288 research outputs found

    Effects of Long-Term Variation in Temperature on Reproductive Phenology in a Population of Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis)

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    This study investigates the relationship between multiple temperature variables, to include annual and pre-lay date temperatures with first-egg and mean first-egg lay dates of the eastern bluebird at the Warner Parks in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Data is collected by citizen scientists for the Eastern Bluebird Nesting Box Project while visiting artificial nest boxes throughout the park and recording observations made during the breeding season. Temperature data is retrieved from the Northwest Alliance for Computational Science and Engineering’s Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM) Climate Group, based at Oregon State University. The analyses showed no correlation between annual or pre-lay date temperatures and first-egg and mean first-egg lay dates, despite observable trends. With the results of this study, I conclude that annual and pre-lay date temperatures do not advance first-egg or mean first-egg lay date in the eastern bluebird at this study site

    Dasatinib inhibits CXCR4 signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells and impairs migration towards CXCL12

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    Chemokines and their ligands play a critical role in enabling chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) cells access to protective microenvironmental niches within tissues, ultimately resulting in chemoresistance and relapse: disruption of these signaling pathways has become a novel therapeutic approach in CLL. The tyrosine kinase inhibitor dasatinib inhibits migration of several cell lines from solid-organ tumours, but effects on CLL cells have not been reported. We studied the effect of clinically achievable concentrations of dasatinib on signaling induced by the chemokine CXCL12 through its' receptor CXCR4, which is highly expressed on CLL cells. Dasatinib pre-treatment inhibited Akt and ERK phosphorylation in CLL cells upon stimulation with CXCL12. Dasatinib also significantly diminished the rapid increase in actin polymerisation observed in CLL cells following CXCL12 stimulation. Moreover, the drug significantly inhibited chemotaxis in a transwell assay, and reduced the percentage of cells able to migrate beneath a CXCL12-expressing murine stromal cell line. Dasatinib also abrogated the anti-apoptotic effect of prolonged CXCL12 stimulation on cultured CLL cells. These data suggest that dasatinib, akin to other small molecule kinase inhibitors targeting the B-cell receptor signaling pathway, may redistribute CLL cells from protective tissue niches to the peripheral blood, and support the investigation of dasatinib in combination strategies

    Antigens Varying in Affinity for the B Cell Receptor Induce Differential B Lymphocyte Responses

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    The B cell receptor (BCR) triggers a variety of biological responses that differ depending upon the properties of the antigen. A panel of M13 phage-displayed peptide ligands with varying affinity for the 3-83 antibody was generated to explore the role of antigen-BCR affinity in cell activation studies using primary 3-83 transgenic mouse B cells. Multiple parameters of activation were measured. T cell–independent B cell proliferation, antibody secretion, induction of germline immunoglobulin γ1 transcripts, and B cell production of interleukin (IL) 2 and interferon γ responses were better correlated with antigen-BCR affinity than with receptor occupancy. In contrast, other responses, such as upregulation of major histocompatibility complex class II and B7.2 (CD86), secretion of IL-6, and B cell proliferation in the context of CD40 signaling were only weakly dependent on antigen affinity. Biochemical analysis revealed that at saturating ligand concentrations the ability of phage to stimulate some early signaling responses, such as Ca++ mobilization and tyrosine phosphorylation of syk or Igα, was highly affinity dependent, whereas the ability to stimulate Lyn phosphorylation was less so. These data suggest that the BCR is capable of differential signaling. The possibility that differential BCR signaling by antigen determines whether an antibody response will be T independent or dependent is discussed

    Activation of the B cell receptor leads to increased membrane proximity of the Igα cytoplasmic domain.

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    Binding of antigen to the B cell receptor (BCR) induces conformational changes in BCR's cytoplasmic domains that are concomitant with phosphorylation of the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs). Recently, reversible folding of the CD3ε and ξ chain ITAMs into the plasma membrane has been suggested to regulate T cell receptor signaling. Here we show that the Igα and Igβ cytoplasmic domains of the BCR do not associate with plasma membrane in resting B cells. However, antigen binding and ITAM phosphorylation specifically increased membrane proximity of Igα, but not Igβ. Thus, BCR activation is accompanied by asymmetric conformational changes, possibly promoting the binding of Igα and Igβ to differently localized signaling complexes

    Manipulation of kinase signaling by bacterial pathogens

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    Bacterial pathogens use effector proteins to manipulate their hosts to propagate infection. These effectors divert host cell signaling pathways to the benefit of the pathogen and frequently target kinase signaling cascades. Notable pathways that are usurped include the nuclear factor κB (NF-κB), mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt, and p21-activated kinase (PAK) pathways. Analyzing the functions of pathogenic effectors and their intersection with host kinase pathways has provided interesting insights into both the mechanisms of virulence and eukaryotic signaling

    Development of a Quantitative Bead Capture Assay for Soluble IL-7 Receptor Alpha in Human Plasma

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    IL-7 is an essential cytokine in T-cell development and homeostasis. It binds to the IL-7R receptor, a complex of the IL-7Rα (CD127) and common γ (CD132) chains. There is significant interest in evaluating the expression of CD127 on human T-cells as it often decreased in medical conditions leading to lymphopenia. Previous reports showed the usefulness of CD127 as a prognostic marker in viral infections such as HIV, CMV, EBV and HCV. A soluble CD127 (sCD127) is released in plasma and may contribute to disease pathogenesis through its control on IL-7 activities. Measuring sCD127 is important to define its role and may complement existing markers used in lymphopenic disease management. We describe a new quantitative assay for the measurement of sCD127 in plasma and report sCD127 concentrations in healthy adults.We developed a quantitative bead-based sCD127 capture assay. Polyclonal CD127-specific antibodies were chosen for capture and a biotinylated monoclonal anti-CD127 antibody was selected for detection. The assay can detect native sCD127 and recombinant sCD127 which served as the calibrator. The analytical performance of the assay was characterized and the concentration and stability of plasma sCD127 in healthy adults was determined. The assay's range was 3.2–1000 ng/mL. The concentration of plasma sCD127 was 164±104 ng/mL with over a log variation between subjects. Individual sCD127 concentrations remained stable when measured serially during a period of up to one year.This is the first report on the quantification of plasma sCD127 in a population of healthy adults. Soluble CD127 plasma concentrations remained stable over time in a given individual and sCD127 immunoreactivity was resistant to repeated freeze-thaw cycles. This quantitative sCD127 assay is a valuable tool for defining the potential role of sCD127 in lymphopenic diseases

    Recruitment of phosphoinositide 3-kinase defines a positive contribution of tyrosine kinase signaling to E-cadherin function

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    Classical cadherin adhesion molecules can function as adhesion-activated cell-signaling receptors. One key target for cadherin signaling is the lipid kinase phosphoinositide (PI) 3-kinase, which is recruited to cell-cell contacts and activated by E-cadherin. In this study, we sought to identify upstream factors necessary for E-cadherin to activate PI 3-kinase signaling. We found that inhibition of tyrosine kinase signaling blocked recruitment of PI 3-kinase to E-cadherin contacts and abolished the ability of E-cadherin to activate PI 3-kinase signaling. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors further perturbed several parameters of cadherin function, including cell adhesion and the ability of cells to productively extend nascent cadherin-adhesive contacts. Notably, the functional effects of tyrosine kinase blockade were rescued by expression of a constitutively active form of PI 3-kinase that restores PI 3-kinase signaling. Finally, using dominant negative Src mutants and Src-null cells, we identified Src as one key upstream kinase in the E-cadherin/PI 3-kinase-signaling pathway. Taken together, our findings indicate that tyrosine kinase activity, notably Src signaling, can contribute positively to cadherin function by supporting E-cadherin signaling to PI 3-kinase

    Transmembrane signalling in eukaryotes: a comparison between higher and lower eukaryotes

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