159 research outputs found


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      This case study is about the implementation of project control in a company that has as its area of activity the construction of electrical power substations. The need to have a less complex control, made the employees develop a fully interactive dashboard, where it is possible to visualize all the works in a single screen. It was very laborious to obtain this data, it was necessary to navigate through several pages on the company's server, to visualize the data, and this navigation was done in countless folders to obtain the data. With the implementation of project control, it was possible to have an effective control of the works, reliability, decision making, quantification of operational costs, such as the amount of hours spent by each designer, costs of electromechanical, electrical, mechanical materials and fixation elements, and still have an interactivity with the Dashboard. With project control all the data can be obtained in an individual macro form.Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar el desarrollo y la implementación de un sistema electrónico de monitorización y gestión remota del consumo eléctrico en una residencia privada. Así como, explicar a los lectores sobre el consumo consciente de la energía eléctrica. Para realizar la recogida de datos se diseñó un controlador electrónico con conexión inalámbrica, que recoge la información continuamente y la envía a un servidor en la nube. El seguimiento y análisis de los datos obtenidos por el sistema se realiza a través de una plataforma, desarrollada exclusivamente para este fin, cuyo acceso es a través de Internet. El propósito de este sistema es ayudar a la adquisición autónoma de datos, que posteriormente ayuda a la identificación de puntos de consumo excesivo e innecesario. De este modo, se identifican las oportunidades de ahorro en su consumo actual. Las consecuencias de esto son: consumo consciente de energía; facturas con menores costes; aumento de la vida útil de los equipos y optimización del sistema eléctrico.Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o desenvolvimento e a implantação de um sistema eletrônico para monitoramento e gerenciamento remoto do consumo de energia elétrica, em uma residência particular. Bem como, explanar aos leitores sobre o consumo consciente de energia elétrica. Para a realização da obtenção dos dados foi projetado um controlador eletrônico com conexão wireless, que coleta as informações ininterruptamente e as envia para um servidor em nuvem. O acompanhamento e análise dos dados obtidos pelo sistema é feito via plataforma, desenvolvida exclusivamente para este fim, seu acesso é realizado por meio da internet. O intuito desse sistema é auxiliar na aquisição autônoma de dados que, posteriormente, ajudam na identificação de pontos de consumos excessivos e desnecessários. Dessa forma, identificando as oportunidades para realizar uma economia em seu consumo atual. E tem como consequências: um consumo energético consciente; faturas com custos menores; aumento da vida útil do equipamento e otimização do sistema elétrico.Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o desenvolvimento e a implantação de um sistema eletrônico para monitoramento e gerenciamento remoto do consumo de energia elétrica, em uma residência particular. Bem como, explanar aos leitores sobre o consumo consciente de energia elétrica. Para a realização da obtenção dos dados foi projetado um controlador eletrônico com conexão wireless, que coleta as informações ininterruptamente e as envia para um servidor em nuvem. O acompanhamento e análise dos dados obtidos pelo sistema é feito via plataforma, desenvolvida exclusivamente para este fim, seu acesso é realizado por meio da internet. O intuito desse sistema é auxiliar na aquisição autônoma de dados que, posteriormente, ajudam na identificação de pontos de consumos excessivos e desnecessários. Dessa forma, identificando as oportunidades para realizar uma economia em seu consumo atual. E tem como consequências: um consumo energético consciente; faturas com custos menores; aumento da vida útil do equipamento e otimização do sistema elétrico

    Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cassava Starch Using Barley Malt Amylases

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    Barley malt was used as a source of amylases for the hydrolysis of cassava starch to produce reducing sugars for the alcoholic fermentation. Two routes of hydrolysis were evaluated in this work. One using milled barley malt and the other using the enzyme extract of this grain. The first one evaluated three concentrations of milled barley malt: 5, 10 and 15% (w/w) and there was no significant difference between the values of reducing sugars obtained as a function of the three concentrations. Three concentrations were also tested for barley malt extract: 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 mL of extract. The higher content of reducing sugars was found for the 0.5 mL concentration of extract. The barley malt extract was more efficient in the enzymatic hydrolysis of cassava starch due to a better contact of the enzymes with substrate. The alcoholic fermentation of the wort obtained with 0.5 mL yielded an ethanol content of 7.74 ± 3.19 g/L with an efficiency of 88.6%. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v13i3.152

    Sulfated small molecules targeting EBV in Burkitt lymphoma: from in silico screening to the evidence of in vitro effect on viral episomal DNA

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    Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) infects more than 90% of the world population. Following primary infection, Epstein– Barr virus persists in an asymptomatic latent state. Occasionally, it may switch to lytic infection. Latent EBV infection has been associated with several diseases, such as Burkitt lymphoma (BL). To date, there are no available drugs to target latent EBV, and the existing broad-spec trum antiviral drugs are mainly active against lytic viral infection. Thus, using computational molecular docking, a virtual screen of a library of small molecules, including xanthones and flavonoids (described with potential for antiviral activity against EBV), was carried out targeting EBV proteins. The more interesting molecules were selected for further computational analysis, and sub sequently, the compounds were tested in the Raji (BL) cell line, to evaluate their activity against latent EBV. This work identified three novel sulfated small molecules capable of decreasing EBV levels in a BL. Therefore, the in silico screening presents a good approach for the development of new anti-EBV agents.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dengue Virus Type 4, Manaus, Brazil

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    We report dengue virus type 4 (DENV-4) in Amazonas, Brazil. This virus was isolated from serum samples of 3 patients treated at a tropical medicine reference center in Manaus. All 3 cases were confirmed by serologic and molecular tests; 1 patient was co-infected with DENV-3 and DENV-4

    A relação entre teoria e prática: contribuições e desafios na formação inicial de professores

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    The action consisted of a teaching experience planned and carried out by volunteer teachers and monitors (Three graduates in Chemistry), in a high school in the interior of Ceará and aimed to ascertain the contributions and challenges of the relationship between theory and practice in the initial teacher training process. For data collection, the individual semi-structured interview was used, carried out with each of the three licensees, asking them about the impacts of the relationship between theory and practice in the training process, still in the initial period of this journey. The experience highlighted the importance of equitable work between theory and practice in the context of initial teacher training, where undergraduate students can interact with practicing teachers, promoting the mutual exchange of learning, as well as knowing the complexity that guides the school, guided by multiple and changing situations that are evident in daily life.A ação consistiu em uma experiência de ensino planejada e realizada por professores e monitores voluntários (três licenciandos em Química), em uma escola de Ensino Médio do interior Cearense e teve como objetivo averiguar as contribuições e desafios da relação entre teoria e prática no processo formativo inicial docente. Para o recolhimento de dados foi utilizada a entrevista semiestruturada individual, realizada com cada um dos três licenciandos, inquirindo os mesmos sobre os impactos da relação entre teoria e prática no processo formativo, ainda no período inicial desse percurso. A experiência evidenciou a importância do trabalho equitativo entre teoria e prática no âmbito da formação inicial de professores, em que os licenciandos possam interagir com professores em exercício, promovendo a troca mútua de aprendizagens, bem como conhecer a complexidade que norteia a escola, pautada por múltiplas e inconstantes situações que se evidenciam no cotidiano

    Sydney Melancholia Prototype Index (SMPI) : translation and cross-cultural adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese

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    Introduction: Depression is possibly not a single syndrome but rather comprises several subtypes. DSM-5 proposes a melancholia specifier with phenotypic characteristics that could be associated with clinical progression, biological markers or therapeutic response. The Sydney Melancholia Prototype Index (SMPI) is a prototypic scale aimed to improve the diagnosis of melancholia. So far, there is only an English version of the instrument available. The aim of this study is to describe the translation and adaptation of the English version of the SMPI into Brazilian Portuguese. Methods: Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the self-report (SMPI-SR) and clinician-rated (SMPICR) versions into Brazilian Portuguese were done following recommendations of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR). This guideline includes the following steps: preparation, forward translation, reconciliation, back translation, back translation review, harmonization, cognitive debriefing, debriefing results review, proofreading and final report. Results: The Brazilian Portuguese versions of the SMPI were well-accepted by respondents. Changes in about two-thirds of the items were considered necessary to obtain the final Brazilian Portuguese version of the SMPI. Conclusions: Both versions of the SMPI are now available in Brazilian Portuguese. The instrument could become an important option to enhance studies on melancholia in Portuguese-speaking samples

    First-time administration of the Sydney Melancholia Prototype Index (SMPI) to non-English-speaking patients : a study from Brazil

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    Objective: The Sydney Melancholia Prototype Index (SMPI) is a scale that uses a non-conventional strategy to assess melancholia status based on prototypic symptoms and illness course variables. This study aimed to evaluate the performance of the first translation of this instrument in a non-Englishspeaking population. Methods: A sample comprising 106 Brazilian outpatients with depression was evaluated simultaneously with the Brazilian version of the self-rated SMPI (SMPI-SR) and clinician-rated SMPI (SMPICR). The kappa coefficient and t test were used to evaluate concurrent validity vs. DSM-IV, CORE system, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale-6 item (HAM-D6), and HAM-D17 assignments to a melancholic or non-melancholic class. The prevalence of melancholia as well as sensitivity and specificity were calculated across instruments. Results: The prevalence of melancholia was highest using DSM-IV criteria (56.6%). The kappa agreement between SMPI-CR and DSM-IV melancholia assignment was moderate (kappa 0.44, p <= 0.001). SMPI-CR-assigned melancholic patients had significantly higher CORE, HAM-D17, and HAM-D6 scores. The test-retest consistency values for the SMPI were modest at best, and somewhat superior for the CR version. Conclusion: The Brazilian SMPI-CR presented satisfactory psychometric properties (which were superior to those of the SMPI-SR), and therefore appears to be a useful option for identifying melancholia and studying its causes and optimal treatments

    Parâmetros nutricionais da lâmina foliar de diferentes forrageiras tropicais

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the leaf blade nutritional value of different genotypes of Cynodon cultivars in four regrowth ages (28, 48, 63 and 79 days), by chemical composition and in vitro dry matter digestibility. The treatments were distributed in a randomized block design, with treatments arranged in a split plot scheme, with the studied genotypes (cultivars) (Tifton 68, Tifton 85, Russell, Jiggs and Vaquero) parcels and the four ages cutting the subplots (28, 48, 63 and 79 days). There was an increase in dry matter content with the advance of plant age ranged from 30% to 70% at 28 and 79 days of regrowth, respectively. A reduction of 25 g kg-1 in crude protein content of the genotypes when it was increased the regrowth age of 28 for 79 days, with a daily reduction of 1.79%.There was daily increases of 1.72% and 1.17% in the fiber neutral detergent and acid detergent fiber, respectively. The management of all genotypes at the age of 28 days of regrowth provided greater in vitro digestibility of dry matter leaf blade (79.65%). For a best nutritional value of the Cynodon cultivars, it is recommended to have a period of 28 days between the cuts.OObjetivou-se por meio deste trabalho avaliar o valor nutritivo da l&acirc;mina foliar de diferentes gen&oacute;tipos do g&ecirc;nero Cynodon em quatro idades de rebrota (28, 48, 63 e 79 dias), por meio da composi&ccedil;&atilde;o qu&iacute;mica e da digestibilidade in vitro da mat&eacute;ria seca. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com tratamentos arranjados em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, sendo os gen&oacute;tipos estudados (cultivares) (Tifton 68, Tifton 85, Russel, Jiggs e Vaquero) as parcelas, e as quatro idades de corte as subparcelas (28, 48, 63 e 79 dias). Verificou-se aumento no teor de mat&eacute;ria seca com o avan&ccedil;o da idade da planta que variou de 30% a 70%, aos 28 e 79 dias de rebrota, respectivamente. Houve redu&ccedil;&atilde;o no teor de prote&iacute;na bruta dos gen&oacute;tipos de 25 g kg-1 quando aumentou a idade de rebrota de 28 para 79 dias, com redu&ccedil;&atilde;o di&aacute;ria de 1,79%. Houve incrementos di&aacute;rios de 1,72% e 1,17% no teor de fibra em detergente neutro e fibra em detergente &aacute;cido, respectivamente. O manejo de todos os gen&oacute;tipos na idade de 28 dias de rebrota proporcionou maior digestibilidade in vitro da mat&eacute;ria seca da l&acirc;mina foliar (79,65%). Recomenda-se o intervalo de corte para todos os gen&oacute;tipos a cada 28 dias, em fun&ccedil;&atilde;o do melhor valor nutricional