357 research outputs found

    A New Extrafloral Nectary-Bearing Plant Species in the Brazilian Savanna and its Associated Ant Community: Nectary Structure, Nectar Production and Ecological Interactions

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    Brazilian Savanna stands out for the large number of species with extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) with high morphological diversity. In Smilax polyantha (Smilacaceae), the base of the petiole showed a slight secretion and great visitation by ants suggesting the presence of an EFN. In this way, we aimed to determine the ant community associated with this plant, as well as to identify and characterize this unsuspected structure and determine the phenology and liquid production of this tissue. The study was carried out in a Cerrado area, in Uberlândia, Brazil. Ten individuals were used for the anatomical analysis and histochemical tests and the EFNs secretory activity was monitored, being categorized into active and non-active EFN. In addition, the volume and sucrose concentration were determined from three nectaries of ten individuals, and individuals of ants found foraging on these nectary were collected, day and night. Results showed a large amount of extrafloral nectar secretion and the EFN tissue is composed of a few cell layers that showed positive reactions for proteins and reducing sugars. We recorded a significantly correlation between percentage of EFNs activity and abundance of ants. The secretory activity is concentrated in September and ten ant species, of five subfamilies, were identified foraging on the EFNs

    How to define the success of physiotherapy in chronic low back pain patients?

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    Trabalho apresentado no 10th Congress of European Pain Federation (EFIC), 6-9 setembro 2017, Copenhaga, DinamarcaN/

    Automation and control of the SORTEGEL wastewater plant

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    Food Processing Industries produce large amounts of wastewater with high environmental impact. Due to the high content of suspended matter and inadequate pH value of the wastewater, national laws prohibit direct discharges of the influent to the environment. This work describes the design and operation of a wastewater treatment plant installed in the Sortegel food-processing company located in Sortes, Portugal. This industry uses the water collected from groundwater wells to process raw materials and to wash the equipments, being the volume of wastewater produced season dependent (80 to 300m3/day). Results show that the implemented wastewater treatment plant and the automation solutions generate treated effluents that comply with the Portuguese legislation

    Evaluation of Road Signs conformity for improving road safety in urban Areas: a Case Study in Guimarães, Portugal

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    A segurança rodoviária depende da existência de uma rede de sinalética apropriada e de uma correta manutenção dos sinais ao longo do tempo. Os sinais verticais de trânsito, para serem efetivamente funcionais, devem permanecer adequadamente visíveis e percetíveis. Neste artigo apresenta-se uma metodologia para avaliar o nível de conformidade dos sinais, procurando identificar eventuais deficiências funcionais. A metodologia baseia-se numa análise multicritério, onde são considerados dois critérios e oito subcritérios relacionados com as características físicas e operacionais dos sinais. A visibilidade dos sinais foi avaliada através de uma análise em SIG, considerando as distâncias de travagem e de paragem. O nível de intervenção obtido é constituído por quatro níveis, em função da necessidade e da urgência em recuperar a função dos sinais. A metodologia foi aplicada na cidade de Guimarães, Portugal. Os resultados comprovam a funcionalidade da metodologia e revelam que mais de metade dos sinais analisados não estão totalmente em conformidade com as normas, muito por culpa da estrutura urbana compacta e da presença de vegetação nas ruas. Uma vez que, para vários sinais, as distâncias de travagem e de paragem não são adequadas, pode-se concluir que os utilizadores destas ruas estão expostos a riscos que ameaçam a sua segurança.Road safety depends on the existence of an adequate network of signs and an effective management for proper conservation. Vertical traffic signs will only be effectively functional if they still provide adequate visibility and legibility. This paper presents a methodology to evaluate the level of conformity of traffic signs, in order to identify where to improve their functionality. The methodology is based on a multicriteria analysis, using two criteria and eight subcriteria that are related with signs physical and operational attributes. Their visibility was evaluated through a spatial analysis in a geographical information system, taking into account the braking and stopping distances. The intervention level is defined by four levels related with the necessity and urgency in restoring signs functionality. This methodology was applied in the city of Guimarães, Portugal. The results showed the usefulness of the methodology and revealed that more than half of the analyzed signs not fully complied with the norms, mainly due to the compactness of the urban structure e the presence of vegetation in streets. Since the braking and stopping distances of many signs are not adequate, it can be concluded that road users are exposed to risks and their safety can be threated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação da visibilidade de sinais de trânsito com base numa análise multicritério implementada num SIG. Uma aplicação no centro de Guimarães, Portugal

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    Publicado em "Anais do 7º Congresso Luso-Brasileiro para o Planejamento Urbano, Regional, Integrado e Sustentável"A visibilidade dos sinais de trânsito é fundamental para regular o tráfego rodoviário, auxiliar os condutores e garantir a segurança dos utilizadores das vias. Neste artigo apresenta-se uma metodologia para avaliar a visibilidade dos sinais verticais de trânsito. Com base numa análise multicritério, atribuiram-se pesos a três parâmetros que condicionam a visibilidade dos sinais: a dimensão do sinal, a dimensão do poste e a visibilidade do sinal. A análise da visibilidade foi realizada através do geoprocessamento num SIG a partir da rasterização do terreno. Com a aplicação da análise multicritério obteve-se uma escala de prioridades de intervenção associada à visibilidade dos sinais. Esta metodologia foi aplicada a um conjunto de sinais na cidade de Guimarães, Portugal. Os resultados comprovam a funcionalidade da metodologia e revelam que os sinais na cidade de Guimarães têm problemas de visibilidade resultantes da estrutura urbana compacta e da presença de vegetação nas ruas

    Successful pain relief in chronic low back pain patients undergoing multimodal physiotherapy are associated with an early response to treatment

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    Trabalho apresentado no 10th Congress of European Pain Federation (EFIC), 6-9 setembro 2017, Copenhaga, DinamarcaN/

    Caffeine and Placebo Improved Maximal Exercise Performance Despite Unchanged Motor Cortex Activation and Greater Prefrontal Cortex Deoxygenation

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    Caffeine (CAF) is an ergogenic aid used to improve exercise performance. Independent studies have suggested that caffeine may have the ability to increase corticospinal excitability, thereby decreasing the motor cortex activation required to generate a similar motor output. However, CAF has also been suggested to induce a prefrontal cortex (PFC) deoxygenation. Others have suggested that placebo (PLA) may trigger comparable effects to CAF, as independent studies found PLA effects on motor performance, corticospinal excitability, and PFC oxygenation. Thus, we investigated if CAF and CAF-perceived PLA may improve motor performance, despite the likely unchanged MC activation and greater PFC deoxygenation. Nine participants (26.4 ± 4.8 years old, VO2MAX of 42.2 ± 4.6 mL kg-1 min-1) performed three maximal incremental tests (MITs) in control (no supplementation) and ∼60 min after CAF and PLA ingestion. PFC oxygenation (near-infrared spectroscopy at Fp1 position), MC activation (EEG at Cz position) and vastus lateralis and rectus femoris muscle activity (EMG) were measured throughout the tests. Compared to control, CAF and PLA increased rectus femoris muscle EMG (P = 0.030; F = 2.88; d = 0.84) at 100% of the MIT, and enhanced the peak power output (P = 0.006; F = 12.97; d = 1.8) and time to exhaustion (P = 0.007; F = 12.97; d = 1.8). In contrast, CAF and PLA did not change MC activation, but increased the PFC deoxygenation as indicated by the lower O2Hb (P = 0.001; F = 4.68; d = 1.08) and THb concentrations (P = 0.01; F = 1.96; d = 0.7) at 80 and 100% the MIT duration. These results showed that CAF and CAF-perceived PLA had the ability to improve motor performance, despite unchanged MC activation and greater PFC deoxygenation. The effectiveness of CAF as ergogenic aid to improve MIT performance was challenged

    Fractional order dynamical systems and its applications

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    This article illustrates several applications of fractional calculus (FC) in science and engineering. It has been recognized the advantageous use of this mathematical tool in the modeling and control of many dynamical systems. In this perspective, this paper investigates the use of FC in the following fields: Controller tuning; Electrical systems; Traffic systems; Digital circuit synthesis; Evolutionary computing; Redundant robots; Legged robots; Robotic manipulators; Nonlinear friction; Financial modeling.N/

    Effects of Ibuprofen Use on Lymphocyte Count and Oxidative Stress in Elite Paralympic Powerlifting.

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    Background: Paralympic Powerlifting (PP) training tends to promote fatigue and oxidative stress. Objective: To analyze the effects of ibuprofen use on performance and oxidative stress in post-training PP athletes. Methodology: Ten national level PP athletes (age: 27.13 ± 5.57) were analyzed for oxidative stress in post-training. The study was carried out in three weeks, (1) familiarization and (2 and 3) evaluated the recovery with the use of a placebo (PLA) and ibuprofen (IBU), 800 mg. The Peak Torque (PT), Torque Development Rate (TDR), Fatigue Index (FI), reactive substances to thiobarbituric acid (TBARS) and sulfhydryl groups (SH) were evaluated. The training consisted of five sets of five repetitions (80–90%) 1-Repetition Maximum (1-RM) in the bench press. Results: The IBU showed a higher PT (24 and 48 h, p = 0.04, ɳ2 p = 0.39), a lower FI (24 h, p = 0.01, ɳ2p = 0.74) and an increased lymphocyte count (p < 0.001; ɳ2p = 4.36). There was no change in oxidative stress. Conclusions: The use of IBU provided improvements in strength and did not protect against oxidative stresspost-print915 K


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    O avanço das cidades em todo litoral brasileiro tem aumentado a ameaça aos ecossistemas costeiros, fazendo-se necessários estudos florísticos para obter-se conhecimento da diversidade de determinadas áreas. Esses estudos, ultimamente, estão sendo associados à etnobiologia ampliando o conhecimento e as estratégias usadas pelos humanos e suas relações com os recursos biológicos. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi indicar as formas de uso e nome popular das espécies vegetais de áreas de dunas do litoral da Ilha do Maranhão a fim de compilar essas informações como forma de documentar quais espécies de dunas podem ser utilizadas pela população. O levantamento das espécies vegetais foi realizado em três áreas de dunas situadas na Ilha do Maranhão, São Luís. A lista de espécies da Praia de São Marcos foi compilada com base no estudo florístico publicado e as espécies das praias de Caolho e Calhau foram compiladas no banco de dados do INCT e das exsicatas do Herbário MAR. A classificação quanto às formas de uso e os nomes populares foi realizada com base em consultas bibliográficas. Para as três áreas foram compiladas 148 espécies, 114 gêneros e 48 famílias. Foram categorizadas seis categorias de uso: medicinal, alimentícia, ornamental, madeireira, artesanal e ritualística. As partes da planta mais utilizadas para diferentes fins foram folhas, caule, raiz e fruto. O estudo destacou a importância dos conhecimentos tradicionais, pontuando a necessidade de conduzir esse conhecimento para o meio cientifico com responsabilidade, ampliando assim as possibilidades de pesquisas