165 research outputs found

    Impacto de los valores éticos y el trabajo en equipo en la efectividad de los proyectos de inversión en el sector de la Energía Eléctrica en Colombia

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    106 páginas : ilustraciones, gráficos.In recent decades our world view has been characterized by crisis in economic, social and environmental terms; a situation which requires the administrative structures to achieve their goals or objectives in this adverse environment and implement strategies that allow them to remain competitive and at the same time play a fundamental role in the development of the country. Chapter one begins with the approach of the problem, this in turn will recorded history by addressing the research questions, defining the general objective and specific to establish the limits and scope of the investigation and end up supporting the justification of this research. In chapter two, presents the framework that supports the theoretical characterization of the ethical values such as confidence, responsibility, respect and honesty, teamwork and effectiveness on the projects, which are the three variables of the present study research. In chapter three, discussed the main actors of the public management in the energy mining sector and the relationship they have with corruption, taking into account that this is the sector that focuses the present project, its history, the evolution of power and the projects that have been implemented.En las ultimas décadas nuestro panorama mundial se ha caracterizado par crisis en términos económicos, sociales y ambientales; situación que obliga a las estructuras administrativas a lograr sus metas u objetivos en este ambiente adverso e implementar estrategias que le permitan mantenerse competitivas y jugar a su vez un papel fundamental en el desarrollo del país. El capítulo uno comienza con el planteamiento del problema, este a su vez va registrando los antecedentes abordando las preguntas de investigación, definiendo el objetivo general y específicos para establecer las límites y alcances de la investigación y terminar soportando la justificación de esta investigación. En el capítulo dos, se presenta el marco que soporta la caracterización teórica de los valores éticos como confianza, responsabilidad, respeto y honestidad, el trabajo en equipo y la efectividad en los proyectos, que son las tres variables objeto de estudio de la presente investigación. En el capítulo tres, se analizan los principales actores de la gestión pública en el sector minero energético y la relación que estos, tienen con la corrupción, teniendo en cuenta que este es el sector al que está enfocado el presente proyecto, su historia, la evolución de la energía y los proyectos que se han ejecutado.Magíster en Gestión y Evaluación de Proyectos de InversiónMaestrí

    Improvements in Hardware Transactional Memory for GPU Architectures

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    In the multi-core CPU world, transactional memory (TM)has emerged as an alternative to lock-based programming for thread synchronization. Recent research proposes the use of TM in GPU architectures, where a high number of computing threads, organized in SIMT fashion, requires an effective synchronization method. In contrast to CPUs, GPUs offer two memory spaces: global memory and local memory. The local memory space serves as a shared scratch-pad for a subset of the computing threads, and it is used by programmers to speed-up their applications thanks to its low latency. Prior work from the authors proposed a lightweight hardware TM (HTM) support based in the local memory, modifying the SIMT execution model and adding a conflict detection mechanism. An efficient implementation of these features is key in order to provide an effective synchronization mechanism at the local memory level. After a quick description of the main features of our HTM design for GPU local memory, in this work we gather together a number of proposals designed with the aim of improving those mechanisms with high impact on performance. Firstly, the SIMT execution model is modified to increase the parallelism of the application when transactions must be serialized in order to make forward progress. Secondly, the conflict detection mechanism is optimized depending on application characteristics, such us the read/write sets, the probability of conflict between transactions and the existence of read-only transactions. As these features can be present in hardware simultaneously, it is a task of the compiler and runtime to determine which ones are more important for a given application. This work includes a discussion on the analysis to be done in order to choose the best configuration solution.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Towards a Software Transactional Memory for heterogeneous CPU-GPU processors

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    The heterogeneous Accelerated Processing Units (APUs) integrate a multi-core CPU and a GPU within the same chip. Modern APUs provide the programmer with platform atomics, used to communicate the CPU cores with the GPU using simple atomic datatypes. However, ensuring consistency for complex data types is a task delegated to programmers, who have to implement a mutual exclusion mechanism. Transactional Memory (TM) is an optimistic approach to implement mutual exclusion. With TM, shared data can be accessed by multiple computing threads speculatively, but changes are only visible if a transaction ends with no conflict with others in its memory accesses. TM has been studied and implemented in software and hardware for both CPU and GPU platforms, but an integrated solution has not been provided for APU processors. In this paper we present APUTM, a software TM designed to work on heterogeneous APU processors. The design of APUTM focuses on minimizing the access to shared metadata in order to reduce the communication overhead via expensive platform atomics. The main objective of APUTM is to help us understand the tradeoffs of implementing a sofware TM on an heterogeneous CPU-GPU platform and to identify the key aspects to be considered in each device. In our experiments, we compare the adaptability of APUTM to execute in one of the devices (CPU or GPU) or in both of them simultaneously. These experiments show that APUTM is able to outperform sequential execution of the applications.This work has been supported by projects TIN2013-42253-P and TIN2016-80920-R, from the Spanish Government, P11-TIC8144 and P12- TIC1470, from Junta de Andalucía, and Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    TMbarrier: speculative barriers using hardware transactional memory

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    Barrier is a very common synchronization method used in parallel programming. Barriers are used typically to enforce a partial thread execution order, since there may be dependences between code sections before and after the barrier. This work proposes TMbarrier, a new design of a barrier intended to be used in transactional applications. TMbarrier allows threads to continue executing speculatively after the barrier assuming that there are not dependences with safe threads that have not yet reached the barrier. Our design leverages transactional memory (TM) (specifically, the implementation offered by the IBM POWER8 processor) to hold the speculative updates and to detect possible conflicts between speculative and safe threads. Despite the limitations of the best-effort hardware TM implementation present in current processors, experiments show a reduction in wasted time due to synchronization compared to standard barriers.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Energy Efficiency of Software Transactional Memory in a Heterogeneous Architecture

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    Hardware vendors make an important effort creating low-power CPUs that keep battery duration and durability above acceptable levels. In order to achieve this goal and provide good performance-energy for a wide variety of applications, ARM designed the big.LITTLE architecture. This heterogeneous multi-core architecture features two different types of cores: big cores oriented to performance and little cores, slower and aimed to save energy consumption. As all the cores have access to the same memory, multi-threaded applications must resort to some mutual exclusion mechanism to coordinate the access to shared data by the concurrent threads. Transactional Memory (TM) represents an optimistic approach for shared-memory synchronization. To take full advantage of the features offered by software TM, but also benefit from the characteristics of the heterogeneous big.LITTLE architectures, our focus is to propose TM solutions that take into account the power/performance requirements of the application and what it is offered by the architecture. In order to understand the current state-of-the-art and obtain useful information for future power-aware software TM solutions, we have performed an analysis of a popular TM library running on top of an ARM big.LITTLE processor. Experiments show, in general, better scalability for the LITTLE cores for most of the applications except for one, which requires the computing performance that the big cores offer.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Hardware support for Local Memory Transactions on GPU Architectures

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are popular hardware accelerators for data-parallel applications, enabling the execution of thousands of threads in a Single Instruction - Multiple Thread (SIMT) fashion. However, the SIMT execution model is not efficient when code includes critical sections to protect the access to data shared by the running threads. In addition, GPUs offer two shared spaces to the threads, local memory and global memory. Typical solutions to thread synchronization include the use of atomics to implement locks, the serialization of the execution of the critical section, or delegating the execution of the critical section to the host CPU, leading to suboptimal performance. In the multi-core CPU world, transactional memory (TM) was proposed as an alternative to locks to coordinate concurrent threads. Some solutions for GPUs started to appear in the literature. In contrast to these earlier proposals, our approach is to design hardware support for TM in two levels. The first level is a fast and lightweight solution for coordinating threads that share the local memory, while the second level coordinates threads through the global memory. In this paper we present GPU-LocalTM as a hardware TM (HTM) support for the first level. GPU-LocalTM offers simple conflict detection and version management mechanisms that minimize the hardware resources required for its implementation. For the workloads studied, GPU-LocalTM provides between 1.25-80X speedup over serialized critical sections, while the overhead introduced by transaction management is lower than 20%.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Análisis comparativo entre los ensayos de caracterización para el control de calidad del concreto en estado fresco. Caso de estudio: Colombia - México

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    Visita Técnica InternacionalEl alcance del proyecto se desarrolla con base en la visita internacional a la empresa CEMEX ubicada en México, la cual se caracteriza por la fabricación de concretos y que también cuenta con presencia en Colombia, lo que permite llevar a cabo una identificación de aspectos comunes y diferenciales a partir de la recopilación de la información acerca de los controles de calidad en concretos. Con ello se logró: Conocer los procesos de ensayo de caracterización para el control de calidad del concreto de una de las mejores plantas de Cemex a nivel mundial. Realizar un análisis comparativo con los procesos colombianos. Determinar cuáles procesos pueden ser aplicados en la industria colombiana. Igualmente, se realizó un recorrido por la normatividad y normas técnicas aplicables en Colombia; donde se definen los parámetros o estándares de calidad determinados por los ensayos que estipulan la resistencia y durabilidad de los concretos, producto utilizado en la construcción y ejecución de proyectos de ingeniería civil. Con ello se realizó un análisis comparativo entre la normatividad colombiana y la mexicana.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 3. OBJETIVOS 4. JUSTIFICACIÓN 5. DELIMITACIÓN 6. MARCO REFRENCIAL 7. METODOLOGÍA 8. RESULTADOS VISITA TÉCNICA INTERNACIONAL 9. RESULTADOS VISITA TÉCNICA NACIONAL 10. ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS 11. CONCLUSIONES 12. RECOMENDACIONES 13. BIBLIOGRAFÍA 14. ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Civi

    Una dinámica complicada: La relación Iglesia-Estado en América Latina

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    Historically, the relation which the Church has maintained with the Statein Latin America has, in some cases, been of complicity, in others of pretense, and in the most serious cases, of open confrontation. This has led to having an amorphous, ambiguous, gelatinous, obscure view due to insuffi cient clarity in the respective areas of social competency. This, in concrete terms, is one of the most complex historical-social phenomena to analyze. Thus, the proposal presented is to develop an analysis of these relations where this variety and its complexity are shown. An additional point of information is that paradoxically the religious phenomenon in Latin America is getting stronger and more relevant which makes its study and refl ection a passionate subject, as well as demanding because of the elements within it. This is to say then, that the analysis of the religious phenomenon demands, for its thorough study, an interdisciplinary perspective.Históricamente la relación que ha guardado la Iglesia con el Estado en América Latina ha sido en algunos casos de complicidad, en otros de simulación, en los más agudos de abierta confrontación esto ha llevado a tener una visión amorfa, ambigüa, gelatinosa, oscura por la insufiente claridad en las respectivas áreas de competencia social. Esto en términos concretos es uno de los fenómenos históricos-sociales más complejos de analizar. Así, pues, la propuesta que se plantea es desarrollar un análisis de estas relaciones, donde se muestre esa abigarramiento y su complejidad. Un dato adicional estaría dado en el sentido de que paradójicamente el fenómeno religioso en América Latina está tomando mayor fuerza y relevancia lo que hace de su estudio y reflexión un asunto apasionante, además, de ser exigente por los elementos que están en su interior. Es decir, el análisis del fenómenoreligioso requiere para su cabal estudio de una visión interdisciplinaria

    Valoración del grado de madurez en la gestión de proyectos de la empresa Gustavo Perry Arquitectos S.A.S. de Bogotá basados en herramientas de PMBOK

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    Trabajo de investigaciónEl presente proyecto de grado tiene como fin realizar la valoración del grado de madurez en la gestión de proyectos de la empresa GUSTAVO PERRY ARQUITECTOS S.A.S, identificando las practicas y estándares de la gerencia de proyectos aplicados a proyectos de diseño, se conoció el grado de madures por grupos de procesos y por ultimo se propusieron estrategias y herramientas a mediano y corto plazo para el mejoramiento del grado de madurez.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. MARCOS DE REFERENCIA 3. METODOLOGÍA 4. RESULTADOS 5. ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS E IMPACTOS 6. PROPUESTA DE MEJORA DE LA CULTURA DE PROYECTOS EN LA EMPRESA GUSTAVO PERRY ARQUITECTOS S.A.S 7. CONCLUSIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSEspecializaciónEspecialista en Gerencia de Obras Civile