343 research outputs found

    Mechanism of proteasome-mediated processing of proteins

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    Side effects of drugs used in cancer chemotherapy

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    IntroductionChemotherapy is a systemic treatment of tumors with use of cytotoxic agents which affect the whole organism destroying cells tumor cells which divide quickly. These medicines damage also healthy tissues of the organism causing some side effects in different systems of organs. Objective The objective of this study is to review the most common side-effects of drugs used in chemotherapy based on the available literature.  Methods22 publications published between 2005-2016 concerning side-effects of drugs used during the chemotherapy of the cancer were analyzed. Results and discussion Majority of the side-effects of chemotherapeutic drugs are symptoms from the digestive tract, bone marrow, cardiovascular system and kidneys. A systematic review of medicines responsible for these symptoms was accomplished.ConclusionsMajority of patients treated with chemotherapy experience its’ side effects. The most noticeable ones are those of the digestive tract, like diarrhea or vomiting, which cause considerable discomfort and arouse the urgent need for the doctor’s help. However, the most dangerous effects, which directly threaten a patient’s life are severe cytopenias and unexpected failure of the cardiovascular system

    Native XML Interface for a Relational Database

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    XML je dominatním jazykem pro výměnu dat. Vzhledem k velkém množství dostupných XML dokumentů a jejich vzájemnému přenosu, vzniká protřeba jejich ukládání a dotazování v nich. Jelikož většina firem stále používá systémy založené na relačních databázích pro ukládání dat, a často je nutné kombinovat nově získané XML data s původním daty uloženými v relační databázi, je vhodné se zabývat uložením XML dokumentů v relačních databázích. V této práci jsme se zaměřili na strukturované a semi-strukturované XML dokumenty, protože jsou nejčastěji používanými formáty pro výměnu dat a mohou být snadno validovány pomocí XML schémat. Předmětem teoretického rozboru je modifikovaný Hybrid algoritmus pro rozdělení dokumentu do relací na základě XSD schémat a dále umožnujeme zavést redundanci pro urychlení dotazování. Naším cílem je vytvořit systém podporujicí nejnovější standardy, který zároveň poskytne větší výkon a vertikální škálovatelnost než nativní XML databáze.XML has emerged as leading document format for exchanging data. Because of vast amounts of XML documents available and transfered, there is a strong need to store and query information in these documents. However, the most companies are still using a RDBMS for their data warehouses and it is often necessary to combine legacy data with the ones in XML format, so it might be useful to consider storage possibilities for XML documents in a relation database. In this thesis we focused on structured and semi-structured data-based XML documents, because they are the most common when exchanging data and they can be easily validated against an XML schema. We propose a slightly modified Hybrid algorithm to shred doc- uments into relations using an XSD scheme and we allowed redundancy to make queries faster. Our goal was not to provide an academic solution, but fully working system supporting latest standards, which will beat up native XML databases both by performance and vertical scalability.

    Muzułmański terroryzm w Europie. Radykalizacja poglądów religijnych wśród migrantów z Bliskiego Wschodu

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    The article is an analysis of the current situation in European Union caused by the "terrorist tension" and defines the phenomenon of Muslim religious terrorism. Selected terrorist acts made in Europe in 2015-2019 in the context of religious radicalism were discussed. Attention was paid to the profile of the Muslim terrorist and the motives of his actions and readiness for suicide. In addition, the article discusses the reasons for the radicalization of views among Muslims living in Europe. Shaping radical attitudes in the Muslim community is a way of defending religious values against Western cultural aggression. Also important are religious centers of Islam, and therefore imams and mosques, which are financed by Muslim radicals.Artykuł jest analizą aktualnej sytuacji w krajach Unii Europejskiej, spowodowanej „napięciem terrorystycznym” i definiuje zjawisko muzułmańskiego terroryzmu religijnego. Omówiono wybrane akty terroryzmu dokonane w Europie w latach 2015–2019 w kontekście muzułmańskiego radykalizmu religijnego. Zwrócono uwagę na profil muzułmańskiego terrorysty oraz motywy jego działania i gotowość na samobójczą śmierć. Ponadto w artykule omówiono przyczyny radykalizacji poglądów wśród muzułmanów żyjących w Europie. Kształtowanie postaw radykalnych w społeczności muzułmańskiej jest sposobem obrony wartości religijnych przed agresją kulturową Zachodu. Istotne znaczenie posiadają także centra religijne islamu, a więc imamowie oraz meczety, które są finansowane przez radykałów muzułmańskich

    The topography of the subthebesian fossa in relation to neighbouring structures within the right atrium

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    The majority of anatomical structures within the heart during typical atrial flutters’ ablation, right sided accessory pathway ablation or slow pathway ablation are invisible or blurred. Therefore it is very important to know in details interior right atrial structures during such procedures. In the neighborhood of coronary sinus orifice small concavity is visible. This area, called subthebesian fossa, is placed between the os of coronary sinus, the orifice of vena cava inferior and tricuspid annulus. The fossa is on the way of typical atrial flutters’ reentrant circuit and is placed next to the isthmus area, which has become a target site for ablative therapy. Regarding the facts mentioned above we decided to examine the topography of this concavity in relation to neighboring structures. Research was conducted on material consisting of 45 human hearts of both sexes, from 19 to 71 years of age. The hearts came from patients whose death was not cardiologic in origin. The topography of the fossa was examined in relation to coronary sinus orifice (diameter A), vena cava inferior orifice (diameter B) and the attachment of the posterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve (diameter C). Besides we measured two perpendicular sizes in the inlet plane of the fossa. There were the longest size (diameter D) and the shortest size of the fossa (diameter E). We also defined deepness of the fossa (diameter F). Diameter A was from to 2 to 7 mm (avg. 4.9 ± 1.4 mm), diameter B from 2 to 8 mm (avg. 4.0 ± 1.6 mm) and diameter C from 5 to 9 mm (avg. 7.0 ± 1.5 mm). The longest size in inlet plane of the concavity (diameter D) was from 12 to 18 mm (avg.14.1 ± 1.7 mm) and shortest size (diameter E) was from 7 to 14 mm (avg. 9.0 ± 1.7 mm). The deepness of the fossa (diameter F) was from 2 to 7 mm (avg. 4.8 ± 1.2 mm). The subthebesian concavity is inconstant anatomical structure, occurring in all forty five examined hearts (100%). The shape and sizes of the subthebesian fossa were variable in examined group of hearts. Our data suggest that differences in diameters between subthebesian fossa and neighboring structures may have clinical importance during ablation procedure

    355— Topographical Individualized Neuromarkers in the Analysis of the Brain Functioning of Social-Emotional Development

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    Topographical Individualized Neuromarkers (TIN) are spatially arranged patterns of brain function used to develop novel brain markers of social-emotional functioning and development. The current study focuses on developing markers of risk for psychological problems in children. We are expanding on previous research that indicates the brains of shy children differ from the brains of non-shy children, where shy children present with a topographical pattern of brain function that may be considered an internally hypervigilant neuromarker (Taber-Thomas et al., 2016). Using the online software, Neurosynth, we will extend our research into neuromarkers for other disorders using publicly available data. This program allows for the examination of internally hypervigilant neuromarkers in several regions of the brain. The regions we will be specifically examining are the insula, cingulate gyrus, hippocampus, and amygdala. This model will be explored further by calculating topographical maps from fMRI data and examining how differences in the maps are related to social-emotional functioning and development

    E-learning jako narzędzie wspomagające rozwój kompetencji miękkich pracowników przedsiębiorstw z branży TSL

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    W związku z dynamicznym rozwojem usług TSL w przedsiębiorstwach konieczne jest zadbanie o aspekt nabywania przez pracowników wiedzy niezbędnej do wykonywania zadań. W teorii i praktyce wciąż poszukuje się najlepszych sposobów gromadzenia wiedzy, która ma charakter ukryty i jest wynikiem przetwarzania informacji oraz gromadzenia doświadczeń przez wykwalifikowaną kadrę przedsiębiorstwa. Aby wypełnić tę lukę, autorki rozdziału opierają się na analizie dostępnych narzędzi oraz ich potencjalnej możliwości aplikacji w przedsiębiorstwach z branży TSL. Przeprowadzona analiza wskazuje, że e-learning nie może być traktowany jedynie jako asynchroniczne narzędzie przekazywania wiedzy

    Left ventricle systolic volume in vasovagal syncope patients

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    One of the hypotheses put forward concerning the mechanism of vasovagal syncope is that the vagal afferent fibres are activated during vigorous contractions against a partly empty left ventricle. The aim of the study was to confirm this hypothesis by using 2D echocardiography during a head-up tilt test. The study was carried out on 39 patients (17 male, 22 female, age range 21–64 years), all with a history of recurrent syncope. The patients were examined using a 2D echo to measure the end-diastolic and end-systolic volume before the head-up tilt test after the Westminster protocol (45min/60 grade) and every five minutes after tilting. T patients during head-up tilt test had a positive response and 32 proved negative. A reduction of both the end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes of the left ventricle was noticed. There was no significant difference in the degree of ejection fraction reduction. The difference in ejection fraction reduction between the two groups was similarly non-significant. It was also noticed that the patients with a positive response had more vigorous contractions than those with a negative test. The decision was therefore taken to use a different parameter for the left ventricle contraction, namely the LV posterior wall slope. As this parameter is partly dependent on time, its use in confirming the extremely vigorous nature of the contractions was considered appropriate. Only 6 patients were tested using this parameter. A tendency towards greater left ventricle posterior wall slope values, both before and during tilting was noticed in the group of patients with vasovagal reaction. Our data shows that vigorous contraction is probably less responsible for vasovagal syncope release than left ventricle volume reduction

    The arrangement of muscle fibres in the region of the subthebesian fossa in the aspect of atrial flutter

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    The typical atrial flutter is the most common supraventricular tachycardia with reentrant circuit. This tachyarrythmia is based on macroreentry wave going around established anatomic landmarks. The reentry in the inferior right atrial wall passes through narrow isthmus, which is the goal for ablative therapy. The isthmus area is bordered anteriorly by the tricuspid valve and posteriorly by the inferior vena cava, coronary sinus, and eustachian ridge. Near to this area we can find anatomical structure, which can be very important during arising, perpetuation and curing of atrial flutter. The concavity, so-called subthebesian fossa [15], is on the way of typical atrial flutters’ reentrant circuit. Regarding the facts mentioned above we decided to examine the morphology and the arrangement of the muscle fibres in this fossa. Research was conducted on material consisting of 70 human hearts of both sexes from the age of 34 to 72 years. 50 hearts came from patients whose death was not cardiologic in origin. 20 hearts came from humans in whose common atrial flutter was confirmed. We observed the arrangement of muscle fibres in the area of subthebesian fossa. Besides we measured the size and deepness of the subthebesian fossa in both groups of hearts. We found that regular arrangement of muscle fibres within subthebesian fossa was present in 23 healthy human hearts (46%) and 7 cases (35%) of hearts with atrial flutter. The irregular arrangement of muscle fibres was observed in 27 hearts (54%) of control group and 13 hearts (65%) with dysrrhythmia. The thickness of the right atrial wall within the subthebesian fossa was very thin in 8 normal hearts (16%) and in 5 dysrrhythmic hearts (25%). The sizes of examined structure were variable in both groups of hearts, and are presented in the table. It seems that the subthebesian concavity can be the substrate for reentrant circuit during atrial flutter, and there could be such special arrangement of muscle fibres, which allows for microreentrant circuit to arise in this area