1,790 research outputs found

    Price-cost margins and economic integration: How important is the pro-competitive effect?

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    In this paper we examine whether the conventional result of a greater degree of integration leading to lower price-cost margins (i.e., the pro-competitive effect), would hold when two countries integrate by forming a common market. We propose a general framework of reference, in order to assess the extent of the pro-competitive effect when the role of other variables is allowed for, both for a “small” and “large” common market. By solving the model, the price-cost margin of domestic firms would depend on a set of variables in addition to trade costs with the partner country, which might eventually offset the conventional result.Economic integration, Pro-competitive effect, Price-cost margins.

    A multi-wavelength study of the evolution of Early-Type Galaxies in Groups: the ultraviolet view

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    ABRIDGED- The UV-optical color magnitude diagram (CMD) of rich galaxy groups is characterised by a well developed Red Sequence (RS), a Blue Cloud (BC) and the so-called Green Valley (GV). Loose, less evolved groups of galaxies likely not virialized yet may lack a well defined RS. This is actually explained in the framework of galaxy evolution. We are focussing on understanding galaxy migration towards the RS, checking for signatures of such a transition in their photometric and morphological properties. We report on the UV properties of a sample of ETGs galaxies inhabiting the RS. The analysis of their structures, as derived by fitting a Sersic law to their UV luminosity profiles, suggests the presence of an underlying disk. This is the hallmark of dissipation processes that still must have a role in the evolution of this class of galaxies. SPH simulations with chemo-photometric implementations able to match the global properties of our targets are used to derive their evolutionary paths through UV-optical CDM, providing some fundamental information such as the crossing time through the GV, which depends on their luminosity. The transition from the BC to the RS takes several Gyrs, being about 3-5 Gyr for the the brightest galaxies and more long for fainter ones, if it occurs. The photometric study of nearby galaxy structures in UV is seriously hampered by either the limited FoV of the cameras (e.g in HST) or by the low spatial resolution of the images (e.g in the GALEX). Current missions equipped with telescopes and cameras sensitive to UV wavelengths, such as Swift-UVOT and Astrosat-UVIT, provide a relatively large FoV and better resolution than the GALEX. More powerful UV instruments (size, resolution and FoV) are obviously bound to yield fundamental advances in the accuracy and depth of the surface photometry and in the characterisation of the galaxy environment.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures: accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Science as contributions to the workshop: "UV astronomy, the needs and the means

    A Search for the Optical/Infrared Counterpart of the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar 1E 1841-045

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    We have carried out a search for the optical and infrared counterpart of the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar 1E 1841-045, which is located at the center of the supernova remnant Kes73. We present the first deep optical and infrared images of the field of 1E 1841-045, as well as optical spectroscopy results that exclude the brightest objects in the error circle as possible counterparts. A few of the more reddened objects in this region can be considered as particularly interesting candidates, in consideration of the distance and absorption expected from the association with Kes73. The strong interstellar absorption in the direction of the source does not allow to completely exclude the presence of main sequence massive companions.Comment: 8 pages, latex, 6 figures, Submitted to Mon. Not. R. Astron. So

    Kinematics and morphology of ionized gas in Hickson Compact Group 18

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    We present new observations of HαH\alpha emission in the Hickson Compact Group 18 (HCG 18) obtained with a scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer. The velocity field does not show motions of individual group members but, instead, a complex common velocity field for the whole group. The gas distribution is very asymmetric with clumps of maximum intensity coinciding with the optically brightest knots. Comparing HαH\alpha and HI data we conclude that HCG 18 is not a compact group but instead a large irregular galaxy with several clumps of star formation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal (13p 6 figures

    Myofibrillar myopathies: new developments

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    Purpose of review: Myofibrillar myopathies (MFMs) are a heterogeneous group of skeletal and cardiac muscle diseases. In this review, we highlight recent discoveries of new genes and disease mechanisms involved in this group of disorders.Recent findings: The advent of next-generation sequencing technology, laser microdissection and mass spectrometry-based proteomics has facilitated the discovery of new MFM causative genes and pathomechanisms. New mutations have also been discovered in older' genes, helping to find a classification niche for MFM-linked disorders showing variant phenotypes. Cell transfection experiments using primary cultured myoblasts and newer animal models provide insights into the pathogenesis of MFMs.Summary: An increasing number of genes are involved in the causation of variant subtypes of MFM. The application of modern technologies in combination with classical histopathological and ultrastructural studies is helping to establish the molecular diagnosis and reach a better understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms of each MFM subtype, thus putting an emphasis on the development of specific means for prevention and therapy of these incapacitating and frequently fatal diseases

    Galaxy evolution in nearby groups. II. Galaxy evolution in nearby loose groups. II. Photometric and kinematic characterization of USGC U268 and USGC U376 group members in the Leo cloud

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    We present the photometric and kinematic characterization of two groups, USGC U268 and USGC U376 located in different regions of the Leo cloud. U268, composed of 10 catalogued members and 11 new added members, has a small fraction (~24%) of early-type galaxies (ETGs). U376 has 16 plus 8 new added members, with ~38% of ETGs. We find the presence of significant substructures in both groups suggesting that they are likely accreting galaxies. U268 is located in a more loose environment than U376. For each member galaxy, broad band integrated and surface photometry have been obtained in far-UV and near-UV with GALEX, and in u,g, r, i, z (SDSS) bands. H_alpha imaging and 2D high resolution kinematical data have been obtained using PUMA Scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer at the 2.12 m telescope in San Pedro M\'artir, (Baja California, M\'exico). We improved the galaxy classification and we detected morphological and kinematical distortions that may be connected to either on-going and/or past interaction/accretion events or environmental induced secular evolution. U268 appears more active than U376, with a large fraction of galaxies showing interaction signatures (60% vs. 13%). The presence of bars among late-type galaxies is ~10% in U268 and ~$29% in U376. The cumulative distribution of (FUV - NUV) colours of galaxies in U268 is significantly different than that in U376 with galaxies in U268 bluer than those in U376. In the (FUV-r vs. M_r) and (NUV-r vs. M_r) planes no members of U268 are found in the `red sequence', even early-type galaxies lie in the `blue sequence' or in the `green valley'. Most (80%) of the early-type members in U376 inhabits the `red sequence, a large fraction of galaxies, of different morphological types, are located in the `green valley', while the `blue sequence' is under-populated with respect to U268.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, 8 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS (abridged abstract

    Inmigración internacional y movilidad entre sectores: Una exploración de escenarios alternativos para España

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    Este trabajo explora los efectos económicos de la inmigración internacional en España a través de la construcción de un modelo de equilibrio general computable. Uno de los aspectos en los que se centra el trabajo es la influencia que tiene el grado de movilidad intersectorial de los trabajadores extranjeros, planteando dos escenarios alternativos: uno de perfecta movilidad y otro en el cual únicamente pueden trabajar en tres sectores concretos. Otra cuestión que se toma en cuenta a la hora de plantear las simulaciones es el grado de discriminación salarial de los inmigrantes frente a los trabajadores nativos. Los resultados sugieren que la selección de sectores estratégicos para recibir a los inmigrantes es un factor que mejoraría los efectos económicos de la inmigración. El régimen salarial es también un parámetro importante para explicar el impacto en el corto y en el largo [email protected]

    A matheuristic for the Team Orienteering Arc Routing Problem

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    In the Team OrienteeringArc Routing Problem (TOARP) the potential customers are located on the arcs of a directed graph and are to be chosen on the basis of an associated profit. A limited fleet of vehicles is available to serve the chosen customers. Each vehicle has to satisfy a maximum route duration constraint. The goal is to maximize the profit of the served customers. We propose a matheuristic for the TOARP and test it on a set of benchmark instances for which the optimal solution or an upper bound is known. The matheuristic finds the optimal solutions on all, except one, instances of one of the four classes of tested instances (with up to 27 vertices and 296 arcs). The average error on all instances fo rwhich the optimal solution is available is 0.67 percent.Angel Corberan, Isaac Plana and Jose M. Sanchis wish to thank the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (project MTM2012-36163-C06-02) of Spain and the Generalitat Valenciana (project GVPROMETEO2013-049) for their support.Archetti, C.; Corberan, A.; Plana, I.; Sanchís Llopis, JM.; Speranza, MG. (2015). A matheuristic for the Team Orienteering Arc Routing Problem. European Journal of Operational Research. 245(2):392-401. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2015.03.022S392401245

    Detoxification Strategy of Epoxide Hydrolase

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    The human microsomal epoxide hydrolase, a single enzyme, has to detoxify a broad range of structurally diverse, potentially genotoxic epoxides that are formed in the course of xenobiotic metabolism. The enzyme has developed a unique strategy to combine a broad substrate specificity with a high detoxification efficacy, by immediately trapping the reactive compounds as covalent intermediates and by being expressed at high levels for high trapping capacity. Computer simulation and experimental data as well as existing epidemiologic studies reveal this detoxification strategy as the mechanistic basis for a threshold in the tumorigenesis of mutagenic carcinogens

    Enantioselective Hydroxylation of Benzylic C(sp; 3; )-H Bonds by an Artificial Iron Hydroxylase Based on the Biotin-Streptavidin Technology

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    The selective hydroxylation of C-H bonds is of great interest to the synthetic community. Both homogeneous catalysts and enzymes offer complementary means to tackle this challenge. Herein, we show that biotinylated Fe(TAML)-complexes (TAML = Tetra Amido Macrocyclic Ligand) can be used as cofactors for incorporation into streptavidin to assemble artificial hydroxylases. Chemo-genetic optimization of both cofactor and streptavidin allowed optimizing the performance of the hydroxylase. Using H; 2; O; 2; as oxidant, up to ∼300 turnovers for the oxidation of benzylic C-H bonds were obtained. Upgrading the ee was achieved by kinetic resolution of the resulting benzylic alcohol to afford up to >98% ee for (; R; )-tetralol. X-ray analysis of artificial hydroxylases highlights critical details of the second coordination sphere around the Fe(TAML) cofactor