7 research outputs found

    Жінки-журналістки у полтавській дореволюційній пресі

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    У статті проаналізовано роль жінок у становленні та розвитку преси м. Полтава у дореволюційний період. Окреслено коло співробітниць, редакторок та видавців, охарактеризовано основні напрямки їх діяльності. (In this article the author points out the value of women in the development and evolution of Poltava`s press. Also this research tell us about women-editors and journalists, analyzed the approaches of their publications.

    Prospect of microwave negasensors application for ecological monitoring abstract

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    The principles of operation of new microwave sensors on circuits with negative resistance based - negasensors has been presented. Several negasensors’ circuits with capacitive and inductive resistance have been described. Patents protect all presented circuits of negasensors. It was shown that negative active resistance could be used for sensitivity increasing as well as negative inductance and capacitance. Negasensors have high sensitivity, noise immunity and could be manufactured as a single chip without wireless signal transfer. It is necessary to notice that negasensor’s sensitivity increases along with the frequency. Prospects of negasensors application at distributed multipoint-measuring systems for ecological monitoring and remote measurements are described. Negasensors could be also applied for microwave optic transformation of signals in telecommunicational networks