816 research outputs found

    TGD Inspired View About Remote Mental Interactions and Consciousness-Related Anomalies, Part I

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    I have proposed a general vision about how remote mental interactions and related phenomena could be understood in TGD Universe  around 2003. The progress that has taken place since then in TGD  motivates the reconsideration of this vision.  In this article - second part of an  article - devoted to the updated vision about parapsychological phenomena and remote mental interactions,  I will discuss some applications of the basic vision. First the  notion of conscious hologram  is discussed from the point of view of remote mental interactions. The notion of magnetic body is in decisive role as it is also in the understanding of quantum biology in TGD framework.TGD inspired model for OBEs relying on the notion of magnetic body is summarized. The idea is that OBEs could correspond to sensory experiences assignable to magnetic body rather than real body. Also the connections with the work of other researchers, such as Shnoll, Persinger, and  Tiller are discussed briefly. The challenge of testing the vision is also considered

    TGD Inspired View About Remote Mental Interactions and Consciousness-Related Anomalies, Part II

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    I have proposed a general vision about how remote mental interactions and related phenomena could be understood in TGD Universe around 2003. The progress that has taken place since then in TGD motivates the reconsideration of this vision. In this article - second part of an article - devoted to the updated vision about parapsychological phenomena and remote mental interactions, I will discuss some applications of the basic vision. First the notion of conscious hologram is discussed from the point of view of remote mental interactions. The notion of magnetic body is in decisive role as it is also in the understanding of quantum biology in TGD framework. TGD inspired model for OBEs relying on the notion of magnetic body is summarized. The idea is that OBEs could correspond to sensory experiences assignable to magnetic body rather than real body. Also the connections with the work of other researchers, such as Shnoll, Persinger, and Tiller are discussed briefly. The challenge of testing the vision is also considered

    Resilience as a part of international supply chain management strategy:insights of resilient strategies

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    Abstract. This thesis deals with improving resilience in international supply chain management. The study examines the structures and dynamics of the supply chain, as well as the potential threats that may affect the supply chains. During the study, the following events took place: Covid-19 pandemic, the blockage of the Suez Canal, and recent delivery difficulties due to political influences such as Brexit, which is why these particular events have been taken into consideration in this study. In the time of improving internationalization, supply chains have become increasingly complex to manage. Supply chain structures have changed towards network-like features. One company can be part of several supply chains and as a result, the structures of the supply chain network are very complex. In their strategy work, supply chain management faces many uncertainties, which are affected by the possibility of various disruptions. Disruptions in the organization of the supply chain can affect the entire supply chain network. Disruptions can be longer-term external changes, such as increased political regulation, changes in regional stability, or a pandemic. More shorter-term disruptors can be, for example, changed weather conditions, a fire or a terrorist attack. The effects of disruptions on supply chains can lead to, for example, production issues, weakened cooperation, overstocking, inefficient use of capital, and even endanger business continuity. Some risks can be prepared for, but when the work of others within the supply chain are disrupted, it is only possible to adapt to the prevailing situation in order to minimize the negative effects. Increasing resilience requires both proactive and reactive strategy work. Resilience aims to make operations more flexible so that supply chains can respond to changing situations. The study consists of material compiled in a survey, as well as previous literature and articles. The key findings of the study are that improving market predictability, transparency in the operations of supply chain organizations, and strong collaborations have a positive impact on resilience in the supply chains

    Aivotoiminnan häiriöiden yhteydessä yleisesti koetut psykososiaaliset vaikeudet : PARADISE24-kyselyn tutkimusperusta

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    Ihmisen kokonaistilanne on tärkeä ottaa hoidossa ja kuntoutuksessa huomioon. Psychosocial Factors Relevant to Brain Disorders in Europa (PARADISE) -hanke toteutettiin kymmenen instituutin yhteistyössä professori Ciezan johdolla 2010–2013. Tavoitteena oli kehittää tutkimukseen perustuva menetelmä, jonka avulla voidaan kartoittaa psykososiaalisia vaikeuksia eri aivotoiminnan häiriöiden hoidossa, kuntoutuksessa ja tutkimisessa. Hankkeessa oli lähtökohtana oletus psykososiaalisten vaikeuksien horisontaalisesta epidemiologiasta. Hankkeessa tutkittiin yhdeksää aivotoiminnan häiriötä: dementiaa, depressiota, epilepsiaa, migreeniä, MS-tautia, Parkinsonin tautia, skitsofreniaa, aivoverenkiertohäiriötä ja päihderiippuvuutta. Kunkin häiriön osalta toteutettiin systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus ja fokusryhmähaastattelu. Esiin nousseet psykososiaaliset vaikeudet luokiteltiin ja linkitettiin kansainväliseen toimintakykyluokitukseen (ICF). Eri häiriöille yhteisten 64 psykososiaalisen vaikeuden yleisyyttä ja intensiteettiä tutkittiin yksilöhaastatteluissa (n = 722). Tulosten pohjalta muodostettiin yleisiä psykososiaalisia vaikeuksia mahdollisimman laajasti kattava PARADISE24-kysely. Oletus eri häiriöiden yhteisistä psykososiaalisista ongelmista osoittautui todeksi. Kyselyyn valikoitui neljätoista kysymystä ICF:n osa-alueelta b Ruumiin/kehon toiminnot ja kymmenen kysymystä osa-alueelta d Suoritukset ja osallistuminen. Psykososiaalisten vaikeuksien intensiteetissä esiintyi kuitenkin häiriöiden välillä eroja siten, että psykiatristen tai päihdehäiriöiden takia haastatellut käyttivät laaja-alaisesti viisiportaista vastausvaihtoehtojen asteikkoa, mutta neurologisten häiriöiden yhteydessä kaksi- tai kolmeportainen asteikko vaikutti riittävältä. PARADISE24-kysely sisältää olennaiset kysymykset, mutta jatkotutkimusta tarvitaan erityisesti kyselyn toimivuudesta seurantakäytössä. Raportissa esitetään PARADISE24-kyselyn valmistamisen tutkimusperusta horisontaalisten tulosten sekä erikseen päihdehäiriöiden näkökulmasta.36,00 euro

    Lineaarisen palkkiteorian ja geometrisesti epälineaarisen FEM ratkaisun vertailu

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    Tiivistelmä. Palkkirakenteet ovat hyvin keskeisessä asemassa teollisuudessa monikäyttöisyytensä vuoksi. Taivutustilanteissa ollaan kiinnostuneita palkin poikkileikkauksen jännityskentästä, sillä se kertoo rakenteen lujuudesta. Standardit ja normit puolestaan antavat rajoitteita palkin eri pisteiden siirtymille. Insinöörien olisi hyvä tietää, tilanteesta riippuen, tuleeko mallinnus suorittaa geometrisesti lineaarisella vai epälineaarisella teorialla. Tämän työn teoriaosuudessa johdetaan taipumaviivan yhtälöt kahdelle lineaariselle palkkiteorialle ja läpikäydään epälineaarisuuden muotoja. Teoriaosuuden jälkeen suoritetaan geometrisesti lineaarisen ja epälineaarisen teorioiden vertailu esimerkkitehtävällä FEM-ohjelmassa. Tunnetuin lineaarisista palkkiteorioista on Euler-Bernoullin taivutusteoria, missä leikkausvoiman vaikutus jätetään huomiotta ja oletetaan, että palkin poikkileikkaukset säilyttävät deformaatiossa tasomaisuutensa. Timoshenkon palkkiteoria puolestaan huomioi leikkausvoiman aiheuttaman leikkausjännityksen, mikä aiheuttaa palkin poikkileikkauksissa deplanaation. Materiaalista ja reunaehdoista johtuvat epälineaarisuudet esitellään lukijalle yksinkertaisilla analyyttisilla esimerkeillä. Geometrisesta epälineaarisuudesta käydään läpi taivutetun palkin kokema jännitysjäykistyminen tasotilanteessa. Työn tavoitteena on näyttää lukijalle, mitä geometrisesti lineaarinen mallinnus jättää huomiotta taivutetun palkin laskennassa ja kuinka merkittävää tämä on tulosten kannalta. Lisäksi kerrotaan, milloin laskenta olisi suoritettava geometrisesti epälineaarisella teorialla ja muutamia käytännön peukalosääntöjä helpottamaan tilanteiden tunnistamista. Lukija voi hyödyntää työtä ja sen lähdekirjallisuutta erilaisiin ja vaativimpiin rakennelmiin. Laskentaesimerkin saaduista taipumaviivoista voidaan päätellä, että molemmat teoriat ovat käypiä kyseiselle palkille ja kuormitukselle. Positiiviset kalvovoimat lisäävät rakenteen taivutusjäykkyyttä huomattavasti, jolloin rakenne vastustaa sitä taivuttavia voimia ja näin ollen taipuu vähemmän. Tämä jännitysjäykistymiseksi kutsuttu ilmiö huomioidaan geometrisesti epälineaarisessa teoriassa jännitysjäykkyysmatriisilla, joka summataan rakenteen elastiseen jäykkyysmatriisiin. Laskentaesimerkissä käytetty molemmista päistä niveltuettu palkki ei pääse pitenemään, jolloin sen sisäiset kalvovoimat kasvavat suuresti verrattuna toisesta päästä aksiaalissuunnassa vapaasti liikkuvaan palkkiin. Geometrisesti lineaarinen teoria laskee ainoastaan elastisen jäykkyysmatriisin, jolloin tietyissä tilanteissa siirtymät voivat kasvaa älyttömän suuriksi. Kalvovoimat voivat olla myös negatiivisia, jolloin aiheutuu rakenteen nurjahtaminen. Analogisesti palkkirakenteelle voidaan samankaltaista laskentaa suorittaa levy- ja kuorirakenteille. Peukalosääntöihin kuuluu palkkirakenteissa sallitut venymät, jotka ovat lähteistä riippuen 2–5 % ja maksimitaipuma, mikä voi korkeintaan olla puolet palkin korkeudesta. Lisäksi suunnittelijan tulisi tarkastella lineaarisella teorialla laskettua rakenteen deformaatiota luonnollisessa skaalauksessa ja nähtäessä selvää muodonmuutosta tulisi käyttää geometrisesti epälineaarista teoriaa. Epäiltäessä tulosten luotettavuutta tulisi käyttää geometrisesti epälineaarista teoriaa.Comparison of linear beam theory and geometrically nonlinear FEM solution. Abstract. Beam structures play a very central role in industry due to their multifunctionality. In bending situations, there is interest in the stress state of the cross-section of the beam, as it indicates the strength of the structure. Standards and norms, on the other hand, provide limitations on the displacements of different points in the beam. It would be good for engineers to know, depending on the situation, whether modelling should be carried out with geometrically linear or nonlinear theory. The theoretical part of this thesis derives the equations of the deflection curve for two linear beam theories and undergoes forms of nonlinearity. After the theory section, a comparison of linear beam theory and geometrically nonlinear FEM solution is carried out with an example. The most famous of the linear beam theories is Euler-Bernoulli’s bending theory, where the effect of shearing force is ignored, and it is assumed that the cross-sections of the beam retain their planeness in deformation. Timoshenko’s beam theory, on the other hand, takes into account the shearing stress caused by the shearing force, which causes deplanation in the cross-sections of the beam. Nonlinearities due to material and boundary conditions are presented to the reader with simple analytical examples. Geometric nonlinearity is reviewed by the stress stiffening experienced by the bent beam in plane. The aim of the thesis is to show the reader what geometrically linear modelling ignores in the calculation of the bent beam and how significant this is in terms of results. In addition, it is explained when the calculation should be carried out with a geometrically nonlinear theory and a few practical thumb rules to facilitate the identification of these situations. The reader can utilize the thesis and its source literature for various and more demanding structures. The deflection curves obtained from the calculation example suggest that both theories are valid for the used beam and load. Positive membrane forces greatly increase the bending stiffness of the structure, causing the structure to resist transverse forces and thus bend less. This phenomenon, known as stress stiffening, is taken into account in geometrically nonlinear theory by a stress stiffness matrix summed to the elastic stiffness matrix of the structure. The beam pinned at both ends used in the calculation example cannot lengthen, causing its internal membrane forces to increase greatly compared to the axially free beam at one end. Geometrically linear theory calculates only the elastic stiffness matrix, which means that in certain situations deflections can become incredibly large. Membrane forces can also be negative, causing the structure to buckle. By analogy, similar calculation of the beam structure can be performed on plate and shell structures. The rules of thumb include strains allowed in beam structures, which are between 2% and 5% depending on the sources, and the maximum displacement, which can be at most half the height of the beam. In addition, the designer should look at the deformation of the structure calculated by linear theory in natural scaling and when seeing clear deformation, geometrically nonlinear theory should be used. When doubting the reliability of the results, a geometrically nonlinear theory should be used

    Comparative analysis of molecular fingerprints in prediction of drug combination effects

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    bbab291Application of machine and deep learning methods in drug discovery and cancer research has gained a considerable amount of attention in the past years. As the field grows, it becomes crucial to systematically evaluate the performance of novel computational solutions in relation to established techniques. To this end, we compare rule-based and data-driven molecular representations in prediction of drug combination sensitivity and drug synergy scores using standardized results of 14 high-throughput screening studies, comprising 64 200 unique combinations of 4153 molecules tested in 112 cancer cell lines. We evaluate the clustering performance of molecular representations and quantify their similarity by adapting the Centered Kernel Alignment metric. Our work demonstrates that to identify an optimal molecular representation type, it is necessary to supplement quantitative benchmark results with qualitative considerations, such as model interpretability and robustness, which may vary between and throughout preclinical drug development projects.Peer reviewe

    A Value-Based Steering Model for Healthcare

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    This article aims to answer how a commissioning body can steer health services based on value in an environment where the commissioner is responsible for the health services of a population with varying health service needs. In this design science study, we constructed a value-based steering model consisting of three parts: (1) the principles of steering; (2) the steering process; and (3) Value Steering Canvas, a concrete tool for steering. The study is based on Finland, a tax-funded healthcare system, where healthcare is a public service. The results can be applied in any system where there is a commissioner and a service provider, whether they are two separate organizations or not. We conclude that steering can be done based on value. The commissioning body can start using value-based steering without changes in legislation or in the present service system. Further research is needed to test the model in practice.Peer reviewe

    The effect of low childhood income on self-harm in young adulthood : Mediation by adolescent mental health, behavioural factors and school performance

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    Low childhood income is an established risk factor of self-harm in adolescence and young adulthood, and childhood income is additionally associated with various correlates of self-harm. How these correlates, such as psychiatric disorders, substance abuse, violent behaviour and school problems, mediate the effect of childhood income on self-harm, is less understood. The purpose of the current paper is to examine this mediation. The study is based on administrative register data on all Finnish children born in 1990-1995. An analytical sample of 384,121 children is followed from age 8 to 22. We apply the parametric g-formula to study the effect of childhood income on the risk of self-harm in young adulthood. Adolescent psychiatric disorders, substance abuse, prior self-harm, violent criminality and victimization, out-of-home placements, not being in education, employment or training and school performance are considered as potential mediators. We control for confounding factors related to childhood family characteristics. As a hypothetical intervention, we moved those in the lowest childhood income quintile to the second-lowest quintile, which resulted in a 7% reduction in hospital-presenting self-harm in young adulthood among those targeted by the intervention (2% reduction in the total population). 67% of the effect was mediated through the chosen mediators. The results indicate that increases in childhood material resources could protect from self-harm in young adulthood. Moreover, the large proportion of mediation suggests that targeted interventions for high-risk adolescents may be beneficial. To our knowledge, this is the first paper to use the parametric g-formula to study youth self-harm. Future applications are encouraged as the method offers several further opportunities for analysing the complex life course pathways to self-harm.Peer reviewe