273 research outputs found

    Virtual Archaeology as an Integrated Preservation Method

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    [EN] This paper focuses on virtual archaeology as a scientific activity, that complies with the London Charter, as a sustainable activity, that complies with the UNESCO Charter on the Preservation of Digital Heritage, and as an integration activity to structure and preserve all related information.[ES] Este documento se centra en la arqueología virtual como una actividad científica, que cumple con la Carta de Londres y con la Carta de la UNESCO sobre la preservación del Patrimonio Digital, como una actividad sostenible, y como una actividad de integración para estructurar y preservar toda la información relacionada.Pletinckx, D. (2011). Virtual Archaeology as an Integrated Preservation Method. Virtual Archaeology Review. 2(4):33-37. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2011.4545OJS333724ARC3D webservice (http://www.ARC3D.be/ )BEACHAM Richard, DENARD Hugh and NICCOLUCCI Francesco (2006), "An Introduction to The London Charter" (http://www.londoncharter.org/introduction.html )EUROPEANA (http://dev.europeana.eu/ )FORTE, Maurizio, ed. (2007), "La Villa di Livia, un percorso di ricerca di archeologia virtuale", l'Erma di Bretschneider, ISBN 8882654613.LONDON CHARTER (http://www.londoncharter.org/ )MESHLAB software (http://meshlab.sourceforge.net/ )NILSSON, David (2007), "The ARC 3D Webservice", EPOCH Knowhow book, available at http://www.her-it-age.net/ , ISBN 978-91-85960-05-7PLETINCKX, Daniel (2008), "An EPOCH Common Infrastructure Tool for Interpretation Management", EPOCH Technical Report, available at http://www.epoch.eu/ in the section Tools.PLETINCKX, Daniel (2007), "Interpretation Management, How to make sustainable visualisations of the past", EPOCH Knowhow book, available at http://www.her-it-age.net/SAVE project (http://www3.iath.virginia.edu/save/ )UNESCO Charter on the Preservation of Digital Heritage, http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0013/001331/133171e.pdf , p. 80-83All URLs have been verified on April 15, 2009

    Complete mesocolic excision does not increase short-term complications in laparoscopic left-sided colectomies : a comparative retrospective single-center study

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    Background: Since the implementation of total mesorectal excision (TME) in rectal cancer surgery, oncological outcomes improved dramatically. With the technique of complete mesocolic excision (CME) with central vascular ligation (CVL), the same surgical principles were introduced to the field of colon cancer surgery. Until now, current literature fails to invariably demonstrate its oncological superiority when compared to conventional surgery, and there are some concerns on increased morbidity. The aim of this study is to compare short-term outcomes after left-sided laparoscopic CME versus conventional surgery. Methods: In this retrospective analysis, data on all laparoscopic sigmoidal resections performed during a 3-year period (October 2015 to October 2018) at our institution were collected. A comparative analysis between the CME group-for sigmoid colon cancer-and the non-CME group-for benign disease-was performed. Results: One hundred sixty-three patients met the inclusion criteria and were included for analysis. Data on 66 CME resections were compared with 97 controls. Median age and operative risk were higher in the CME group. One leak was observed in the CME group (1/66) and 3 in the non-CME group (3/97), representing no significant difference. Regarding hospital stay, postoperative complications, surgical site infections, and intra-abdominal collections, no differences were observed. There was a slightly lower reoperation (1.5% versus 6.2%, p = 0.243) and readmission rate (4.5% versus 6.2%, p = 0.740) in the CME group during the first 30 postoperative days. Operation times were significantly longer in the CME group (210 versus 184 min, p < 0.001), and a trend towards longer pathological specimens in the CME group was noted (21 vs 19 cm, p = 0.059). Conclusions: CME does not increase short-term complications in laparoscopic left-sided colectomies. Significantly longer operation times were observed in the CME group

    Semicontinuous intra-abdominal pressure measurement using an intragastric Compliance catheter

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) measurements obtained from an intragastric Compliance catheter with the pressure measured directly in the abdominal cavity. DESIGN AND SETTING: Prospective cohort study in an operating room of the Ghent University Hospital PATIENTS: Seven patients undergoing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy. INTERVENTIONS: IAP was obtained from both an intragastric catheter and directly from the peritoneal cavity at 1-minute intervals in patients undergoing elective cholecystectomy and compared using Bland-Altman analysis. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: In 156 paired measurements obtained from 7 patients the mean difference between IAPgastric and IAPref was 0.12+/-0.70 mmHg (95% CI 0.01-0.23). CONCLUSIONS: IAP measured using an intragastric Compliance catheter reliably reflects the reference IAP in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy

    Etruscanning 3D project. The 3D reconstruction of the Regolini Galassi Tomb as a research tool and a new approach in storytelling

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    [EN] In the “Etruscanning3D” european project framework, the virtual reconstruction of the Regolini Galassi tomb, in Cerveteri, has been realized, in order to recontextualize its precious funerary goods, today preserved in the vatican Museums, in their ancient space, digitally represented in 3D. The reconstruction has been preceded by a huge work of data collection, reinterpretations, topographical acquisitions through a variety of techniques, digital restorations, in order to create a plausible simulation of how the tomb could appear when it was closed, at the half of the VII century BC. The final purpose of the VR application is communication inside museums, so the narrative approach and the metaphors of interactions played another key role.[ES] En el proyecto europeo “Etruscanning3D” basado en la reconstrucción virtual de la tumba Regolini Galassi, en Cerveteri, se ha realizado con el fin de volver a contextualizar sus valiosos bienes funerarios, hoy conservados en los Museos Vaticanos, en su espacio original representado digitalmente en 3D. La reconstrucción ha estado precedida por un enorme trabajo de recopilación de datos, reinterpretaciones, adquisiciones topográficas a través de una gran variedad de técnicas,restauraciones digitales, etc., con el objetivo de crear una simulación plausible sobre el aspecto que pudo presentar la tumba cuando se cerró, a mediados del siglo VII antes de Cristo. El objetivo final de la aplicación VR ha sido generar un sistema de comunicación utilizable en el interior de los museos, por lo que el enfoque narrativo y las metáforas de interacción han jugado un papel clave.Hupperetz, W.; Carlani, R.; Pletinckx, D.; Pietroni, E. (2012). Etruscanning 3D project. The 3D reconstruction of the Regolini Galassi Tomb as a research tool and a new approach in storytelling. Virtual Archaeology Review. 3(7):92-96. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2012.4395OJS929637ANTINUCCI, F. (2004): Comunicare il museo, Laterza, Roma.AA.VV. (2001): Principi Etruschi tra Mediterraneo ed Europa, catalogo mostra (Bologna 2000-2001), Venezia 2000.COLONNA, G. DI PAOLO, E. (1999): "Il letto vuoto, la distribuzione del corredo e la della Tomba Regolini Galassi", in Etrusca et Italica, scritti in memoria di Massimo Pallottino edited by Università La Sapienza, Dip. Di Scienze Storiche, Archelogiche ed Antropologiche dell'Antichità_sez. Di Etruscologia &CNR, Vol.I, Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, Pisa-Roma.FORTE, M. (2008): "La Villa di Livia, un percorso di ricerca di archeologia virtuale", ed. Erma di Bretschneider, RomaFORTE, M., PIETRONI, E., RUFA, C. (2002): "Musealisin the Virtual: The Virtual Reality Project of the Scrovegni Chapel of Padua", in VSMM 2002, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia-"Creative and Digital Culture". Gyeonggju, Korea, 25-27 September 200, pp. 43-52.HUPPERETZ ,W., PIETRONI, E., PLETINCKX, D., SANNIBALE, M. (2011): "The Regolini Galassi Tomb revisited. 3D reconstruction as a research instrument", in Etruscans, eminet women and powerful men, edited by Patricia S. Lulof, Iefke van Kampen, ed. W Books, pp. 172- 176.MELLET-D'HUART, D. (2006): "A Model of (En)Action to approach Embodiment: A Cornerstone for the Design of Virtual Environments for Learning", in WIN W. & HEDLEY N., Eds. Journal of Virtual reality, special issue on education. Springer London. Volume 10, Numbers 3-4 / December, 2006, pp. 253-269. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10055-006-0038-2PARETI, L. (1947): La Tomba Regolini - Galassi del Museo Gregoriano Etrusco e la civiltà dell'Italia centrale nel sec. VII a.C., Città del Vaticano 1947.SANNIBALE, M. (2008): "Gli ori della Tomba Regolini-Galassi: tra tecnologia e simbolo. Nuove proposte di lettura nel quadro del fenómeno Orientalizzante in Etruria", in MEFRA 120.2, pp. 337-367.SANNIBALE, M. (2008): "Iconografie e simboli orientali nelle corti dei principi etruschi", in Byrsa 7,1-2, pp. 85-123.SANNIBALE, M. (1995): "Osservazioni su alcuni argenti della tomba Regolini Galassi: tecniche antiche e interventi moderni", in E. Formigli (ed.), Preziosi in Orio, Avorio, Osso e Corno. Arte e tecniche degli artigiani etruschi, Atti del seminario di studi ed esperimenti (Murlo 1992), Siena, pp. 89-98.SANNIBALE, M., BURANELLI, F. (2003): "Vaticano. Museo Gregoriano Etrusco", Milano, pp. 35-214

    Role of Dendritic Cell Maturity/Costimulation for Generation, Homeostasis, and Suppressive Activity of Regulatory T Cells

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    Tolerogenicity of dendritic cells (DCs) has initially been attributed exclusively to immature/resting stages, while mature/activated DCs were considered strictly immunogenic. Later, all different subsets among the myeloid/conventional DCs and plasmacytoid DCs have been shown to bear tolerogenic potential, so that tolerogenicity could not be attributed to a specific subset. Immunosuppressive treatments of immature DC subsets could prevent re-programming into mature DCs or upregulated inhibitory surface markers or cytokines. Furthermore, the different T cell tolerance mechanisms anergy, deletion, immune deviation, and suppression require different quantities and qualities of costimulation by DCs. Since expansion of regulatory T cells (Tregs) has been shown to be promoted best by fully mature DCs the role of CD80/B7-1 and CD86/B7-2 as major costimulatory molecules for Treg biology is under debate. In this review, we discuss the role of these and other costimulatory molecules on myeloid DCs and their ligands CD28 and CD152/CTLA-4 on Tregs for peripheral conversion from naive CD4+ T cells into the major subsets of Foxp3+ Tregs and Foxp3− IL-10+ regulatory type-1 T cells (Tr1) or Tr1-like cells and their role for peripheral maintenance in the steady state and after activation