22 research outputs found


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    The measurement of power output (PO) during cycling has led some manufacturers to develop mobile power meters. However, such devices have to provide a valid, sensitive and reproducible PO. This study aimed to determine the validity, sensitivity and reproducibility of the Stages and Garmin Vector during both laboratory and field cycling tests. The results demonstrate that the Stages and the Garmin Vector systems appear to be reproducible. However, the validity and the sensitivity of the two systems must be treated with some caution

    Etude de la puissance mécanique comme variable d'amélioration de la performance en cyclisme à travers l'interface homme-machine

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    This thesis has been completed as part of a CIFRE agreement between the laboratory C3S(EA4660) and the Research and Development (R&D) department of the FDJ professionalcycling team. The various studies that we conducted centred on analysing sport performanceoptimisation in cyclists through a central variable: the mechanical power output (PO)developed during locomotion. There were two main areas of focus: 1) evaluation andmonitoring of physical potential, with the aim of improving the training process, and 2)optimisation of the human–machine interface via analysis of the materials and equipmentused by the FDJ team cyclistsCe travail de thĂšse s’est dĂ©roulĂ© dans le cadre d’une convention CIFRE entre mon laboratoire de rattachement C3S (EA4660) et le dĂ©partement Recherche et DĂ©veloppement (R&D) de l’équipe cycliste professionnelle FDJ. Les diffĂ©rentes Ă©tudes que nous avons conduites se sont articulĂ©es autour de l’amĂ©lioration de la performance sportive chez le cycliste Ă  travers une variable centrale qui est la puissance mĂ©canique qu’il dĂ©veloppe lors de la locomotion (PmĂ©ca) selon deux axes principaux : 1) l’évaluation et le suivi du potentiel physique avec pour but l’amĂ©lioration du processus d’entraĂźnement et 2) l’optimisation de l’interface homme – machine Ă  partir de l’analyse du matĂ©riel et des Ă©quipements utilisĂ©s par les cyclistes dans l’équipe FDJ

    Évaluation de la durĂ©e de sĂ©jour par la crĂ©ation d’une consultation intermĂ©diaire de mĂ©decine gĂ©nĂ©rale au sortir d’une hospitalisation en unitĂ© polyvalente dans le bassin thiernois

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    Introduction : Les patients des zones de dĂ©sertification mĂ©dicale notamment rurales rencontrent des difficultĂ©s d’accĂšs aux soins en sortie d’hospitalisation. Une consultation de mĂ©decine gĂ©nĂ©rale intra-hospitaliĂšre dite « passerelle » assurant un suivi intermĂ©diaire des patients sur le centre hospitalier de Thiers est proposĂ©e.Objectif : Évaluation de la diminution de la durĂ©e de sĂ©jour par la crĂ©ation d’une consultation intermĂ©diaire de suivi des patients hospitalisĂ©s dans le service de mĂ©decine polyvalente de Thiers.MĂ©thodes : Inclusion des patients hospitalisĂ©s dans le service du 1er janvier 2018 au 1er septembre 2018 avec recueil de donnĂ©es. Initiation des consultations Ă  partir du 1er mai 2018. Analyse comparative entre les 2 groupes : de janvier Ă  avril n’ayant pas accĂšs Ă  la consultation et de mai Ă  aoĂ»t avec accĂšs Ă  la consultation.RĂ©sultats : 627 patients ont Ă©tĂ© inclus, 334 de janvier Ă  avril et 293 de mai Ă  aoĂ»t sans diffĂ©rence significative sur la moyenne d’ñge (p=0,15) et le sexe (p=0,46). Les diagnostics principaux ont Ă©tĂ© regroupĂ©s en 20 cadres nosologiques avec un p=0,48 sur la pĂ©riode. Le devenir des patients Ă©tait comparable dans les 2 groupes.La durĂ©e mĂ©diane de sĂ©jour Ă©tait de 9 jours [6-13] dans le groupe de janvier Ă  avril contre 8 jours [5-13] dans le groupe de mai Ă  aoĂ»t avec p=0,06. Le taux de rĂ©-hospitalisation Ă  30 jours Ă©tait de 13,5% contre 18,8% avec p=0,07.Conclusion : On observe une diminution de la durĂ©e mĂ©diane de sĂ©jour dans le groupe ayant eu accĂšs Ă  une consultation de suivi de mĂ©decine gĂ©nĂ©rale intra-hospitaliĂšre, mĂȘme si celle-ci reste non significative. ParallĂšlement, on retrouve une augmentation du taux de rĂ©hospitalisation dans ce groupe qui est Ă©galement non significative. Une Ă©tude comparative prolongĂ©e dans le temps permettrait de mieux caractĂ©riser ces tendances

    Analysis of the mechanical power output as a parameter to improve cycling performance through the study of the human-machine interface

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    Ce travail de thĂšse s’est dĂ©roulĂ© dans le cadre d’une convention CIFRE entre mon laboratoire de rattachement C3S (EA4660) et le dĂ©partement Recherche et DĂ©veloppement (R&D) de l’équipe cycliste professionnelle FDJ. Les diffĂ©rentes Ă©tudes que nous avons conduites se sont articulĂ©es autour de l’amĂ©lioration de la performance sportive chez le cycliste Ă  travers une variable centrale qui est la puissance mĂ©canique qu’il dĂ©veloppe lors de la locomotion (PmĂ©ca) selon deux axes principaux : 1) l’évaluation et le suivi du potentiel physique avec pour but l’amĂ©lioration du processus d’entraĂźnement et 2) l’optimisation de l’interface homme – machine Ă  partir de l’analyse du matĂ©riel et des Ă©quipements utilisĂ©s par les cyclistes dans l’équipe FDJ.This thesis has been completed as part of a CIFRE agreement between the laboratory C3S(EA4660) and the Research and Development (R&D) department of the FDJ professionalcycling team. The various studies that we conducted centred on analysing sport performanceoptimisation in cyclists through a central variable: the mechanical power output (PO)developed during locomotion. There were two main areas of focus: 1) evaluation andmonitoring of physical potential, with the aim of improving the training process, and 2)optimisation of the human–machine interface via analysis of the materials and equipmentused by the FDJ team cyclist

    Understanding the mechanisms influencing the growth of metallic foams made by plasmaelectrolysis deposition : application in laser targets fabrication.

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    Pour le besoin des expĂ©riences laser menĂ©es par le CEA, une nouvelle mĂ©thode dedĂ©pĂŽt par plasma Ă©lectrolytique a Ă©tĂ© conçue et brevetĂ©e afin de fabriquer des mousses mĂ©talliques ultra lĂ©gĂšres et nanostructurĂ©es. Ce procĂ©dĂ© innovant et unique au monde consiste Ă  crĂ©er et maintenir un plasma Ă  la surface d’une Ă©lectrode plongĂ©e dans un Ă©lectrolyte aqueux. Dans le but de pouvoir maĂźtriser la synthĂšse des mousses mĂ©talliques, il est nĂ©cessaire d’identifier et de comprendre les multiples processus impliquĂ©s dans la formation des mousses (crĂ©ation d’une poche de gaz, gĂ©nĂ©ration du plasma, propagation des dĂ©charges Ă©lectriques, interaction plasma-liquide, cristallisation des brins mĂ©talliques
).Sur les bases d’un modĂšle phĂ©nomĂ©nologique issu de prĂ©cĂ©dents travaux, cette thĂšse se concentre sur l’étude de la croissance des mousses mĂ©talliques de l’échelle macroscopique Ă  l’échelle microscopique. Les observations rĂ©alisĂ©es permettent de mettre en Ă©vidence que la structure des mousses et la morphologie des brins rĂ©sultent de la propagation de “streamers” au sein de l’électrolyte. Puis en dĂ©terminant les conditions de rĂ©duction des ions mĂ©talliques lors de la synthĂšse de mousses d’alliage, ces travaux semblent montrer que la formation des brins de mousse ne rĂ©sulte pas d’un mĂ©canisme d’électrocristallisation en milieu liquide mais plutĂŽt en milieu plasma. En consĂ©quence, un nouveau modĂšle de croissance des mousses mĂ©talliques cohĂ©rent avec les nouvelles observations est proposĂ©.For the CEA laser experimentations, a new plasma electrolysis deposition process tomanufacture nanostructured and low density metallic foams has been patented. This unique and innovative method consists in producing and stabilizing a plasma at the surface of an electrode immerged in an aqueous electrolyte. In order to control the metallic foam synthesis, it is important to identify and understand the multiples phenomena involved in the foams formation (gas sheath creation, plasmageneration, electrical discharges propagation, plasma-liquid interaction, metallic strands crystallization...).On the basis of a phenomenological model from a previous work, this PhD thesis focuses on the study of the metallic foams’ growth from the macroscopic to the microscopic scale. The observations reveal that the foams structure as well as the morphology of the strands result from the propagation of “streamers” inside the electrolyte. By determining the conditions for the reduction of metallic ions within the synthesis of alloys foams, this work seems to show that the strands formation does not results from an electrocristallisation mechanism inside the liquid but more probably inside the plasma. A new coherent model for the foam growth is then proposed

    Validity, Sensitivity, Reproducibility and Robustness of the Powertap, Stages and Garmin Vector Power Meters in Comparison With the SRM Device

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    International audienceA large number of power meters were produced on the market for nearly 20 years and according to user requirements. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the validity, sensitivity, reproducibility and robustness of the Powertap (PWT), Stages (STG) and Garmin Vector (VCT) power meters in comparison with the SRM device. Methods: A national-level male competitive cyclist was required to complete three laboratory cycling tests that included a sub-maximal incremental test, a sub-maximal 30-min continuous test and a sprint test. Two additional tests were performed: the first on vibration exposures in the laboratory and the second in the field. Results: The VCT provided a significantly lower 5 s power output (PO) during the sprint test with a low gear ratio compared with the POSRM (-36.9%). The POSTG was significantly lower than the POSRM within the heavy exercise intensity zone (zone 2, -5.1%) and the low part of the severe intensity zone (zone 3, -4.9%). The POVCT was significantly lower than the POSRM only within zone 2 (-4.5%). The POSTG was significantly lower in standing position than in the seated position (-4.4%). The reproducibility of the PWT, STG and VCT was similar to that of the SRM system. The POSTG and POVCT were significantly decreased from a vibration frequency of 48 Hz and 52 Hz, respectively. Conclusions: The PWT, STG and the VCT systems appear to be reproducible, but the validity, sensitivity and robustness of the STG and VCT systems should be treated with some caution according to the conditions of measurement

    Morphology of metallic foams synthetized by plasma electrolysis deposition

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    International audienceThe aim of our work is to understand the mechanism governing the growth of metallic foams synthetized by plasma electrolysis deposition. This paper reports the influence of the applied voltage on the morphology and microstructure of copper and gold foams. The evolution of strands morphology and size is investigated by field emission scanning electronic microscopy (FE-SEM). The role of the voltage in the growth of metallic foams is then discussed. Finally, the crystalline structure of the strands is determined by transmission electronic microscopy (TEM) and selected area electron diffraction

    Influence of standing position on mechanical and energy costs in uphill cycling

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    International audienceThis study was designed to examine the influence of standing position (vs. seated) during uphill cycling on both mechanical cost (MC) and energy cost (EC) in elite cyclists. For the study, thirteen elite cyclists (VO2max: 71.4 ± 8.0 ml·min−1·kg−1) performed, in a randomised order, three sets of exercises. Each set comprised 2 min of exercise, alternating every 30 s between seated and standing postures, using different slopes and intensity levels on a motorised treadmill. MC was calculated from the measurement of power output and speed, whereas EC was calculated from the measurement of oxygen consumption and speed. MC was significantly higher (+4.3%, p < 0.001) in standing position compared to seated position when all slopes and intensities were considered. However, EC was not significantly affected by the change in position. The standing position also induced a significant increase in rolling resistance power (p < 0.001), rolling resistance coefficient (p < 0.001) and lateral sways (p < 0.001). The significant increase in MC observed in standing position was due to a higher rolling resistance induced by bicycle sways and a shift forward of the centre of mass compared to seated position. This result should lead bicycle tire manufacturers to reduce the increase in rolling resistance between the two positions. Considering the relationship observed between the MC and bicycle sways, cyclists would be well advised to decrease the bicycle sways in order to reduce the MC of locomotion

    Effects of recovery using contrast water therapy or compression stockings on subsequent 5-min cycling performance

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    International audienceMany researchers have investigated the effectiveness of contrast water therapy (CWT) or compression stockings (CS) during recovery, using subsequent performance as the principal outcome measure. However, data in the literature are contradictory, mainly because of the methodology used. Purpose: Based on well-controlled performance measures, this study aimed to compare the effects of CWT, CS or passive recovery (PR) on subsequent performance. Methods: After inclusion based on reproducibility criteria (intra-participant variability in performance test lower than the expected differences between the recovery interventions, i.e. 1.5%), 12 competitive male cyclists (peak power output: 5.0 ± 0.2 W/kg; cycling practice: 4.9 ± 0.4 times/week; intra-participant variability: 1.2 ± 0.2%) came to the laboratory three times in a random crossover design. Each time visit, they performed a tiring exercise on a cycle ergometer, followed by a 5-min performance test during which the mean power output was recorded, separated by a 15-min recovery period during which a 12-min PR, CWT (1:2 (cold: 10-12°C to warm: 36-38°C) min ratio) or CS (~20 mmHg) was implemented. Results: Compared with PR (353.8 ± 13.1 W), performance was significantly higher after CWT (368.1 ± 12.3 W) and CS (360.5 ± 14.8 W). Moreover, performance was significantly higher after CWT than after CS. Conclusion: Athletes can use this information as a way of improving their performance in competition format using repeated high-intensity exercises in a short period of time, such as in mountain bike, track or BMX races. Moreover, these data reinforce interest for researchers to consider performance tests with high test-retest reproducibility, especially when small but real benefits are expected

    Wearable multi-sensor system for embedded body position and motion analysis during cycling View publication stats View publication stats

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    International audiencePurpose: The purpose of this study was to validate the AREM system in laboratory conditions. AREM is an embedded electronic system for motion tracking and movement analysis, based on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) sensors and a reconfigurable hardware/software electronic architecture including FPGA + PSoC embedded boards for real time acquisition and signal processing. Methods: AREM sensors were installed on cyclist before performing on a test in which other measurements were made to analyse efficiency of standing position. The position of cyclists during whole test was measured by both AREM and a Kinematic Arm and verified by video systems. The protocol included 13 elite participants on a motorised treadmill with their own bike during which they rode in a randomized order seated vs. standing positions with several slopes (5, 7.5 and 10%) and intensities (3.8, 4.2 and 4.6 W.kg-1). GE was calculated for each condition using the ratio of power output (PO) measured with a Powertap G3 hub (CycleOps, Madison, USA) and the oxygen uptake (VO2) measured with a portable gas analyzer (Metamax 3B, Cortex, Leipzig, Germany). Results & Discussion: The synchronised data of 8 inertial sensors was retrieved and combined to obtain joint positions of shoulders (2), waist (3), middle and lower trunk (2) on cyclist. 1 sensor was installed under the saddle of the bike. The position data was compared between the two systems, and result on validation of AREM for 3-axis displacements (up to 40cm on X axis). We also compared the accelerations (+/-2 m.s-2 seated to +/-6 m.s-2 in standing position, errors up to 10% between both systems), power and energies for each cyclist during test steps (kinetic energies variation from 1.1 J/Kg to 3 J/Kg in a pedal stroke). Moreover, the acceleration and orientation data on cyclist and bike revealed different approaches on effort management during the test, and were compared to videos to obtain sensors data according to different "standing position" techniques. This data is an interesting indicator of the cyclist fatigue during a test, and is being crossed with PO and VO2 data. Conclusion: The validation of AREM system offers the possibility to extend our measures on real cycling locomotion in outdoor conditions, replacing the kinematic arm with AREM. Despite the 3D movement analysis of the cyclist on a standard protocol, first results suggest a position adjustment according to the technique of each cyclist, but also an impact of the mechanical response of the system tires-bike frame. The main perspective of these works is to include the Structure Health Monitoring analysis (SHM) on bike and to synchronise it with the cyclist activity and motion analysis during outdoor training. With both data, we expect to develop a reliable monitoring and optimisation system of the bike-cyclist couple in different course conditions