415 research outputs found

    From Stochastic Optics to the Wigner Formalism: The Role of the Vacuum Field in Optical Quantum Communication Experiments

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    The Wigner formalism in the Heisenberg picture constitutes a bridge that connects Quantum Optics to Stochastic Optics. The vacuum field appears explicitly in the formalism, and the wavelike aspects of light are emphasised. In addition, the zeropoint intensity as a threshold for detection is a common denominator in both theories. In this paper, after summarising the basic rules of the Wigner approach and its application to parametric down-conversion, some new results are presented that delve into the physical meaning of the zeropoint field in optical quantum communication. Specifically, the relationship between Bell-state distinguishability and the number of sets of zeropoint modes that take part in the experiment is analysed in terms of the coupling between the phases of the different fields involved and the subtraction of the zeropoint intensity at the detectors. Additionally, the connection between the compatibility theorem in quantum cryptography and zeropoint field is stressed

    Economic impact of the Climbing World Championships. Gijón, 8-14 September 2014

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    Objeto: El presente estudio tiene por objeto evaluar el impacto económico que, para la economía del Principado de Asturias, supuso la celebración en Gijón de los Campeonatos del Mundo de Escalada en el año 2014. Diseño/metodología/enfoque: Existen diversos instrumentos que permiten evaluar el impacto económico de la celebración en una ciudad, o región, de un evento deportivo. Entre ellos se encuentra la metodología Input-Output (I-O), que es la que se utiliza en esta investigación. Aportaciones y resultados: Se analizan los impactos económicos de los gastos de los no residentes en el Principado de Asturias, en un estudio pormenorizado de los asistentes al Campeonato en función de los diferentes alojamientos y de las distintas categorías de visitantes (deportistas, técnicos, directivos, etc.), los gastos en infraestructuras y organización en que incurrió el organizador de la competición: el Ayuntamiento de Gijón, y se calcula el impacto económico en términos del Valor Añadido Bruto (VAB) que supuso para la economía asturiana la celebración en Gijón de los Campeonatos del Mundo de Escalada 2014. Originalidad / Valor añadido: Cuando una institución pública organiza una actividad, hay que evaluar si el gasto realizado tiene un retorno económico o, por el contrario, supone un gasto de dinero público injustificable.Purpose: This study aims to assess the economic impact for the economy of the Principality of Asturias, of the Climbing World Championships held in Gijon in 2014. Design/methodology: Various instruments are available to assess the economic impact of a sporting event in a city or region. Among them is the Input-Output (I-O) analysis, which is used in this study. Findings: We analyse the economic impacts of the expenditure by non-residents in the Principality of Asturias in a comprehensive study that categorises the individuals attending the Championship according to their accommodation choice and to different visitor categories (i.e. athletes, technicians, managers, etc.). The study also takes into account the expenditure on infrastructure and organization incurred by the organizer of the competition: the City Council of Gijon. The economic impact on the economy of Asturias of the 2014 World Climbing Championships held in Gijón is calculated in terms of the Gross Value Added (GVA). Originality/value: When a public institution organizes an activity, an assessment of whether the expenditure has an economic return or leads to an unjustifiable expenditure of public money, is requiredPeer Reviewe

    Housing and information society: integration of ICT in the existing housing stock

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    This paper describes an ongoing research concerned with the insertion of technology in domestic spaces, and more specifically in the existing housing stock. The study evolves with the premise that the insertion of technology in domestic spaces can reduce energy consumption and the environmental impact, in general, of the use and functioning of buildings, while contributing for improving the quality of life of its inhabitants. It also considers that the rehabilitation of existing buildings and urban areas is preferable to the construction of new housing, if one is concerned with the environmental impact of construction activity in the city. The study focus on the buildings built in Lisbon during the period 1950-1970 which accounts for a considerable part of the existing housing stock. The goal is to identify the strategies to follow in the refurbishment of these buildings so that they fulfill the requirements of modern life. The strategy should specify the level of technology to incorporate considering the profile of the targeted households.The project described in this paper project is sponsored by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) with grant (SFRH / BD / 18225 / 2004)

    Integration of Information, Communication and Automation technologies in Housing Rehabilitation

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    This paper addresses the integration of Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT) in the dwelling space so as to meet the needs of users. ICAT systems can have a very important role in contemporary dwellings because of the benefits they bring to residents both from the ecological and social perspectives. The paper describes an ongoing PhD research that is concerned with the rehabilitation of the existing housing stock to fulfill the new needs of dwellers in the current Information Society and with the consequences of the integration of ICAT in dwellings. The research aims at the development of a rehabilitation methodology devised to enable architects to take user needs and requirements in home automation matters into account from the beginning of the architectural design process. Ultimately, the proposed methodology will enable a compatible and properly integration of ICAT in architectural spaces and in their built envelope. The incorporation of new housing functions calls for a new approach to the design of domestic space, in which the diversity of conventional spaces must interact with the inclusion of new multifunctional areas that accommodate activities such as telework and telehealth in order to respond to the growing demand of information access and of comfort at home. After a brief description of the general methodology, this paper focuses on the ecological and social benefits that ICAT brings to the environment, the construction industry,and the dwellers. Then it describes the impact of ICAT integration on the functional organization of the dwelling and on construction elements and it lays down the strategies for an adequate integration from these two viewpoints.The research described in this paper project was funded by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) with grant (SFRH / BD / 18225 / 2004)

    Methodology for the integration of information, communication and automation technologies in housing rehabilitation

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    This paper addresses the integration of Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT) in the dwelling space in order to meet the user’s needs. We describe an ongoing PhD research which deals with the rehabilitation of the existing housing stock in order to fulfil the new needs of dwellers in the current Information Society as well as the impact of the integration of ICAT in dwellings. For this purpose we establish a rehabilitation methodology which enables architects to fulfil the client’s needs and requirements in home automation, from the beginning of the architectural process. This will enable the creation of a compatible and properly integrated ICAT infrastructure in homes,paving the way for ambient intelligence and promoting sustainable strategies at the environmental and social levels.The research described in this paper project was funded by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) with grant SFRH / BD / 18225 / 2004

    The timeless character in design of graphic brands - redesign case study of the project "TAMAR"

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    O mercado atual de marcas gráficas tem passado por grandes atualizações nas linguagem a cerca do redesign de grandes marcas, para torna-las mais modernas e duradouras. Porem as mudanças por sua vez são sempre simples e pontuais para que não se perca a identidade já desenvolvida e criada pelo tempo de uso da marca. Neste caso o caráter atemporal se torna importante para o novo desenvolvimento fazendo com que as características dessas linguagens visuais se mantenham e continuem perdurando os adjetivos e mensagens visuais que elas passam. O presente estudo busca um exemplo de como realizar este redesign mantendo a atemporalidade, utilizando de parâmetros do caráter atemporal da marca e fazendo com que ela continue com seus atributos nas futuras aplicações, para este objetivo foi utilizado a marca do projeto “Tamar”. Obtendo um resultado que mantem os caráter atemporal no caso, sendo que este estudo resultou em uma marca gráfica ficticia e sem uso comercial.ABSTRACT: The current market for graphic brands has undergone major updates in language around the redesign of major brands, to make them more modern and durable. But the changes in turn are always simple and punctual so that the identity already developed and created by the time of use of the mark is not lost. In this case, the timeless character becomes important for the new development, causing the characteristics of these visual languages to remain and connue to endure the adjectives and visual messages that they pass. The present study seeks an example of how to accomplish this redesign while maintaining timelessness, using parameters of the timeless character of the brand and making it continue with its ainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    University patents: analysis of the deposits of paulista public universities (1995-2006)

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    Este artigo analisou os depósitos das universidades públicas paulistas no Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial (Inpi) no período de 1995-2006, perfazendo 672 registros. Foram consideradas as seguintes: Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Universidade de São Paulo, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Universidade Federal de São Carlos e Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Com os resultados obtidos verificou-se um avanço, mesmo que instável, do número de depósitos de patentes advindas das universidades e o adiantamento da Unicamp em relação às demais na quantidade de patentes depositadas, responsável por 60% do total de registros. Como conclusão vale destacar que o fortalecimento das políticas internas das universidades relacionadas à propriedade industrial acarretará maior índice de proteção das invenções acadêmicas, garantindo os direitos sobre a invenção, incentivando a realização de novas pesquisas e, através de mecanismos efetivos, viabilizando a transferência da tecnologia produzida nas universidades para o setor produtivo.The present work analyzed the deposits of Paulista public universities with the National Industrial Property Institute (Inpi), in the period 1995-2006, totaling 672 records. The universities taken into account, in this study, were: Campinas State University, University of São Paulo, Paulista State University, São Carlos Federal University and São Paulo Federal University. Based on the results achieved, an improvement was verified, although unstable, in the number of patent deposits from universities. As for the quantity of patents deposited, Unicamp was ahead of other universities, being responsible for 60% of total records. Another characteristic found, was the diversity in which deposits are made. As a conclusion, it should be highlighted that the strengthening of internal policies of universities related to industrial property, will cause a higher level of protection for academic inventions, guaranteeing patent rights, stimulating new research and through effective mechanisms, transfer the technology produced in universities to the productive sector

    Fracturas del pilón tibial: Resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico

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    Se estudian 50 fracturas de pilón tibial tratadas quirúrgicamente. Las fracturas se clasificaron según el grado de conminución y desplazamiento en tres tipos siguiendo la clasificación de Rüedi y Allgöwer. Las técnicas quirúrgicas empleadas fueron la reducción abierta y fijación interna rígida en 35 casos y la reducción mediante ligamentotaxis con fijador externo y osteosístesis "a mínimo" de la superficie articular en 15. Los resultados clínicos globales fueron satisfactorios (excelentes y buenos) en el 80% de las fracturas tipo I y no satisfactorios (regulares y malos) en el 83% de las fracturas tipo III. Los resultados clínicos fueron mejores cuando se consiguió una buena reducción articular y cuanto menor era el grado de desplazamiento y hundimiento de la fractura.A retrospective study was made of 50 fractures of the tibial plateau treated surgically. The fractures were classified according the Rüedi and Allogöwer. The treatment was open reduction and osteosynthesis in 35 cases and osteotaxis and minimal osteosynthesis in 15. The clinical results were satisfactory in 80% fractures type I and no satisfactory in 83% fractures type III. Better clinical results were obtained when the articular reduction was good and the degree of fracture displacement and collapse was small