617 research outputs found

    Broadband Use by Rural Small Businesses

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    Community/Rural/Urban Development,

    Phraseologismen in deutschen und polnischen Pressetexten, dargestellt aus pragmalinguistischer Perspektive

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    The aim of this article is to present selected aspects of using some various idioms in texts of Polish and German press. Within the theoretical framework the following aspects are discussed: the constitutive features of idioms, their potential to build some texts, as well as appearing in particular texts. The analysis of press texts in both languages showed that idioms are a common link of expression and their adaptation and implementation are varied. Besides using canonical forms there are numerous idiom innovations involving the reduction, substitution and expansion in idiom components and breaking the phraseological structure, which results that they become a constitutive element of the text. What is important, all manipulations including actualization of form and meaning of the phraseological units are used for the purpose of text. They are not seen as a special use of lexical units but as typical treatments used in press, both in Polish and German. The article also discusses the features of idioms in press text

    In the Best Interests of Whom?: An Analysis of Judicial Bias in Custody Disputes Involving Transgender Children

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    Anti-transgender discrimination and bias loom large in many areas of our society, but perhaps one of the most concerning settings is within the four walls of a courtroom. Evidence suggests that judicial decision making in custody determinations involving transgender children are influenced by anti-transgender bias. In this Note, I examine the current best practice for treating transgender children, the affirmative model, and explore the legal landscape of custody cases involving parents who disagree on how to treat their transgender child. I then suggest a model of comprehensive judicial education reform to help eliminate antitransgender bias from family courts in the United States

    Phraseologismen in deutschen und polnischen Pressetexten, dargestellt aus pragmalinguistischer Perspektive

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    The aim of this article is to present selected aspects of using some various idioms in texts of Polish and German press. Within the theoretical framework the following aspects are discussed: the constitutive features of idioms, their potential to build some texts, as well as appearing in particular texts. The analysis of press texts in both languages showed that idioms are a common link of expression and their adaptation and implementation are varied. Besides using canonical forms there are numerous idiom innovations involving the reduction, substitution and expansion in idiom components and breaking the phraseological structure, which results that they become a constitutive element of the text. What is important, all manipulations including actualization of form and meaning of the phraseological units are used for the purpose of text. They are not seen as a special use of lexical units but as typical treatments used in press, both in Polish and German. The article also discusses the features of idioms in press text

    Sustainable water resources management in high mountains in the Baltic Sea Region

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    Dementia in the context of disability

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    Patients and caregivers often associate dementia with devastation and a loss of productive contribution to society. People with dementia are often depicted as confused individuals struggling through embarrassing episodes, followed by a loss of independence. The burden and devastation of the diagnosis on the families of people with dementia is exacerbated by their assumption of the role of caregiver with inadequate preparation or training. Disability scholars, in contrast, offer physical and occupational therapists a nontragic view of disability that recognizes the importance of countering the stigma and discrimination that too often accompany dementia. This case example of a woman diagnosed with dementia provides insight into the negative impact of these tragic, dependent views of dementia throughout and following the diagnosis process. Viewing her experiences through the lens of disability scholarship can increase awareness and improve the quality of care on the part of both therapists and family caregivers

    Springs in South-Central Poland : changes and threats

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    Springs are an attractive and dynamic element of natural environment, as well as an important part of cultural landscape. Numerous studies have been undertaken in the Krakowsko-Wielunska and Miechowska Uplands for over 40 years. As many as 246 springs were mapped in the 1970’s and investigations have continued to the present. These have considered the type of spring, discharges, chemical composition of water, and spring surroundings including the species composition of habitats. The long period of observations has revealed changes of spring properties due to natural and anthropogenic factors. Only 38% of investigated springs maintained their natural character. The majority were completely devastated and overwhelmed. Waste was found in more than 20 springs. Also a decrease in spring discharge of about 10-30% compared to the 1970’s and 1990’s was noticed. But there was no clear common tendency of improvement or degradation of water quality in the whole area. However the problem of spring water pollution still persists mostly due to agriculture activity and long distance air pollution transport. Interdisciplinary research and collaboration of scientists with local authorities seems to be the only way to solve the problem of spring water quality and adequate management of their surroundings. Results of the studies have provided knowledge and a basis for concrete management application

    Możliwości tłumaczenia innowacji w stałych związkach frazeologicznych

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    The translation of idioms is, unquestionably, a problematic issue both for translators and interpreters. In academic writing the extent to which idioms may be translated is frequently described as relative, or even untranslatable. However, it may be stated that it is not true for it is not the language that is translated, but texts and extracts in the language in question. The purpose of every translation is to create a relative equivalent of an idiom in the target language. Phraseological innovations are the result of the author’s creativity which goes well beyond the idiomatic standard. They are also created when an idiom’s stability is violated. Taking into consideration the nature of modifications idioms undergo, three phraseological innovations, i.e. substitution, reduction, as well as expansion can be distinguished. Without a doubt, the translation of idioms is a problematic and comprehensive process of searching for the right equivalent in the target language as far as a text is concerned. The complexity of the issue does not only result from linguistic or extralinguistic reasons, but also from the fact that idioms are used in their modified forms. According to an analysis of the idioms’ forms, it might be noted that when translating idiomatic expressions three relations between phraseological innovations and their translations exist, i.e., complete formal equivalence (48%), partial formal equivalence (35%), and, fi nally, non-equivalence (17%).Artykuł traktuje o tłumaczeniu innowacji frazeologicznych. Autor odrzuca tezę o nieprzekładalności stałych związków frazeologicznych. W pierwszej części artykułu autor definiuje i klasyfikuje innowacje frazeologiczne jako jednostki powstałe na potrzeby tekstu. Równocześnie przedstawia i analizuje techniki innowacyjne jak również możliwości tłumaczenia. Na przykładach autor pokazuje stopień ekwiwalencji tłumaczeń innowacji stałych związków frazeologicznych. W niniejszych badaniach językiem wyjściowym jest język niemiecki, a językiem docelowym – język polski