85 research outputs found


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    In northern Brazilian Amazon, the crops, savannahs and rainforests form a complex landscape where land use and land cover (LULC) mapping is difficult. Here, data from the Operational Land Imager (OLI)/Landsat-8 and Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR-2)/ALOS-2 were combined for mapping 17 LULC classes using Random Forest (RF) during the dry season. The potential thematic accuracy of each dataset was assessed and compared with results of the hybrid classification from both datasets. The results showed that the combination of PALSAR-2 HH/HV amplitudes with the reflectance of the six OLI bands produced an overall accuracy of 83% and a Kappa of 0.81, which represented an improvement of 6% in relation to the RF classification derived solely from OLI data. The RF models using OLI multispectral metrics performed better than RF models using PALSAR-2 L-band dual polarization attributes. However, the major contribution of PALSAR-2 in the savannahs was to discriminate low biomass classes such as savannah grassland and wooded savannah

    Is domestic agricultural production sufficient to meet national food nutrient needs in Brazil?

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    Acknowledgements: We are grateful for the valuable comments and suggestions made by Dr. James Gerber, as well as by the anonymous reviewers, which enhanced significantly the manuscript. Data Availability: All relevant data are uploaded to the PANGAEA database and publicly accessible via the following URL: https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.911574. Funding: J. P. received his doctorate scholarship from Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). J. P., J. G. and J. O. were funded by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), in the scope of the Belmont Forum FACCE-JPI 2013 (process 2014/50627-2). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The importance of new comprehension on the epidemiology and development of periodontal disease for effective preventive programs / A importância de um novo entendimento sobre a epidemiologia e o desenvolvimento da doença periodontal para programas preventivos eficazes

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    This paper is a review of the literature as to relevant aspects of the periodontal disease, focusing on the need of new interpretations of its epidemiology and development, so that high risk groups acan be identified and really effective preventive programs can be developed.

    Luta contra o oídio da videira. Eficácia relativa de um fungicida sistémico e um enxofre molhável simples ou misturado com ureia

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    Apresentam-se os resultados de dois ensaios de campo de luta contra o oídio da videira, Oidium tuckeri Berk. Comparam-se: um fungicida sistémico, o triadimefão, em quatro modalidades diferentes, um enxofre molhável e a mistura deste com ureia a 1/200. Os ensaios foram estabelecidos em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Nos dois anos consecutivos, eu mesma repetição localizou-se sempre na mesma parcela. Avaliou-se o efeito dos produtos pela determinação da eficácia nos cachos e completou-se com a notação do peso médio dos bagos, teor de açúcar do mosto e evolução da queda das folhas no Outono. O triadimefão assegurou uma protecção absoluta, nos moldes de avaliação usados, nas modalidades A, B e C e permitiu um ligeiro ataque (médias de 0,5 e 1 % para cada ano) na modalidade D, onde se fizeram apenas quatro tratamentos. O enxofre molhável quer simples (10 kg/ha — modalidade E) quer misturado com ureia (5 kg+20 g/ha— modalidade F) manteve sempre o nível de ataque inferior a 26 %, salvo num caso, que parece devido a um foco primário surgido antes do início dos tratamentos. Exceptuando o mesmo caso, não houve diminuição significativa na eficácia quando se reduziu a quantidade de enxofre para metade e se lhe juntou ureia a 1/200. A queda das folhas, no Outono, foi retardada por um período maior em relação à testemunha, nas modalidades tratadas com enxofre (E e F), apesar da menor eficácia deste fungicida, provavelmente devido ao seu maior efeito residual ou a modificações fisiológicas e de estrutura dos tecidos provocadas pelos produtosinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    University Social Responsibility and The Control Mechanisms of The Ministry of Education from A Systemic View

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    This article aims to analyze whether University Social Responsibilities - USR is regulated in the control mechanisms that inspect and allow the opening and continuity of a Higher Education Institution, making an analysis as to whether the MEC assessment instruments are efficient in the implementation of a socially responsible organizational culture, having as a reference the systemic view, which allows a macro analysis from the legal side. It is a qualitative research, where the documentation of the Higher Education legislation was analyzed, using techniques to understand the object of study in its entirety, but whose raw material is the legislation that deals with the evaluation systems and the Instruments for Assessment of Accreditation of an HEI and course. The importance of this research is due to the fact that it performs an analysis to find out how USR is inserted in the legislation, and that the absence of a clear and objective legislation, make the HEIs comply only with what is required by law, that is, the minimum , and in accordance with legislation


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    This article maps the set of empirical research on Digital Democracy in Brazil aiming to identify characteristics, patterns and trends in an interdisciplinary field. This research analyzed 267 scientific articles published between 2002 and 2018, collected through four platforms (Scielo, DOAJ, SPELL and Google Scholar). A set of bibliometric indicators was applied, using a quantitative-qualitative method based on content analysis technique. Among the main conclusions, it was demonstrated that there is a predominance of the male gender among the first authors of the articles, although there are less gender inequalities according with the researcher's expertise area. Despite the evolution of the field of studies and the digital character of the research objects, there is no frequent use of automated data collection instruments. Political participation, transparency and deliberation are the three most discussed topics. Websites and social media are the most studied technological objects. In methodological terms, content analysis significantly predominates in the articles, which indicates that there is a low variety of analysis techniques and a weak methodological sophistication.Este artigo faz um mapeamento da pesquisa empírica sobre Democracia Digital no Brasil, buscando identificar características, padrões e tendências deste campo interdisciplinar. O estudo analisou 267 artigos científicos publicados entre 2002 e 2018, rastreados por meio de quatro indexadores (Scielo, DOAJ, SPELL e Google Acadêmico). Foi aplicado um conjunto de indicadores bibliométricos, fazendo também uso de um método quanti-qualitativo a partir de técnicas de análise de conteúdo. Dentre as principais conclusões, demonstrou-se que existe predominância do gênero masculino entre os primeiros autores dos artigos, embora haja variações a depender da área de atuação do(a) pesquisador(a). Não obstante a evolução do campo e o caráter digital dos objetos, há um baixo uso de  softwares e instrumentos de extração automatizada de dados. Participação política, transparência e deliberação são os três temas mais abordados. Websites e mídias sociais são os objetos tecnológicos mais estudados. Em termos metodológicos, a análise de conteúdo prepondera de maneira significativa nos artigos, denotando que também há um déficit tanto em relação à variação de técnicas utilizadas quanto em relação à sofisticação metodológica, notadamente no que se refere à análise de dados


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    Brazil is currently experiencing a moment of economic growth in which organizations are seeking new strategies based on integrated management models that allow them to become competitive globally. Therefore, public organizations have the need to implement new management systems, inspired on private initiative developments in order to satisfactorily meet the requirements of their internal and external users, such as GESPÚBLICA program. This paper presents the results of a research project that tried to assess the degree of adhesion of CREA-RN to “Information and Knowledge” management, based on the Excellence in Public Management Model (MEG), adopted by the GESPÚBLICA program. The methodological procedures involved the application of questionnaires based on items that comprise criterion 5 of the Public Management Evaluation Instrument (IAGP). Results show that the organization has technologies with strategic potential based on the efficient use of information systems and capable of promoting a culture of excellence. Knowledge is absorbed and validated in the organization, although there is restricted access to many processes and the information available in an integrated management system prevents employees to develop a participatory management environment, conductive to increasing productivity in the use of technology and to the achievement of the desired excellence.O Brasil vive hoje um momento de crescimento econômico em que as organizações buscam novas estratégias baseadas em modelos de gestão integrados, que permitam que se tornem competitivas em nível global. Dessa forma, as organizações públicas têm a necessidade de implantar novos sistemas de gestão, inspirados nos adotados pela iniciativa privada para que atendam satisfatoriamente as exigências dos seus usuários internos e externos, como é o caso do programa GESPÚBLICA. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo verificar o grau de aderência dos processos gerenciais do CREA-RN para a gestão de informações e conhecimento ao Modelo de Excelência em Gestão Pública, adotado pelo programa GESPÚBLICA. Os procedimentos metodológicos envolveram a aplicação de questionários baseados nos itens que compõem o Critério 5 – Informações e conhecimento, do Instrumento de Avaliação da Gestão Pública (IAGP). Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que a organização possui tecnologias com potencial estratégico, com uso do sistemas de informação de forma eficiente e capaz de promover uma cultura de excelência. O conhecimento na organização é absorvido e validado, contudo, o acesso restrito a inúmeros processos e a informações inerentes a um sistema de gestão integrado, impede que os funcionários desenvolvam um ambiente de gestão participativa, propício para aumentar a produtividade no uso da tecnologia e alcançar a excelência almejada

    An integrative literature review on the SARS-CoV-2 virus from 2015 to 2022

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    Coronaviruses of the order Nidovirales and families Coronaviridae, Arteriviridae, Mesoniviridae, Roniviridae were first isolated in 1937 and described in 1965. In 2019, the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was responsible for the coronavirus disease in 2019 (COVID-19) in Worldwide. Due to the great importance of SARS-CoV-2, this study integrated information about the virus, as a response: its origin, diagnosis and treatment, diagnosis and treatment. For this, a bibliographic survey was carried out in the Scielo, PubMed and Google Scholar databases regarding SARS-CoV-2, in order to describe its characteristics. SARS-CoV-2 does not yet have a well-clarified pathophysiology, it is known that it can cause an acute or chronic lung injury and that this condition resembles SARS-CoV, which results in aggressive inflammation initiated by viral replication. Both SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 replicated similarly in alveolar epithelium, but SARS-CoV-2 replicates extensively in bronchial epithelium. Reverse transcription followed by polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is widely used to identify viruses that cause respiratory secretions. Currently, with an ongoing viral pandemic, the importance of identifying the pathophysiological characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 and its serious impact on global public health becomes increasingly evident, especially with regard to the remarkable overload of health services, both private and public