8 research outputs found

    A conceptual connectivity framework for understanding geomorphic change in human-impacted fluvial systems

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    Human-induced landscape change is difficult to predict due to the complexity inherent in both geomorphic and social systems as well as due to the coupling relationships between them. To better understand system complexity and system response to changing inputs, “connectivity thinking” has become an important recent paradigm within various disciplines including ecology, hydrology and geomorphology. With the presented conceptual connectivity framework on geomorphic change in human-impacted fluvial systems a cautionary note is flagged regarding the need (i) to include and to systematically conceptualise the role of different types of human agency in altering connectivity relationships in geomorphic systems and (ii) to integrate notions of human-environment interactions to connectivity concepts in geomorphology to better explain causes and trajectories of landscape change. Geomorphic response of fluvial systems to human disturbance is shown to be determined by system-specific boundary conditions (incl. system history, related legacy effects and lag times), vegetation dynamics and human-induced functional relationships (i.e. feedback mechanisms) between the different spatial dimensions of connectivity. It is further demonstrated how changes in social systems can trigger a process-response feedback loop between social and geomorphic systems that further governs the trajectory of landscape change in coupled human-geomorphic systems

    Surface water dynamics in the North American Prairie Pothole Region from Sentinel-1 dual-pol SAR time series spanning 2015 to 2018

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    The Prairie Pothole Region represents an important factor of water storage and retention in the North American Great Plains. Prairie potholes typically are topographically isolated from each other but may become ephemerally connected by merging of surface water extent or when precipitation or snow melt cause them to fill and spill into neighbouring potholes. Connectivity relationships between wetlands greatly impact their storage and retention functions during flood events. Precise knowledge of surface water extent, therefore, plays a crucial role in determining temporally variable areas contributing to river runoff. Data from remote sensing systems can be used to regularly derive surface water maps over large areas at a relatively small effort, provided that image analysis is fully automatic. Synthetic aperture radars (SAR) have a high sensitivity to the occurrence of open water bodies and partly inundated vegetation. Moreover, they have the ability to collect imagery independent of weather conditions and time of day. Since 2015, the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission has been acquiring data at a high spatial resolution and at a temporal interval of ca. 7 days over the study area located in North Dakota, USA. A fully automatic water extent retrieval processing chain taking advantage of the dual-pol capabilities of the sensor was developed for monitoring the strong inter- and intra-annual dynamics of surface water extent and partly inundated vegetation. The processing chain applies a Bayesian approach to merge SAR-based water extents with information on topography derived from a high-resolution digital terrain model in order to minimise overestimation due to bare areas and wet snow. The derived extents were validated against reference data based on multi-spectral high-resolution aerial imagery and satellite data from the PlanetScope constellation. Connectivity between pothole catchments was analysed with the help of topographical analysis. Obtained surface water dynamics and connectivity relationships between pothole catchments are interpreted in the context of discharge and precipitation data. Results show that, on average throughout the observation period 2015-2018, open water extent varied between ca. 164 km2 in May and 140 km2 in October

    Monitoring of Inundation Dynamics in the North-American Prairie Pothole Region Using Sentinel-1 Time Series

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    Monitoring of wetland inundation dynamics is important for flood management and the characterisation of hydrological connectivity. SAR-based inundation extent monitoring in wetlands is often challenging due to different factors, such as waves, vegetation cover and wet snow. The presented study targets the mapping of inundation dynamics in the Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) of North Dakota, USA. A 3-year water extent time series was derived from Sentinel-1 SAR data by first delineating permanent water bodies using a clustering approach. In a second step, water body dynamics were mapped using region growing and automatic thresholding. Results suggest that there is considerable potential for mapping surface water dynamics in late spring, summer and autumn, whereas confusion with wet snow may take place in early spring

    Combining soil erosion modeling with connectivity analyses to assess lateral fine sediment input into agricultural streams

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    Soil erosion causes severe on- and off-site effects, including loss of organic matter, reductions in soil depth, sedimentation of reservoirs, eutrophication of water bodies, and clogging and smothering of spawning habitats. The involved sediment source-mobilization-delivery process is complex in space and time, depending on a multiplicity of factors that determine lateral sediment connectivity in catchment systems. Shortcomings of soil erosion models and connectivity approaches call for methodical improvement when it comes to assess lateral sediment connectivity in agricultural catchments. This study aims to (i) apply and evaluate different approaches, i.e., Index of Connectivity (IC), the Geospatial Interface forWater Erosion Prediction Project (GeoWEPP) soil erosion model, field mapping and (ii) test a connectivity-adapted version of GeoWEPP (i.e., "GeoWEPP-C") in the context of detecting hot-spots for soil erosion and lateral fine sediment entry points to the drainage network in a medium-sized (138 km2) agricultural catchment in Austria, further discussing their applicability in sediment management in agricultural catchments. The results revealed that (a) GeoWEPP is able to detect sub-catchments with high amount of soil erosion/sediment yield that represent manageable units in the context of soil erosion research and catchment management; (b) the combination of GeoWEPP modeling and field-based connectivity mapping is suitable for the delineation of lateral (i.e., field to stream) fine sediment connectivity hotspots; (c) the IC is a useful tool for a rapid Geographic Information System (GIS)-based assessment of structural connectivity. However, the IC showed significant limitations for agricultural catchments and functional aspects of connectivity; (d) the process-based GeoWEPP-C model can be seen as a methodical improvement when it comes to the assessment of lateral sediment connectivity in agricultural catchments.</p

    Connectivity as an emergent property of geomorphic systems

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    Connectivity describes the efficiency of material transfer between geomorphic system components such as hillslopes and rivers or longitudinal segments within a river network. Representations of geomorphic systems as networks should recognize that the compartments, links, and nodes exhibit connectivity at differing scales. The historical underpinnings of connectivity in geomorphology involve management of geomorphic systems and observations linking surface processes to landform dynamics. Current work in geomorphic connectivity emphasizes hydrological, sediment, or landscape connectivity. Signatures of connectivity can be detected using diverse indicators that vary from contemporary processes to stratigraphic records or a spatial metric such as sediment yield that encompasses geomorphic processes operating over diverse time and space scales. One approach to measuring connectivity is to determine the fundamental temporal and spatial scales for the phenomenon of interest and to make measurements at a sufficiently large multiple of the fundamental scales to capture reliably a representative sample. Another approach seeks to characterize how connectivity varies with scale, by applying the same metric over a wide range of scales or using statistical measures that characterize the frequency distributions of connectivity across scales. Identifying and measuring connectivity is useful in basic and applied geomorphic research and we explore the implications of connectivity for river management. Common themes and ideas that merit further research include; increased understanding of the importance of capturing landscape heterogeneity and connectivity patterns; the potential to use graph and network theory metrics in analyzing connectivity; the need to understand which metrics best represent the physical system and its connectivity pathways, and to apply these metrics to the validation of numerical models; and the need to recognize the importance of low levels of connectivity in some situations. We emphasize the value in evaluating boundaries between components of geomorphic systems as transition zones and examining the fluxes across them to understand landscape functioning

    Combining Soil Erosion Modeling with Connectivity Analyses to Assess Lateral Fine Sediment Input into Agricultural Streams

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    Soil erosion causes severe on- and off-site effects, including loss of organic matter, reductions in soil depth, sedimentation of reservoirs, eutrophication of water bodies, and clogging and smothering of spawning habitats. The involved sediment source-mobilization-delivery process is complex in space and time, depending on a multiplicity of factors that determine lateral sediment connectivity in catchment systems. Shortcomings of soil erosion models and connectivity approaches call for methodical improvement when it comes to assess lateral sediment connectivity in agricultural catchments. This study aims to (i) apply and evaluate different approaches, i.e., Index of Connectivity (IC), the Geospatial Interface for Water Erosion Prediction Project (GeoWEPP) soil erosion model, field mapping and (ii) test a connectivity-adapted version of GeoWEPP (i.e., “GeoWEPP-C”) in the context of detecting hot-spots for soil erosion and lateral fine sediment entry points to the drainage network in a medium-sized (138 km2) agricultural catchment in Austria, further discussing their applicability in sediment management in agricultural catchments. The results revealed that (a) GeoWEPP is able to detect sub-catchments with high amount of soil erosion/sediment yield that represent manageable units in the context of soil erosion research and catchment management; (b) the combination of GeoWEPP modeling and field-based connectivity mapping is suitable for the delineation of lateral (i.e., field to stream) fine sediment connectivity hotspots; (c) the IC is a useful tool for a rapid Geographic Information System (GIS)-based assessment of structural connectivity. However, the IC showed significant limitations for agricultural catchments and functional aspects of connectivity; (d) the process-based GeoWEPP-C model can be seen as a methodical improvement when it comes to the assessment of lateral sediment connectivity in agricultural catchments.© 2019 by the author