5 research outputs found
Measurement of gauge blocks by interferometry
- Author
- Akgoz S Asli
- Balling P
- Balsamo A
- Bandis C
- Banreti E
- Bergmans R H
- Bergstrand S
- Duta A
- Eusebio L
- Farid N
- Fira R
- Franke P
- Ganioglu O
- Garnaes J
- Gavalyugov V
- Haas S
- Hald J
- Karlsson H
- Lassila A
- Lewis A
- Matus M
- Mudronja V
- Pedone P
- Piree H
- Prieto E
- Ramotowski Z
- Salgado J A
- Saraiva F
- Sendogdu D
- Tamakyarska D
- Thalmann R
- Yandayan T
- Zelenika S
- Publication venue
- 'IOP Publishing'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2016
- Field of study
The key comparison EURAMET.L-K1.2011 on gauge blocks was carried out in the framework of a EURAMET project starting in 2012 and ending in 2015. It involved the participation of 24 National Metrology Institutes from Europe and Egypt, respectively.
38 gauge blocks of steel and ceramic with nominal central lengths between 0.5 mm and 500 mm were circulated. The comparison was conducted in two loops with two sets of artifacts. A statistical technique for linking the reference values was applied. As a consequence the reference value of one loop is influenced by the measurements of the other loop although they did not even see the artifacts of the others. This influence comes solely from three "linking laboratories" which measure both sets of artifacts.
In total there were 44 results were not fully consistent with the reference values. This represents 10% of the full set of 420 results which is a considerable high number. At least 12 of them are clearly outliers where the participants have been informed by the pilot as soon as possible.
The comparison results help to support the calibration and measurement capabilities (CMCs) of the laboratories involved in the CIPM MRA
L'échelle A.M.P: Un pas vers l'intégration européenne en psychopathologie quantitative
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/1978
- Field of study
Etude préliminaire de la fidélité intercotateurs de l'échelle psychopathologique AMDP
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/07/1978
- Field of study
Measurement of gauge blocks by interferometry
- Author
- A Balsamo
- A Duta
- A Lassila
- A Lewis
- C Bandis
- D Sendogdu
- D Tamakyarska
- E Banreti
- E Prieto
- F Saraiva
- H Karlsson
- H Piree
- J A Salgado
- J Garnaes
- J Hald
- L Eusebio
- M Matus
- N Farid
- O Ganioglu
- P Balling
- P Franke
- P Pedone
- R Fira
- R H Bergmans
- R Thalmann
- S Asli Akgoz
- S Bergstrand
- S Haas
- S Zelenika
- T Yandayan
- V Gavalyugov
- V Mudronja
- Z Ramotowski
- Publication venue
- 'IOP Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
D. Die einzelnen romanischen Sprachen und Literaturen.
- Author
- A
- A.
- A.
- A.
- A.
- A.
- A.
- A.
- A.
- A.
- A.
- A.
- A. Albert P
- A. B
- A. Della
- A. H
- A. P
- A.A.
- Abel Hugo
- Abel Leger
- Abeneour
- Ada Negri
- Adolf Tobler
- AL
- Albert G
- Albert Leon
- Albert Mathiez
- Albert Rennert Hugo
- Aldo
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- Alexander
- Alexis B
- Alexis Pitou
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- Alfredo Segre
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- Alzola
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- Ancora
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- Andüly Robert Eugene Griselle Arnauld
- Angel Marvaud
- Angers
- Annuario
- Anthology S.
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- Antoine Thomas
- Antoine Thomas
- Antoine Thomas
- Antoine Thomas
- Antoine Thomas
- Antonio B
- Aragon Jacques
- Aranzadi
- Aranzadi
- Aranzadi Telesforo
- Archivio
- Arezzo Ugo
- Aristide Marre
- Armas Joso
- Arnaldo A
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- Auguste Angellier
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- Augusto L
- Ayala Pero
- Azevedo P.
- Azevedo P.
- B. C
- B. C
- Baccini
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- Bagnard
- Bagnard
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- Balzac Honore
- Barcelona
- Baron Desazare
- Bartholomaeia V.
- Basto
- Bataille
- Battißta Alberti Leon
- Batz Baron
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- Bd.
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- Belli
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- Benedetto Dei
- Benrubi
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- Berardi
- Bernardo Capello
- Berte
- Berthon H. E.
- Bertinelli S. D. C
- Bi
- Biblioteca
- Biblioteca
- Bibliotheque
- Bildnis S.
- Bildnis S.
- Bindo C
- Binet
- Blanchefleur Flore
- Blanchefleur Flore
- Blanchet
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- Boillot
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- Bonarelli
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- Bonner Henri
- Boooh-Arkossy
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- Bottini G. II
- Bouchaud Pierre
- Br Freiburg
- Braaoamp Freire
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- Brandes
- Bransby
- Brauns
- Brazil
- Bredif
- Bruno
- Bruno Busse
- Bruno E
- Bruxelles
- Bry M.
- BSD N.
- Bucbanan Milton
- Bueey-Babutin
- C
- C.
- C.
- C.
- C. B
- C. B. B
- Ca
- Canaille P
- Caprin Giulio
- Cardinal Peire
- Carlo Zilli
- Caroline Spalding Mary
- Castaldo A.
- Catalina
- Cbampeval
- Cecchi Eugenio
- Cesare Masoara Filippo
- Ch Dangibeaud
- Ch Lecomte
- Ch.
- Ch.
- Ch.
- Ch. B
- Charasson
- Charles
- Charles Baudelaire
- Charles Beauquier
- Charles Colle
- Charles S
- Charles Seignobos
- Charlotte Lady
- Chateaubriand
- Chervoülot
- Cheze J.-B. L. B
- Chiarini G.
- Chiarini GK A. P
- Chr Pflster
- Christian
- Churchman Philip
- Ciarette
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- Claretie
- Claude Garnier
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- Clemente Barbieri
- Codecasa
- Colin A.
- Colton M.
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- Coppee
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- Corriere
- Costanzo Binaudo
- Counson
- Courteault
- Cousin
- Crisoetomo Ferrucci
- Crouzet P.
- Crowe
- Cygne Chevalier
- D
- D
- D. A
- D. B
- D. B
- D. B
- Dame Salut Notre
- Danoif
- Dante
- Dante
- Dante
- Dante· Enrico
- Daranatz J. B.
- Das M.
- de Blasi Jolanda
- de Boranger Chansons
- de Charlemagne Enfances
- de Fauvel Roman
- de Hesdin Jehan Acart
- de la Servitude Volontaire Diecours
- de Mendoza Diego Hurtado
- de Montauban Chanson
- de Noblesse Trosor
- de Paris Qeufroi
- de Sainte-Maure Benoit
- de Savoie Heuree
- de Thaon Philippe
- de Thaon Philippe
- de Thoophile Gautier De Pinfluence
- de Troyee Chretien
- de Vega Lope
- de Vüloison Ansäe
- Decreto
- del Olmet Fernando Anton
- del Tassoni Le
- della Domemca Fanfulla
- della Domemca Fanfulla
- Della Giovanna J. II
- della Gioventa In Amicö
- der Sprachen Bd M.
- des Houesayeg Cotton
- Deschamps
- di Ludovico Ariosto L'Erbolato
- di Pesoina Maral
- Dialogue
- Dias
- Die Schriften
- Dienne
- Direttore Agostino
- DL
- DL
- Documents
- Documents
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- Domenico Carutti
- Dominguez Arevalo Toraas
- Doutrepont
- Drame
- Du Bellay L'Olive
- du Boudin Dit
- du Lic II.
- Dubarat
- Dudley Frank Colman
- Dumas
- Duoore
- Duprat
- Duschinsky
- Dutil
- Duvoi
- E.
- E.
- E.
- E.
- E.
- E.
- E.
- E.
- E. C
- E. D
- E. G.
- E. G.
- E. L
- E. M
- E. M
- Eaton Gerothwohl
- Echecs
- Ecole des Hautes-Etudes S.
- Ed Hrkal
- Edmund G.
- Edouard C
- Edward Henry F
- Edward Montier
- El
- El
- El Bolognese
- el Trentino Lingua
- Eleizalde Luis
- Elia F.
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- Eneae
- Enr Thovez
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- Eohegaray
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- Erneut
- Erneut
- Ernst Tappolet
- Ertr S.
- Espagne Mispoulet J.-B.
- Espinohal Comte
- Estr S.
- Etienne Deville
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- Ettmayer
- Ettore
- Ettore
- Etudes
- Etymologias V. J.
- Etymologies
- Eugene Griselle
- Evera II.
- Extrait du Bull S.
- Ezio Levi
- F.
- F.
- F.
- F.
- F.
- F.
- F.
- F.
- F. R
- Fabrizio A.
- Faddegon
- Fagniez
- Faul L
- Favitta
- Fazzi Bertino
- Fedeiico Olivero
- Felice Tocco
- Ferd O
- Ferdinand Brunot
- Ferdinande R
- Ferdinando Russo
- Fernand Baldeneperger
- Fernand Cortez
- Fiammetta
- Fiammetta
- Figueroa Francisco
- Filippo O
- Filippon Severino
- Finamore
- Flammarion Paris
- Florian Melcher
- Fontaines Des
- Fortunat Stroswki
- Foulche-Delbosc
- Fournier
- Fr
- Fr Hanssen
- Fr. B
- Francesco Luigi M
- Franz Funck-Brentano
- Frdr Weber
- Fribourg
- Fritz Krüger
- Fritz Strohmeyer
- G
- G.
- G.
- G.
- G. B. P
- G. Dupont
- G. L.
- G. M
- G. S. G
- Gabriel Faure
- Gar Goldoni
- Gargano G.
- Gaston Desohamps
- Gaston Maugras
- Gaulois Le
- Gauvain Enfances
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- Gentile
- Geopraphie
- Georg Caro
- George
- Georges
- Georges
- Gerig Aneatu John L.
- Gh Bally
- Gh Grandmougin
- Giaoomo S.
- Ginguene
- Giordano Bruno
- Giosuö Carducci
- Giov Boqoacoio
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- Giovanni Rizzi
- Giraldo
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- Giulio
- Giulio Bertoni
- Giulio Bertoni
- Giulio Bertoni
- Giunio Qaravani
- Gius Tomassetti
- Giuseppe Agnelli
- Giuseppe C
- Giuseppe Peoohio
- Giuseppe Pitrfc
- Giuseppe Tambara
- Giuseppe Tofianin
- Giuseppe V
- Giuseppina Fumagalli
- Gnesio Basapopi
- Gomes Pereira
- Gomez Pereira
- Gottfried Baist
- Goutmann K.
- Graf
- Grassi G.
- Gregorio
- Grützner P.
- Gsli
- Gsli
- Gsli
- Gsli
- Gsli
- Gsli
- Gualterio C
- Gualterio C
- Guarnerio P. E.
- Guarnerio P.E.
- Guerra D. J.
- Guerra Juan
- Guevara Luie Velez
- Guido Muoni
- Gustave
- Gustave
- Gustave Roiin
- Guy C
- Guynemer
- Gähtgens
- H.
- H.
- H.
- H. C
- H. C
- H. C
- H. Mono
- Habillo
- Haghee Vaganay
- Hanesen
- Harpe La
- Hartmann
- Hayward K
- He Gerghel
- Hegesippe Moreau
- Hegesippe Moreau
- Heidelberg
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- Henri
- Henri B
- Henri B
- Henri Bourgeois
- Henri Cordier Harrisee Henryf
- Henri Fouqueray
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- Henri Qheon
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- Henry
- Henry
- Henry Bordeaux
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- Herelle
- Herold A.
- Herzog
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- Hibezzo
- Histoire Nicollet F. N.
- Historische Bibliothek S. M.
- Historische S.
- Holme James
- Hortis Attilio
- Houssaye Henry
- Houssaye Henry
- Huet
- Hugo Schuchardt
- Hugues Vaganay
- Ictterarie In Cronache
- II
- II.
- II.
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- Inez Fauna
- Investigattur
- Ireneo Sanesi
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- Italia Scrittori
- Italienische Forschungen M.
- Iturralde Juan
- J.
- J.
- J.
- J.
- J.
- J.
- J.
- J. B
- J. B. D
- J. B. D
- J. C
- J. D
- J. G. P
- Jaberg
- Jac Burokhardt
- Jacques Boulenger
- Jacques Delille
- Jacques Normand
- Jacques R
- Jacquet L.
- James Caterley
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- Jchard
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- Jean
- Jean
- Jean A
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- Jean Dornis
- Jeanroy
- Jesus Teresa
- Joachim Murat Weil M. H.
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- John
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- Jud
- Jud
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- Julien Vinson
- Julien Vinson
- Julien Vinson
- Kader Salza
- Karl
- Karl B
- Karl Gruber
- Karl W
- Karte
- Kenneth Maokenzie
- Kirschner
- Kont
- Koracsonyi
- Kurt
- L'umorismo
- L.
- L.
- L.
- L.
- L. E. K
- L. G. P
- L. T
- La
- La
- La
- La Guarnerio P. E.
- La Jaoobsen J. P.
- la Lyoorn· Dame
- La S.
- Lacombe G.
- Lambert
- Las Cuebas
- Laurens H.
- Laurent T
- LC
- Le
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- Leo Spitzer
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- Leon
- Leon
- Leonardo da Vinci La
- Leroux
- Les
- Letteratura
- Lily Higgin
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- Literatur S.
- Livingeton A.
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- Lorme
- Lote
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- Louis M
- Louis Mädel
- Loutchisky
- Loyer Le
- Luciano V
- Luden M
- Luden Maury
- Luden Romier
- Luigi
- Luigi Luoiani
- Lutz R.
- L£on Seche
- L· E.
- L· E.
- L· E.
- L· Medioi
- M
- M
- M.
- M.
- M.
- M.
- M.
- M.
- M. J.
- M. M
- M. S.
- Macdonakl Alden Raymond
- Macedonio Eepinosa Aurelio
- Madame
- Maeterlink
- Mahrenholz
- Marburger S.
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- Marguerite Dupont-Chatelain
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- Martin Landerreche
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- Mateo Aleman
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- Maurice Tourneux
- Maurin
- Max Fehr
- Max Prinety S. Rh HO
- Maxime Reymond
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- Merlo C.
- Meyer Ernst
- Meyer Von Richard
- Meyer-Liibke
- Michele Barbi
- Michelet R. B.
- Miguel Urruzunoko Pedro
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- Mirot
- Mite K
- Mitfioa G.
- Mo
- Mo Laughlin
- Modernismo
- Mohr J. C. B.
- Moline
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- Morin D. G.
- Mornety D.
- Morton H. B
- Mrs Ady
- Musik Die
- M·
- Müsset Ed. L
- Müsset Ed. L
- N.
- N.
- N.
- N. S. Nr.
- NA
- Neera
- Nelles
- Neubert
- Niccolini G. B.
- Nioolas Malezieu
- Nobiling
- Notes
- Novati
- Novela
- Nunee J. J.
- O S.
- OB
- Olivares Teodor Llorente
- Olivier
- Onorato Fastine
- Orazio Bacci
- Orlando Montanelli G. F.
- Orlando Orlandini
- Ortzuri Azkue R. M.
- Oscar H
- Ossolana
- Ot
- Otcherki S.
- Ott
- Otto Grautoflf
- Otto Sperling
- P
- P
- P.
- P.
- Pabbo Desfontaines Voltaire
- Pailleron
- Panizzi
- Paolina Leopardi
- Parco Francesco L
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Parisienne Lepreux Georges«
- Parodi
- Passerini G. L.
- Paul
- Paul
- Paul Barbier
- Paul C
- Paul Courteault
- Paul Fiat
- Paul G
- Paul Meyer
- Paul Meyer
- Paul Meyer
- Paul Porteau
- Paul S
- Paul S
- PazBi G. G.
- Per
- Per
- Pereira
- Petracconi
- Ph Keiper
- Philippide
- Philologie S. M.
- Phüipon
- Piat
- Picard A.
- Pierre
- Pierre Godet
- Pierre Lhande
- Pierre Mirianisohvili
- Pierrehumbert
- Pietro F
- Pietro Giordani
- Pietro R
- Pietro Zorutti
- Pilot
- Pilot Antonio
- Piohon
- Plaoe La
- Poisson G.
- Pope Mildred
- Porouse Gabriel
- Pratt O.
- Prentout
- Prevost
- Prior BertareUi A.
- Prüderie Loliee
- Päcalä Victor
- Pöittevin Le
- Qander
- Qaston Paris
- Qauchat
- Qeddes J.
- Qiacomo Barsellotti
- Qiaoomo Casanova
- Qiulio Mazzarini
- Qlane
- Qriera
- Quattrini A.
- Quattrini A.
- Quental Anthero
- Quentin-Bauchart
- Quillaume Des Autele
- Quillaume Enfances
- R.
- R. H. G
- Ramiro Ortlz
- Rbli
- Rbli
- Rbli
- Rbli
- Rbti
- Rbti
- Rbti
- Rcr N. S.
- Rcr N. S.
- Rcr NF.
- Rdlr
- Re
- Reboul
- Regnier Henri
- Reichten
- Renato Serra
- Rene Radouant
- Reno Maubert
- Reno Pinon
- Revue
- Revue
- Rhl
- Rhs
- Ricardo Leon
- Riccardo Truffi
- Richard Bagot
- Richelieu
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- Riv In
- Rivarol
- Ro
- Robert
- Robert Garnier
- Robert Mettig
- Roberto Barbarani
- Robinson Duolaux Mme A.
- Roeeat
- Roger
- Roger Levy
- Rolandslied
- Rolandslied
- Roma
- Romain Yvonne
- Romanische Forschungen Bd S.
- Romanische S.
- Romanische S. M.
- Roueselot
- Rousseau J.
- Rousseau J.-J.
- Rousseau Jean-Jacques
- RR
- Rua Giuseppe
- Rudolf Gutmann
- Rudolf Haberl
- Rumänisch
- Rössel V.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- S. Ac
- S. Ac
- S. Ac
- S. BSD
- S. d.
- S. d.
- S. Gsli
- S. Gsli
- S. In Svaghi
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. M.
- S. Rbli
- S. Rbli
- S. Rbli
- S. Rbli
- S. Rcr N. S.
- S. Rdlr
- S. Rdqh
- S.-A.
- Saccenti Santi
- Sahuc
- Saint Pierre
- Saint-Cyr
- Saint-Maurice
- Saint-Point
- Salinger Von R.
- Salomone M
- Salverda
- Salvioni
- Samain
- Sansoni G. C.
- Santillana
- Sarran
- Schinz
- Scriteori
- Scrittori
- Scrittori
- Sermone
- Sforza Cesarini
- Silvio B
- Smith
- Soaeta
- Souchon
- Soulary
- Sperber
- Staaff
- Stanley Leman G
- Stengel
- Stewart
- Storia
- Stourdza Alexandre
- Stuart D.
- Studer
- Suite Notes
- Sulla
- Supplement
- Söderbergh
- Söderbergh
- T.
- Taf S. m.
- Tallez P. A
- Tallgren O.
- Tallgren O.
- Tappöl
- Tappöl
- Tartas Jean
- Tb Gärtner
- Teixeira
- Teofllo Folengo
- Text S.
- Th Gerold
- The Catalan Mascaron Wickersham Crawford J. P.
- The Crawford J. J. W.
- Theodor Kalepky
- Theophile Gautier
- Thomas Piree Antonio
- TI
- Tiktin
- Tinseau Leon
- Tzigara-Samurcas
- TÜttle E.
- Ugo C
- Uhlenbeok C.
- Uliers Marc
- Un II.
- Una
- Universalgeschichte S. M.
- Urquijo
- Urquijo J.
- Urquijo J.
- Urquijo J.
- Usseglie B. II
- Uuiv Columbia
- V
- V.
- V.
- V. J.
- Val di Magra Lerici
- Vandal Albert
- Vaqueiras Raimbautde
- Vaughan H.
- Vauvenargues Fontenelle
- Vauvenargues Fontenelle
- Veetrepain
- Vega Hermano
- Venturi
- Verhaeren
- Verona
- Verona
- Verrua
- Viau
- Victor Cousin
- Victor Cousin P.
- Victor Du Blöd
- Victor Du Blöd
- Vigne
- Vignoli
- Vigny
- Vincenw
- Vincenze RUSBO
- Vincenzo Carco
- Vinton Julien
- Virgile Rössel
- Vit Alfleri
- Vittoria Aganoor
- Vittoria Aganoor
- Vittorio C
- Vittorio C
- Vittorio Clan
- Vladimiro Zabughin
- Von Benedetto C
- von Pisan Christine
- Väsdrnapi In
- W.
- W.
- Walberg
- Walt Benary
- Walt Percy
- Walther
- Walther K
- Walther K
- Walther Küchler
- Warren F. M.
- Weekley
- Werner Söderhjelm
- Weslowski
- William EvOrett
- Willy Etzrodt
- Wilmotte
- With
- Wohlfahrt
- Wolfgang
- Wolfram
- XI
- Xtodocanachi
- York New
- Zaccagnini
- Zevaco
- Zu Roland
- £e Flaubert Le
- ßalnt-Simon
- Öes
- österheld Erich
- ΡΓοανόηςοΙ Vivo
- Publication venue
- 'Walter de Gruyter GmbH'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1912
- Field of study