144 research outputs found

    Zebrafish patient-derived xenografts identify chemo-response in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients

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    It is increasingly evident the necessity of new predictive tools for the treatment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in a personalized manner. We present a co-clinical trial testing the predic-tiveness of zPDX (zebrafish patient-derived xenograft) for assessing if patients could benefit from a therapeutic strategy (ClinicalTrials.gov: XenoZ, NCT03668418). zPDX are generated xenografting tumor tissues in zebrafish embryos. zPDX were exposed to chemotherapy regimens commonly used. We considered a zPDX a responder (R) when a decrease ≄50% in the relative tumor area was reported; otherwise, we considered them a non-responder (NR). Patients were classified as Responder if their own zPDX was classified as an R for the chemotherapy scheme she/he received an adjuvant treatment; otherwise, we considered them a Non-Responder. We compared the cancer recurrence rate at 1 year after surgery and the disease-free survival (DFS) of patients of both groups. We reported a statistically significant higher recurrence rate in the Non-Responder group: 66.7% vs. 14.3% (p = 0.036), anticipating relapse/no relapse within 1 year after surgery in 12/16 patients. The mean DFS was longer in the R-group than the NR-group, even if not statistically significant: 19.2 months vs. 12.7 months, (p = 0.123). The proposed strategy could potentially improve preclinical evaluation of treatment modalities and may enable prospective therapeutic selection in everyday clinical practice

    Tissue microarray-chip featuring computerized immunophenotypical characterization more accurately subtypes ampullary adenocarcinoma than routine histology

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    BACKGROUND Ampullary adenocarcinomas (AACs) are heterogeneous tumors currently classified into three important sub-classes (SC): Intestinal (INT), Pancreato-Biliary (PB) and Mixed-Type (MT). The different subgroups have similar clinical presentation and are treated by pancreatoduodenectomy with curative intent. However, they respond differently to chemotherapy and have different prognostic outcomes. The SC are often difficult to identify with conventional histology alone. The clinical outcome of all three remains unclear, particularly for MT. AIM To identify two main subtypes of AACs, using an immunohistochemical (IHC) score based on CDX2, CK7 and CK20. METHODS Tissue samples from 21 patients who had undergone resection of AAC were classified by HE histology and IHC expression of CDX2, CK7 and CK 20. An IHC score was obtained for each marker by counting the number of positive cells (0 = no stained cells; 1 < 25%; 2 < 50% and 3 > 50%) and their intensity (1 = weak; 2 = moderate and 3 = strong). A global score (GS) was then obtained by summation of the IHC scores of each marker. The MT tumors were grouped either with the INT or PB group based on the predominant immuno-molecular phenotype, obtaining only two AACs subtypes. The overall survival in INT and PB patients was obtained by Kaplan-Meier methods. RESULTS Histological parameters defined the AACs subtypes as follows: 15% INT, 45% PB and 40% MT. Using IHC expression and the GS, 75% and 25% of MT samples were assigned to either the INT or the PB group. The mean value of the GS was 9.5 (range 4-16). All INT samples had a GS above the average, distinct from the PB samples which had a GS score significantly below the average (P = 0.0011). The INT samples were identified by high expression of CDX2 and CK20, whereas PB samples exhibited high expression of CK7 and no expression of CK20 (P = 0.0008). The INT group had a statistically significant higher overall survival than in the PB group (85.7 mo vs 20.3 mo, HR: 8.39; 95%CI: 1.38 to 18.90; P = 0.0152). CONCLUSION The combination of histopathological and molecular criteria enables the classification of AACs into two clinically relevant histo-molecular phenotypes, which appear to represent distinct disorders with potentially significant changes to the current therapeutic strategies

    The occurrence of prion protein in surgically resected pancreatic adenocarcinoma

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    Background: Among the several new targets for the comprehension of the biology of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), Prion proteins (PrPc) deserve particular mention, since they share a marked neurotropism. Actually, PrPc could have also a role in tumorigenesis, as recently demonstrated. However, only few in vitro studies in cell cultures showed the occurrence of PrPc in PDAC cells. We aim to evaluate the presence of PrPc in vivo in PDAC tissues as a potential new biomarker. Methods: Samples from tumors of 23 patients undergone pancreatic resections from July 2018 to May 2020 at our institution were collected and analyzed. Immunohistochemistry and western blotting of PDAC tissues were compared with control tissues. Immunohistochemistry was used also to evaluate the localization of PrPc and of CD155, a tumoral stem-cell marker. Results: All cases were moderately differentiated PDAC, with perineural invasion (PNI) in 19/23 cases (83%). According to western-blot analysis, PrPc was markedly expressed in PDAC tissues (273.5 ± 44.63 OD) respect to controls (100 ± 28.35 OD, p = 0.0018). Immunohistochemistry confirmed these findings, with higher linear staining of PrPc in PDAC ducts (127.145 ± 7.56 Όm vs 75.21 ± 5.01 Όm, p < 0.0001). PrPc and CD155 exactly overlapped in ductal tumoral cells, highlighting the possible relationship of PrPc with cancer stemness. Finally, PrPc expression related with cancer stage and there was a potential correspondence with PNI. Conclusions: Our work provides evidence for increased levels of PrPc in PDAC. This might contribute to cancer aggressiveness and provides a potentially new biomarker. Work is in progress to decipher clinical implications

    Comparison of DC Bead-irinotecan and DC Bead-topotecan drug eluting beads for use in locoregional drug delivery to treat pancreatic cancer

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    DC Bead is a drug delivery embolisation system that can be loaded with doxorubicin or irinotecan for the treatment of a variety of liver cancers. In this study we demonstrate that the topoisomerase I inhibitor topotecan hydrochloride can be successfully loaded into the DC Bead sulfonate-modified polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel matrix, resulting in a sustained-release drug eluting bead (DEBTOP) useful for therapeutic purposes. The in vitro drug loading capacity, elution characteristics and the effects on mechanical properties of the beads are described with reference to our previous work with irinotecan hydrochloride (DEBIRI). Results showed that drug loading was faster when the solution was agitated compared to static loading and a maximum loading of ca. 40–45 mg topotecan in 1 ml hydrated beads was achievable. Loading the drug into the beads altered the size, compressibility moduli and colour of the bead. Elution was shown to be reliant on the presence of ions to perform the necessary exchange with the electrostatically bound topotecan molecules. Topotecan was shown by MTS assay to have an IC50 for human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells (PSN-1) of 0.22 and 0.27 lM compared to 28.1 and 19.2 lM for irinotecan at 48 and 72 h, respectively. The cytotoxic efficacy of DEBTOP on PSN-1 was compared to DEBIRI. DEPTOP loaded at 6 & 30 mg ml-1, like its free drug form, was shown to be more potent than DEBIRI of comparable doses at 24, 48 & 72 h using a slightly modified MTS assay. Using a PSN-1 mouse xenograft model, DEBIRI doses of 3.3–6.6 mg were shown to be well tolerated (even with repeat administration) and effective in reducing the tumour size. DEBTOP however, was lethal after 6 days at doses of 0.83–1.2 mg but demonstrated reasonable efficacy and tolerability (again with repeat injection possible) at 0.2–0.4 mg doses. Care must therefore be taken when selecting the dose of topotecan to be loaded into DC Bead given its greater potency and potential toxicity

    RET protein expression has no prognostic impact on the long-term outcome of papillary thyroid carcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: RET proto-oncogene rearrangements (RET/PTC) are causative events in the pathogenesis of a subset of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). The prevalence of RET/PTC varies in different countries and according to specific clinical features: it is higher after radiation exposure and it is claimed to be higher in young patients. Conflicting results are reported regarding the prognostic role of RET/PTC activation. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prognostic meaning of RET/PTC rearrangement on the long term outcome of PTC. METHODS: We have studied the expression of the RET encoded protein in 127 papillary thyroid carcinomas by immunohistochemistry using a polyclonal antibody against the tyrosine-kinase domain of the RET protein. These cases have been collected during 1970-1985, and have a mean (+/-S.D.) period of follow-up of 18.6+/-3.7 years (range 12-27 years). The results have been compared with the patients' outcome. RESULTS: The tyrosine-kinase domain of RET was expressed in 82 (64.6%) papillary carcinomas. Among them, RET was highly expressed in 65 (51.2%) cases and moderately expressed in 17 (13.4%). RET expression was absent in 45 (35.4%) cases. No correlation was found between RET expression and other parameters such as sex, age at diagnosis, tumor class and histological variant. Follow-up analysis showed no influence of RET expression on patients' outcome. By multivariate analysis, age (>45 years) and tumor class IV, but not sex and RET expression were adverse prognostic indicators of death. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, our analysis indicates that RET expression is frequently found in PTC, and has no influence on tumor outcome

    Time and Encoding Effects in the Concealed Knowledge Test

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    Although the traditional “lie detector” test is used frequently in forensic contexts, it has (like most test of deception) some limitations. The concealed knowledge test (CKT) focuses on participants’ recognition of privileged knowledge rather than lying per-se and has been studied extensively using a variety of measures. A “guilty” suspect’s interaction with and memory of crimescene items may vary. Furthermore, memory for crimescene items may diminish over time. The interaction of encoding quality and test delay on CKT efficiency has been previously implied, but not yet demonstrated. We used a response-time based CKT to detect concealed knowledge from shallow and deep study procedures after 10-min, 24-h, and 1-week delays. Results show that more elaborately encoded information afforded higher detection accuracy than poorly encoded items. Although classification accuracy following deep study was unaffected by delay, detection of poorly elaborated information was initially high, but compromised after 1 week. Thus, choosing optimal test items requires considering both test delay and initial encoding level

    Dark Energy Survey Year 1 results: weak lensing mass calibration of redMaPPer galaxy clusters

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    We constrain the mass--richness scaling relation of redMaPPer galaxy clusters identified in the Dark Energy Survey Year 1 data using weak gravitational lensing. We split clusters into 4×3 bins of richness λ and redshift z for λ≄20 and 0.2≀z≀0.65 and measure the mean masses of these bins using their stacked weak lensing signal. By modeling the scaling relation as ⟹M 200m |λ,z⟩=M 0 (λ/40) F ((1+z)/1.35) G , we constrain the normalization of the scaling relation at the 5.0 per cent level as M 0 =[3.081±0.075(stat)±0.133(sys)]⋅10 14 M ⊙ at λ=40 and z=0.35 . The richness scaling index is constrained to be F=1.356±0.051 (stat)±0.008 (sys) and the redshift scaling index G=−0.30±0.30 (stat)±0.06 (sys) . These are the tightest measurements of the normalization and richness scaling index made to date. We use a semi-analytic covariance matrix to characterize the statistical errors in the recovered weak lensing profiles. Our analysis accounts for the following sources of systematic error: shear and photometric redshift errors, cluster miscentering, cluster member dilution of the source sample, systematic uncertainties in the modeling of the halo--mass correlation function, halo triaxiality, and projection effects. We discuss prospects for reducing this systematic error budget, which dominates the uncertainty on M 0. Our result is in excellent agreement with, but has significantly smaller uncertainties than, previous measurements in the literature, and augurs well for the power of the DES cluster survey as a tool for precision cosmology and upcoming galaxy surveys such as LSST, Euclid and WFIRST

    Is media multitasking good for cybersecurity? Exploring the relationship between media multitasking and everyday cognitive failures on self-reported risky cybersecurity behaviors

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    The current study focused on how engaging in media multitasking (MMT) and the experience of everyday cognitive failures impact on the individual's engagement in risky cybersecurity behaviors (RCsB). In total, 144 participants (32 males, 112 females) completed an online survey. The age range for participants was 18 to 43 years (M = 20.63, SD = 4.04). Participants completed three scales which included an inventory of weekly MMT, a measure of everyday cognitive failures, and RCsB. There was a significant difference between heavy media multitaskers (HMM), average media multitaskers (AMM), and light media multitaskers (LMM) in terms of RCsB, with HMM demonstrating more frequent risky behaviors than LMM or AMM. The HMM group also reported more cognitive failures in everyday life than the LMM group. A regression analysis showed that everyday cognitive failures and MMT acted as significant predictors for RCsB. These results expand our current understanding of the relationship between human factors and cybersecurity behaviors, which are useful to inform the design of training and intervention packages to mitigate RCsB

    Euclid: Cosmological forecasts from the void size function

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    The Euclid mission −- with its spectroscopic galaxy survey covering a sky area over 15 000 deg215\,000 \ \mathrm{deg}^2 in the redshift range 0.9<1.8 −0.9<1.8\ - will provide a sample of tens of thousands of cosmic voids. This paper explores for the first time the constraining power of the void size function on the properties of dark energy (DE) from a survey mock catalogue, the official Euclid Flagship simulation. We identify voids in the Flagship light-cone, which closely matches the features of the upcoming Euclid spectroscopic data set. We model the void size function considering a state-of-the art methodology: we rely on the volume conserving (Vdn) model, a modification of the popular Sheth & van de Weygaert model for void number counts, extended by means of a linear function of the large-scale galaxy bias. We find an excellent agreement between model predictions and measured mock void number counts. We compute updated forecasts for the Euclid mission on DE from the void size function and provide reliable void number estimates to serve as a basis for further forecasts of cosmological applications using voids. We analyse two different cosmological models for DE: the first described by a constant DE equation of state parameter, ww, and the second by a dynamic equation of state with coefficients w0w_0 and waw_a. We forecast 1σ1\sigma errors on ww lower than the 10%10\%, and we estimate an expected figure of merit (FoM) for the dynamical DE scenario FoMw0,wa=17\mathrm{FoM}_{w_0,w_a} = 17 when considering only the neutrino mass as additional free parameter of the model. The analysis is based on conservative assumptions to ensure full robustness, and is a pathfinder for future enhancements of the technique. Our results showcase the impressive constraining power of the void size function from the Euclid spectroscopic sample, both as a stand-alone probe, and to be combined with other Euclid cosmological probes...
