386 research outputs found


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    Many well-known educationalists and psychologists noticed that children included “a tree” in their drawings very early, which usually occurred next to a figure or a building. The drawing of the tree, which was treated as a substitute of graphical picture of a figure, constituted material for the research they conducted. Artistic activity is also one of the determinants of diagnosing child’s development and one of many opportunities to say about particular topics, which are preferred by the child. Another precious activity is -next to the drawing-spatial modelling of soft material. The research conducted with the use of the technique of analysis of the artistic works aimed at defining the course of development of “a tree” drawn and spatially modelled by children at preschool age. It was important for the conducted studies to distinguish models of “a tree” – created in two art techniques – typical of particular age along with their characteristic features (clarity of the message, colouring, details used). The subject of the study concerned artworks on flat surface and three dimensional models of a tree formed by children aged 3 to 6 years. Distinguished characteristic features of the drawn and spatially modelled “tree” may become helpful for teachers in assessing development of children.

    Gladonia, Tristalia, Usitalia… la triste eco dell’Italia odierna nelle opere di Stefano Benni

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    The aim of the article is to reveal and analyse the allusions to contemporary Italy that appear in Stefano Benni’s writing. The study is based on three novels (La Compagnia dei Celestini, Elianto, Spiriti) in which readers can easily find and recognise various traits of today’s Italy hidden behind different names, such as Gladonia, Tristalia or Usitalia – traits so strongly rooted in reality that they cannot be ignored. The range of allusions to Italy is vast indeed: from politics to the city of Rimini, from passion for television, through consumption, to traffic jams. Additionally, the paper points out that these descriptions can be seen as chronicles of Italy; in fact, the analysis of Benni’s books displays changes which the country underwent over time, from the early Nineties to the New Millennium. Even if Benni draws the images of Italy which can sometimes seem distorted or exaggerated, they are always very close to reality. The article stresses the fact that what readers will find in Benni’s books are bitter but true descriptions of today’s Italy, with its problems and demons.The aim of the article is to reveal and analyse the allusions to contemporary Italy that appear in Stefano Benni’s writing. The study is based on three novels (La Compagnia dei Celestini, Elianto, Spiriti) in which readers can easily find and recognise various traits of today’s Italy hidden behind different names, such as Gladonia, Tristalia or Usitalia – traits so strongly rooted in reality that they cannot be ignored. The range of allusions to Italy is vast indeed: from politics to the city of Rimini, from passion for television, through consumption, to traffic jams. Additionally, the paper points out that these descriptions can be seen as chronicles of Italy; in fact, the analysis of Benni’s books displays changes which the country underwent over time, from the early Nineties to the New Millennium. Even if Benni draws the images of Italy which can sometimes seem distorted or exaggerated, they are always very close to reality. The article stresses the fact that what readers will find in Benni’s books are bitter but true descriptions of today’s Italy, with its problems and demons


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    Non-verbal communication depends on children’s experiences and knowledge. In artistic activity the richer one’s experiences are that are related to art workshop, the greater is that per-son’s the ability to transmit information about the world, both real and notional, fantastic, which is within the scope of interest of a young creator. The aim of planned research was: to determine ways of creating graphical records by children in preschool and early school age, as universal non-verbal messages. In the research proceedings it was important to define ways of presenting particular issues and types of perspective the children used in particular tasks. Additionally, the symbols were important that were used by children to underline the power of expression. Artistic works of children at preschool age are a creation of both the presence and the future and expression of psychical state. The artistic means used in art works are significant because they reveal logic of children’s thinking, feeling and knowledge the children have.Neverbalna komunikacija ovisi o dječjim iskustvima i znanju. U umjetničkoj djelatnosti što su bogatija iskustva povezana s umjetničkim radom, to je veća sposobnost te osobe da prenosi informacije o svijetu, stvarne i nestvarne, fantastične, što je već u opsegu interesa mladog stvaratelja. Cilj planiranog istraživanja bio je: utvrditi načine stvaranja grafičkih zapisa djece u predškolskoj i ranoj školskoj dobi, kao univerzalnih neverbalnih poruka. U istraživačkom je radu bilo važno definirati načine predstavljanja određenih problema i tipove perspektive koje su djeca koristila u određenim zadacima. Uz to, važni su bili simboli koje su djeca koristila kako bi podcrtala snagu izražavanja. Umjetnička djela djece u predškolskoj dobi tvorevina su i sadašnjosti i budućnosti, te izraz psihičkog stanja. Umjetnička sredstva koja se koriste u umjetničkim djelima značajna su jer otkrivaju logiku dječjeg razmišljanja, osjećaja i znanja koje djeca imaju

    "The category of space in the Gothic novel" : the Italian by Ann Radcliffe

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    Total oxidation of methanol low temperatures on (Cu, Mn)-Mg-Al mixed metal oxides derived from hydrotalcites

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    A series of (Cu, Mn)-Mg-Al hydrotalcite-like layered double hydroxides (HTs) was synthesized by a co-precipitation method.The incorporation of Mn into the Mg-Al and Cu-Mg- Al HTs structure was investigated by employing powder X-ray diffraction. Calcination of the precursors resulted in destruc- tion of the layered structure and led to low-crystalline MgO. Ob- tained mixed metal oxides were tested as catalysts for the process of total oxidation of methanol.The catalytic performance of the Cu-containing samples was better comparing to the Mn-based catalysts and decreased in the following order: Cu-Mg-Al > Cu- Mn-Mg-Al > Mn-Mg-Al > Mg-Al. Quantitative total oxidation of methanol was achieved at 325 C with Cu-Mg-Al mixed oxides

    Atrial fibrillation as a prognostic factor in patients with systolic heart failure

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    Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) decreases left ventricular stroke volume, impaires the mechanical function of heart valves, and disturbes neurohumoral activity of the miocardium. This study evaluated the influence of AF on clinical presentation and long-term follow-up of the patients with systolic heart failure. Methods: A retrospective analysis of the data on clinical presentation of 152 patients (38 women and 114 men) with systolic heart failure (EF < 40%) was performed. The following parameters were compared between patients with and without AF: heart rate and presence of LBBB, several echocardiographic parameters (EF, LVEDV, size of LA, LVEDd, LVESd), oxygen consumption per minute, and frequency of end-point&#8217;s (death, stroke, rehospitalization, CABG) during mean 936-day follow-up. Results: The 53 (35%) AF patients in comparison with 99 non-AF were characterized by: lower exercise performance (VO2max = 10.9 vs. 17.2 ml/kg/min), greater diameter of the left atrium (49.9 vs. 45.9 mm) and decreased end-diastolic volume (LVEDV = 159.5 vs. 183.7 ml), less frequent occurrence of LBBB (7.5% vs. 13.0%), higher overall mortality (28.3% vs. 17.1%), and more frequent rehospitalizations (15% vs. 8%). In patients with persistent AF (40%) with HR < 75/min the mortality was 29% and was statistically significantly lower than in patients with HR > 75/min in whom it was 54%. Conclusions: Atrial fibrillation in patients with systolic heart failure is a disadvantageous, but not independent risk factor. In patients with persistent atrial fibrillation the control of heart rate < 75/min was associated with significant decrease in mortality

    Romantyków rosyjskich podróże do Europy

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    DANUTA PIWOWARSKA, dr, pracownik emerytowany w Katedrze Średniowiecznej i Nowożytnej Literatury Rosyjskiej w Instytucie Filologii Wschodniosłowiańskiej UJ. Zainteresowania naukowe: literatura i kultura rosyjska XVIII i XIX wieku, stosunki kulturalne polsko-rosyjskie, antyk i Biblia w literaturze rosyjskiej, związki literatury z muzyką i malarstwem. Autorka monografii: Rosyjska poezja romantyczna w polskim życiu literackim lat 1822–1863 (Wrocław 1977). Redagowała tomy: Biblia w literaturze i folklorze narodów wschodniosłowiańskich (z Ryszardem Łużnym, Kraków 1998), Słowianie Wschodni. Duchowość, kultura, język (z Anną Bolek i Anną Raźny, Kraków 1998) oraz Polsko-wschodniosłowiańskie stosunki kulturowe. W dziesiątą rocznicę śmierci Profesora Ryszarda Łużnego (z Ewą Korpałą-Kirszak, Kraków 2010).617

    L’immaginario satirico nella prosa di Stefano Benni

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    Wydział NeofilologiiPowieści i eseje napisane przez Stefano Benniego, mimo że bardzo się od siebie różnią, zawierają ogromną ilość humoryzmu i posiadają wspólne imaginarium. Podążając tym tropem, praca zatytułowana Imaginarium satyryczne w prozie Stefano Benniego ma za zadanie analizę satyr Benniego i odtworzenie wiadomości, jakie próbują one przekazać czytelnikom, jako że krzywe zwierciadło pisarza nie chce jedynie pokazać ośmieszonej rzeczywistości, ale pragnie również zachęcić do jej naprawienia. Rozprawa podzielona jest na cztery części i ma na celu odtworzenie – przynajmniej częściowe, biorąc pod uwagę jego ogrom – imaginarium satyrycznego Stefano Benniego, czyli analizę jego twórczości prozatorskiej pod kątem obecności w niej satyrycznych obrazów rzeczywistości. Wizje tworzone przez włoskiego pisarza, mimo że zniekształcone, a chwilami nawet absurdalne, są jednakże zawsze owocami jego wnikliwej obserwacji rzeczywistości, poddanymi obróbce przez jego ogromną wyobraźnię, która pozwala mu na tworzenie zaskakujących dzieł. W ten sposób powstaje jego imaginarium, czyli innymi słowy zbiór wyobrażeń, figur i tematów opisanych za pomocą bardzo oryginalnego języka. Dotąd krytycy literatury skupiali się w swoich badaniach głównie na postmodernistycznych aspektach pisarstwa Benniego, niniejsza praca analizuje zaś charakter satyryczny jego twórczości.In my dissertation entitled The satirical imaginarium of Stefano Benni I’m analysing literary production of one of the most prominent and prolific Italian writers of the last 35 years. The word that best describes Benni’s writing is “humour”. But it would be wrong to think that the purpose of his books is only to have a laugh. Apart from being genuinely funny, they contain a great amount of very serious messages. In fact, he describes many contemporary problems related to the world we live in and, most of all, to Italian society. As he said in an interview, he wanted to show that comical writing is not a subgenre, but that it can narrate any story, express judgments and show the truth. That it can face the issues which hurt us every day. In Benni’s books we can find countless examples in which reality is conveyed by the use of invented worlds. When we read Benni’s books, we often see fantastic and improbable places and creatures which do not exist in the real world, we encounter surreal and strange situations. But when we focus on the meaning of the things which are said, on the events taking place there – we realize that the message of his books is crucial. Consequently, Benni’s books, even if they are fruits of his great imagination, are very strongly rooted in our reality and hand down very serious messages to the reader.Il presente lavoro, diviso in quattro parti, intende ricostruire – almeno in parte, data la sua vastità – l’immaginario satirico di Stefano Benni, ovvero analizzare la sua opera narrativa marcando la presenza degli elementi satirici, accennando talvolta anche ai suoi pezzi poetici oppure teatrali. Si cercheranno le immagini satiriche più frequenti nei suoi scritti e si intenderà mostrarne le funzioni. Le visioni che crea lo scrittore bolognese pur essendo distorte ed a volte persino assurde, sono comunque sempre frutto delle sue osservazioni del presente, filtrate dalla sua immensa immaginazione che gli permette di creare degli scritti impressionanti ed eccezionali. In questo modo nasce il suo immaginario, vale a dire l’insieme di figure, temi e rappresentazioni descritti attraverso un linguaggio molto originale. Se i critici italiani hanno letto Benni soprattutto come uno scrittore postmoderno, io ho deciso di mostrare il carattere satirico dell’immaginario benniano

    Hard power i soft power w polityce bezpieczeństwa Izraela

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    The rise of the state of Israel was landmark for the Middle East but also for the entire international community. Since its inception, the State of Israel experienced successes, but also a failure, it was forced to face wars, internal and external problems. This article says, which factors influenced the formation of the Israel’s security system. Through the analysis of political background up to now with special taking the matter of security into consideration the attempt of answering the question was taken: what is the role of hard power and soft power in the policy of the State of Israel