306 research outputs found

    Radio Resource Management for Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications in 5G

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    On the Cost of Achieving Downlink Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications in 5G Networks

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    Joint Link Adaptation and Scheduling for 5G Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications

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    La mineralización de Baritina de Purroy (Zaragoza, España)

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    The barite mineralization of Purroy (Zaragoza) is located in the Ordovician slates and sandstones, in the Structural Zone of Morata, the northern part of Unidad de Herrera (Eastern Iberian Chain). It is mainly composed of barite, quartz, goethite and hematite; fluorite and pirite with quartz and some Co-ore alteration minerals have also been recognized nearby. Although there is some filling-cavities barite, it occurs mainly in  NllOE veins, with an evident structural control; they present features of  contemporaneous mechanical deformation, related to prealpine distensive events. Barite occurs in a wide variety of aspects, very likely depending on the deposit conditions, and they bring out that at least some veins were filled in several stages, related with deformation events. Sr analysis in a cm scale shows an increase of Sr-content during the course of deposition; in a vein scale this pattern is alterated by mecanic deformations, disolutions and reprecipitations, related with a polyphasic deposit process. Analysis of trace elements suggest a geochemical influence of the environment on the formation of the barite deposit. Fe, Co & Mn are the most characteristic trace elements in this barite mineralization, and their patterns are partialy linked to barite precipitation conditions

    Preemptive Scheduling of Latency Critical Traffic and its Impact on Mobile Broadband Performance

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    Textos sobre los artículos y estudios “Guadalajara, la gran ciudad de la pequeña industria” de Patricia Arias; “Mercado de trabajo rural en México. La mercancía humana” de Enrique Astorga Lira; “Dirección y organización del trabajo en México: la visión trasnacional” de José de la Cerda Gastelum; “El obrero mexicano” de Pablo González Casanova, y “El impacto de las intervenciones de desarrollo organizacional” de John M. Nicholas.ITESO, A.C

    Agile 5G Scheduler for Improved E2E Performance and Flexibility for Different Network Implementations

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    In this article, we present a holistic overview of the agile multi-user scheduling functionality in 5G. An E2E perspective is given, including the enhanced QoS architecture that comes with 5G, and the large number of scheduling relatedoptions from the new access stratum sub-layer, MAC, and PHY layer. A survey of the 5G design agreements from the recently concluded 5G Study in 3GPP is presented, and it is explained how to best utilize all these new degrees of freedom to arrive at an agile scheduling design that offers superior E2E performance for a variety of services with highly diverse QoS requirements.Enhancements to ensure efficient implementation of the 5G scheduler for different Network architectures are outlined. Finally, state-of-the-art system level performance results are presented, showing the ability to efficiently multiplex services with highly diverse QoS requirements.In this article, we present a holistic overview of the agile multi-user scheduling functionality in 5G. An E2E perspective is given, including the enhanced QoS architecture that comes with 5G, and the large number of scheduling related options from the new access stratum sub-layer, MAC, and PHY layer. A survey of the 5G design agreements from the recently concluded 5G Study in 3GPP is presented, and it is explained how to best utilize all these new degrees of freedom to arrive at an agile scheduling design that offers superior E2E performance for a variety of services with highly diverse QoS requirements. Enhancements to ensure efficient implementation of the 5G scheduler for different network architectures are outlined. Finally, state-of-the-art system level performance results are presented, showing the ability to efficiently multiplex services with highly diverse QoS requirements

    Petrology of the Maladeta granitoids ln the Tahüll-Lago Negro sector (Lérida)

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    [Resumen] El Macizo plutónico de La Maladeta (Huesca-Lérida) corresponde, en su sector central (Tahül1-lago Negro), a un plutón circunscrito, cuyo carácter polifásico, está representado por los cuatro pulsos siguientes: a) los Cuarzo-Gabros, ubicados en su extremo sur, b) las Granodioritas que, con contenidos variables en anfíbol y biotita, comprenden, en conjunto, el volumen dominante y el pulso más representativo, c) las tonalitas con alto contenido en biotita y, por último, d) los sienogranitos (de dos micas) situados en su zona más central. La composición modal y, en especial, el análisis químico de las fases minerales principales (piroxeno, anfíbol, plagioclasa, biotita, moscovita y feldespato) corroboran una evolución magmática gradual, desde las composiciones más indiferenciadas (Cuarzo-Gabros) hasta las más tardías (Sienogranitos). Se observa una buena correspondencia entre la evolución petrologica (a nivel espacia!) y la de composición mineral, obtenidas por nosotros, con la secuencia de edades radiométicas (Rb/ Sr y U/Pb) determinadas por MICHARD-VITRAC, A. el al, (1980). Esta zonación tiene, a su vez, una muy buena correspondencia con las pautas de evolución geoquímica (elementos mayores y trazas) obtenidas en estudios preliminares (ARRANZ, E., 1991; ARRANZ, E. el al., 1991 a, by c).[Abstract] The Maladeta plutonic Massif (Huesca-Lérida) corresponds, in its central area (Tahül1-Lago Negro), to a circumscribed pluton wich, with multiepisodic character, is represented by the fol1owing four pulses: a) the Quartz-Gabbros, located in its southern extreme brim, b) the Granodiorites that, with variable amount in amphibole and biotite, consist, as a whole, the dominant volume and the most representative pulse, c) the biotite-rich Tonalites and, lastly, d) the syenogranites (with two micas), located in its centermost point. The modal composition and, special1y, the chemical analysis in main mineral phases (pyroxene, amphibole, plagioclase, biotite, muscovite, and feldspar), confirm a gradual magmatic evolution, from' a more indifferentiate composition (Quartz-Gabbross) to the latest (Syenogranites). There exists a good correspondence between the petrological and mineralogical composition, obtained by us, with the sequence of radiometric dates (Rb/Sr and U/Pb) analysed by MICHARD-VITRAC el al., (1980). The petrological zonation has, in turn, a very good correspondence with the pattern of magmatic evolution (major and trace elements) obtained in preliminary studies (ARRANZ, E., 1991; ARRANZ, E. el al., 1991 a, b y c)