16 research outputs found

    Muestreo compresivo utilizando Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP)

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    Muestreo Compresivo es una rama emergente del procesamiento de señales, basada en el hecho de que un número pequeño de proyecciones lineales no adaptativas sobre una señal compresible, contienen suficiente información para reconstruirla y procesarla. En este artículo se presentan los resultados obtenidos al evaluar cinco matrices de medición para la realización de Muestreo Compresivo en un sistema que utiliza el algoritmo Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP), para la recuperación de la señal original. Las matrices de medición están implicadas tanto en el proceso de muestreo-compresión de la señal, como en la reconstrucción de la misma

    Plan de auditoria para el programa de auditoría interna de la empresa productos alimenticios magdalana – masas congeladas.

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    La auditoría es un proceso sistemático, independiente y documentado para obtener evidencias de la auditoria y evaluarlas de manera objetiva con el fin de determinar si ciertas actividades o procesos cumplen con los objetivos planificados. Las auditorías a los sistemas de gestión permiten evaluar fortalezas y debilidades con las que cuenta el sistema de gestión evaluado, así mismo detecta las diferentes oportunidades para la mejora continua, el compromiso del recurso humano, validar el uso eficaz y eficiente de los diferentes recursos, evaluar las relaciones con las diferentes partes interesadas, así como también realizar un adecuado seguimiento de la eficacia de las diferentes acciones correctivas, preventivas y de mejora implementadas con el fin de mejorar los sistemas de gestión. Con base a la información anterior se planteará un tipo de control para cada hallazgo encontrado en la empresa que servirá como evaluación y valoración, entregando datos relevantes, que llevaran a un replanteamiento de diversos procesos que fallan o son débiles en algún aspecto, o que fortalecerán los que operan de manera adecuada y que proporcionaran un mejor nivel, en cuanto a la calidad e inocuidad para este caso. El presente documento describe un plan de auditoria basado en la norma ISO 22000:2018 para el programa de auditoría interna de la empresa PRODUCTOS ALIMENTICIOS MAGDALANA, donde se detallan las actividades, recursos, responsables y en general la planeación y logística a tener en cuenta en el desarrollo de la auditoriaThe audit is a systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively in order to determine whether certain activities or processes are meeting planned objectives. The audits of the management systems allow the evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of the evaluated management system, likewise detecting the different opportunities for continuous improvement, the commitment of human resources, validating the effective and efficient use of the different resources, evaluate the relationships with the different stakeholders, as well as carry out adequate monitoring of the effectiveness of the different corrective, preventive and improvement actions implemented in order to improve the management systems. Based on the above information, a type of control will be proposed for each finding found in the company that will serve as an evaluation and assessment, providing relevant data, which will lead to a rethinking of various processes that fail or are weak in some aspect, or that will strengthen those that operate properly and that provide a better level, in terms of quality and safety for this case. This document describes an audit plan based on the ISO 22000: 2018 standard for the internal audit program of the company PRODUCTOS ALIMENTICIOS MAGDALANA, where the activities, resources, managers and in general the planning and logistics to be taken into account in the development of the audit

    Molecular detection of Tritrichomonas foetus in bovine samples: a novel real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay targeting EF1-alpha-Tf1 and a comparative study of published PCR techniques

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    The parasite T. foetus causes trichomonosis in cattle but is generally asymptomatic in males. Thus, many bulls carrying the disease go unnoticed, making the detection of T. foetus in bulls an important aspect for its control. Due to drawbacks posed by its cultivation, PCR is a preferred option for diagnostic laboratories. Most published PCR protocols target the genomic region compring the 18S, 5.8S, and 28S rRNA genes and internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 (rRNA-ITS region), homologous to that of other Tritrichomonas species. There is minimal information on alternative genetic targets and no comparative studies have been published. We compared a protocol based on the microsatellite TfRE (called H94) and five protocols based on the rRNA-ITS region (called M06, M15, G02, G05, and N02). We also designed and evaluated a novel PCR-based assay on the EF1-alpha-Tf1 gene (called V21). The analytical sensitivity and specificity assays for the PCR protocols were performed according to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) directives and the comparative study was performed with a widely used PCR (M06) on clinical samples from 466 breeding bulls. V21 showed a high degree of agreement with our reference M06 (kappa = 0.967), as well as M15 (kappa = 0.958), G05 (kappa = 0.948), and H94 (kappa = 0.986). Protocols H94 and V21 appear to be good approaches for confirming clinical cases in preputial bull samples when genomic regions alternative to rRNA-ITS are required. By contrast, N02 gave false negatives and G02 false positives

    Liver Transudate, a Potential Alternative to Detect Anti-Hepatitis E Virus Antibodies in Pigs and Wild Boars (Sus scrofa)

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    In recent years, cases of hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection have increased in Europe in association with the consumption of contaminated food, mainly from pork products but also from wild boars. The animal’s serum is usually tested for the presence of anti-HEV antibodies and viral RNA but, in many cases such as during hunting, an adequate serum sample cannot be obtained. In the present study, liver transudate was evaluated as an alternative matrix to serum for HEV detection. A total of 125 sera and liver transudates were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay at different dilutions (1:2, 1:10, 1:20), while 58 samples of serum and liver transudate were checked for the presence of HEV RNA by RT-qPCR. Anti- HEV antibodies were detected by ELISA in 68.0% of the serum samples, and in 61.6% of the undiluted transudate, and in 70.4%, 56.8%, and 44.8% of 1:2, 1:10, or 1:20 diluted transudate, respectively. The best results were obtained for the liver transudate at 1:10 dilution, based on the Kappa statistic (0.630) and intraclass correlation coefficient (0.841). HEV RNA was detected by RT-qPCR in 22.4% of the serum samples and 6.9% of the transudate samples, all samples used for RT-qPCR were positive by ELISA. Our results indicate that liver transudate may be an alternative matrix to serum for the detection of anti-HEV antibodies

    New approaches in the control of infectious fertility problems in extensive cattle

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Veterinaria, leída el 06/09/2023La ganadería bovina extensiva en España es un sector caracterizado por su orientación prioritaria a la producción de carne y cuyo objetivo principal desde un punto de vista productivo es maximizar la producción de terneros por vaca y año. Los sistemas de explotación extensivos pueden ser capaces de emplear los recursos naturales del entorno contribuyendo al mantenimiento de ecosistemas resilientes siempre que se emplee un manejo adecuado de los mismos. España fue el tercer país en producción de vacuno de carne en la Unión Europea (UE) en 2020, habiendo generado el 24% de la carne de ternera. No obstante, los índices de fertilidad anual media de este sector en España son menores en comparación al resto de la UE (69% vs. 80%, respectivamente, en el año 2020), lo que repercute negativamente en la eficiencia de la producción. La infertilidad de etiología infecciosa es especialmente relevante en ganado bovino criado en extensivo, donde el macho desempeña un papel importante ya que un único macho (o un grupo muy reducido) puede emplearse para la cubrición de varias hembras...In Spain, extensive cattle farming is a sector characterized by its priority orientation towards beef production and whose main objective from a productive point of view is to maximize the number of calves per cow and year. Extensive production systems may be able to use the natural resources of the environment, contributing to the maintenance of resilient ecosystems if they are properly managed. In 2020, Spain generated the 24 % of beef within the European Union (EU), being the third main beef producing country. However, the average annual fertility rates of this sector in Spain are lower compared to the rest of the EU (69% vs. 80%, respectively, in 2020), which has a negative impact on farm efficiency. Infectious infertility is particularly relevant in extensive cattle, where the bulls play an important role since a single male (or a very small group) can be used to breed several females...Fac. de VeterinariaTRUEunpu

    Roles in the maintenance process

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    Medidas para la evaluación de medidas conceptuales

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    Recuperación de señales dispersas utilizando orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP)

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    Muestreo compresivo es una rama emergente del procesamiento de señales, basada en el hecho de que un número pequeño de proyecciones lineales no adaptativas sobre una señal compresible contiene suficiente información para reconstruirla y proce- sarla. En este artículo se presentan los resultados obtenidos al evaluar cinco matrices de medición para la realización de mues- treo compresivo en un sistema que utiliza el algoritmo orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP), para la recuperación de la señal ori- ginal. Las matrices de medición están implicadas tanto en el proceso de muestreo–compresión de la señal, como en la recons- trucción de la misma. Dentro de este grupo de matrices estudiadas se destacó la matriz Hadamard aleatoria, con la cual es po- sible obtener el menor porcentaje de error en la recuperación de la señal. Adicionalmente se presenta una metodología para la evaluación de estas matrices, que permita posteriores análisis de la idoneidad de estas para aplicaciones específicas

    What about the bull? A systematic review about the role of males in bovine infectious infertility within cattle herds

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    Corresponding author: Marta Pérez SanchoNumerous pathogens affect cow fertility. Nevertheless, little information has been published about microorganisms associated with cattle infertility focusing on bulls. The present review offers a current analysis and highlights potential key aspects on the relevance of bulls in the emergence of infertility problems of infectious origin within herds that are still not completely determined. The present systematic review was conducted using the PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus databases on December 9, 2022. In total, 2,224 bibliographic records were reviewed and, according to strict inclusion criteria, 38 articles were selected from 1966 to 2022, from which we ranked more than 27 different microorganisms (fungi were not identified). The most cited pathogens were BoHV (described by 26.3% of the papers), Campylobacter fetus (23.7%), Tritrichomonas foetus (18.4%), and BVDV, Ureaplasma spp., and Mycoplasma spp. (10.5% each). Despite the general trend towards an increasing number of publications about bull-infertility problems, a number of pathogens potentially transmitted through both natural breeding and seminal doses given to females and associated with infertility within herds were not ranked in the study (e.g., Chlamydia spp.). This work highlights i) the need to clearly establish the role of certain microorganisms not traditionally associated with reproductive problems in bull infertility (e.g., Staphylococcus spp. or BoHV-4) and ii) the need to perform additional studies on breeding bulls to clarify their role in infertility problems within herds. This would allow monitoring for pathogens that have gone unnoticed and those that are fastidious to diagnose and/or potentially transmitted to females.Comunidad de Madrid (IND2018/BIO-9246)Depto. de Sanidad AnimalCentro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET)Fac. de VeterinariaTRUEpu

    Liver Transudate, a Potential Alternative to Detect Anti-Hepatitis E Virus Antibodies in Pigs and Wild Boars (Sus scrofa)

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    In recent years, cases of hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection have increased in Europe in association with the consumption of contaminated food, mainly from pork products but also from wild boars. The animal’s serum is usually tested for the presence of anti-HEV antibodies and viral RNA but, in many cases such as during hunting, an adequate serum sample cannot be obtained. In the present study, liver transudate was evaluated as an alternative matrix to serum for HEV detection. A total of 125 sera and liver transudates were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay at different dilutions (1:2, 1:10, 1:20), while 58 samples of serum and liver transudate were checked for the presence of HEV RNA by RT-qPCR. Anti- HEV antibodies were detected by ELISA in 68.0% of the serum samples, and in 61.6% of the undiluted transudate, and in 70.4%, 56.8%, and 44.8% of 1:2, 1:10, or 1:20 diluted transudate, respectively. The best results were obtained for the liver transudate at 1:10 dilution, based on the Kappa statistic (0.630) and intraclass correlation coefficient (0.841). HEV RNA was detected by RT-qPCR in 22.4% of the serum samples and 6.9% of the transudate samples, all samples used for RT-qPCR were positive by ELISA. Our results indicate that liver transudate may be an alternative matrix to serum for the detection of anti-HEV antibodies