101 research outputs found

    Analysis of Financing Floorball Clubs

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou financování dvou vybraných florbalových klubů, jejíž výsledky shrnují možné zdroje celkových výnosů potřebných pro pokrytí celkových nákladů souvisejících s činností klubů. Popisuje, co je to florbal, jeho historii, jak probíhá financování sportu obecně, jaké jsou typy neziskových organizací a jaké mohou být zdroje výnosů, kam patří například reklama či sponzoring. Součástí práce jsou také dva návrhy rozpočtů pro fiktivní klub při účasti v různých soutěžích.This thesis analyzes the financing of two selected floorball clubs, the results summarize the possible sources of revenue needed to cover the total costs associated with the activities of these clubs. It describes what it's floorball, its history, how the financing of sport in general, what are the types of non-profit organizations and what can be sources of income, including, for example advertising or sponsorship. The works are also two draft budgets for the fictitious club by participating in various competitions.

    Metodika zpracování bakalářských a diplomových prací

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    Tato skripta shrnují požadavky platných norem, předpisů a vyhlášek na tvorbu závěrečných prací na Technické univerzitě v Liberci. Jsou určena především jako vodítko pro tvorbu bakalářské a diplomové práce studentů Fakulty mechatroniky, informatiky a mezioborových studií. S výjimkou loga fakulty jsou využitelná i pro jiné součásti univerzity. Kromě formálních požadavků na jednotlivé kapitoly závěrečných prací je součástí skript i přehled základních typografických pravidel, shrnutí zásad práce s vkládanými objekty (ilustracemi, tabulkami, grafy, vzorci atp.) a stručný postup pro práci s PDF soubory.This textbook comprises a summary of requirements specified by standards, regulations and notices in effect that apply to writing final reports at the Technical University of Liberec. Its principal purpose is to provide guidance for the students at the Faculty of Mechatronics, Informatics, and Interdisciplinary Studies to writing a bachelor or master thesis. Except the faculty logo, it may be utilized for other parts of the university, too. Besides the formal requirements for each chapter in a final paper, the textbook further overviews basic typographic rules, principles of handling pasted objects as well as a brief description of PDF file operations

    A Method Based on a Nonlinear Generalized Heisenberg Algebra to Study the Molecular Vibrational Spectrum

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    We propose a method, based on a Generalized Heisenberg Algebra (GHA), to reproduce the anharmonic spectrum of diatomic molecules. The theoretical spectrum generated by GHA allows us to fit the experimental data and to obtain the dissociation energy for the carbon monoxide molecule. Our outcomes are more accurate than the standard models used to study molecular vibrations, namely the Morse and the qq-oscillator models and comparable to the perturbed Morse model proposed by Huffaker \cite{hf}, for the first experimental levels. The dissociation energy obtained here is more accurate than all previous models

    Accession Site Does Not Influence the Risk of Stroke after Diagnostic Coronary Angiography or Intervention: Results from a Large Prospective Registry

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    INTRODUCTION: Periprocedural stroke represents a rare but serious complication of cardiac catheterization. Pooled data from randomized trials evaluating the risk of stroke following cardiac catheterization via transradial versus transfemoral access showed no difference. On the other hand, a significant difference in stroke rates favoring transradial access was found in a recent meta-analysis of observational studies. Our aim was to determine if there is a difference in stroke risk after transradial versus transfemoral catheterization within a contemporary real-world registry. METHODS: Data from 14,139 patients included in a single-center prospective registry between 2009 and 2016 were used to determine the odds of periprocedural transient ischemic attack (TIA) and stroke for radial versus femoral catheterization via multivariate logistic regression with Firth's correction. RESULTS: A total of 10,931 patients underwent transradial and 3,208 underwent transfemoral catheterization. Periprocedural TIA/stroke occurred in 41 (0.29%) patients. Age was the only significant predictor of TIA/stroke in multivariate analysis, with each additional year representing an odds ratio (OR) = 1.09 (CI 1.05-1.13, p < 0.000). The choice of accession site had no impact on the risk of periprocedural TIA/stroke (OR = 0.81; CI 0.38-1.72, p = 0.577). CONCLUSION: Observational data from a large prospective registry indicate that accession site has no influence on the risk of periprocedural TIA/stroke after cardiac catheterization

    New out-of-plane angle and bond angle internal coordinates and related potential energy functions for molecular mechanics and dynamics simulations

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    With currently used definitions of out-of-plane angle and bond angle internal coordinates, Cartesian derivatives have singularities, at ±Π/2 in the former case and Π in the latter. If either of these occur during molecular mechanics or dynamics simulations, the forces are not well defined. To avoid such difficulties, we provide new out-of-plane and bond angle coordinates and associated potential energy functions that inherently avoid these singularities. The application of these coordinates is illustrated by ab initio calculations on ammonia, water, and carbon dioxide. ©1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Comput Chem 20: 1067–1084, 1999Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/34691/1/9_ftp.pd

    Switchable π-coordination and C–H metallation in small-cavity macrocyclic uranium and thorium complexes

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    New, conformationally restricted ThIV and UIV complexes, [ThCl2(L)] and [UI2(L)], of the small-cavity, dipyrrolide, dianionic macrocycle trans-calix[2]benzene[2]pyrrolide (L)2− are reported and are shown to have unusual κ5:κ5 binding in a bent metallocene-type structure. Single-electron reduction of [UI2(L)] affords [UI(THF)(L)] and results in a switch in ligand binding from κ5-pyrrolide to η6-arene sandwich coordination, demonstrating the preference for arene binding by the electron-rich UIII ion. Facile loss of THF from [UI(THF)(L)] further increases the amount of U–arene back donation. [UI(L)] can incorporate a further UIII equivalent, UI3, to form the very unusual dinuclear complex [U2I4(L)] in which the single macrocycle adopts both κ5:κ5 and η6:κ1:η6:κ1 binding modes in the same complex. Hybrid density functional theory calculations carried out to compare the electronic structures and bonding of [UIIII(L)] and [UIII2I4(L)] indicate increased contributions to the covalent bonding in [U2I4(L)] than in [UI(L)], and similar U–arene interactions in both. MO analysis and QTAIM calculations find minimal U–U interaction in [U2I4(L)]. In contrast to the reducible U complex, treatment of [ThCl2(L)] with either a reductant or non-nucleophilic base results in metallation of the aryl rings of the macrocycle to form the (L−2H)4− tetraanion and two new and robust Th–C bonds in the –ate complexes [K(THF)2ThIV(μ-Cl)(L−2H)]2 and K[ThIV{N(SiMe3)2}(L−2H)]

    Development and implementation of a testing system for course 4IT340

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    This bachelor thesis aims at development and deployment of a testing system for course 4IT340 -- Introduction to Database Administration. The goal of this work is to design a testing system which generates unique exam version for each student and which corrects practical part of exam automatically after finishing the exam. The result of this work consists of several procedures written in PL/SQL programming language. The whole work is divided into several parts. First part deals with analysis of current situation, then it deals with particular design and development of an environment for the exam. At the end, the work offers an instruction manual for the testing system

    Business Cycle ? the Perspective of Austrian School

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    Práce se snaží vysvětlit monetární příčiny hospodářských cyklů a zkoumá media a mechanismy jejich šíření v ekonomice. Vychází při tom z rakouské teorie kapitálu. Metodou zkoumání jsou postupy logické dedukce. Výstupem je deskriptivní analýza obecných příčin hospodářských cyklů z hlediska obecné ekonomické teorie rakouské školy. V praktické části je proveden rozbor těch nejdůležitějších hospodářsko-politických opatření před a během Velké deprese. Na té byla teorie monetárních příčin hospodářského cyklu prakticky testována. Z této aplikace vyplývá, že Velká deprese měla tak dlouhé trvání právě kvůli nevhodným hospodářským politikám americké vlády a byla způsobena nevhodnou měnovou politikou Federálního rezervního systému