478 research outputs found

    Mass-loaded spherical accretion flows

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    We have calculated the evolution of spherical accretion flows undergoing mass-loading from embedded clouds through either conduction or hydrodynamical ablation. We have observed the effect of varying the ratios of the mass-loading timescale and the cooling timescale to the ballistic crossing timescale through the mass-loading region. We have also varied the ratio of the potential energy of a particle injected into the flow near the outer region of mass-loading to the temperature at which a minimum occurs in the cooling curve. The two types of mass-loading produce qualitatively different types of behaviour in the accretion flow, since mass-loading through conduction requires the ambient gas to be hot, whereas mass ablation from clumps occurs throughout the flow. Higher ratios of injected to accreted mass typically occur with hydrodynamical ablation, in agreement with previous work on wind-blown bubbles and supernova remnants. We find that mass-loading damps the radiative overstability of such flows, in agreement with our earlier work. If the mass-loading is high enough it can stabilize the accretion shock at a constant radius, yielding an almost isothermal subsonic post-shock flow. Such solutions may be relevant to cooling flows onto massive galaxies. Mass-loading can also lead to the formation of isolated shells of high temperature material, separated by gas at cooler temperatures

    Superimposition of TyrR protein-mediated regulation on osmoresponsive transcription of Escherichia coli proU in vivo

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    Osmotic regulation of proU expression in the enterobacteria is achieved, at least in part, by a repression mechanism involving the histone-like nucleoid protein H-NS. By the creation of binding sites for the TyrR regulator protein in the vicinity of the σ70-controlled promoter of proU in Escherichia coli, we were able to demonstrate a superposed TyrR-mediated activation by L-phenylalanine (Phe), as well as repression by L-tyrosine, of proU expression in vivo. Based on the facts that pronounced activation in the presence of Phe was observed even at a low osmolarity and that the affinity of binding of TyrR to its cognate sites on DNA is not affected by Phe, we argue that H-NS-mediated repression of proU at a low osmolarity may not involve a classical silencing mechanism. Our data also suggest the involvement of recruited RNA polymerase in the mechanism of antirepression in E. coli

    The Formation of Broad Emission Line Regions in Supernova-QSO Wind Interactions

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    We show that a cooled region of shocked supernova ejecta forms in a type II supernova-QSO wind interaction, and has a density, an ionization parameter, and a column density compatible with those inferred for the high ionization component of the broad emission line regions in QSOs. The calculations are based on the assumption that the ejecta flow is described initially by a similarity solution investigated by Chevalier (1982) and Nadyozhin (1985) and is spherically symmetric. Heating and cooling appropriate for gas irradiated by a nearby powerful continuum source is included in our model, together with reasonable assumptions for the properties of the QSO wind. The model results are also in agreement with observational correlations and imply reasonable supernova rates.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, to be published in A&

    Numerical simulations of shocks encountering clumpy regions

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    We present numerical simulations of the adiabatic interaction of a shock with a clumpy region containing many individual clouds. Our work incorporates a sub-grid turbulence model which for the first time makes this investigation feasible. We vary the Mach number of the shock, the density contrast of the clouds, and the ratio of total cloud mass to inter-cloud mass within the clumpy region. Cloud material becomes incorporated into the flow. This "mass-loading" reduces the Mach number of the shock, and leads to the formation of a dense shell. In cases in which the mass-loading is sufficient the flow slows enough that the shock degenerates into a wave. The interaction evolves through up to four stages: initially the shock decelerates; then its speed is nearly constant; next the shock accelerates as it leaves the clumpy region; finally it moves at a constant speed close to its initial speed. Turbulence is generated in the post-shock flow as the shock sweeps through the clumpy region. Clouds exposed to turbulence can be destroyed more rapidly than a similar cloud in an "isolated" environment. The lifetime of a downstream cloud decreases with increasing cloud-to-intercloud mass ratio. We briefly discuss the significance of these results for starburst superwinds and galaxy evolution.Comment: 17 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Cosmic ray moderation of the thermal instability

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    We apply the Hermite-Bieler theorem in the analysis of the effect of cosmic rays on the thermal stability of an initially uniform, static background. The cosmic rays were treated in a fluid approximation and the diffusion coefficient was assumed to be constant in time and space. The inclusion of cosmic rays does not alter the criterion for the thermal stability of a medium subjected to isobaric perturbations. It does alter the criteria for the stability of a medium perturbed by small amplitude sound waves. In the limit of a high background cosmic ray pressure to thermal pressure ratio, the instability in response to high frequency sound waves is suppressed