38 research outputs found

    Theoretical and methodological aspects of analysing the foreign economic activity of enterprises

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    It is important for enterprises to determine exactly the current reserves for the development of export activities and, based on them, make adequate and objective management decisions regarding the further implementation of foreign economic activity. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to develop a comprehensive methodology for analysing foreign economic activity based on the determination of factors of the external and internal environment of the enterprise functioning, which affect the analysis of foreign economic activity, as well as the study of the process of implementing a comprehensive methodology for analysing foreign economic activity of the enterprise, based on the consistent implementation of stages: the stage of information and analytical support, the analytical and calculation stage, and the management stage – analytical processing of calculations and the formulation of reasonable conclusions. The study used the following methods: dialectical, analysis and synthesis, comparison, theoretical generalisation, and tabular method. The process of implementing a comprehensive methodology for analysing the foreign economic activity of the enterprise is considered, which provides an opportunity to obtain complete and objective information on the state of implementation of the foreign economic activity of the enterprise, the development and implementation of the foreign economic strategy. Recommended indicators of a comprehensive methodology for analysing the company's foreign economic activity are proposed, which are grouped into four main categories: indicators of export growth and growth rates, relative export indicators, efficiency indicators, and structure indicators. The generalised theoretical provisions obtained in the course of the study can be used in the activities of enterprises to analyse foreign economic activit

    Circular Models of Business Development Management: Problems and Prospects in Ukraine

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    The purpose of the article is to study circular models of business development management, in particular, problems and prospects in Ukraine. Based on a research of scientific papers of domestic and foreign scholars, the essence of the circular economy and business model was defined. The article analyzes the basic principles of the closed-circle economy of 3R (reduction, reuse, processing) and the principles of its functioning, presents the detailed analysis of 5 basic circular business models (goods as a service; circular supply chain; the processing of resources; prolongation of the life cycle (LC) of goods; design without waste) and provides a graphic interaction of them. In addition, the main aspects of their functioning are substantiated, which include three levels: level of doing business and costs, market value, and ecosystem level. Examples of enterprises operating on the EU territory and effectively implementing the presented business models in their activity thus proving the effectiveness and practicality of their implementation by domestic enterprises are given. Also, the main problems and risks during the implementation of circular management models such as ecological, social, and economic are determined. In order to neutralize and minimize the impact of identified problems and risks on the activities of economic entities, measures are proposed to ensure a smooth transition of domestic enterprises from a linear to a circular economy. It is found that due to the introduction of business models in the stages of production, companies manage to save a significant part of resources, increase their income and even create additional jobs. It should be noted that the article presents a small part of examples on the realization and use of business models of a closed cycle; therefore the prospects for further research can be outlined in the direction of studying other examples of their application and developing effective measures to simulate the transition to a circular economy at the State level

    Development of a new mechano-chemical model in boundary lubrication

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    A newly developed tribochemical model based on thermodynamics of interfaces and kinetics of tribochemical reactions is implemented in a contact mechanics simulation and the results are validated against experimental results. The model considers both mechanical and thermal activation of tribochemical reactions instead of former thermal activation theories. The model considers tribofilm removal and is able to capture the tribofilm behaviour during the experiment. The aim of this work is to implement tribochemistry into deterministic modelling of boundary lubrication and study the effect of tribofilms in reducing friction or wear. A new contact mechanics model considering normal and tangential forces in boundary lubrication is developed for two real rough steel surfaces. The model is developed for real tribological systems and is flexible to different laboratory experiments. Tribochemistry (e.g. tribofilm formation and removal) and also mechanical properties are considered in this model. The amount of wear is calculated using a modified Archard’s wear equation accounting for local tribofilm thickness and its mechanical properties. This model can be used for monitoring the tribofilm growth on rough surfaces and also the real time surface roughness as well as changes in the λ ratio. This model enables the observation of in-situ tribofilm thickness and surface coverage and helps in better understanding the real mechanisms of wear

    Current issues of security management during martial law

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    The authors of the book have come to the conclusion that toensuring the country’s security in the conditions of military aggression, it is necessary to use the mechanisms of protection of territories and population, support of economic entities, international legal levers of influence on the aggressor country. Basic research focuses on assessment the resource potential of enterprises during martial law, the analysis of migration flows in the middle of the country and abroad, the volume of food exports, marketing and logistics system. The research results have been implemented in the different decision-making models during martial law, information and economic security management, formation of personnel potential and assets of enterprises, food, energy and environmental security management, use of budgetary levers and financial instruments. The results of the study can be used in the developing of directions, programs and strategies for the post-war recovery of Ukraine’s economy and the attraction of foreign investments in the regions, decision-making at the level of ministries and agencies that regulate security management processes. The results can also be used by students and young scientists in the educational process and conducting scientific research on the problems of ensuring the country’s security

    Theoretical Principles of Human Capital Investment in Informational Society

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    Under conditions of information society development more and more attention is paid to the human capital conception research and its investments efficiency determination, because a high level of individual capabilities, which were created in the process of investing, provides a worker competitiveness, flexibility and realization in economic activity, stimulates subsequent development and self-perfection under conditions of the information society formation. The development of the “human capital” concept, basic approaches to its determination and modern development features in domestic and foreign scientists’ research works are researched in the article. The process of a human capital formation is analyzed, general and excellent lines with contiguous concepts are selected. The concept of investments in human capital is explored, investment mechanism of human capital development under condition of information society transition is analyzed in the article. Possible consequences of such investments for main investment process participants are analyzed. It was found out that investments must be done on the early stages of human potential formation on the basis of education, medical providing, humanitarian and cultural development, and as a result there is a formation of highquality components, which provide the higher level of competitiveness and mobility at the labour market. The existent classification of investment subjects was extended, and added to them participants of market infrastructure, to which were included the financial and credit institutes, non-state pension fund, insurance companies, venture funds, accumulation funds, recruiting agencies

    Theoretical aspects of human capital formation through human potential migration redistribution and investment process

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    Our research is devoted to the investigation of theoretical aspects of human capital formation through human potential migration redistribution and investment process. This topic was chosen because in the modern conditions human potential development becomes one of basic factors of the competitiveness and economic growing of countries. Migration redistribution becomes an effective mean of indemnification of human potential losses, gives additional possibilities to its development financing, quantitative increase and additional innovative changes in the context of information society and knowledge-based economy development. The detailed analysis of the human potential development and implementation on the global labor market, the emergence of the migration cycle, and process of human potential transformation to capital that is able to provide the socio-economic and individual effects receiving was conducted in the article. Results of this study have theoretical and practical significance. They can be used as a basis for further scientific studies in this field and can be used by state institution in the direction of strategic management of human resources through the human potential migration redistribution and investment process that implies expansion of investment instruments, market infrastructure subjects development all this may provide the reception of material or status effects as a result of human potential capitalization in the labour market

    Innovative development and human capital as determinants of knowledge economy

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    The development of a knowledge economy is a key priority for innovative progress and for ensuring the country’s competitiveness through the efficient use of intellectual resources and human capital. Our paper is focused on a necessity to find out the influence of human capital in providing innovative development and the formation of knowledge economy, to develop measures for its formation, accumulation, preservation, reproduction in order to increase national competitiveness at the world market. The foundation of the knowledge economy is productive knowledge and quality education that contribute to the intellectual capital embodiment into productive activities. A detailed analysis of the current state and problems of the education and science spheres has been carried out, international ratings have been analyzed and the place of Ukraine in them is determined in the article. An estimation of financial losses of the economy in connection with the outflow of students to study abroad is hold in the article. By using the trend modeling method we propose to estimate the effect of the predicted values of the components of innovation activity on the Global Innovation Index. Results show that Ukraine position in the Global Innovation Index rating will strengthen, which can testify, about the redistribution of financing of the innovation sphere in favor of private institutions and investors. The transition to a knowledge economy involves an understanding of the decisive influence of science, the latest technologies, innovations in the global economy, and enables the resource-oriented countries to leave this status and become a countries of high-tech and high skilled development, based on the transformation of knowledge into a source of value and the driving force of economic progress

    Experimental analysis and wear modeling for mechanical components of a typical rail launcher

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    One of the most important design considerations for rocket launchers is its maintainability and one of the most important parameter which affects the maintainability is wear in launchers. Therefore, for predicting the life-time of a launcher, wear should be investigated beside other parameters such as fatigue etc. In this study, experimental and modeling of dry sliding wear in some mechanical parts of a typical rail launcher, used in helicopters, were made. Firstly, measurements about the material loss, which is generated during firing of missiles, were made on launcher components which have interfaces with missile. Then, these results were used to simulate the wear phenomenon by using a commercial finite element program, ANSYS. By the help of finite element model, crack initiation period depending on wear is tried to be evaluated without making additional firing tests


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    In the conditions of the information economy development and the transition to the sixth technological order, innovative changes are occurred in the social organization of society, a network society is formed, and innovative knowledge and technologies are the key to progressive development. Innovations become a factor of economic development and ensure the transition from one technological order to another. At the same time, great importance in the development of scientific, technical and innovative activity belongs to the state, which is a key institution that forms the rules of the game on the basis of the development of regulatory legal support and funding of the science, stimulating the development of innovative entrepreneurship, creating the appropriate socio-economic conditions for highly qualified prospective scientific staff. Under such conditions, it becomes relevant to study the current state of scientific, technical and innovative activity of Ukraine based on the study of international rankings and analysis of domestic information sources, as well as analysis of existing forecasts of the evolution of the number of researchers. It is found out that there are negative tendencies of science development in Ukraine, which are caused by significant reduction of science funding, decline of prestige of scientific work in society, significant volumes of emigration of perspective highly qualified scientists due to insufficient material stimulation, physical and moral deterioration of the scientific and technical base, the lack of strategy of innovative development, the lack of support and understanding by the government, imperfect legal regulation. The modern legal and regulatory base for scientific, technical and innovative activity is investigated, which includes a number of legislative, regulatory and departmental documents, concepts and programs. It is found out that the development of science and innovation depends on the state scientific and technical policy, as well as on measures in the field of entrepreneurship support, especially the creation of favorable conditions for the development of innovative entrepreneurship.В условиях развития информационной экономики и перехода к шестому технологическому укладу происходят инновационные изменения в социальной организации общества, формируется сетевое общество, а залогом прогрессивного развития выступают инновационные знания и технологии. Инновации являются фактором экономического развития, и именно они обеспечивают переход от одного технологического уклада к другому. В то же время большое значение в развитии научно-технической и инновационной деятельности принадлежит государству, которое выступает ключевым институтом, формирует правила игры на основе развития нормативно-правового обеспечения и финансирования сферы науки, стимулирования развития инновационного предпринимательства, создания надлежащих социально-экономических условий для высококвалифицированных перспективных научных кадров.В таких условиях актуальность приобретает исследование современного состояния научно-технической и инновационной деятельности в Украине на основе исследования международных рейтингов и анализа отечественных информационных источников, а также анализа существующих прогнозов эволюции численности исследователей. Установлено, что в Украине наблюдаются негативные тенденции развития науки, вызваные значительным сокращение финансирования науки, падением престижности научного труда в обществе, значительными объемами эмиграции перспективных высококвалифицированных ученых вследствие недостаточного материального стимулирования, физическим и моральным износом научно-технической базы, отсутствием стратегии инновационного развития, поддержки и понимания со стороны правительства, несовершенством нормативно-правового регулирования.Исследовано современную нормативно-правовую базу по научно-технической и инновационной деятельности, включая ряд законодательных, нормативно-правовых и ведомственных документов, концепций и программ. Установлено, что развитие науки и инноваций зависит от государственной научно-технической политики, а также от мер в сфере поддержки предпринимательства, особенно создание благоприятных условий для развития инновационного предпринимательства.В умовах розвитку інформаційної економіки та переходу до шостого технологічного укладу відбуваються інноваційні зміни в соціальній організації суспільства, формується мережеве суспільство, а запорукою прогресивного розвитку виступають інноваційні знання та технології. Інновації є чинником економічного розвитку і саме вони забезпечують перехід від одного технологічного укладу до іншого. Водночас велике значення в розвитку науково-технічної та інноваційної діяльності належить державі, що виступає ключовим інститутом, який формує правила гри на основі розвитку нормативно-правового забезпечення та фінансування сфери науки, стимулювання розвитку інноваційного підприємництва, створення належних соціально-економічних умов для висококваліфікованих перспективних наукових кадрів. За таких умов актуальності набуває дослідження сучасного стану науково-технічної та інноваційної діяльності в Україні на основі дослідження міжнародних рейтингів та аналізу вітчизняних інформаційних джерел, а також аналізу наявних прогнозів еволюції чисельності дослідників. Установлено, що в Україні спостерігаються негативні тенденції розвитку науки, що спричинені значним скорочення фінансування науки, падінням престижності наукової праці в суспільстві, значними обсягами еміграції перспективних висококваліфікованих науковців унаслідок недостатнього матеріального стимулювання, фізичним і моральним зношенням науково-технічної бази, відсутністю стратегії інноваційного розвитку, підтримки та розуміння з боку уряду, недосконалістю нормативно-правового регулювання. Досліджено сучасну нормативно-правову базу щодо науково-технічної та інноваційної діяльності, яка включає низку законодавчих, нормативно-правових і відомчих документів, концепцій і програм. Установлено, що розвиток науки та інновацій залежить від державної науково-технічної політики, а також від заходів у сфері підтримки підприємництва, особливо створення сприятливих умов для розвитку інноваційного підприємництва