99 research outputs found

    Trobades noves alteracions immunològiques a l'òrgan diana de la diabetis tipus 1

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    La diabetis tipus 1 (T1D) és una malaltia metabòlica que s'inicia generalment a la infantesa o adolescència. La DT1 s'esdevé després d'un procés autoimmunitari de destrucció de les cèl·lules beta productores d'insulina dels illots pancreàtics. En aquesta etapa hi ha fenòmens immunològics asimptomàtics com la insulitis, l'alteració dels patrons d'expressió de molècules de l'illot i els autoanticossos en el sèrum. L'estudi d'aquests processos ha estat dificultat per la manca d'accés al teixit pancreàtic i per tant, les característiques de l'autoimmunitat a la T1D es basen en un nombre limitat d'observacions. En aquesta tesi doctoral s'han identificat noves alteracions immunològiques a l'òrgan diana de la T1D, mitjançant diferents aproximacions experimentals.La diabetes tipo 1 (T1D) es una enfermedad metabólica que se inicia generalmente en la niñez o adolescencia. La DT1 ocurre tras un proceso autoinmunitario de destrucción de las células beta productoras de insulina de los islotes pancreáticos. En esta etapa hay fenómenos inmunológicos asintomáticos como la insulitis, la alteración de los patrones de expresión de moléculas del islote y los autoanticuerpos en el suero. El estudio de estos procesos ha sido dificultado por la falta de acceso al tejido pancreático y, por lo tanto, las características de la autoinmunidad a la T1D se basan en un número limitado de observaciones. En esta tesis doctoral se han identificado nuevas alteraciones inmunológicas en el órgano diana de la T1D, mediante diferentes aproximaciones experimentales


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    Storytelling as strategy to transmit values and identity of a brand has acquired relevance during the last years. However, this concept is already relatively underdeveloped in academic literature on tourism destinations. This paper aims to analyze storytelling potentialities and use in a tourism destination trough traditional stories. Legends of the city of Girona (Spain) have been chosen as a case study. Results demonstrated that legends of the city have the potential to develop a storytelling strategy, but this potential is not used properly.El storytelling como estrategia para transmitir los valores e identidad de una marca ha adquirido importancia en los últimos años, pero aún hay poca literatura que desarrolle este concepto entorno a los destinos turísticos. Este artículo pretende analizar las potencialidades y uso del storytelling en un destino turístico a través de relatos y leyendas tradicionales. Las leyendas de la ciudad de Girona (España) se utilizaron como caso de estudio. Los resultados ponen en evidencia que, a pesar del potencial de las leyendas, actualmente no se está explotando adecuadamente

    De las opiniones a los argumentos

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    La actividad consiste en inferir la definición del término "light" a partir de productos así etiquetados y de otros estándar. Pero en las primeras respuestas pesan mucho más los supuestos que los datos que proporcionan esos envases. Lo que se pretende precisamente es que los alumnos y alumnas aprendan a distinguir las opiniones de los argumentos, a cuestionarse lo que dan por hecho y a desarrollar razonamientos claros y precisos

    The hyperinflammatory spectrum: from defects in cytotoxicity to cytokine control

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    Cytotoxic lymphocytes kill target cells through polarized release of the content of cytotoxic granules towards the target cell. The importance of this cytotoxic pathway in immune regulation is evidenced by the severe and often fatal condition, known as hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) that occurs in mice and humans with inborn errors of lymphocyte cytotoxic function. The clinical and preclinical data indicate that the damage seen in severe, virally triggered HLH is due to an overwhelming immune system reaction and not the direct effects of the virus per se. The main HLH-disease mechanism, which links impaired cytotoxicity to excessive release of pro-inflammatory cytokines is a prolongation of the synapse time between the cytotoxic effector cell and the target cell, which prompts the former to secrete larger amounts of cytokines (including interferon gamma) that activate macrophages. We and others have identified novel genetic HLH spectrum disorders. In the present update, we position these newly reported molecular causes, including CD48-haploinsufficiency and ZNFX1-deficiency, within the pathogenic pathways that lead to HLH. These genetic defects have consequences on the cellular level on a gradient model ranging from impaired lymphocyte cytotoxicity to intrinsic activation of macrophages and virally infected cells. Altogether, it is clear that target cells and macrophages may play an independent role and are not passive bystanders in the pathogenesis of HLH. Understanding these processes which lead to immune dysregulation may pave the way to novel ideas for medical intervention in HLH and virally triggered hypercytokinemia

    Conversar la memoria: una mirada subjetiva sobre la enfermedad desde la práctica artística

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    [EN] The project Converse memory: a subjective view from artistic practice, first analyzes the notion of autobiography as a political position and as a tool to rethink our own subjective experience in contemporary art. It reflects on the concept of memory as the capacity of a person to recall the past, related to identity and language, and subsequently used to approach the study of the representation of human disease and decline. In parallel, based on these conceptual axes, the work of various contemporary artists who work from their life experience, their intimate and / or family environments, is analyzed in order to rework and deal with these issues. Finally, the process of study, reflection and practice that has been carried out during the Master in Artistic Production is tackled, in which Alzheimer's disease has been taken as a case of study to deepen on concepts such as auto-­‐biography, illness, identity, memory and narrative, from the plastic and audiovisual media.[ES] El proyecto Conversar la memoria: una mirada subjetiva desde la práctica artística analiza en primer lugar, la noción de autobiografía como posicionamiento político y como herramienta para repensar la propia experiencia subjetiva dentro del arte contemporáneo. Reflexiona sobre el concepto de memoria como capacidad de recuerdo de una persona, poniéndolo en relación con la identidad y el lenguaje para acercarse posteriormente, al estudio de la enfermedad o declive humano y su representación. Paralelamente, partiendo de esos ejes conceptuales, se presenta el trabajo de diversos artistas contemporáneos que trabajan desde su experiencia vital, lo íntimo y/o su entorno familiar, para reelaborar y hacer frente a esas problemáticas. Finalmente se aborda el proceso de estudio, reflexión y práctica que se ha llevado a cabo durante el Máster en Producción Artística, en el que se ha tomado la enfermedad del alzhéimer como objeto de estudio para profundizar sobre conceptos como auto/biografía, enfermedad, identidad, memoria y narrativa desde del medio plástico y audiovisual.Planas Díaz De Cerio, R. (2015). Conversar la memoria: una mirada subjetiva sobre la enfermedad desde la práctica artística. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/62725.Archivo delegad

    Serum AGE/RAGEs as potential biomarker in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Background: The soluble receptor for advanced glycation end-products (sRAGE) has been suggested that it acts as a decoy for capturing advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) and inhibits the activation of the oxidative stress and apoptotic pathways. Lung AGEs/sRAGE is increased in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). The objective of the study was to evaluate the AGEs and sRAGE levels in serum as a potential biomarker in IPF. Methods: Serum samples were collected from adult patients: 62 IPF, 22 chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis (cHP), 20 fibrotic non-specific interstitial pneumonia (fNSIP); and 12 healthy controls. In addition, 23 IPF patients were re-evaluated after 3-year follow-up period. Epidemiological and clinical features were recorded: age, sex, smoking habits, and lung function. AGEs and sRAGE were evaluated by ELISA, and the results were correlated with pulmonary functional test values. Results: IPF and cHP groups presented a significant increase of AGE/sRAGE serum concentration compared with fNSIP patients. Moreover, an inverse correlation between AGEs and sRAGE levels were found in IPF, and serum sRAGE at diagnosis correlated with FVC and DLCO values. Additionally, changes in serum AGEs and sRAGE correlated with % change of FVC, DLCO and TLC during the follow-up. sRAGE levels below 428.25 pg/ml evolved poor survival rates. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that the increase of AGE/sRAGE ratio is higher in IPF, although the levels were close to cHP. AGE/sRAGE increase correlates with respiratory functional progression. Furthermore, the concentration of sRAGE in blood stream at diagnosis and follow-up could be considered as a potential prognostic biomarker

    Drift reduction of low drift nozzles in spraying citrus orchards

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    Drift is especially critical when spraying fruit, vine and citrus orchards where pesticides are intensively used. In this context, cone low drift nozzles (LDN) intended for spraying tree crops, have been evaluated relating to cone standard nozzles (STN) in laboratory and deciduous fruit orchards (Van de Zande et al. 2012); (Planas et al., 2013)

    Structure and Trophic Niches in Mobile Epifauna Assemblages Associated With Seaweeds and Habitats of Syngnathid Fishes in Cíes Archipelago (Atlantic Islands Marine National Park, North West Iberia)

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    [Abstract] Syngnathids are vulnerable fishes closely associated with seaweeds and seagrass, which provide shelter and food resources. Even though most syngnathids commonly feed on small crustaceans, the feeding regimes may differ depending on the species and prey availability. This is the first monitoring study to explain syngnathid abundances and dietary regimes within macroalgal beds in Cíes Archipelago (Atlantic Islands Marine National Park, North West Iberian Peninsula). We sampled the epifaunal assemblages in seaweed communities dominated by the canopy-forming macroalgae Gongolaria baccata and Codium spp. seasonally during 2 years. The epifaunal structure was mostly represented by harpacticoid copepods, amphipods (especially gammarids) and gastropods. Epifauna exhibited low plant-host specificity and a higher dominance of amphipods on the more structurally complex macroalgae G. baccata. The epifaunal assemblages and syngnathid specimens were assessed for trophic structure using stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N). The three syngnathids (Hippocampus guttulatus, Syngnathus acus, and Entelurus aequoreus) inhabiting Cíes Archipelago were sympatric. They occupied highly similar trophic positions (TPs), but differed in niche size, in such a way that the snake pipefish E. aequoreus would likely feed on smaller prey. The assessment of the feeding regime in the dominant great pipefish S. acus revealed that amphipods mostly contributed to bulk diet, followed by isopods, carideans, and copepods, whereas mysidaceans were not highly consumed. Seasonal changes in both epifaunal structure and syngnathids abundance confirmed that syngnathids are seasonal residents in Cíes Archipelago, migrating to other areas in autumn when the seaweed cover is drastically reduced and the epifaunal structure modified. This study showed the importance of Gongolaria assemblages in Cíes Archipelago, providing rich dietary sources and potentially contributing to higher abundances and diversity of syngnathids. Ongoing cover reduction in Gongolaria assemblages in certain regions (e.g., Mediterranean) should be considered a potential ecological concern for syngnathids and accompanying fauna, requiring further investigations.This study was financially supported by the Spanish Government with project Hippoparques (Ref. 1541S/2015, Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales de España, Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y Reto Demográfico, MITECO, Spain