36 research outputs found

    High-viscosity biphasic flow characterization in a pipeline: application to flow pattern classification and leak detection

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    Pipeline systems play an essential role in the oil industry. These systems connect ports, oil fields, refineries, and consumer markets[104]. Pipelines covering long distances require pumping stations, where products are propelled to the next pumping station, refinery, or deposit terminal, thus traveling through most of the country. The product considered in this research work is crude oil. It is usually transported with a combination of crude oil with viscosity reducers (DRA, drag reducer agent) and oil with gas in onshore/offshore pipelines. This mode of transport is efficient for large quantities and large product shipment distances. Problems may arrive when a leak occurs. In major incidents, large scale damage to humans and the environment is possible. Then, this research addresses the problem of how to detect the leak earlier to reduce the impact in the surrounding areas and economic losses, considering five research topics taking into account that the products inside the pipeline are water-glycerol and gas-glycerol mixtures (simulating oil-DRA and oil-gas in the laboratory test apparatus). The first research topic presents a mathematical model to describe the flow of a mixture of water and glycerol in pressurized horizontal pipelines, which emulates the mixture of heavy oil and a viscosity reducer. The model is based on the mass and momentum conservation principles and empirical correlations for the mixture’s density and viscosity. The set of partial differential equations is solved using finite differences. These equations were implemented in a computer platform to be able to simulate a system. This simulation platform is a tool to simulate leak cases for different fractions of water and glycerol to evaluate algorithms for leak detection and localization before their implementation in a laboratory setting.DoctoradoDoctor en Ingeniería Mecánic

    Efecto de la comunicación del Banco de la República sobre la curva de rendimientos

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    Analizamos el efecto, sobre la curva de rendimientos, de la comunicación del Banco de la República mediante dos tipos de documentos, las minutas de las reuniones de política monetaria y los informes de política monetaria (anteriormente informes sobre inflación) durante el periodo 2011-II a 2018-IV. Extraemos información numérica de los fan charts publicados en los informes de política monetaria e información narrativa –usando Latent Dirichlet Allocation, una herramienta de lingüística computacional- tanto de las minutas como de los informes. Mediante la metodología de estudio de eventos analizamos el impacto sobre cuatro diferentes tasas: spot a un año, forward a 3 años, forward a 5 años y forward a 5 años, dentro de 5 años. No encontramos evidencia de que la información numérica tenga algún efecto sobre estas tasas. Con respecto a las variables narrativas encontramos que (i) para los informes de política, hay un efecto significativo solo sobre dos de las tasas (spot a un año y forward a 5 años) y (ii) para las minutas hay un efecto significativo sobre las cuatro tasas. Creemos que estos resultados pueden explicarse por el rezago de publicación que tenía el informe de política monetaria durante el periodo analizado.We analyze the effect on the yield curve of Banco de la Republica’s communication through two specific outlets, the minutes of the monetary policy meetings and the inflation reports during the period 2011-Q2 to 2018-Q4. We extract numeric information from the inflation reports’ fan charts, and narrative information -using Latent Dirichlet Allocation, a computational linguistics tool- from the text of both outlets. We use an event-study approach to analyze the impact on four specific maturities: one-year spot, three-year forward, five-year forward and five-year ahead five-year forward rates. We find no evidence that numeric information has any effect on market yields. Regarding narrative variables we find that (i) for the inflation report, there is a significant effect on just two yields (one-year spot and five-year forward), and (ii) for the minute, there is a significant effect on all yields. We believe that these results may be explained by the publication lag of the inflation report during the period of analysis.Efecto de la comunicación del Banco de la República sobre la curva de rendimientos Enfoque El documento analiza el efecto de la comunicación del Banco de la República (BR) sobre las tasas de interés de mercado a diferentes plazos. En particular, se estudian dos tipos de documentos publicados por el BR: las Minutas de las reuniones de política monetaria de la Junta Directiva y los Informes de Política Monetaria (anteriormente Informes sobre Inflación). Se analizan dos tipos de información: numérica y narrativa. Esta última se extrae usando Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), una herramienta de análisis de texto mediante la cual se identifican los principales temas tratados en los documentos, su importancia y los cambios de la misma para cada tema a través del tiempo. El análisis del efecto de la comunicación se hace mediante el método estadístico de estudio de eventos, el cual supone que los cambios que se observan en las tasas de interés, el día que se publica una minuta o un informe de política, reflejan la reacción del mercado a la entrega de la información contenida en esos documentos. Contribución Aunque algunos trabajos previos han estudiado el efecto de la comunicación del BR sobre las tasas de interés, este documento es, en nuestro conocimiento, el primero en usar la herramienta LDA para ese propósito y también, el primero en incluir para este análisis el informe de política monetaria. Tanto las minutas como los informes de política son herramientas fundamentales en la comunicación del BR, y el análisis del impacto de su publicación sobre el mercado es relevante para el estudio y evaluación de las estrategias de comunicación del banco central. Resultados No encontramos evidencia de que la información numérica tenga algún efecto sobre las tasas de mercado. Con respecto a la información narrativa, no hay evidencia robusta de que aquella procedente del informe de política tenga efecto sobre las tasas, mientras que sí la hay para el caso de la que está contenida en las minutas. Consideramos que estos resultados pueden explicarse por el rezago de publicación que tenía el informe de política monetaria durante el periodo analizado. Frase destacada: Tanto las minutas como los informes de política son herramientas fundamentales en la comunicación del BR, y el análisis del impacto de su publicación sobre el mercado es relevante para el estudio y evaluación de las estrategias de comunicación del banco central

    Modeling and control of a robot manipulator using standard control techniques and H infinity

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    Se presenta el diseño de un control estándar basado en la norma H2 y de un control H-infinito aplicados en un manipulador de dos grados de libertad. El manipulador se modeló con las ecuaciones de Euler-Lagrange y la función de disipación de Rayleigh. Se utilizó un modelo en el Toolbox SimMechanics exportando la geometría y propiedades físicas desde SolidWorks. Los resultados demuestran que la respuesta transitoria en el control H infinito es más suave que en el control estándar.This paper presents the design of a standard control based on the H2 standard and an H-infinity control applied in a manipulator of two degrees of freedom. The manipulator was modeled with the Euler-Lagrange equations and the Rayleigh dissipation function. A model was used in the SimMechanics Toolbox by exporting geometry and physical properties from SolidWorks. The results obtained show that transient response in H infinity control is smoother than the standard control

    The use of population pyramids to represent the Colombian health care system

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    Objetivo: representar las estadísticas del uso de servicios de salud en Colombia, por sexo y grupo etario, por medio de pirámides poblacionales. Materiales y méto-dos: se extrajeron datos de todas las personas atendidas, el número de atenciones y el número de hospitalizaciones en Colombia en 2015,a partir de los Registros Individuales de Prestación de Servicios de Salud (RIPS), la base de datos oficial del Ministerio de Salud. Para el número de atenciones se hizo, además, un ajuste de población por cada grupo etario, basada en la población de cada grupo estimada por las proyecciones poblacionales del DANE. Resultados: durante ese año se atendió cerca del 50% de la población colombiana (23.960.000 personas), el grupo más numeroso fue el de niños menores de 5 años. A partir de los 10 años de edad es mayor la atención en mujeres que en hombres. Se recibió en promedio un total de 11,8 atenciones por persona y se registraron 1.890.000 egresos hospitalarios. Las atenciones en salud, así como las hospitalizaciones, se concentran en mayores de 80 años, menores de 5 y mujeres en edad fértil. Conclusiones: las pirámides poblacionales son una estrategia gráfica útil para representar las poblaciones aten-didas por un sistema de saludQ4Artículo de investigación127-133Objective: to represent the statistics of the use of health services in Colombia, by gen-der and age group, by means of population pyramids. Materials and methods: data were extracted from all the people attended, the number of services provided and the number of hospitalizations in Colombia in 2015, based on the Individual Health Service Delivery Registries (RIPS), the Ministry of Health official database. For the number of attentions, a population adjustment was made for each age group, based on the po-pulation of each group estimated by the population projections of DANE (the national statistics agency). Results: during that year, about 50% of the Colombian population (23,960,000 people) was attended, the largest group were children under 5 years of age. From 10 years of age onwards, attentions are more numerous for women. On average, a total of 11.8 attendances per person were provided, and 1,890,000 hospital discharges were recorded. Health care, as well as hospitalizations, are concentrated in people over 80, under 5 and women of childbearing age. Conclusions: the popu-lation pyramids are a useful graphical strategy to represent the populations served by a health system

    Shoot and Root Traits Contribute to Drought Resistance in Recombinant Inbred Lines of MD 23–24 × SEA 5 of Common Bean

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    Drought is the major abiotic stress factor limiting yield of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in smallholder systems in Latin America and eastern and southern Africa; where it is a main source of protein in the daily diet. Identification of shoot and root traits associated with drought resistance contributes to improving the process of designing bean genotypes adapted to drought. Field and greenhouse studies were conducted at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Palmira, Colombia to determine the relationship between grain yield and different shoot and root traits using a recombinant inbred lines (RILs) population (MD23–24 × SEA 5) of common bean. The main objectives of this study were to identify: (i) specific shoot and root morpho-physiological traits that contribute to improved resistance to drought and that could be useful as selection criteria in breeding beans for drought resistance; and (ii) superior genotypes with desirable shoot and root traits that could serve as parents in breeding programs that are aimed at improving drought resistance. A set of 121 bean genotypes (111 RILs, 2 parents, 8 checks) belonging to the Mesoamerican gene pool and one cowpea variety were evaluated under field conditions with two levels of water supply (irrigated and rainfed) over three seasons. To complement field studies, a greenhouse study was conducted using plastic cylinders with soil inserted into PVC pipes, to determine the relationship between grain yield obtained under field conditions with different root traits measured under greenhouse conditions. Resistance to drought stress was positively associated with a deeper and vigorous root system, better shoot growth, and superior mobilization of photosynthates to pod and seed production. The drought resistant lines differed in their root characteristics, some of them with a vigorous and deeper root system while others with a moderate to shallow root system. Among the shoot traits measured, pod harvest index, and seed number per area could serve as useful selection criteria for assessing sink strength and for genetic improvement of drought resistance in common bean

    Criterios de Implementación ISO 14000:2015 -Caso del Estudio del Sector Ladrillea Uno A.

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    Se busca reflexionar y contextualizar sobre la situación actuad de las ladrilleras, las cuales durante su procesos de producción generan un gran impacto ambiental, se hace un análisis acerca de la realidad que expone dicho proceso y que es un riesgo latente, que incide en los aspectos sociales, económicos, ambientales, de salud pública y seguridad del entorno de las ladrilleras que ocasionan un deterioro ambiental.It seeks to reflect and contextualize on the current situation of the brick makers, which during their production processes generate a great environmental impact, an analysis is made about the reality that this process exposes and that it is a latent risk, which affects the aspects social, economic, environmental, public health and safety environment of the brickworks that cause environmental deterioration

    Estrategia sostenible biotecnológica para disminuir los Agroquímicos en la producción del café en la vereda la Mercedes del pital huila

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    This master's study entitled "Sustainable biotechnological strategy to reduce agrochemicals in coffee production in the village of Las Mercedes del Pital Huila" had the purpose of creating from biotechnology a sustainable strategy for the inappropriate use of agrochemicals in coffee production and part of the of the need to minimize the negative impact generated by their misuse both on plants, soil and the environment in general. The applied methodology had a qualitative approach and an action research design. The collection technique was the interview with the instrument of the semi-structured interview guide; the sample was of the intentional type of non-probabilistic cut taken from a total of 10 farms in the Vereda. The sample population were the owners of the selected farms, a total of four (4). The results obtained show a traditional crop that is altering the environment and ecosystems in general with practices that do not favor production. It was also possible to show that coffee growers lacked information about biotechnological strategies; however, they are interested in this new strategy. In conclusion, the stated objective was achieved, to promote in coffee growers the development and application of the sustainable biotechnological strategy from vermiculture to minimize the use of agrochemicals and protect the environment, life in ecosystems and the planet in general.Esta investigación de maestría titulada “Estrategia sostenible biotecnológica para disminuir los agroquímicos en la producción del café en la vereda las mercedes del Pital Huila” tuvo como propósito crear desde la biotecnología una estrategia sostenible para el uso inadecuado de agroquímicos en la producción del café y parte de la necesidad de minimizar el impacto negativo generado por el mal uso de los mismos tanto en las plantas, suelo y medio ambiente en general. La metodología aplicada tuvo un enfoque cualitativo y un diseño de investigación acción. La técnica de recolección fue la entrevista con el instrumento de la guía de entrevista semiestructurada; la muestra fue de tipo intencional de corte no probabilístico tomada de un total de 10 fincas de la Vereda. La población muestra fueron los propietarios de las fincas seleccionadas un total de cuatro (4). Los resultados obtenidos evidencian un cultivo de carácter tradicional que está alterando el medio ambiente y los ecosistemas en general con prácticas que no favorecen ni la producción. También se pudo evidenciar que los caficultores carecían de información acerca de estrategias biotecnológicas, sin embargo, se muestran interesados en esta nueva estrategia. En conclusión, se logró promover en los caficultores la elaboración y aplicación de la estrategia biotecnológica sostenible desde la lombricultura para minimizar el uso de agroquímicos y proteger el medio ambiente, la vida en los ecosistemas y en el planeta en general

    Genetic correlation between Fe and Zn biofortification and yield components in a common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

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    Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important legume for direct human consumption worldwide. It is a rich and relatively inexpensive source of proteins and micronutrients, especially iron and zinc. Bean is a target for biofortification to develop new cultivars with high Fe/Zn levels that help to ameliorate malnutrition mainly in developing countries. A strong negative phenotypic correlation between Fe/Zn concentration and yield is usually reported, posing a significant challenge for breeders. The objective of this study was to investigate the genetic relationship between Fe/Zn. We used Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) mapping and Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) analysis in three bi-parental populations that included biofortified parents, identifying genomic regions associated with yield and micromineral accumulation. Significant negative correlations were observed between agronomic traits (pod harvest index, PHI; pod number, PdN; seed number, SdN; 100 seed weight, 100SdW; and seed per pod, Sd/Pd) and micronutrient concentration traits (SdFe and SdZn), especially between pod harvest index (PHI) and SdFe and SdZn. PHI presented a higher correlation with SdN than PdN. Seventy-nine QTLs were identified for the three populations: 14 for SdFe, 12 for SdZn, 13 for PHI, 11 for SdN, 14 for PdN, 6 for 100SdW, and 9 for Sd/Pd. Twenty-three hotspot regions were identified in which several QTLs were co-located, of which 13 hotpots displayed QTL of opposite effect for yield components and Fe/Zn accumulation. In contrast, eight QTLs for SdFe and six QTLs for SdZn were observed that segregated independently of QTL of yield components. The selection of these QTLs will enable enhanced levels of Fe/Zn and will not affect the yield performance of new cultivars focused on biofortification

    Effect of drought and low P on yield and nutritional content in common bean

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    Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production in the tropics typically occurs in rainfed systems on marginal lands where yields are low, primarily as a consequence of drought and low phosphorus (P) availability in soil. This study aimed to investigate the physiological and chemical responses of 12 bush bean genotypes for adaptation to individual and combined stress factors of drought and low P availability. Water stress and P deficiency, both individually and combined, decreased seed weight and aboveground biomass by ∼80%. Water deficit and P deficiency decreased photosynthesis and stomatal conductance during plant development. Maximum rates of carboxylation, electron transport, and triose phosphate utilization were superior for two common bean genotypes (SEF60 and NCB226) that are better adapted to combined stress conditions of water deficit and low P compared to the commercial check (DOR390). In response to water deficit treatment, carbon isotope fractionation in the leaf tissue decreased at all developmental stages. Within the soluble leaf fraction, combined water deficit and low P, led to significant changes in the concentration of key nutrients and amino acids, whereas no impact was detected in the seed. Our results suggest that common bean genotypes have a degree of resilience in yield development, expressed in traits such as pod harvest index, and conservation of nutritional content in the seed. Further exploration of the chemical and physiological traits identified here will enhance the resilience of common bean production systems in the tropics

    Using Carbon Isotope Discrimination to Assess Genotypic Differences in Drought Resistance of Parental Lines of Common Bean

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    Accurate assessment of crop water uptake (WU) and water use efficiency (WUE) is not easy under field conditions. Carbon isotope discrimination (Δ13C) has been used as a surrogate of WUE to examine crop yield responses to drought and its relationship with WU and WUE. A 2-yr study was conducted (i) to characterize genotypic variation in Δ13C, grain yield, and other physiological parameters in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) parental lines, and (ii) to examine the relationships between grain Δ13C, shoot Δ13C, and grain yield under well-watered and terminal drought stress conditions. All measured plant traits were strongly influenced by water availability, and genotypic differences in grain yield, shoot Δ13C, and grain Δ13C were found in both watered and terminal drought stress environments. The parental lines were classified into two drought adaptation groups, drought resistant and drought sensitive, based on a yield drought index. High yields under drought conditions were related to (i) greater water uptake, as indicated by high Δ13C in genotypes previously shown to have deeper roots (e.g., SEA 5 and BAT 477), and (ii) increased WUE, denoted by lower Δ13C and greater pod harvest index (PHI) (e.g., SER 16). Coupling of Δ13C measurements with measured yield and yield components analyses, such as PHI, provided an avenue to distinguish different physiological traits among drought resistant genotypes underlying adaptation to water deficit stres