16 research outputs found

    Employees’ conflict management in the hospitality industry: an empirical study on the importance of sociodemographic variables

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    This research focuses on the analysis of conflict management styles from a constructive perspective. Its main objective is to identify and reflect on the styles of conflict management in the hospitality industry in Portugal. The specific objective is to analyze the relationship between conflict management styles and sociodemographic variables among employees in Portuguese hotel units. The sample consists of 798 employees, mainly male, between 30 and 34 years old, with secondary school education, who are mostly operating staff or undifferentiated employees, and with middle levels of seniority in the organization. The results suggest that employees use different strategies to manage organizational conflicts, with an emphasis on compromising and integrating styles. At the same time, conflict management styles are differently determined by certain sociodemographic variables of the employees. This research helps in the design and implementation of constructive conflict management strategies for managers, which contribute to the formulation of management systems focused on behaviors and attitudes of professionals in the context of the hotel sector.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The relationship between career calling and workaholism: the mediating role of career orientation

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    The difference between having workers involved in their work, on the one hand, or too exhausted to contribute, on the other, can be tenuous and compromise work orientation. The posi‐ tive outcomes of career calling (a deep purpose and meaningfulness in work characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption) to organizations are clear, namely the relationship of career calling with high levels of commitment and engagement. However, the dark side of career calling remains a less explored point. The main purpose of this study analyzes this side of career calling and explores the relationship between sense of work purpose—perceived career calling—and workaholism. The sample consists of 743 Portuguese employees from different sectors of activity. The main hypothesis intends to test the presence of career orientation as a mechanism to explain the ambiguity of career calling outcomes, that is, the mediating effect of career orientation on the relationship between ca‐ reer calling and workaholism. The results showed that the workers’ career orientation helps to ex‐ plain this relationship. Career orientation partially mediated the relation between career calling and the positive dimension of workaholism, involvement and enjoyment, and completely mediated the relation between career calling and negative dimensions of workaholism, drive. These results allow us to reflect on career calling, and how organizations manage workforce efforts to avoid work ad‐ diction and the negative consequences that compromise workforce sustainability. Career calling was looked at as an element of a mixed profile work orientation, rather than not just as a pure work orientation. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Burnout and suicidal behaviours in health professionals in Portugal: The moderating effect of self-esteem

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    The main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of burnout on suicidal behaviours and the mediating effect of self-esteem in this relationship. A total of 1172 healthcare professionals working in Portugal’s private and public sector organisations participated in this study. The results indicate a high level of burnout among these professionals and that exhaustion (β = 0.16; p < 0.001) and disengagement (β = 0.24; p < 0.001) positively and significantly affect suicidal behaviours. In turn, self-esteem has a significant and negative effect (β = −0.51; p < 0.001) on suicidal behaviours. Self-esteem moderates the relationship between disengagement and suicidal behaviours (B = −0.12; p < 0.001) and the relationship between exhaustion and suicidal behaviours (B = −0.11; p < 0.001), representing an essential variable for future lines of research, namely on the role of self-esteem in preventing burnout and suicidal behaviours in professionals from other professional areas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Occupational Stress and Sleep Among Teachers: What is The Effective-Ness of A Programme to Reduce Occupational Stress Using Mindfulness?

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    In Portugal, teachers are subjected to numerous sources of pressure, which leads us to be a country with very high levels of occupational stress in this professional group. Occupational stress influences many aspects of the individual’s life, both personally and professionally, and mindfulness programmes have proved to be highly effective in reducing these symptoms, both personally and in the teaching profession, since there are studies that point to an improvement in the student-teacher relationship, with subsequent positive changes in the student’s academic performance. To bring some innovation to the programme to be applied in this study, physiological sleep measurement was added to the Stress and Mindfulness programmes, as this variable is related to stress, insofar as it is assumed that the higher the levels of stress, the lower the quality of sleep. The present research aims to develop a mindfulness programme to be applied to a group of teachers intending to reduce occupational stress and try to understand to what extent occupational stress levels influence the quality and perception of teachers’ sleep quality. The results obtained indicate that occupational stress had a significant and negative effect on the quality of sleep at the first moment of assessment, namely in the overwork dimension, and that, after the application of the programme, the participating teachers showed lower levels of occupational stress, namely in the bureaucratic work, students’ motivation, overwork, and students’ indiscipline dimensions. Concerning the quality of sleep, the results did not show significant statistical differences; however, it was possible to identify differences in sleep quality between the assessment moments.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impacto da redução de recompensas no comportamento dos colaboradores: E quando o trabalho é um chamamento?

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    No cenário global de severa crise económica e financeira, governos e empresas enfrentam um período de grande austeridade o que os conduziu como nunca a elevados cortes dos custos de trabalho, com destaque para o corte e redução das recompensas dos colaboradores. Este artigo apresenta, então, um modelo concetual que teoriza acerca da orientação para o trabalho (Emprego, Carreira e Chamamento) enquanto variável moderadora da relação entre o corte ou redução das recompensas e o comportamento dos colaboradores, nomeadamente, no que ao desempenho e intenção de saída diz respeito. Este modelo acarreta tanto implicações teóricas como práticas, quer para a compreensão do comportamento organizacional, quer para as práticas de gestão de recursos humanos, especialmente, para a gestão das recompensas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Orientação para o Trabalho: Perfis e Contribuições para a Eficácia dos Sistemas de Recompensas.

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Sociais na Especialidade Comportamento OrganizacionalO significado psicológico que cada indivíduo atribui ao trabalho remunerado acarreta implicações para as suas atitudes e comportamentos em contexto laboral. A orientação para o trabalho é uma das teorias que visa captar esses diversos significados psicológicos, contudo, de um modo geral, a sua investigação tem se limitado ao estudo do chamamento. E partindo deste dois pressupostos delineou-se como objetivos centrais da presente investigação: ampliar ou aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a orientação para o trabalho como um todo e sobre cada uma das suas dimensões em particular e, perceber qual o papel da orientação para o trabalho na relação entre o sistema de recompensas e a intenção de saída dos colaboradores. Para o efeito são apresentados três estudos conceptuais que procuram aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a orientação para o trabalho e apontam a sua relação com diversos conceitos. E, posteriormente, três estudos empíricos que contaram com a participação de um total de 2130 participantes (756, 959, 415), todos em atividade laboral. Estes estudos permitiram estudar a dimensionalidade e a dinâmica interna da orientação para o trabalho, demonstrar que a orientação para o trabalho não se cinge a estados puros, mas também a perfis misto e, adicionalmente que não é independente das características sociodemográficas e profissionais dos indivíduos. Adicionalmente, contribuíram ainda para compreender o seu impacto em contexto organizacional, uma vez que demonstraram que a preferência por tipo de recompensas difere em função da orientação para o trabalho dos indivíduos, e que esta medeia a relação entre a perceção de recompensas e a intenção de saída dos colaboradores.The psychological meaning that each individual attribute to paid work involves implications for their attitudes and behaviours in the workplace. The work orientation is one of the theories that aims to capture these various psychological meanings, however, in general, their investigation has been limited to the study of the calling. The based on these two assumptions, the central objectives of this research are: to deepen the knowledge about the work orientation as a whole and about each of its dimensions. Additionally, to understand what the role of work orientation in relationship between the rewards system and the turnover intention. For this purpose, three conceptual and three empirical studies are presented. The conceptual studies aim to deepen the knowledge about the work orientation and indicate its relationship with several constructs. The three empirical studies counted on the participation of a total of 2130 participants (756, 959, 415). These studies allowed the study of the dimensionality and the internal dynamics of the work orientation, demonstrated that the work orientation is not only in pure states, but also in mixed profiles, and it is not independent of the sociodemographic and professional characteristics. Additionally, these studies also contributed to understand the impact of work orientation in the organizational context. Their results demonstrated that preference for type of rewards differs according to the individual’s work orientation, and that work orientation mediates the relationship between rewards perception and the turnover intention.N/

    Mais que um campeão... um homem:elaboração e avaliação de um programa de promoção do fluir dirigido a atletas dos escalões de formação

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde - Núcleo de Psicoterapia Cognitiva-Comportamental e Integrativa), 2009, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da EducaçãoDisponível no document

    Perceived organizational culture and turnover intentions: The serial mediating effect of perceived organizational support and job insecurity

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    This study aims to analyze the relationship between perceived organizational culture (POC) and turnover intentions (TI) and if this relationship is mediated by perceived organizational support (POS) and job insecurity (JI). For this purpose, the following hypotheses were formulated: (1) POC (support, goals, innovation, and rules) has a negative and significant relationship with TI; (2) POC (support, goals, innovation, and rules) has a positive and significant relationship with POS (affective and cognitive); (3) POS (affective and cognitive) has a negative and significant relationship with TI; (4) POS (affective and cognitive) has a negative and significant relationship with JI; (5) JI has a positive and significant relationship with TI; and (6) POS (affective and cognitive) and JI both represent a serial indirect effect in the relationship between POC (support, goals, innovation and rules) and the TI. This study's sample includes 661 participants working in organizations based in Portugal. The results indicate that only the perception of supportive and goal culture has a negative and significant association with TI; POC has a positive and significant association with POS; POS has a negative and significant association with JI and TI; JI has a positive and significant association with TI; affective POS and JI have a serial mediation effect in the relationship between supportive and goal POC and TI; cognitive POS and JI have a serial mediation effect in the relationship between goal POC and TI. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O silêncio dos colaboradores de Van Dyne, Ang e Botero (2003): Estudo da validade fatorial e da invariância da medida para Portugal

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    Employee silence has been understood as the individual deliberate decision to retain information, opinions and suggestions about the organization. In recent years there has been an increase in studies on this construct, but there is a lack of theoretical and empirical consistency. The present study aims to study the factorial validity and the invariance of the measure proposed by Van Dyne, Ang and Botero (2003) for Portugal. Starting from a three-dimensional theoretical structure, the results suggest that, for the Portuguese population, the measure is invariant and composed of two dimensions that correlate negatively. One denominated adhesion silence that corresponds to the prosocial silence of van Dyne et al. (2003) and other called rejection silence composed by the junction of the defensive and submissive dimensions of van Dyne et al. (2003). The theoretical and practical implications are discussed.O silêncio dos colaboradores tem sido entendido como a decisão deliberada do indivíduo em reter informação, opiniões e sugestões acerca da organização. Nos últimos anos tem-se verificado um acréscimo de estudos sobre este constructo verificando-se, no entanto, falta de consistência teórica e empírica. O presente estudo tem como objetivo estudar a validade fatorial e a invariância da medida proposta por van Dyne, Ang e Botero (2003) para Portugal. Partindo de uma estrutura teórica tridimensional, os resultados sugerem que, para a população portuguesa, a medida é invariante e composta por duas dimensões que se correlacionam, negativamente. Uma primeira denominada de silêncio de adesão que corresponde ao silêncio prosocial de van Dyne et al. (2003) e uma dimensão de rejeição composta pela junção das dimensões defensiva e submissa de van Dyne et al. (2003). As implicações teóricas e práticas são discutida

    Why Do People Work? An Empirical Test of Hybrid Work Orientations

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    The present study analyzed whether one’s work orientation can be organized into work orientation profiles beyond the three pure orientations of job, career, and calling. We tested the existence of these hybrid work orientations in a sample of 959 adults aged from 18 to 71 years old (M = 40.61, SD = 9.54). A cluster analysis showed that the best result consisted of four profiles: “Career-Calling”, “Career-Job”, “Pure Job”, and “Indifference”. Theoretical and practical implications of profile approach to the study of work orientations are discussed at the end.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio