208 research outputs found

    Pollution assessment: river Ganga

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    "The water quality data collected and collated by Central Pollution Control Board under National Water Quality Monitoring Programme and Assessment of sources of Pollution is presented in this treatise. This report also provides insight to the contribution of pollution from River Kali and River Ramganga. The cooperation extended by State Pollution Control Boards of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal in collecting and collating the data is acknowledged. The data presented in this report has been assessed, processed and compiled by Sh. Vishal Gandhi, Scientist, ‘C’, Sh. R M Bhardwaj, Scientist ‘D’, Sh.A.K.Sinha, Scientist ‘D’ and Ms. Garima Dublish, Research Associate under the supervision of Sh. J S Kamyotra, Member Secretary. We hope, the information contained in the report would be useful to the concerned authorities, academic institutions, researchers and others stakeholders involved in mission clean Ganga.

    Phytotoxicity, cytotoxicity and genotoxicity evaluation of organic and inorganic pollutants rich tannery wastewater from a Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) in Unnao district, India using Vigna radiata and Allium cepa

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    The leather industry is a major source of environmental pollution in India. The wastewater generated by leather industries contains very high pollution parameters due to the presence of a complex mixture of organic and inorganic pollutants even after the treatment at a Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) and disturbs the ecological flora and fauna. The nature, characteristics and toxicity of CETP treated wastewater is yet to be fully elucidated. Thus, this study aims to characterize and evaluate the toxicity of CETP treated tannery wastewater collected from the Unnao district of Uttar Pradesh, India. In addition to measuring the physico-chemical parameters, the residual organic pollutants was identified by GC-MS analysis and phytotoxicity, cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of the treated wastewater was evaluated using Vigna radiata L. and Allium cepa L. Results showed that the treated wastewater contained very high pollution parameters (TDS 3850mg/L, BOD 680mg/L, COD-1300mg/L). GC-MS analysis revealed the presence of various types of residual organic pollutants including benzoic acid, 3-[4,-(T-butyl) Phenyl] furan-2-5-dione, benzeneacetamide, resorcinol, dibutyl phthalate, and benzene-1,2,4-triol. Further, toxicological studies showed the phytotoxic nature of the wastewater as it inhibited seed germination in V. radiata L. and root growth of A. cepa. Genotoxicity was evidenced in the root tip cell of A. cepa where chromosomal aberrations (stickiness, chromosome loss, C-mitosis, and vagrant chromosome) and nuclear abnormalities like micronucleated and binucleated cells were observed. Thus, results suggested that it is not safe to discharge these wastewater into the environment

    Reactive Nitrogen in Coastal and Marine Waters of India and Its Relationship With Marine Aquaculture

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    India is bordered in the soutii, south-west, and south-east with Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea (AS), and the Bay of Bengal (BOB), respectively. Indian coast is 7517 km long comprising 5423 km in the peninsular India and 2094 km in Andaman and Nicobar, and Lakshadweep Islands. The Indian exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is spread in 2.02 million sq km (0.86 million sq km in west coast, 0.56 m illion sq km in east coast and 0.6 million sq km in Andaman and Nicobar Islands). The Indian marine environmentconsisting of adjoining coastal areas and EEZ directly sustains useful habitats and suppons the livelihood of 3.9 million fishers. Nearly 25% of the country’s population resides in these areas and about 340 communities are primarily occupied in marine and coastal fisheries (MoEF, 2009; SACEP, 2014). Nitrogen (N) exists in various chemical forms, produced by marine biota through several chemical transformations during their growth and metabolism in the marine environment. Nitrogen as N2 is generally unavailable in marine conditions and thereby, the equilibrium of the processes of N2 fixation (conversion of atmospheric N2 to organic nitrogen) and denitrification (conversion of nitrate to N2) decides the bioavailable nitrogen supply and productivity (Gruber, 2008)

    Application of Multi-Barrier Membrane Filtration Technologies to Reclaim Municipal Wastewater for Industrial Use

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    Pollution assessment: river Ganga

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    "The water quality data collected and collated by Central Pollution Control Board under National Water Quality Monitoring Programme and Assessment of sources of Pollution is presented in this treatise. This report also provides insight to the contribution of pollution from River Kali and River Ramganga. The cooperation extended by State Pollution Control Boards of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal in collecting and collating the data is acknowledged. The data presented in this report has been assessed, processed and compiled by Sh. Vishal Gandhi, Scientist, ‘C’, Sh. R M Bhardwaj, Scientist ‘D’, Sh.A.K.Sinha, Scientist ‘D’ and Ms. Garima Dublish, Research Associate under the supervision of Sh. J S Kamyotra, Member Secretary. We hope, the information contained in the report would be useful to the concerned authorities, academic institutions, researchers and others stakeholders involved in mission clean Ganga.