1,051 research outputs found
Design and realization of client application for cooperation with ONET Modeler
Bakalářská práce „Návrh a realizace klientskĂ© aplikace pro spoluprácĂ s OPNET MODELEREM“ pojednává o snaze pĹ™iblĂĹľit klienta ke snadnÄ›jšà a kvalitnÄ›jšà komunikaci se serverem. OtevĹ™Ăt novĂ© moĹľnosti pro efektnĂ práci v sĂti. CĂlem práce je propojit dvÄ› komunikaÄŤnĂ stanice, kterĂ© budou spolu komunikovat. OPNET komunikuje s externĂm programem, kterĂ˝ pĹ™esmÄ›ruje data do sĂĹĄovĂ© vrstvy. Práce popisuje jednotlivĂ© kroky ve vytvářenĂ klientskĂ©ho modelu. SoučástĂ práce je Ăşvod do simulaÄŤnĂho prostĹ™edĂ OPNET Modeler na kterĂ˝ navazuje podrobnĂ˝ popis naprogramovánĂ externĂ aplikace.The bachelor thesis „Design and realization of client application for cooperation with OPNET Modeler“ is about trying to bring a client to easier and better communication with the server. Open new opportunities for effective work in the network. Goal of this work is to interconnect two communication stations, which will together communivate. OPNET communicates with an external program which redirects the data to the network layer. The work describes the individual steps in creating a model client. Part of the work is introduction to the OPNET Modeler simulation environment, whereupon it is tied together a detailed desciption of programming of an external application.
IPv6 for Wireless Sensor Networks
Diplomová práce se zabĂ˝vá problematikou protokolu 6LoWPAN a implementace protokolu IPv6 na zadanĂ© platformÄ›. Ăšvod práce se zabĂ˝vá objasnÄ›nĂm bezdrátovĂ˝ senzorovĂ˝ch sĂtĂ. NáslednÄ› bylo popsáno protokol 6LoWPAN, kterĂ˝ mapuje protokol IPv6 na standard IEEE 802.15.4. Dál se práce vÄ›nuje prĹŻzkumu moÄľnĂ˝ch operaÄŤnĂch systĂ©mĹŻ, kterĂ© jsou urÄŤeny pro senzorovĂ˝ch sĂtÄ› a následuje porovnánĂ jejich vlastnostĂ a pĹ™ednostĂ. V kapitole páte bylo zaměřeno na implementaci operaÄŤnĂho systĂ©mu do senzorovĂ©ho uzlu Iris, seznámenĂ se s strukturou operaÄŤnĂho systĂ©mu ContikiOS. Na konci práce se nacházĂ detailnÄ› popsaná implementace tohoto systĂ©mu do senzorovĂ©ho uzlu Iris.This thesis deals with the issues 6LoWPAN protokolu and implementation of IPv6 on the specied platform. Introduction thesis deals with the explanation of wireless sensor networks. Next it was descibed 6LoWPAN protocol, which maps IPv6 on standard IEEE 802.15.4. The thesis further concentrates to exploration of possible operation systems, that are designed for sensor networks and then followed by comparison of their characteristics and advantages. The fth chapter is focused on he implementation of the operating system to the sensor node Iris, introduction Iris and with the structure of the operating system Contiki OS. At the end of thesis is description of the implementation of this system in the sensor node Iris.
Die Macht des Defaults — Wirkung von Empfehlungen und Vorgaben auf das individuelle Entscheidungsverhalten
Zusammenfassung: Bei der Wahl vieler Produkte ist der Kunde mit Empfehlungen und Vorgaben der Hersteller und Händler (Defaults) konfrontiert. Bei der online-Konfiguration eines Erzeugnisses (z. B. Pkw) ist für alle zwingend erforderlichen Merkmale (z. B. Motor) jeweils ein Default (d. h. eine Ausprägung, z. B. 3.2 Liter) vorgegeben. Zudem geben die Anbieter Empfehlungen bezüglich bestimmter Merkmalsausprägungen ab, an denen sich die Nachfrager orientieren. Obgleich der grundsätzliche Einfluss von Defaults auf das Entscheidungsverhalten unbestritten ist, sind wichtige Fragen etwa nach dem Effekt unterschiedlicher Default-Varianten noch nicht beantwortet. Anhand einer empirischen Studie, in deren Mittelpunkt ein Car-Konfigurator steht, kann gezeigt werden, wie verschiedene Defaults das Entscheidungsverhalten der Individuen beeinflussen. Die Befunde erlauben Rückschlüsse über den Prozess der Herausbildung von Produktpräferenze
BORM - Business Object Relation Modeling
BORM is an object-oriented and process-based analysis and design methodology, which has proved to be effective in the development of business systems. The effectiveness gained is largely due to an unified and simple method for presenting necessary aspects of the relevant business model, which can be simulated, verified and validated for subsequent software implementation. The BORM methodology makes extensive use of business process modeling towards the area of software engineering. This paper outlines BORM and presents it on an application example created in Craft.CASE analysis and modeling tool
Water governance in the Kyrgyz agricultural sector: on its way to integrated water resource management?
"As a reaction to growing water scarcity worldwide, sustainable water allocation and use, and in particular the role of agriculture as a major water user, have become important topics in the development discourse. In recent years Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) emerged as an answer to many water management problems. IWRM approaches water management from a holistic perspective and encompasses, among others, the integration of economic, ecological and social aspects. Is implementation of such a holistic approach feasible in developing countries and countries in transition or does it rather overburden them? First experiences have been made with the implementation of IWRM in several developing and transition countries. The aim of this study is to provide some answers to the question of what has been achieved so far. Based on an analysis of Kyrgyz water governance, the study assesses the status quo as well as the potentials for and obstacles to the realization of the normative framework of IWRM in a transition country. Comparing today's institutional framework of water management with this normative concept, it reveals the most significant gaps between norm and reality, but also identifies progress towards IWRM. Recommendations on how to further develop Kyrgyz water governance towards IWRM are provided." (author's abstract
Development of "in vitro-in vivo" correlation/relationship modeling approaches for immediate release formulations using compartmental dynamic dissolution data from "Golem" : a novel apparatus
Different batches of atorvastatin, represented by two immediate release formulation designs, were studied using a novel dynamic dissolution apparatus, simulating stomach and small intestine. A universal dissolution method was employed which simulated the physiology of human gastrointestinal tract, including the precise chyme transit behavior and biorelevant conditions. The multicompartmental dissolution data allowed direct observation and qualitative discrimination of the differences resulting from highly pH dependent dissolution behavior of the tested batches. Further evaluation of results was performed using IVIVC/IVIVR development. While satisfactory correlation could not be achieved using a conventional deconvolution based-model, promising results were obtained through the use of a nonconventional approach exploiting the complex compartmental dissolution data
Socioeconomic status and pulmonary function, transition from childhood to adulthood : cross-sectional results from the polish part of the HAPIEE study
Value of Ascitic Lipids in the Differentiation between Cirrhotic and Malignant Ascites
Ascitic fluid concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides and phospholipids, were compared with ascitic fluid total protein in 40 patients with chronic liver disease, 51patients with various neoplasms and 1 patient with cardiac failure. Seven patients withboth chronic liver disease and malignancy were considered separately. The first 54 patients (23 cirrhotic and 31 with malignancy) were used to determine median values and ranges and to define the most suitable cutoff concentrations between both groups. Median values for cholesterol (75 mg per dl), phospholipids (0.79 mmole per liter), triglycerides (75 mg per dl) and protein (3.8 gm per dl)were higher in malignant ascites compared to ascitic fluid concentrations of cholesterol (20 mg per dl), phospholipids (0.33 mmole per liter), triglycerides (51 mg per dl) and protein (1.9 gm per dl) in patients withcirrhosis. The best discrimination values were 48 mg per dl for cholesterol, 0.6 mmole per liter for phospholipids, 65 mg per dl for triglycerides and 2.5 gm per dl for protein. Application of these cutoff points to 38 subsequent patients (17 cirrhotic, 1 with cardiac failure and 20 with malignancy) revealed an efficiency of 86.8% for cholesterol, 86.8% for phospholipids, 68.4% for triglycerides and 79.0% for protein. From the data of all 92 patients, an efficiency of 92.3% forcholesterol, 79.4% for phospholipids, 72.8% for triglycerides and 79.4% for protein was calculated.
We conclude that ascitic fluid cholesterol determination offers an excellent, cost-effective discrimination of ascites due to cirrhosis vs. ascites caused by malignancies
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Deposition of Antimicrobial Copper-Rich Coatings on Polymers by Atmospheric Pressure Jet Plasmas
Inanimate surfaces serve as a permanent reservoir for infectious microorganisms, which is a growing problem in areas in everyday life. Coating of surfaces with inorganic antimicrobials, such as copper, can contribute to reduce the adherence and growth of microorganisms. The use of a DC operated air plasma jet for the deposition of copper thin films on acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) substrates is reported. ABS is a widespread material used in consumer applications, including hospitals. The influence of gas flow rate and input current on thin film characteristics and its bactericidal effect have been studied. Results from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and atomic force microscopy confirmed the presence of thin copper layers on plasma-exposed ABS and the formation of copper particles with a size in the range from 20 to 100 nm, respectively. The bactericidal properties of the copper-coated surfaces were tested against Staphylococcus aureus. A reduction in growth by 93% compared with the attachment of bacteria on untreated samples was observed for coverage of the surface with 7 at. % copper
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