9 research outputs found

    Enhanced metabolism and negative regulation of ER stress support higher erythropoietin production in HEK293 cells

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    Recombinant protein production can cause severe stress on cellular metabolism, resulting in limited titer and product quality. To investigate cellular and metabolic characteristics associated with these limitations, we compare HEK293 clones producing either erythropoietin (EPO) (secretory) or GFP (non-secretory) protein at different rates. Transcriptomic and functional analyses indicate significantly higher metabolism and oxidative phosphorylation in EPO producers compared with parental and GFP cells. In addition, ribosomal genes exhibit specific expression patterns depending on the recombinant protein and the production rate. In a clone displaying a dramatically increased EPO secretion, we detect higher gene expression related to negative regulation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, including upregulation of ATF6B, which aids EPO production in a subset of clones by overexpression or small interfering RNA (siRNA) knockdown. Our results offer potential target pathways and genes for further development of the secretory power in mammalian cell factories


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    Za konkurenčnost podjetja je zaradi čedalje hitrejšega naraščanja raznolikosti proizvodov in krajšanja dolžine serij skrajšanje pripravno zaključnih časov na strojih (SMED) ključnega pomena. Podjetje lahko le s svojo fleksibilnostjo zadovolji potrebe kupcev, kar pa lahko zagotovi le s kratkimi pripravno zaključnimi časi. V diplomski nalogi predstavljamo problem predolgih pripravno zaključnih časov v primeru livarne v podjetju LTH Castings, d. o. o., in možnost reševanja problema z metodo SMED. Kot primer smo analizirali skrajšanje pripravno zaključnih časov pri menjavi serije na tlačnem stroju v tlačni livarni. Rezultati analize so uporabni v večini primerov v naši proizvodnji.Rapid increase of different products and shorter production batches in the todays production process is one of the key competitive factors in the company shorter change over time (SMED) between each new batch.Flexible production supported with short change over timescan satisfy demands of the customers. In this thesis, we are trying to represent the problem of long change over times in the case of die casting foundry in a company LTH Castings, d. o. o., and the possibility of solving this problem by using a SMED method. As an example, analysis of shortening of change over times between two batches on a high pressure die casting machine in die casting foundry based of SMED method is performed. Results of the analysis are applicable in the majority of the change overs in die casting foundry

    Projections of future land use in the Municipality of Koper based on the MOLAND model

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    The Municipality of Koper is one of the case studies in the European research project PLUREL. The project is aimed at developing new strategies and tools for future land use planning and prediction. Some scenarios for possible future land use have been prepared and spatially defined, based upon different indicators and trends, using the MOLAND model. The model is based on spatial dynamics, a key variable being the land use and the state of each cell is its land use class (e.g. residential, industrial, commercial, forest, agricultural land etc.). Based on the developed storylines of the scenarios, the model simulates changes in future land use and spatially defines the changes.JRC.DDG.H.7-Land management and natural hazard

    Projekcije prihodnje rabe tal v mestni občini Koper na podlagi modela moland : Projections of future land use in the municipality of Koper based on the moland model

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    Mestna občina (MO) Koper je ena od študij primera v evropskem raziskovalnem projektu PLUREL1. Namen projekta je razviti nove strategije in orodja za načrtovanje ter napovedovanje prihodnjih rab prostora. Za MO Koper so bili ≫preigrani≪ trije scenariji mogočeprihodnje rabe zemljišč, ki so bili na podlagi številnih kazalcev in trendov prostorsko opredeljeni z modelom MOLAND2. Model temelji na prostorski dinamiki, glavna spremenljivka v njem pa je raba zemljišč. Na podlagi različnih scenarijev se z modelom projicirajo spremembe rabe zemljišč v prihodnosti glede na vrsto rabe in sprememba se prostorsko opredeli. : The Municipality of Koper is one of the case studies in the European research project PLUREL. The project isaimed at developing new strategies and tools for future land use planning and prediction. Some scenarios for possible future land use have been prepared and spatially defined, based upon different indicators and trends, using the MOLAND model. The model is basedon spatial dynamics, a key variable being the land use and the state of each cell is its land use class (e.g. residential, industrial, commercial, forest, agricultural land etc.). Based on the developed storylines of the scenarios, the model simulates changes in future land use and spatially defines the changes

    Process Simulation and Control Center: An Automated Pilot Plant Laboratory

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    The Department of Chemical Engineering at Michigan Technological University (MTU), with technical and financial assistance from its industrial partners, has incorporated the concepts of distributed control and process management into the curriculum via the Process Simulation and Control Center (PSCC). The PSCC includes two highly instrumented pilot plants (a siloxane polymerization batch reactor and a solvent recovery distillation process), controlled by a Honeywell TPS® distributed control system. The TUTOR 3000® computer-based training program prepares the students to run the two pilot plants. Process data are compressed and archived by OSI Software\u27s PI® data management system and then are imported directly into spreadsheets and other computer applications on the departmental student network for analysis and reporting. The PSCC is a state-of-the-art facility that prepares MTU chemical engineering students for the computer-based industrial environment that they will encounter when they graduate