseño 3k y la función de deseabilidad: Grado de gelatinización, índice de absorción de agua, índice de solubilidad y desprendimiento de cotiledones

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    Optimization of the steam quinoa cooking process was carried out, using a response surface design (RSM) 3-level: 3k factorial, and the multiple response optimization methodology of the desirability function (Dx) was used to find the optimal region, which are improved tools to optimize the variables of a process, evaluate the maximization of the water absorption index (WAI), water solubility index (WSI), degree of gelatinization (GE) and the minimization of cotyledon detachment (DC) of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd). The equipment used was a vertical cook with a steam generator, the study cooking variables, the steam pressure, and the cooking time. The optimal process values were: Pressure 1.5 kgf.cm-2 and time 8 minutes for the best characteristics of cooked quinoa WSI of 26.411%, WAI of 7.960 (g.g-1), GE of 89.245% and CD of 18.40%, the value of the desirability function as an indicator of multiple responses was 0.798. Knowledge of these characteristics can be a valuable complement in the cooking process and thus contribute to improving the quality of cooked cereals.Se realizó la optimización del proceso de cocción de quinua con vapor, empleando un diseño de superficie de respuesta (RSM) factorial de 3 niveles: 3k y para encontrar la región optima se usó la metodología de optimización de respuestas múltiples de función de deseabilidad (Dx), que son herramientas eficaces para optimizar las variables de un proceso, evaluando la maximización del índice de absorción de agua (WAI), índice de solubilidad en agua (WSI), grado de gelatinización (GE) y la minimización del desprendimiento de cotiledones (DC) de quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd). El equipo utilizado fue un cocinador vertical con generador de vapor, las variables de cocción en estudio, la presión de vapor y el tiempo de cocinado. Los valores óptimos de proceso fueron: Presión 1,5 kgf.cm-2 y tiempo 8 minutos para las mejores características de la quinua cocida WSI de 26,411%, WAI de 7,960 (g.g-1), GE de 89,245% y CD de 18,40%, el valor de la función de deseabilidad como indicador de las respuestas múltiples fue de 0,798. El conocimiento de estas características pueden ser un valioso complemento en el proceso de cocción y así contribuir a la mejora de la calidad de los cereales cocidos

    Interaction effects of fermentation time and sourdough content on the size and acidity in bread

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    The use of sourdough to provide certain physical, organoleptic and nutritional properties to bread is one of the most used biotechnological processes in the production of cereal-based foods. Sourdough, yeast and fermentation time are elements that provide rising to the bread, in addition to aroma, flavour and nutritional properties. The time of fermentation of the dough before baking and the portion of sourdough added in the dough pieces are decisive on the acids formation by microbiological action, and thus, the properties of the bread. The physical aspect is also an important factor in the final product, and it can be widely affected according to the percentage of sourdough used and the fermentation time prior to baking. This is due to the variation in the rheological properties of the dough and possibly to the competition existing in the microbiota development. In this work, the interaction effects of fermentation time and sourdough content on the size and acidity in bread are assessed. For this purpose, bread samples were prepared with a fixed amount of yeast and 0, 20 and 50% sourdough portions. Afterwards, they were allowed to ferment periods of 0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300 and 360 minutes before being baked. The results obtained are reported in the present work.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Mechanical Properties in Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Kernels Evaluated by Compression Tests: A Review

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    To assess the quality of food grains, it is necessary to consider the following two aspects: their general characteristics and their intrinsic quality. Analyzing the quality of wheat kernels is complex due to the particularity of wheat proteins and the diversity of products that can be developed. In contrast, basic factors are used to assess quality aspects, with a focus on kernel hardness. This parameter is usually measured by the force that is required to make the grain rupture. The application of force must be controlled, and hence, the grain will exhibit other mechanical attributes and behavioral characteristics that can be used to evaluate it more objectively. This has led to the development of nondestructive evaluation methods based on the mechanical properties of kernels. This review carried out research on grain wheat, in which the main objective was to evaluate mechanical properties, including the viscoelasticity of the wheat kernels, by using compression tests. The study examined different methods of applying those techniques and the parameters they evaluated. Finally, the results obtained by the different investigation groups that applied the compression tests on wheat kernels were discussed

    Población estudiantil universitaria: percepción sobre la modalidad de clases en contexto de la COVID-19

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    The effects on different human groups caused by social isolation due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic are currently being known. In this context, one of the least favored sectors and that even until the end of 2021 had not resumed activities to a great extent of Latin America was the education sector and, in the face of a new variant of the virus, it is possible that these activities will continue virtually in 2022. In this regard, the present study aims to show the appreciation of the students, mainly university students, in order to know the perception and assessment regarding the class modality types in the context of COVID-19. For this, a quantitative and descriptive study was designed based on the interpretation of information obtained from surveys carried out on 198 students from the National University of San Cristóbal de Huamanga in Peru. The results regarding the qualification of learning in the virtual modality of the theoretical classes show that 58.1% of students mention that it was regular and 31.3% that it was good, regarding learning in the virtual modality of the experimental classes, 43.4% mention that it was regular and 38.9% deficient. Their preferences in most cases is to have theoretical classes virtually and/or blended; and experimental laboratory classes in face to face and/or blended; Likewise, under the current context of COVID-19, 85.4% of students state that they prefer their health over their professional training.Actualmente se están conociendo los efectos sobre los diferentes grupos humanos ocasionados por el aislamiento social debido a la pandemia del SARS-CoV-2. En este contexto uno de los sectores menos favorecidos y que aún hasta finales del 2021 no había retomado las actividades en gran parte de América Latina fue el sector educativo y, ante una nueva variante de virus es posible que continúe de forma virtual el 2022. En ese sentido, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo mostrar cual es la apreciación de los estudiantes, principalmente universitarios, a fin de conocer la percepción y valoración respecto a la modalidad de clases en contexto de COVID-19. Para ello se diseñó un estudio tipo cuantitativo y descriptivo basado en la interpretación de información obtenida de encuestas realizadas a 198 estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga en Perú. Los resultados respecto a la calificación del aprendizaje en la modalidad virtual de las clases teóricas muestran que el 58,1% de estudiantes mencionan que fue regular y el 31,3% que fue buena; respecto al aprendizaje en la modalidad virtual de las clases experimentales el 43,4% menciona que fue regular y 38,9% deficiente. La preferencia en la mayoría de los casos es tener clase teóricas de forma virtual y/o semipresencial y clases de laboratorio experimentales de forma presencial y/o semipresencial. Asimismo, bajo el contexto actual de la COVID-19 un 85,4% de estudiantes manifiesta preferir su salud por encima de su formación profesional

    Emotional Intelligence in Times of Covid-19: a Comparative Study in Peruvian Universities

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    Objective:The aim of the study was to compare emotional intelligence in Peruvian university students from public and private universities.Theoretical framework: In higher education, emotionally intelligent students have the ability to interact appropriately with others, achieve good academic results, and reach personal and professional goals.Method: The methodology was descriptive-comparative, the sample consisted of 838 university students of both sexes from public (471) and private (364) universities belonging to the coast, highlands and jungle regions of Peru. A sociodemographic form created for the study and the emotional intelligence scale (TMMS-24) were used as measurement instruments.Results and conclusion:The results showed that university students over 30 years of age, women, those from the highlands and those who worked had high levels of emotional intelligence.Implications of the research:It is necessary for university institutions to reorganize their academic conditions and provide the necessary inputs to apply socioemotional strategies to students. Researchers linked to the lines of research on emotional intelligence should develop predictive studies to know which factors may be predicting adequate or inadequate emotional intelligence in university students.Originality:This study demonstrates that it is essential to attend to and provide emotional intelligence tools to those students whodo not have the necessary resources to face different situations in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and contributes to the training of educators, especially environmental educators in crisis contexts

    Hearing loss due to noise exposure and its relationship with hypertension in Peruvian workers

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    Introduction:Noise-induced hearing loss has been implicated in the genesis of several chronic conditions; however, its behavior concerning hypertension still raises doubts about it.Objective:to determine the association between hearing loss due to exposure to noise and the presence of hypertension in a sample of Peruvian workers.Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study. Secondary analysis of the occupational database of a Medical centerin Lima, Peru. hypertensionwas measured by self-report and clinical method. Hearing loss was classified as none, mild, moderate and severe. For the regression analysis, Poisson was performed with robust variance, obtaining crude (PRc) and adjusted (PRa) prevalence ratios.Results: We worked with a total of 1987 participants. The prevalence of hypertension was 15.40% and hearing loss was 36.39%. For the multivariate regression analysis, a statistically significant association with hypertension was found in those with mild hearing loss (PRa=1.52; CI95% 1.06–2.10), moderate (PRa=2.70; CI95% 1,93–3.76) and severe (PRa=3.82; 95% CI 2.56–5.96), compared to those without hearing loss.Conclusions:Hearing loss due to exposure to occupational noise was associated with the presence of hypertension. Although this study is only a first overview of the relationship that both variables could have, it is recommended to continue promoting policies and awareness campaigns to prevent hearing loss in workers, and thus avoid complications related to it in the long term.Campus Lima Nort

    Hearing Loss due to Noise Exposure and its Relationship with Hypertension in Peruvian Workers

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    Introduction: Noise-induced hearing loss has been implicated in the genesis of several chronic conditions; however, its behavior concerning hypertension still raises doubts about it. Objective: to determine the association between hearing loss due to exposure to noise and the presence of hypertension in a sample of Peruvian workers. Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study. Secondary analysis of the occupational database of a Medical center in Lima, Peru. hypertension was measured by self-report and clinical method. Hearing loss was classified as none, mild, moderate and severe. For the regression analysis, Poisson was performed with robust variance, obtaining crude (PRc) and adjusted (PRa) prevalence ratios. Results: We worked with a total of 1987 participants. The prevalence of hypertension was 15.40% and hearing loss was 36.39%. For the multivariate regression analysis, a statistically significant association with hypertension was found in those with mild hearing loss (PRa=1.52; CI95% 1.06–2.10), moderate (PRa=2.70; CI95% 1,93–3.76) and severe (PRa=3.82; 95% CI 2.56–5.96), compared to those without hearing loss. Conclusions: Hearing loss due to exposure to occupational noise was associated with the presence of hypertension. Although this study is only a first overview of the relationship that both variables could have, it is recommended to continue promoting policies and awareness campaigns to prevent hearing loss in workers, and thus avoid complications related to it in the long term

    Coleópteros Scarabaeoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera) de Aguascalientes, México

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    En México, los coleópteros Scarabaeoidea se conocen comúnmente como “escarabajos de mayo”, “escarabajos de junio” o “escarabajos sanjuaneros” y en el estado de Aguascalientes, México, es bajo su grado de conocimiento debido a la falta de especialistas en el grupo en esa entidad y a la falta de interés por parte de especialistas de otras instituciones fuera de Aguascalientes. Por lo anterior, esta contribución tiene como finalidad actualizar la riqueza específica de Scarabaeoidea y compararla entre municipios, tipos de vegetación, provincias biogeográficas y áreas naturales protegidas, además de compararla con la riqueza conocida en otros estados del país. Para ello, se hizo una revisión exhaustiva de registros de escarabajos en la literatura, en dos colecciones entomológicas nacionales y mediante recolectas ocasionales en algunos sitios del estado. Se registraron 105 especies de escarabajos, de las cuales 36 son primeros registros estatales y una especie nueva de Phyllophaga que aún no se describe. Aun cuando la aportación es relevante en el número de especies, es posible que falte registrar algunas especies en la entidad debido a la carencia de muestreos sistematizados, los pocos registros en selva baja caducifolia y matorral xerófilo, el reducido número de localidades con registros de escarabajos y el hecho de que el mayor número de especies se haya presentado en áreas urbanas, entre otros factores. La actual riqueza de especies del estado es alta en comparación con algunos estados de extensión territorial y condiciones climáticas similares, con excepción de Morelos, e incluso comparada con algunos estados más extensos que Aguascalientes del norte y centro del país. El 50 % de las especies se localizan en tres áreas naturales protegidas del estado, destacando la “Sierra Fría” y la Estación Biológica “Agua Zarca”, donde se promueve el estudio y la conservación de la biodiversidad.In Mexico, the Scarabaeoidea beetles are commonly known as "May beetles", "June beetles" or "San Juan beetles" and in the state of Aguascalientes, Mexico, they are not widely known, due to the lack of specialists in the group in that entity and the poor interest by specialists from other institutions outside of Aguascalientes. Therefore, this contribution aims to update the specific richness of Scarabaeoidea and compare it between municipalities, types of vegetation, biogeographic provinces, and protected natural areas; in addition to comparing it with the richness known in other states of the country. To do this, an exhaustive review of beetle records in the literature, in two national entomological collections, and through occasional collections in some sites in the state was made. One hundred and five species of beetles were recorded, of which 36 are first state records and one new species of Phyllophaga remains to be described. Even when this contribution is relevant in the number of species, it is possible that some species are missing to record in the entity due to the lack of systematized sampling, the few records in deciduous forest and xerophytic scrub, the small number of localities with records of beetles and the fact that the largest number of species has occurred in urban areas, among other factors. The current species richness of the state is high compared to states with similar territorial extension and climatic conditions, with the exception of Morelos, and even compared to some states in the north and center of the country with greater territorial extension. 50 % of the species are located in three protected natural areas of the state, highlighting the "Sierra Fría" and the "Agua Zarca" Biological Station, where the study and conservation of biodiversity are promoted