67 research outputs found

    Kampanye Sosial “Drive Smart” Bagi Pengemudi Mobil Pemula dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Keselamatan Berlalulintas

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    Maraknya kasus kecelakaan lalulintas yang menimpa remaja di Indonesia menjadi topik yang cukup memprihatinkan. Menyetir mobil dipandang sebagai suatu kebutuhan gaya hidup, dan para pengemudi pemula tersebut memang tidak terbiasa untuk menaati peraturan berlalulintas. Sudah banyak lembaga dan institusi sosial yang secara khusus mengkampanyekan keselamatan berlalulintas, namun cara penyampaian yang serupa, hanya sekedar memperingatkan dan melarang membuat kampanye-kampanye serupa dipandang sebelah mata, sebagai suatu formalitas sosial belaka. Untuk itu, sebuah kampanye dengan eksekusi berbeda yang memanfaatkan media-media baru diyakini dapat mengubah perilaku menyetir para pengemudi pemula, yaitu remaja usia 15-20 tahun; menjadi generasi yang memiliki kedisiplinan dan memilki keterampilan mengemudi yang baik, dimulai sejak mereka belum memperoleh SIM (Surat Izin Mengemudi). Dengan bekal itulah diharapkan tingkat kecelakaan lalulintas yang menimpa remaja akan menurun dan menjadi bibit-bibit pengemudi berkualitas di masa depan

    Hubungan Aktivitas Enzim Kolinesterase dengan Kejadian Anemia Pada Petani Terpapar Pestisida di Desa Linggasari Kecamatan Kembaran Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Latar Belakang – Kejadian keracunan pestisida dan anemia yang masih tergolong tinggi di Indonesia menjadi salah satu kekhawatiran di bidang kesehatan. Enzim kolinesterase dalam darah merupakan salah satu biomarker yang dapat digunakan untuk menilai kejadian keracunan pestisida. Sifat menghambat kolinesterase yang dimiliki pestisida mampu menyebabkan timbulnya stres oksidatif yang berpotensi mengakibatkan terjadinya hemolisis yang berujung pada penurunan nilai hemoglobin. Tujuan – Mengetahui hubungan aktivitas enzim kolinesterase dengan kejadian anemia pada petani terpapar pestisida di Desa Linggasari Kecamatan Kembaran Kabupaten Banyumas Metode – Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Data penelitian terdiri dari data primer berupa karakteristik responden yang diperoleh melalui wawancara dan data sekunder meliputi enzim kolinesterase dan hemoglobin. Responden pada penelitian ini diambil dengan metode consecutive sampling sebanyak 30 responden yang telah memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi penelitian ini. Data penelitian dianalisis menggunakan uji alternatif Fisher’s exact test. Hasil – Dari 30 responden, terdapat 2 responden dengan aktivitas enzim kolinesterase diatas nilai rujukan dan terdapat 4 responden mengalami anemia. Responden yang mengalami anemia memiliki nilai aktivitas enzim kolinesterase dalam rentang normal. Hasil Fisher’s exact test diperoleh p-value=1.000 yang berarti tidak terdapat hubungan signifikan antara aktivitas enzim kolinesterase dengan kejadian anemia Kesimpulan – Tidak terdapat hubungan antara aktivitas enzim kolinesterase dengan kejadian anemia pada petani terpapar pestisida di Desa Linggasari Kecamatan Kembaran Kabupaten Banyumas

    Salmonella Enteritidis infection in young broiler chickens from breeding farm: A case report

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    old from a breeding farm not far from Bogor. Samples were examined pathologic anatomically (PA) and bacteriologically to isolate the causative agents . The sensitivity of the main causative agents isolated from the samples was tested with some drugs, while its pathogenicity was tested in 3 days old chickens intramuscularly, subcutaneously, intraperitoneally and orally, three chickens per inoculations . Exudative and caseous omphalitis, pericarditis, hepatitis, sirsacculitis, and coxofemoral and knee joints were observed in PA examinations, while on bacteriological examination the main cusative agent, ie. Salmonella Enteritidis was isolated successfully . Drug sensitivity test showed that the pathogen was sensitive to chloramphenicol, baytril, gentamisin, and sulphametoxazole-trimethoprim, and resistant to erythromycin, colistin, streptomycin and kanamycin . On the other hand, pathogenicity test of the isolate showed that all but two chickens which were inoculated orally, were died 24 hours post-inoculation . It was concluded that young broiler chickens of the farm were infected by Salmonella Enteritidis.   Keywords : Salmonella Enteritidis infection, broiler chickens, breeding far

    Pengaruh Persepsi Peserta Didik tentang PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge) Pendidik Fisika yang Menerapkan Kurikulum 2013 terhadap Prestasi Belajar di MAN 1 KUDUS

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    This research is motivated by the habits of the students in addition to paying attention to the material presented also paying attention to how the educator teaches, the teaching method is combined with the learning style of the students, the result of the combination is the perception of the learning done by educators. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of students' perceptions of PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge) educators who applied the 2013 curriculum on learning achievement in MAN 1 Kudus. Data collection used questionnaire method and documentation, initial analysis by validating the content instrument, and reliability test of Alpha Cronbach. Hypothesis test using simple regression analysis. The results showed the influence between students' perceptions of PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge) Physics Educators who applied the curriculum 2013 with learning achievements in MAN 1 Kudus very small, this was indicated by the correlation coefficient r of 0.0467, the coefficient of determination was 0, 00218 and tcount of 0.251 smaller than ttable of 2.045 (0.251 < 2.045) at the 5% significance level with N = 31 and the simple regression model formed is Y = 59.81 + 0.05

    The Knowledge Level of Primary Care Physicians in Surabaya Primary Health Care Center Concering Hepatitis B

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    Background: One of physician's functions at primary health care center (PHC) is the ability to diagnose some diseases especially that contribute to high morbidity and mortality. Until now, hepatitis B virus infection has become a major health problem worldwide. The aim of this study was to identify the knowledge level of primary care physicians concerning hepatitis B in Surabaya. Method: The present study was a cross-sectional study that performed by investigators through interviews with primary care physicians in Surabaya to fill questionnaires for measuring their knowledge level. The questionnaires were modified from questionnaire survey in Tur Key performed by Peksen et al. It reflected the level of knowledge of the physicians including their comprehension, application and analysis. Validity and reliability test were performed on the Result of those questionnaires. The knowledge level was categorized as follows: &gt; 75 (excellent), 70.0–74.9 (very high), 65.0–69.9 (high), 60.0–64.9 (medium), 55.0–59.9 (moderate), 47.5–54.9 (nearly moderate), 40.0-47.4 (less moderate), &lt; 40 (low). Results: Based on validity test, we obtained 14 items of 17 question items with correlation coefficient 0.287–0.561 and alpha reliability index 0.639; therefore, the instrument can be used to measure the knowledge level. The results of mean score conversion included comprehension, which was 84.878 ± 16.499 (excellent category); application, which was 47.556 ± 31.870 (nearly moderate category) and analysis, which was 14.634 ± 35.562 (low category). Statistically, the mean value of the knowledge level scale, which was the combination of comprehension, application and analysis, was obtained at 49.023 ± 19.085 including the nearly moderate category. Conclusion: By using a valid and reliable instrument, the knowledge level of primary care physician in Surabaya concerning hepatitis B can be categorized as nearly moderate

    A formal framework to prove the correctness of model driven engineering composition operators

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    International audienceCurrent trends in system engineering combine modeling, composition and verification technologies in order to harness their ever growing complexity. Each composition operator dedicated to a different modeling concern should be proven to be property preserving at assembly time. These proofs are usually burdensome with repetitive aspects. Our work targets the factorisation of these aspects relying on primitive generic composition operators used to express more sophisticated language specific ones. These operators are defined for languages expressed with OMG MOF metamodeling technologies. The proof are done with the Coq proof assistant relying on the Coq4MDE framework defined previously. These basic operators, Union and Substitution, are illustrated using the MOF Package Merge as composition operator and the preservation of model conformance as verified property

    Response Evaluation of Patients Undergoing Transarterial Chemoembolization (TACE) for Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Respect to Tumour Size, Number of Lesion, and Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Level

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    Background: Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) is widely used as a palliative treatment for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). TACE is also used as bridging therapy before liver transplantation to avoid tumour progression and considered for downstaging to fulfill tumour resection or liver transplantation criterias. This study aimed to evaluate response of TACE in unresectable HCC according to changing of tumour size, number of lesion, and AFP level.Method: Retrospectively, we evaluate 69 HCC patients who underwent TACE in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital in January 2012-June 2015, including their age, sex, aetiologies, and Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer/BCLC staging. Laboratory examinations such as complete blood count (hemoglobin/Hb, leucocyte, thrombocyte), liver function test (aspartate aminotransferase/AST, alanine aminotransferase/ALT, bilirubin, albumin, international normalized ratio/INR), alpha-fetoprotein/AFP level, and abdominal CT-scan were performed before and 1 month post-TACE. Data was analysed using paired t-test.Results: 69 patients with mean age of 51.81 ± 12.8 years old, predominantly 76.8% males, the most common aetiology was hepatitis B 68.1%, 92.8% BCLC B, 64.3% with stable disease, none achieved complete response, 97.1% had tumour size > 5 cm, 69.6% had single tumour, and 55.7% had AFP level >1000 ng/mL. There was a significant increase in tumour size and number of lesions in 1 month post-TACE that were approximately 1.76 cm and 2.33, respectively, and there was no significant difference between AFP level before and 1 month post TACE.Conclusion: In 1 month post TACE evaluation, there was a significant increase of tumour size and number of lesion, but there was no significant alteration in AFP level. TACE might be performed repeatedly with shorter evaluation interval than 1 month to achieve better response
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