1,811 research outputs found


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    [EN] As a playwright and theatre director in Weimar, Goethe became interested in theatre architecture. He proved it in his architectural drawings. He channeled his ideas through theatre type described by Vitruvius and its modern time adaptation by Palladio in his Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza. All this was reflected in several sketches and the project developed together with architect Coudray after the fire in Weimar theatre in 1825[ES] Goethe, como dramaturgo y director del teatro de Weimar, se interesó por la arquitectura teatral, tal como quedó reflejado en sus dibujos arquitectónicos. El tipo de teatro descrito por Vitruvio, y su adaptación a la época moderna propuesta por Palladio en su teatro Olímpico de Vicenza, fueron los cauces por donde canalizó sus ideas. Todo esto quedó plasmado en varios esbozos dibujados y en el proyecto elaborado junto con el arquitecto Coudray tras el incendio del teatro de Weimar en 1825Rubio Garrido, A.; Calduch Cervera, J. (2016). Goethe y la arquitectura teatral. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 21(28):44-51. doi:10.4995/ega.2016.6299SWORD44512128Ewald, R., 1999. Goethes Architektur. Des Poeten Theorie und Praxis. Weimar: Ullerich Verlag.Femmel, G. (ed.), [1958] 1972. Corpus der Goethezeichnungen (10 vols.). Leipzig: Veb. E. A. Seemann, Buch und Kunstverlag.Goethe, J. W., 2004. Briefe, Tagebücher, Gespräche. Berlín: Digitale Bibliothek.Polacco, L., 1965. La posizione di Andrea Palladio di fronte all'Antichità. Bolletino del Centro Internazionale di Studi Andrea Palladio, nº VII, pp. 59-76

    Mutational analysis of the major soybean UreF paralogue involved in urease activation

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    The soybean genome duplicated ∼14 and 45 million years ago and has many paralogous genes, including those in urease activation (emplacement of Ni and CO2 in the active site). Activation requires the UreD and UreF proteins, each encoded by two paralogues. UreG, a third essential activation protein, is encoded by the single-copy Eu3, and eu3 mutants lack activity of both urease isozymes. eu2 has the same urease-negative phenotype, consistent with Eu2 being a single-copy gene, possibly encoding a Ni carrier. Unexpectedly, two eu2 alleles co-segregated with missense mutations in the chromosome 2 UreF paralogue (Ch02UreF), suggesting lack of expression/function of Ch14UreF. However, Ch02UreF and Ch14UreF transcripts accumulate at the same level. Further, it had been shown that expression of the Ch14UreF ORF complemented a fungal ureF mutant. A third, nonsense (Q2*) allelic mutant, eu2-c, exhibited 5- to 10-fold more residual urease activity than missense eu2-a or eu2-b, though eu2-c should lack all Ch02UreF protein. It is hypothesized that low-level activation by Ch14UreF is ‘spoiled’ by the altered missense Ch02UreF proteins (‘epistatic dominant-negative’). In agreement with active ‘spoiling’ by eu2-b-encoded Ch02UreF (G31D), eu2-b/eu2-c heterozygotes had less than half the urease activity of eu2-c/eu2-c siblings. Ch02UreF (G31D) could spoil activation by Chr14UreF because of higher affinity for the activation complex, or because Ch02UreF (G31D) is more abundant than Ch14UreF. Here, the latter is favoured, consistent with a reported in-frame AUG in the 5' leader of Chr14UreF transcript. Translational inhibition could represent a form of ‘functional divergence’ of duplicated genes

    Viscoelastic repetitive creep and recovery in bituminous materials

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    Abstract Repetitive creep and recovery tests in bituminous materials- asphalt and asphalt paving mix are studied at high service temperatures. The non-exponential- stretched exponential type of continuous retardation spectrum is defined and used for the calculation of creep compliance function in repetitive shear and tensile creep and recovery experiments and also in the wheel tracking test on asphalt paving mix. It is shown that the used model, with only five adjustable parameters, can describe the test quite well. The model is also adequate for the description of the composite compliance function constructed from the linear viscoelastic data and the apparently nonlinear compliance function obtained in the wheel tracking test, for asphalt paving mix

    Effect of Nanoadditives on Bitumen Aging Resistance: A Critical Review

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    Starting from the eighties, the use of nanoadditives registered an increasing attention in the scientific and patent literature, especially for the case of polymeric nanocomposites. In the last decade, this involved bituminous materials, modified either with nanosized fillers or with polymeric nanocomposites. One of the expected benefits is an increased resistance of the binder to aging. After a short introduction underlining the uncertainties and risks of artefacts in aging tests, a review is given, focusing on the antiaging properties of layered silicates, which are by far the most important nanoadditives for bitumens. Together with layered silicates, other materials such as nanohydrated lime, nanosilica, and layered double hydroxides are mentioned. Preparation and characterization of the binary bitumen/layered silicate and ternary bitumen/layered silicate/polymer systems are described in order to individuate the aspects that influence the antiaging effect. Even if the available literature is quite abundant and unanimously confirms that nanoadditives may improve bitumen durability, there is a lack of studies clarifying the involved mechanisms. As it is for conventional fillers, it seems to be a combination of physical and chemical interactions. Nanoadditives with different chemistries, porosities, and interlayer spacings differently absorb the polar components from the bitumen, thus affecting their predisposition to oxidative aging

    Tiranni, eroi e burocrati

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    Since the 19th century, the literary representations of school have been founded on two different perspective: school has been portrayed either as a tyrannical, oppressive institution, or as a means of personal and social redemption and growth. The same alternative applies also to the representation of the teacher, and of her/his relationship with the students: either a merciless war, or a splendid opportunity of mutual enrichment. This dialectic is outlined through a series of exemplary literary works, from Edmondo De Amicis’s Romanzo di un maestro to Sandro Onofri’s Registro di classe.La rappresentazione della scuola fin dall’Ottocento è avvenuta all’insegna di due prospettive divergenti: la scuola è vista da una parte come istituzione totalitaria e repressiva, dall’altra come strumento di liberazione e di crescita individuale e sociale. Parallelamente, cambia la raffigurazione dei professori e del rapporto tra alunni e professori: spietata guerra senza quartiere o straordinaria possibilità di reciproco arricchimento. Tale dialettica è seguita su alcuni testi campione, dal Romanzo di un maestro di Edmondo De Amicis a Registro di classe di Sandro Onofri

    Survival benefit della resezione epatica nel colangiocarcinoma intraepatico avanzato: un'analisi dei dati del SEER (Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results)

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    Background: Liver resection (LR) is the cornerstone in the treatment of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma (I-CCA). However, it is a controversial solution for advanced lesions not only due to surgical technical aspects but also its survival benefit remains questionable. Aim of the work: The aim of this study is to verify the survival benefits of LR in advanced stages of I-CCA based on the 7th and 8th editions of American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Staging System, and to identify prognostic factors that directly influence patients’ survival after LR. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was performed using the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database to identify stage III and IV a of I-CCA patients based on the 7thedition of AJCC (American Joint Committee on Cancer) staging system. 315 patients were enrolled in this study, during the period 2010-2013 and classified into 2 groups; group A includes 154 patients who underwent LR and group B includes 161 patients who did not have LR but received chemotherapy. The selected population has been classified according to the AJCC 8th edition as well. 233 patients out of 315 were enrolled and classified into group A with LR and Group B with CTH. To account for missing data, two sets of analyses were performed for both 7th and 8th editions module; the 1st includes complete cases (CC) data-set and the 2nd is multiple imputation (MI). The patients in group A and B were matched and propensity score (PS) analysis performed for both 7th and 8th editions in both CC and MI data-set. A Cox proportional hazards model were developed using relevant clinic-pathologic variables to determine the prognostic factors. Results: In CC/ AJCC 7th edition data set with PS analysis the median survival was 35 months (12.5–57.4) 95% CI, and 1, 2, and 3 years survival rates were 64.3%, 51.1%, and 40.8%. In matched group B, the median survival was 14 months, (9.1–18.8) 95% CI and the 1, 2, and 3years survival rates were 51.6%, 16.4%, and 5.5% for matched group B patients (p=0.007). In CC/AJCC 8th edition with PS analysis the median survival for group A was 17 months (8.1–25.8) 95% CI and 1, 2, and 3 years survival rates were 57.8%, 43.4% and 32.6%. In group B, The median survival was 12 months (8.7–15.2) 95% CI and the 1, 2, and 3 years survival rates were 46.6%, 7.4%, and 3.7% for matched group B patients (p=0.013). In CC/AJCC 7th edition data-set, poor prognosis has been shown in patients above 65 years old (HR 1.804, 95% CI 1.139 – 2.858, P .012), in multifocal lesion (HR 1.588, 95% CI 0.950- 2.654, P = 0.077) and positive lymph node (HR 1.885, 95% CI 1.012 – 3.513, P = 0.046). After PS analysis in CC/AJCC 7th edition data set poor prognosis has been noticed in patients above 65 years old (HR 2.618, 95% CI 1.501 – 4.569, P = 0.001), Multifocal lesion (HR 1.890, 95% CI 1.083 – 3.298, P = 0.025) and positive lymph node (HR 1.188, 95% CI 0. 0.680 – 2.075, P = 0.546). A survival benefit of liver resection over chemotherapy was confirmed in both data-set (data-set CC AJCC 7^ ed. before PS: HR 0.505 CI 95% 0.313 – 0.814; P = 0.005; after PS: HR 0.567 CI 95% 0.347 – 0.926 P = 0.023). Conclusion: LR has showed a significant survival benefit over chemotherapy for I-CCA stage III and IV a of the AJCC 7th edition and some survival benefit also in stage III b of 8th edition. Poor outcome has been observed in patients >65 years and with multifocal lesions and lymph node metastasis before the performing of PS analysis. A prospective RCT is needed for better understanding predictors of survival and to establish evidence based algorithmic approach in IC management

    Kublai Kan, i mondi possibili e le menzogne del racconto

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    In Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino questions the status of literary fiction, between truth, falsehood and possible worlds. Having faced the impasse of a mimetic vision of literature, and of a manichean distinction between ‘true’ and ‘false’ fictions, Marco Polo avoids the risk of annihilation by creating a Heterocosm, in which the oppositions real/unreal and true/false can be completely disarmed. The dialogue between Marco and Kublai Kan keeps coming back to the same questions: what is the relationship between cities existing on maps, cities created through a narrative, and narrated cities which pretend to reproduce real cities? And what is the whole point in describing cities, be them visible or invisible? Considering literary universes as fictional objects (grounded in alternative realities which are self-sufficient and yet variously connected to real places and objects, historical people and events) does not imply denying their truth value and their cognitive function in relation to our world, the one in which we live and act, or which is our immediate past or possible future. As people keep inventing and telling fiction, we must ackowledge their value for our lives in the real world

    «E quell’infame sorrise». A proposito di somari scolastici e della loro rappresentazione

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    The article questions the representation of lazy students at school in literature, with a special focus on Edmondo De Amicis Cuore (1886), Paola Mastrocola's Togliamo il disturbo (2011), Pennac's Chagrin d’école (2007) and Eraldo Affinati's Elogio del ripetente (2013).Il somaro per eccellenza – cioè quella fascia più o meno estesa di alunni refrattari al dialogo educativo – diventa la cartina di tornasole da cui partire per interrogarsi sul valore e la legittimità dell’insegnamento e della scuola oggi. All’interno dell’enorme mole di produzione saggistica e narrativa centrata sulla scuola, in cui spesso è molto difficile identificare un genere di appartenenza e stabilire il confine tra autobiografia, fiction e riflessione critica, si indaga il corto circuito tra il Franti di Cuore, il nonstudiante Di Paola Mastrocola (Togliamo il disturbo, 2011), il somaro di (Chagrin d’école, 2007) Daniel Pennac e il ripetente di Eraldo Affinati (Elogio del ripetente, 2013)

    Nitrate reducing commensal bacterium stimulates germination through nitric oxide production-a hypothesis [abstract]

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    Abstract only availableThe pink-pigmented (PPFM) commensal bacterium bacterium, Methylobacterium extorquens AM1, stimulates germination of soybean and other plants. I am testing the hypothesis that germination is stimulated by bacterial-produced nitric oxide (NO). A potential source of NO is nitrate reductase (NR) action on nitrite. Our goal was to identify NR gene(s), disrupt it(them) and examine germination stimulation of the mutants. Two nitrate reductase (NR) sequences were identified in the M. extorquens genome. Primers were designed and used to amplify both full-length and internal fragments of each NR gene. The internal fragments were cloned into a suicide vector (pAYC61) which encodes PPFM-expressed resistance gene to tetracycline (tetR). Tri-parental mating was then used to introduce pAYC61, carrying the internal NR sequences, into the PPFM strain, and tet-resistant PPFM colonies were selected. Methanol was used as the sole carbon source, thus selecting against the E. coli partners in the mating. A screen was devised to test among the tet-resistant progeny "exconjugates" for those with homologous integration of the internal NR sequence integrated into the respective host PPFM NR gene. Such integration will create two non-functional incomplete copies of the host NR gene. The screen will be based on PCR whereby primers will match vector sequence with NR sequence that is NOT part of the internal fragment. Once each NR gene is confirmed to be interrupted, the mutants will be tested for their ability to reduce nitrate to an utilizable nitrogen source. Germination stimulation and seedling root development will be examined by imbibing seed with progenitor and NR- PPFMs. The experiment will confirm or refute our observations of increased germination and lateral root formation in plants with PPFMs. Further, it will indicate whether such effects are due to nitric oxide produced by bacterial NR action on nitrate. Controls will be bacterium grown with without nitrate and seedlings grown with external NO sources and with an NO trap.MU Monsanto Undergraduate Research Fellowshi

    Claudio Gigante - Dirk Vanden Berghe (eds.), Il romanzo del Risorgimento

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    Review of the book Il romanzo del Risorgimento, edited by Claudio Gigante and Dirk Vanden Berghe.A  lungo il dibattito storiografico sul Risorgimento è stato dominato dalla contrapposizione tra la retorica patriottica (la celebrazione della nascita della patria, il culto dei martiri e degli eroi risorgimentali) e la denuncia dei limiti e delle inadempienze del processo di unificazione (la critica del Risorgimento come rivoluzione mancata, il riconoscimento della sostanziale immobilità delle strutture di potere, la questione meridionale). Parallelamente, in campo specificamente letterario il filone d’indagine più praticato è stato quello relativo alla narrativa ‘antirisorgimentale’ – sulla scia della celebre definizione di ‘romanzo antistorico’ coniata da Spinazzola a proposito di tre testi fondamentali nella rappresentazione del periodo storico in questione (e cioè I Vicerè, I vecchi e i giovani e Il gattopardo)