97 research outputs found

    El concepto de identidad social urbana: una aproximación entre la psicología social y la psicología ambiental

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    En el presente trabajo se enfatiza el papel de los entornos fisicos en la génesis, desarrollo y mantenimiento de la identidad social de grupos y comunidades. A través del concepto de identidad social urbana se contempla el entorno como una categoria social con un significado socialmente elaborado y compartido que puede servir de base para la definicion de grupos sociales. Tomando como marco global de referencia las teorias de la identidad social, del interaccionismo simbdlico y del construccionismo social, el concepto de identidad social urbana integra aportaciones propias de la psicologia ambiental que toman en consideración los aspectos simbdlicos y sociales del espacio

    Segon registre d’Acila (Truncacila) castagni (Mollusca: Bivalvia)

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    Es fa el segon registre de l’espècie Acila (Truncacila) castagni Forner, 2012, ampliant la distribució geogràfica al municipi de Puebla de Arenoso (l’Alt Millars), dins la mateixa conca sedimentària del Maestrat. Es figura i descriu la xarnera, completant la descripció original i la diagnosi.This is the second recorded finding of the Acila (Truncacila) castagni (Forner, 2012), expanding the geographical distribution to the municipality of Puebla de Arenoso (l’Alt Millars, NE Spain), in the same sedimentary Maestrat Basin. The hinge is drawn and described, completing the original description and the diagnosis

    La apropiación del espacio: una propuesta teórica para comprender la vinculación entre las personas y los lugares

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    The links between people and places have been explained from several points of view in social science literature. Place-attachment, place-identity, social urban identity, and symbolic urban space are some of the main concepts used to describe the interaction between people and their environments. A dialectical approach to the appropriation of space may be able to address some of these concepts in a more comprehensive way. Besides its impact within the scientific community, the approach is useful in applied questions such as the social construction of public space, civic responsibility, citizenship, and economic, social, and environmental sustainability, and contributes theoretical and empirical elements for fairer and more effective methods of social interaction in accordance with new social demands

    The displaced construction of people-place bonds: a theoretical review

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    La psicología ambiental, desde una de sus distintas vertientes, se ha dedicado al estudio de los vínculos significativos que las personas establecen con los lugares. Estos trabajos se han centrado fundamentalmente en la relación con escenarios sociofísicos fijos y materialmente disponibles para la persona (casa, barrio, ciudad). Sin embargo, las actuales posibilidades de movilidad, desplazamiento y minimización de las distancias que caracterizan a la sociedad contemporánea originan situaciones particulares que desafían esta concepción estática y material de los lazos persona-lugar. En el presente artículo se realiza una revisión teórica de aquellas investigaciones que pueden contribuir a la exploración de los procesos de creación de vínculos persona-lugar en condiciones de desplazamiento o deslocalización. Los estudios en torno a mecanismos de generalización cognitiva, lazos simbólicos y construcciones lingüístico-discursivas ofrecen argumentos útiles para ello, e invitan a reflexionar en torno al rol contemporáneo del lugar en los procesos de subjetivación. Palabras clave: psicología ambiental, desplazamiento, lugar, apropiación, apegoOne of the issues that environmental psychology has explored is the study of the meaningful bonds that people have with places. Previous studies have focused mainly on the relationship with socio-physical settings, both fixed and materially available for the person (dwelling, neighbourhood, city). However, the current possibilities of mobility, displacement and minimization of distances defining contemporary so cieties underpin particular situations that challenge this static and material conception of people-place bonds. This paper presents a theoretical overview of the approaches within the discipline that can contribute to the exploration of people-place bonding processes under conditions of displacement or dislocation. Studies concerned with cognitive generalization devices, symbolic ties and linguistic-discursive constructions appear to be useful approaches, and invite us to reflect on the contemporary role of place in the processes of the constitution of subjectivity. Key words: environmental psychology, displacement, place, appropriation, attachment

    La construcción desplazada de los vinculos persona-lugar: una revisión teórica

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    One of the issues that environmental psychology has explored is the study of the meaningful bonds that people have with places. Previous studies have focused mainly on the relationship with socio-physical settings, both fixed and materially available for the person (dwelling, neighbourhood, city). However, the current possibilities of mobility, displacement and minimization of distances defining contemporary so cieties underpin particular situations that challenge this static and material conception of people-place bonds. This paper presents a theoretical overview of the approaches within the discipline that can contribute to the exploration of people-place bonding processes under conditions of displacement or dislocation. Studies concerned with cognitive generalization devices, symbolic ties and linguistic-discursive constructions appear to be useful approaches, and invite us to reflect on the contemporary role of place in the processes of the constitution of subjectivity. Key words: environmental psychology, displacement, place, appropriation, attachment

    ¿Disrupción en la educación para la sostenibilidad?

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    El presente artículo plantea y confirma la sospecha de que existe una “disrupción” en la educación ambiental y la conducta ecológica responsable. Los niños conocen perfectamente cuáles son las conductas y valores considerados ambientalmente “correctos”, sin embargo, en la adolescencia se produce un descenso estadísticamente significativo, que se recupera en la muestra universitaria, pero sin alcanzar las puntuaciones de los niños. Ello tiene más que ver con características propias de la adolescencia y el contexto social, que con la Educación Ambiental. Se aplicó un cuestionario ad hoc, a una muestra de 2037 personas entre 9 años y 35 años. Cabe destacar, sin embargo, que también las puntuaciones bajas de los adolescentes son notablemente elevadas en el rango de la escala utilizada.

    A. Duarte Gomes & Revista Psychologica: Construindo a Psicologia do Trabalho, das Organizações e dos Recursos Humanos em Portugal

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the set of contributions of A. Duarte Gomes to the journal Psychologica. Specifically, his co-authors, the impact of his publications on other researchers, and the topics that have been the subject of his interest are analyzed. The search resulted in a total of 17 articles, published between 1991 and 2016, signed by him and in co-authorship. In this journal, A. Duarte Gomes reaches the highest levels of visibility in 2005, with a total of five articles of various kinds. The largest number of publications co-authored in Psychologica was with Leonor Pais and Teresa Rebelo, with five collaborations, and with Carla Carvalho, with four. Focusing on the topics covered in the different articles, it can be observed that A. Duarte Gomes’ scientific interest has focused on the organizational level of analysis, with the most relevant topic being that of organizational culture. The total number of citations received by the analyzed papers is 123, which means 7.2 citations per paper. Four of the articles have been cited in five articles published in JCR/SJR journals. The results have allowed us to empirically verify the role of A. Duarte Gomes building the work and organizational, and personnel psychology in Portugal.O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o conjunto de contribuições de A. Duarte Gomes para a revista Psychologica. Especificamente, os seus co-autores, o impacto das suas publicações noutros investigadores e os tópicos que têm sido alvo do seu interesse. A pesquisa resultou num total de 17 artigos, publicados entre 1991 e 2016, assinados por ele e em co-autoria. Nesta revista, A. Duarte Gomes atinge os mais altos níveis de visibilidade em 2005, com um total de cinco artigos de vários tipos. O maior número de publicações em co-autoria na Psychologica foi com Leonor Pais e Teresa Rebelo, com cinco colaborações, e com Carla Carvalho, com quatro. Centrando-nos nos tópicos abordados nos diferentes artigos, observa-se que os interesses de investigação de A. Duarte Gomes se centraram no nível organizacional de análise, sendo o tema mais relevante o da cultura organizacional. O número total de citações recebidas pelos artigos analisados ​​é 123, o que significa 7,2 citações por artigo. Quatro dos artigos foram citados em cinco artigos publicados em revistas JCR/SJR. Os resultados permitiram verificar empiricamente o papel de A. Duarte Gomes na construção da Psicologia do trabalho, das Organizações e dos recursos humanos em Portugal

    Giant and reversible inverse barocaloric effects near room temperature in ferromagnetic MnCoGeB0.03

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    Hydrostatic pressure represents an inexpensive and practical method of driving caloric effects in brittle magnetocaloric materials, which display first-order magnetostructural phase transitions whose large latent heats are traditionally accessed using applied magnetic fields. Here, moderate changes of hydrostatic pressure are used to drive giant and reversible inverse barocaloric effects near room temperature in the notoriously brittle magnetocaloric material MnCoGeB0.03. The barocaloric effects compare favorably with those observed in barocaloric materials that are magnetic. The inevitable fragmentation provides a large surface for heat exchange with pressure-transmitting media, permitting good access to barocaloric effects in cooling devices.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft