1,717 research outputs found

    The quality of demographic data in 1804 comparing Paraíba do Norte (Brazil), Angola and Goa

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    O estudo da população do Império Português conta com um vasto corpus de dados estatísticos, desde meados do século xviii. No entanto, estas fontes revelam uma grande diversidade de conteúdos, devido à organização de dados e a realidades sociais diferentes. Esta circunstância pressupõe a necessidade de se proceder a uma análise muito cuidadosa da qualidade das fontes, antes de identificar e reconstruir os principais indicadores emográficos da população colonial. É nosso objetivo proceder, de forma exploratória, a uma crítica interna das fontes e analisar, sempre que possível, a qualidade dos dados através de métodos testados, em mapas de 1804 de Goa, Angola e Paraíba do Norte (Brasil).The study of the Portuguese empire population has a vast corpus of statistical data since middle eighteenth century. However, these sources reveal a great diversity in contents, due to the data organization and different social realities. This circumstance presupposes the need to proceed to a very careful analysis of sources quality, before identifying and rebuild the main demographic indicators of the colonial population. It is our goal to proceed in an exploratory manner, and to do an internal critique analysis of the sources, and analyze always as possible the quality of data by tested methods, in 1804 charts of Goa, Angola and Paraíba do Norte (Brazil).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The library’s role in the quality and excellence in higher education: a Portuguese case study

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    This paper aims to present the work done by a library of higher education in the promotion of research and knowledge. They are the identified projects, initiatives, strategies and methodologies adopted in the creation of value added services provided, particularly with regard to teaching and research community. The major objective relates to the specific demonstration of how the skills of information can be exploited and profited for collaboration in the organization's mission through a study case

    Gaining a sustainable IR: thinking SWOT

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    This paper aims to reflect about the next steps and challenges to gain sustainably to our Institutional Repositories (IR’s). We first reference the earlier stage of creating and getting start in the IR: what was needed to do, how we make it and how we are right now. As most of the universities have an IR, now we are starting to think about what is going next. The objective is to reflect, in a practical and objective way, what we need to do. And we purpose to present a brief and concise vision SWOT analysis to each step of the way. Our goal is to reflect about our challenges and prepare ourselves to what will it require

    Inoculation of mycorrhizal fungi on a vineyard. The impact of a mycorrhiza-inoculated under-vine cover crop on grapevine performance and soil quality in a Portuguese vineyard

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica / Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Universidade de LisboaGrapevine inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can improve their nutrient and water status and help them cope with abiotic and biotic stresses. However, the inoculation success depends on several factors, such as the host plant and AMF genotype, environmental conditions and the inoculation method. To test the potential benefits of grapevine AMF inoculation through mycelium donor plants (MDP), a three-year experiment was set in a vineyard planted in 2007 in Lisbon. Rye plants were inoculated with Funneliformis mosseae and used as MDP, being established as under-vine cover crops. Another two under-vine management treatments were installed to compare the potential benefits of this inoculation system on grapevine nutrition, growth, physiology, yield, berry quality and soil properties: conventional vegetation management (CON), with regular herbicide applications on the row, and non-inoculated rye covers (NIRC). The inoculation of F. mosseae was successful. Soil from inoculated rye cover (IRC) plots had double and four times the mycorrhizal infective propagules than NIRC and CON plots, respectively. At plant nutrition level, only Fe differed among treatments, whose concentration diminished on grapevine leaves from IRC plots. At pre-harvest, when temperatures were highest and soil water lowest, grapevines from IRC plots had 50% higher photosynthetic rate and 70% higher stomatal conductance than NIRC and CON grapevines. The competition for water induced by the under-vine cover crops diminished the vigour of grapevines by half on their pruning wood weight, compared to CON grapevines, although without statistical significance. No significant effect on yield and berry quality was found, apart from a greater number of clusters from CON and IRC grapevines. Therefore, if correctly managed with adequate irrigation and frequent mowing to avoid excessive competition with grapevines, the use of inoculated under-vine cover crops can improve grapevine performance and offers a sustainable alternative to herbicide use in Mediterranean vineyards, without compromising yield or berry qualityN/

    DESTA ÁGUA (não) BEBEREI? : modelos de correlação identificados entre dados biológicos e meteorológicos - lagoas de S. Miguel

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    A secção UAciência é coordenada pelo Professor Universitário Armindo Rodrigues.[…]. Neste trabalho foram identificados modelos de correlação de forma exploratória entre os diversos parâmetros biológicos (fitoplâncton) e meteorológicos, durante o período de 2003 a 2017, nas lagoas do Fogo, Furnas e Sete Cidades (site GRA). Neste estudo, com muitas amostras e variáveis de diversas naturezas, a melhor forma de avaliar globalmente os dados foi a metodologia estatística multivariada, como a análise de componentes principais (ACP), onde as variáveis podem ser analisadas em conjunto. Os dados disponíveis permitiram obter correlações por lagoa, profundidades de recolha, ano de recolha e por temporada (primavera, verão, outono e inverno), no período temporal considerado. As comunidades biológicas nas lagoas dos Açores estão representadas pelas divisões mais comuns do fitoplâncton. […].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cyberbullying sobre professores : uma realidade escondida

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    As extraordinárias virtualidades disponibilizadas pelas tecnologias da informação e comunicação trazem consigo potenciais riscos, se usadas de forma abusiva ou indevida. O estudo a que nos reportamos neste texto insere-se nesse potencial de riscos e conflitos focalizando-se na análise do fenómeno do cyberbullying sobre os professores. O tema apresentou-se como relevante e inovador, no contexto português, pela gravidade das repercussões no quotidiano emocional e social dos professores e na organização escolar onde estão inseridos. Com o presente estudo, de caráter exploratório e descritivo, pretendemos contribuir para desocultar o fenómeno, fazer uma aproximação à sua dimensão e características, perceber qual é o seu impacto sobre a vítimas e percecionar o interesse que suscita. Os dados foram recolhidos através dum inquérito por questionário, online, ao qual responderam 3426 professores. Para além da clarificação de múltiplos aspetos do fenómeno, registe-se, como principal conclusão, o facto de cerca de um terço dos professores ter declarado já ter sido alvo de cyberbullying.The extraordinary virtues of Information and Communication Technology bring potential risks, if used improperly. Our research analyses part of these risks and social conflicts which teachers are exposed to. The topic - "Cyberbullying against teachers - a hidden reality" – is both relevant and innovative in the Portuguese background because of its impact in the teachers’ everyday emotional and social development and in the school organization where they are inserted. With this exploratory descriptive and quantitative study, we intend to contribute to uncover the problem of cyberbullying and analyse its dimension and characteristics, realize its impact on the victims and understand the interest raised by this phenomenon. The data of this study was collected through a questionnaire survey online responded by 3426 teachers. A third of teachers said they had already been targeted by cyberbullying

    Studying the Pacific Subtropical Front with multiple assets

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    We describe a novel approach to physical oceanography by coordinating remote sensing, multiple autonomous vehicles and ship borne sensors. In contrast with conventional oceanography where ships are the single point of sampling in the middle of a big ocean or are used simply as the base of operations from where autonomous vehicles are deployed, we propose a new approach where ship and autonomous vehicles are coordinated together via satellite communications. We conclude with results and lessons learned from a real-world deployment of the R/V Falkor oceanographic ship together with multiple autonomous vehicles to study the Pacific's Subtropical Front, 800 miles off the coast of San Diego