31 research outputs found


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    Este artigo é um levantamento geral das condições materiais e históricas do teatro ateniense, i.e., suas origens, organização, performance e formas, tentando enfatizar sua inimitável singularidade

    ARCAÍSMO NA TRAGÉDIA Reconciliações religiosas na Oréstia de Ésquilo

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    Neste artigo tentamos demonstrar a relação entre varias características da tragédia de Ésquilo, como aparecem na Oréstia, e o conceito de mana, que foi investigado pela Antropologia em culturas primitivas. Nossa conclusão é que Ésquilo teve quereconciliar conceitos religiosos arcaicos, que existiam na polis, com sua crença principal, a Justiça de Zeus


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    O artigo procura explicitar o uso paródico que Platão faz do método etimológico de Crátilo. Como conseqüência, a posição platônica não se resume a uma simples negação aporística das teses naturalista e convencionalista, mas sim que ambas revelam aspectos essenciais da linguagem humana, aspectos estes que tomam possível o conhecimento e a enunciação da verdade

    ÁTICO E KOINÉ Problemas na abordagem sociolingüística de uma área dialetal do grego antigo

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    Procuramos avaliar os problemas na tentativa do helenista López Eire em seu artigo Del Atico a Ia Koiné de utilizar categorias tomadas das teorias sociolingüísticas para abordar a passagem do dialeto ático do séc. V a.C. Koiné helenística do sée. III a.C

    Caracterización del comportamiento visual dinámico mediante Visioffice.

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    Los hallazgos de este estudio sugieren que la mayoría de la población tiene tendencia a mover más los ojos que la cabeza para explorar el campo periférico. Sin embargo es importante evaluar subjetivamente la manera de medir del instrumento, utilizada en el proceso de toma de datos para saber si podemos fiarnos de este resultado. La reproducibilidad y la repetitividad han resultado ser favorables al instrumento pero, ¿Realmente la situación a la que exponemos al paciente es lo suficientemente natural para considerar reales las mediciones tomadas

    Robust fractional-order control using a decoupled pitch and roll actuation strategy for the I-support soft robot

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Applications of Mathematical Models in Engineering.Tip control is a current open issue in soft robotics; therefore, it has received a good amount of attention in recent years. The desirable soft characteristics of these robots turn a well-solved problem in classic robotics, like the end-effector kinematics and dynamics, into a challenging problem. The high redundancy condition of these robots hinders classical solutions, resulting in controllers with very high computational costs. In this paper, a simplification is proposed in the actuation setup of the I-Support soft robot, allowing the use of simple strategies for tip inclination control. In order to verify the proposed approach, inclination step input and trajectory-tracking experiments were performed on a single module of the I-Support robot, resulting in zero output error in all cases, including those where the system was exposed to disturbances. The comparative results of the proposed controllers, a proportional integral derivative (PID) and a fractional order robust (FOPI) controller, validate the feasibility of the proposed approach, showing a clear advantage in the use of the fractional robust controller for the tip inclination control of the I-Support robot compared to the integer order controller.The research leading to these results has received funding from the project Desarrollo de articulaciones blandas para aplicaciones robóticas, with reference IND2020/IND-1739, funded by the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (CAM) (Department of Education and Research), from HUMASOFT project, with reference DPI2016-75330-P, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and from RoboCity2030-DIH-CM, Madrid Robotics Digital Innovation Hub (Robótica aplicada a la mejora de la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos, FaseIV; S2018/NMT-4331), funded by "Programas de Actividades I+D en la Comunidad de Madrid" and cofunded by Structural Funds of the EU. This work was also funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 863212 (PROBOSCIS) and No. 824074 (GROWBOT)

    Plasma functionalized surface of commodity polymers for dopamine detection

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    We have fabricated potentially generalizable sensors based on polymeric-modified electrodes for the electrochemical detection of dopamine. Sensitive and selective sensors have been successfully obtained by applying a cold-plasma treatment during 1–2 min not only to conducting polymers but also to electrochemically inert polymers, such as polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinylpyrrolidone, polycaprolactone and polystyrene. The effects of the plasma in the electrode surface activation, which is an essential requirement for the dopamine detection when inert polymers are used, have been investigated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Results indicate that exposure of polymer-modified electrodes to cold-plasma produces the formation of a large variety of reactive species adsorbed on the electrode surface, which catalyse the dopamine oxidation. With this technology, which is based on the application of a very simple physical functionalization, we have defined a paradox-based paradigm for the fabrication of electrochemical sensors by using inert and cheap plastics.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Differences in stem radial variation between Pinus pinaster Ait. and Quercus pyrenaica Willd. may release inter-specific competition

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    Species complementarity by morphological and physiological trait differences could cause distinct temporal and spatial use of resources. Accordingly, mixed stands may enhance production, biodiversity and/or provide a better adaptation to future climate conditions. We aim to identify species differences in intra-annual stem radial variation patterns, and to recognize species-specific responses to contrasting weather conditions at key intraannual growth phases. Stem radial variation was recorded from high temporal resolution point dendrometers (2012-2014) installed on twelve dominant maritime pine and Pyrenean oak trees in two mixed stands in central Spain. Species differences in stem radial variation were analyzed by synchrony statistics, intra-annual pattern modelling, and evaluating the dependence of main intra-annual growth phases on climate conditions. Both species showed important differences on intra-annual radial increment pattern despite general stem radial variation synchrony. Radial increment onset was earlier for maritime pine during the spring and rainy autumns. Species-specific responses to weather indicate that stem radial variation increased with autumn temperature in maritime pine, but decreased in Pyrenean oak trees. However, summer vapor pressure deficit may reduce stem radial variation for maritime pine. Therefore, maritime pine would adapt more efficiently to warmer temperatures associated with climate change, although summer water stress may reduce this competitive bonus


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    Os distritos criativos são habitats de inovação que fomentam a economia criativa a partir da revitalização de espaços urbanos e da valorização do potencial criativo das pessoas. Este estudo objetivou analisar a economia criativa na América Latina pelo viés das contribuições dos distritos criativos para as cidades. Realizou-se uma pesquisa básica, descritiva, bibliográfica e qualitativa, para mapear os distritos criativos da América Latina, coletar referências sobre as suas principais características e elencar contribuições sociais, econômicas e ambientais destes para as cidades. Verificou-se que estes ambientes da inovação visam aproveitar e valorizar o potencial criativo das comunidades, regenerar os espaços urbanos e fortalecer a economia criativa, por meio de diversas contribuições de cunho social, econômico e ambiental

    Adaptive Dynamics of Settlement Models in the Urban Landscape of Termez (Uzbekistan) from c. 300 BCE to c. 1400 CE

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    The archaeological site of Ancient Termez is located in southern Uzbekistan. Despite the arid environment, the city benefited from its strategic position near two rivers, the Amu Darya and the Surkhan Darya. Its significance was mainly related to the expansion of trade routes connecting Eurasia. The city comprises several enclosures that attest long-term human-environment interactions. In order to identify the adaptive dynamics of the settlement models during an extended chronology covering the period from c. 300 BCE to c. 1220 CE (Greco-Bactrian/Yuezhi, Kushan, Kushano-Sasanian, and Islamic periods), a multidisciplinary study has been carried out, which includes: (1) archaeological excavations in several areas of the urban complex; (2) pedestrian surveying inside some enclosures and in the urban periphery; (3) an aerial survey based on high-resolution satellite imagery; (4) AMS dating of charcoal and bone samples; (5) archaeobotanical investigation through anthracological analysis; (6) zooarchaeological studies. The results point to variations in the development of the inhabited spaces, in which abandonment and occupation took place. The zooarchaeological and archaeobotanical data demonstrate the exploitation of natural resources in different environments (i.e., arid areas and irrigated land) and a certain evolution during the period considered