129 research outputs found

    SERMs Promote Anti-Inflammatory Signaling and Phenotype of CD14+ Cells

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    Signaling via estrogen receptors (ER) is recognized as an essential part of the immune regulation, and ER-mediated signaling is involved in autoimmune reactions. Especially ERα activation in immune cells has been suggested to skew cytokine production toward Th2/M2-type mediators, which can have protective effect on inflammatory diseases and reduce Th1 and Th17 responses. These effects are caused by increased alternative activation of macrophages and changes in the activation of different T cell populations. In humans, hormonal status has been shown to have a major impact on several inflammatory diseases. Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) are ER ligands that regulate ER actions in a tissue-specific manner mostly lacking the adverse effects of steroid hormones. The impact of SERMs on the immune system is less studied, but it is suggested that certain SERMs may also produce immunoprotective effects. Here, we show that two novel SERMs and raloxifene affect immune cells by promoting M2 macrophage phenotype, alleviating NFÎșB activity, inhibiting T cell proliferation, and stimulating the production of anti-inflammatory compounds such as IL10 and IL1 receptor antagonist. Thus, these compounds have high potency as drug candidates against autoimmune diseases.</p

    Primary breast cancer biomarkers based on glycosylation and extracellular vesicles detected from human serum

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    Background Breast cancer is a very common cancer that can be severe if not discovered early. The current tools to detect breast cancer need improvement. Cancer has a universal tendency to affect glycosylation. The glycosylation of circulating extracellular vesicle-associated glycoproteins, and mucins may offer targets for detection methods and have been only explored in a limited capacity. Aim Our aim was to develop an approach to detect the aberrant glycosylation of mucins and extracellular vesicle-associated glycoproteins from human sera using fluorescent nanoparticles, and preliminarily evaluate this approach for the differential diagnosis of breast cancer. Methods and results The assay involved immobilizing glycosylated antigens using monoclonal antibodies and then probing their glycosylation by using lectins and glycan-specific antibodies coated on Eu+3-doped nanoparticles. Detection of mucin 1 and mucin 16 glycosylation with wheat germ agglutinin, and detection of the extracellular vesicle-associated CD63 were found to have better diagnostic ability for localized breast cancer than the conventional assays for mucin 1 and mucin 16 based tumor markers when the receiver operating characteristics were compared. Conclusions These results indicate that successful differential diagnosis of primary breast cancer may be aided by detecting cancer-associated glycosylation of mucin 1 and mucin 16, and total concentration of CD63, in human serum.</p

    Dovitinib dilactic acid reduces tumor growth and tumor-induced bone changes in an experimental breast cancer bone growth model

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    Advanced breast cancer has a high incidence of bone metastases. In bone, breast cancer cells induce osteolytic or mixed bone lesions by inducing an imbalance in bone formation and resorption. Activated fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) are important in regulation of tumor growth and bone remodeling. In this study we used FGFR1 and FGFR2 gene amplifications containing human MFM223 breast cancer cells in an experimental xenograft model of breast cancer bone growth using intratibial inoculation technique. This model mimics bone metastases in breast cancer patients. The effects of an FGFR inhibitor, dovitinib dilactic acid (TKI258) on tumor growth and tumor-induced bone changes were evaluated. Cancer-induced bone lesions were smaller in dovitinib-treated mice as evaluated by X-ray imaging. Peripheral quantitative computed tomography imaging showed higher total and cortical bone mineral content and cortical bone mineral density in dovitinib-treated mice, suggesting better preserved bone mass. CatWalk gait analysis indicated that dovitinib-treated mice experienced less cancer-induced bone pain in the tumor-bearing leg. A trend towards decreased tumor growth and metabolic activity was observed in dovitinib-treated mice quantified by positron emission tomography imaging with 2-[ 18 F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose at the endpoint. We conclude that dovitinib treatment decreased tumor burden, cancer-induced changes in bone, and bone pain. The results suggest that targeting FGFRs could be beneficial in breast cancer patients with bone metastases.</p

    Pim Kinases Promote Migration and Metastatic Growth of Prostate Cancer Xenografts

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    Background and methods Pim family proteins are oncogenic kinases implicated in several types of cancer and involved in regulation of cell proliferation, survival as well as motility. Here we have investigated the ability of Pim kinases to promote metastatic growth of prostate cancer cells in two xenograft models for human prostate cancer. We have also evaluated the efficacy of Pim-selective inhibitors to antagonize these effects. Results We show here that tumorigenic growth of both subcutaneously and orthotopically inoculated prostate cancer xenografts is enhanced by stable overexpression of either Pim-1 or Pim-3. Moreover, Pim-overexpressing orthotopic prostate tumors are highly invasive and able to migrate not only to the nearby prostate-draining lymph nodes, but also into the lungs to form metastases. When the xenografted mice are daily treated with the Pim-selective inhibitor DHPCC-9, both the volumes as well as the metastatic capacity of the tumors are drastically decreased. Interestingly, the Pim-promoted metastatic growth of the orthotopic xenografts is associated with enhanced angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis. Furthermore, forced Pim expression also increases phosphorylation of the CXCR4 chemokine receptor, which may enable the tumor cells to migrate towards tissues such as the lungs that express the CXCL12 chemokine ligand. Conclusions Our results indicate that Pim overexpression enhances the invasive properties of prostate cancer cells in vivo. These effects can be reduced by the Pim-selective inhibitor DHPCC-9, which can reach tumor tissues without serious side effects. Thus, Pim-targeting therapies with DHPCC-9-like compounds may help to prevent progression of local prostate carcinomas to fatally metastatic malignancies.Peer reviewe

    Increased Expression and Altered Cellular Localization of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-Like 1 (FGFRL1) Are Associated with Prostate Cancer Progression

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    Fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) 1–4 are involved in prostate cancer (PCa) regulation, but the role of FGFR-like 1 (FGFRL1) in PCa is unclear. FGFRL1 expression was studied by qRT-PCR and immunohistochemistry of patient tissue microarrays (TMAs) and correlated with clinical patient data. The effects of FGFRL1 knockdown (KD) in PC3M were studied in in vitro culture models and in mouse xenograft tumors. Our results showed that FGFRL1 was significantly upregulated in PCa. The level of membranous FGFRL1 was negatively associated with high Gleason scores (GSs) and Ki67, while increased cytoplasmic and nuclear FGFRL1 showed a positive correlation. Cox regression analysis indicated that nuclear FGFRL1 was an independent prognostic marker for biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy. Functional studies indicated that FGFRL1-KD in PC3M cells increases FGFR signaling, whereas FGFRL1 overexpression attenuates it, supporting decoy receptor actions of membrane-localized FGFRL1. In accordance with clinical data, FGFRL1-KD markedly suppressed PC3M xenograft growth. Transcriptomics of FGFRL1-KD cells and xenografts revealed major changes in genes regulating differentiation, ECM turnover, and tumor–stromal interactions associated with decreased growth in FGFRL1-KD xenografts. Our results suggest that FGFRL1 upregulation and altered cellular compartmentalization contribute to PCa progression. The nuclear FGFRL1 could serve as a prognostic marker for PCa patients

    Increased Expression and Altered Cellular Localization of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-Like 1 (FGFRL1) Are Associated with Prostate Cancer Progression

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    Fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) 1–4 are involved in prostate cancer (PCa) regulation, but the role of FGFR-like 1 (FGFRL1) in PCa is unclear. FGFRL1 expression was studied by qRT-PCR and immunohistochemistry of patient tissue microarrays (TMAs) and correlated with clinical patient data. The effects of FGFRL1 knockdown (KD) in PC3M were studied in in vitro culture models and in mouse xenograft tumors. Our results showed that FGFRL1 was significantly upregulated in PCa. The level of membranous FGFRL1 was negatively associated with high Gleason scores (GSs) and Ki67, while increased cytoplasmic and nuclear FGFRL1 showed a positive correlation. Cox regression analysis indicated that nuclear FGFRL1 was an independent prognostic marker for biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy. Functional studies indicated that FGFRL1-KD in PC3M cells increases FGFR signaling, whereas FGFRL1 overexpression attenuates it, supporting decoy receptor actions of membrane-localized FGFRL1. In accordance with clinical data, FGFRL1-KD markedly suppressed PC3M xenograft growth. Transcriptomics of FGFRL1-KD cells and xenografts revealed major changes in genes regulating differentiation, ECM turnover, and tumor–stromal interactions associated with decreased growth in FGFRL1-KD xenografts. Our results suggest that FGFRL1 upregulation and altered cellular compartmentalization contribute to PCa progression. The nuclear FGFRL1 could serve as a prognostic marker for PCa patients

    MetsistÀ ja soilta tuleva vesistökuormitus 2020

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    MetsĂ€talouden osuus metsistĂ€ ja soilta tulevasta typen kokonaiskuormituksesta on uuden arvion mukaan 16 % (7 300 tonnia/v), fosforikuormituksesta 25 % (440 tonnia/v) ja orgaanisen hiilen kuormituksesta 78 000 tonnia/v. Uusissa typpi- ja fosforikuormitusarvioissa nĂ€kyy selvĂ€sti metsĂ€ojitusten vaikutus. MetsĂ€talouden osuus kaikesta ihmistoiminnan aiheuttamasta typpikuormituksesta nousee 6 %:sta 12 %:iin ja fosforikuormituksesta vastaavasti 8 %:sta 14 %:iin. Vuosittaiseksi metsistĂ€ ja soilta tulevaksi typen kokonaiskuormitukseksi arvioidaan 44 600 tonnia, fosforin kokonaiskuormitukseksi 1 760 tonnia ja orgaanisen hiilen kokonaiskuormitukseksi 1,8 miljoonaa tonnia. Luonnonhuuhtouma on suurinta EtelĂ€-Suomessa. MetsĂ€talouden aiheuttama ravinnekuormitus on puolestaan suurinta Pohjanmaalla ja Kainuussa, missĂ€ on paljon ojitettuja soita. Aiemmin metsĂ€ojituksen on oletettu aiheuttavan ravinnekuormitusta 10 vuoden ajan. Uusien tulosten mukaan kuormitus jatkuu pidempÀÀn. Hankkeen tulosten mukaan metsistĂ€ tuleva fosforikuormitus on vĂ€hentynyt viime vuosiin asti. Valumaveden typen- ja orgaanisen hiilen pitoisuuksissa havaittiin nousevia trendejĂ€ vuosina 1978–2018. Samanaikaisesti ilman lĂ€mpötilassa, hydrologiassa ja happamassa laskeuma on tapahtunut muutoksia, jotka voivat selittÀÀ kuormitusta. Tutkijoiden mukaan typen ja orgaanisen hiilen kuormituksen hallintaan tulisi kehittÀÀ uusia menetelmiĂ€ erityisesti turvemaille. MetsĂ€Vesi-hankkeen tulokset tulisi sisĂ€llyttÀÀ vesienhoidossa kĂ€ytettĂ€vÀÀn VEMALA-mallijĂ€rjestelmÀÀn, ja ne tulisi jatkossa huomioida myös virallisissa raportoinneissa. MetsĂ€Vesi-hanke toteutettiin vuoden 2019 aikana yhteistyössĂ€ Luonnonvarakeskuksen (Luke), Suomen ympĂ€ristökeskuksen (SYKE), Tapio Oy:n ja Oulun yliopiston tutkijoiden kanssa. TyössĂ€ hyödynnettiin laajoja valtakunnallisia veden laadun ja virtaaman seuranta-aineistoja

    Multiple Cellular Mechanisms Related to Cyclin A1 in Prostate Cancer Invasion and Metastasis

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    BACKGROUND: Cyclin A1 is a cell cycle regulator that has been implicated in the progression of prostate cancer. Its role in invasion and metastasis of this disease has not been characterized. METHODS: Immunohistochemistry and cDNA microarray analyses were used to assess protein and mRNA expression of cyclin A1 and proteins with roles in metastasis, including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), metalloproteinase 2 (MMP2), and MMP9, in human prostate cancer. Transient transfection and infection with viral vectors expressing cyclin A1 and short hairpin RNA (shRNA) targeting cyclin A1 were used to study the effects of altered cyclin A1 expression in PC3 prostate cancer cells. The BrdU assay, annexin V staining, and invasion chambers were used to examine cyclin A1 effects on proliferation, apoptosis, and invasion, respectively. The role of cyclin A1 and androgen receptor (AR) in transcription of VEGF and MMP2 was assessed by promoter mutation and chromatin immunoprecipitation. The effect of cyclin A1 expression on tumor growth and metastasis was analyzed in a mouse model of metastasis. All statistical tests were two-sided. RESULTS: Cyclin A1 protein and mRNA expression were statistically significantly higher in prostate cancers than in adjacent benign tissues. A statistically significant correlation between expression of cyclin A1 and of MMP2, MMP9, and VEGF was observed in prostate tumors from 482 patients (P values from Spearman rank correlation tests < .001). PC3 cells that overexpressed cyclin A1 showed increased invasiveness, and inhibition of cyclin A1 expression via shRNA expression reduced invasiveness of these cells. Eight of 10 mice (80%) bearing PC3 cells overexpressing cyclin A1 had infiltration of tumor cells in lymph node, liver, and lung, but all 10 mice bearing tumors expressing control vector were free of liver and lung metastases and only one mouse from this group had lymph node metastasis (P values from Fisher exact tests < .001). Cyclin A1, in concert with AR, bound to and increased expression from the VEGF and MMP2 promoters. CONCLUSIONS: Cyclin A1 contributes to prostate cancer invasion by modulating the expression of MMPs and VEGF and by interacting with AR

    Increased Expression and Altered Cellular Localization of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-Like 1 (FGFRL1) Are Associated with Prostate Cancer Progression

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    Fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) 1-4 are involved in prostate cancer (PCa) regulation, but the role of FGFR-like 1 (FGFRL1) in PCa is unclear. FGFRL1 expression was studied by qRT-PCR and immunohistochemistry of patient tissue microarrays (TMAs) and correlated with clinical patient data. The effects of FGFRL1 knockdown (KD) in PC3M were studied in in vitro culture models and in mouse xenograft tumors. Our results showed that FGFRL1 was significantly upregulated in PCa. The level of membranous FGFRL1 was negatively associated with high Gleason scores (GSs) and Ki67, while increased cytoplasmic and nuclear FGFRL1 showed a positive correlation. Cox regression analysis indicated that nuclear FGFRL1 was an independent prognostic marker for biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy. Functional studies indicated that FGFRL1-KD in PC3M cells increases FGFR signaling, whereas FGFRL1 overexpression attenuates it, supporting decoy receptor actions of membrane-localized FGFRL1. In accordance with clinical data, FGFRL1-KD markedly suppressed PC3M xenograft growth. Transcriptomics of FGFRL1-KD cells and xenografts revealed major changes in genes regulating differentiation, ECM turnover, and tumor-stromal interactions associated with decreased growth in FGFRL1-KD xenografts. Our results suggest that FGFRL1 upregulation and altered cellular compartmentalization contribute to PCa progression. The nuclear FGFRL1 could serve as a prognostic marker for PCa patients
