104 research outputs found

    Authors as Strategic Constructions in the Multimedia Age

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    What does it mean to be an author as the practices associated with connective and/or collective intelligence continue spreading through the world of the mass-media? More specifically, how are authors, and publishers as well, already undergoing important transformations as new information and communication technologies allow the capitalization of knowledge? The diverse philosophical and sociological implications of this question are explored below in contexts ranging from industrialorganizational knowledge work, to the creation and marketing of popular literary fiction. At both of these extremes, however, the central thesis is "depersonalization." That is, it will be argued that the effect of the new information/communication systems is to dilute, conceal, or entirely eliminate identification of the single mind or minds that have been absorbed into the systems

    Reframing the systemic approach to complex organizations as intangible portfolios

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    The aim of this paper is to pave the way towards the inclusion of mainstream sociological approaches (based on Luhmann’s approach) for the studies of firms-organizations. In social sciences we can observe that the theoretic consequences of a paradigm shift is signiicantly represented by the evolution of systemic thinking from Parsons to Luhmann. This shift implies the change from the vision of systemic organizations as “structures” to that of systemic organizations as “communication flows”. The milestone of systemic approach in management maybe found in the research and applied works of Anthony Staford Beer with his Viable System Model (VSM) that today faced a relevant reconiguration by Golinelli and the Italian school on Viable Systemic Approach (VSA). The paradigm shift in this ield has been smoother than in sociology, and didn’t imply the discard of the concept of organization as a structure. This because, in management sciences, the perspective and, consequently, the subject of study is the organization and its structure. We think this paradigm shift is possible also in management sciences, if we consider the whole organization as a structured information low creating a dematerialized structure. Our research question is: “Is it possible to apply in business sciences the fundamental concepts that caused the paradigm shift in sociology?” To answer to this question we discuss about ontology of the firm and of the concept of value in order to understand to what extent intangible communication lows are called upon to be involved in a new deinition of structure

    Marketing as a Luhmanian System

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    This study is focused on a twofold observation through Niklas Luhmann’s systemic theory (1927-1998). On one side, we see marketing as a methodology/topic in the relentless process of sense and meaning construction by each system through its specific code and program (e. g. science, economics, law, religion, politics). The process of making of sense and meaning can be depicted as communication: (Marketing = Code -> System = Market System)

    Globalizzazione del diritto, comportamento manageriale e corruzione

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    La globalizzazione del diritto conduce ad un processo di differenziazione funzionale della norma più marcato rispetto al passato: la norma giuridica rivela tutta la sua gelida potenza kelseniana e la sua intrinseca razionalità law & economics nel fissare standard e la norma sociale si rivela come leva ehrlichiana ribollente di costumi, passioni e valori di tipo sociale, ma anche politico. La globalizzazione del diritto porta con sé l’istanza di un diritto globale kelseniano ed isotropico ed al contempo una grande emancipazione de-regolativa dai costumi e dalle convenzioni sociali: da qui la sociologia del sistema giuridico di Luhmann che espunge l’essere umano in carne ed ossa dal sistema giuridico così come i valori, l’etica e la morale vengono considerate solo mere eruzioni di soggettività. In questo scenario, dunque, come si configura la costruzione positiva del concetto di corruzione in senso giuridico, politologico e sociologico dal caso Enron fino al più frustrato colletto bianco descritto da Wright Mills o Crozier che, in ogni spazio d’incertezza, vede la chance di crearsi un potere che nessun ordinamento gli ha mai riconosciuto

    communicating intangible value the case of contemporary art

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the phenomenon of dematerialization of art, which is increasingly evident. This phenomenon of increasing abstraction is emerging in complex evolutionary systems of communication in multiple forms (from the presumed real economy to finance, from human resources management to the expansion of intellectual capital formalized in trademarks, patents, licenses, copyrights, etc.,). The abstraction of contemporary art reflects a complex phenomenon that can be defined as hypercitizenship in the sense that the levels of observational and operational expertise required for a system to evolve autopoietically are increasingly sophisticated in terms of the four characteristics featuring hypercitizenship: cosmopolitanism, entrepreneurship, scientificity and social autonomy, as compared to the specifics of the art system

    Setting the agenda of a counter-terrorism strategic policy model

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    The aim of this paper is to present a functional model to fight terrorism from macro perspective through a “Strategic Policy Model” (SPM). The focus on legal order within the practices of Sociology of Law and Criminology is pivotal in order to reframe terrorism within a viable SPM. In “The Counterterrorism Handbook”, written by Bolz, Dudonis, and Schulz (2005), terrorism, at its very basic level, is defined as “an action that the urban guerrilla must execute with the greatest cold bloodedness, calmness and decision”. They further go on to provide a more scholarly definition: “the calculated use of violence to attain goals which are political, religious or ideological in nature. Terrorism involves a criminal act that is often symbolic in nature and intended to influence an audience beyond the immediate victims”

    Epistemologia Sistêmica em Pierre Delattre e a Construção de uma Ciência Jurídica Complexa

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    O artigo expõe as principais questões epistemológicas suscitadas pela teoria dos sistemas de acordo com Pierre Delattre. O objetivo é compreender, a partir do pensamento desse autor, implicações para o desenvolvimento de conhecimento jurídico que não desconsidere os problemas sociais e econômicos em suas formulações teóricas. Para isso, a partir da revisão bibliográfica da principal obra do autor, além de outros escritos, apresenta as reflexões de Delattre sobre os problemas epistemológicos relativos a linguagem científica interdisciplinar, métodos do reducionismo e do holismo, relações entre partes e todo nos sistemas, limites entre sistema e ambiente, explicações causais e finalísticas, geração de ordem a partir do caos e formulação de hipóteses científicas para sistemas complexos. Levanta questões que esses problemas apresentam para a ciência jurídica e conclui demonstrando a necessidade de produção de um conhecimento jurídico complexo e alguns dos problemas que essa construção precisa enfrentar

    O desafio da hipercidadania ao nacionalismo metodolĂłgico

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    This paper analyzes the developments and paradigm shifts in the conceptual frame of systemic sociology. It provides a description of the socio-systemic global society as it attempts to unravel the future trajectories through which the society will evolve. In 2012, it becomes necessary for the citizen to increase the skills required to decode the scenarios around him/her, turning him/herself into a hypercitizen. This is a two goal work as the systemic approach utilizes a conceptual toolkit to understand the new global challenges and through its reconfiguration system traces the foundations for a new society form. This paper redesigns the conceptual map of global change through a systemic epistemology of sociology of law, the creation of laws (rule by law procedures) that can facilitate and accelerate the convergence of riconfigurational technologies, reshape this new form of citizenship. Hypercitizenship, through the evolution of 9 turbo conditions can be used to develop and maintain a global scenario. The speed of global exchanges, trade, and capital flows (human, economic and intellectual ones) worldwide will be managed through a platform with standardized procedures and technologies such as languages and currencies worldwide.Este trabalho analisa  as mudanças dos desenvolvimentos  e paradigmas no quadro da sociologia sistemática. Fornece uma descrição da sociedade global sócio-sistemática enquanto tenta desvendar as trajetórias futuras as quais a sociedade irá evoluir. Em 2012, torna-se necessária para os cidadãos aumentarem as capacidades exigidas para decodificar os cenários ao redor deles, transformando-se em hiper-cidadãos.  Este é um trabalho de dois objetivos visto que o método sistemático utiliza um kit de ferramentas conceitual para entender os novos desafios globais e através do seu sistema de reconfiguração traça as bases para uma nova forma de sociedade Este trabalho redesenha o conceito de mudança global através um sistema epistemológico sociologia de direito, a criação de leis (governam por procedimentos legais) que podem facilitar e acelerara convergência de tecnologias re-configurais, remodelar esta nova forma de cidadania. A hiper-cidadania, através da evolução de 9 condições turbo podem ser usadas para desenvolver e manter um cenário global. A velocidade de intercâmbios globais, comércio e fluxos mundiais de capital (humanos, econômicos e intelectuais) serão gerenciados através de uma plataforma com procedimentos e tecnologias padronizadas tais como línguas e moedas mundiais
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