269 research outputs found

    Non-topological condensates for the self-dual Chern-Simons-Higgs model

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    For the abelian self-dual Chern-Simons-Higgs model we address existence issues of periodic vortex configurations -- the so-called condensates-- of non-topological type as k0k \to 0, where k>0k>0 is the Chern-Simons parameter. We provide a positive answer to the long-standing problem on the existence of non-topological condensates with magnetic field concentrated at some of the vortex points (as a sum of Dirac measures) as k0k \to 0, a question which is of definite physical interest.Comment: accepted on Comm. Pure Appl. Mat

    Analyzing the differences between reads and contigs when performing a taxonomic assignment comparison in metagenomics

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    Metagenomics is an inherently complex field in which one of the primary goals is to determine the compositional organisms present in an environmental sample. Thereby, diverse tools have been developed that are based on the similarity search results obtained from comparing a set of sequences against a database. However, to achieve this goal there still are affairs to solve such as dealing with genomic variants and detecting repeated sequences that could belong to different species in a mixture of uneven and unknown representation of organisms in a sample. Hence, the question of whether analyzing a sample with reads provides further understanding of the metagenome than with contigs arises. The assembly yields larger genomic fragments but bears the risk of producing chimeric contigs. On the other hand, reads are shorter and therefore their statistical significance is harder to asses, but there is a larger number of them. Consequently, we have developed a workflow to assess and compare the quality of each of these alternatives. Synthetic read datasets beloging to previously identified organisms are generated in order to validate the results. Afterwards, we assemble these into a set of contigs and perform a taxonomic analysis on both datasets. The tools we have developed demonstrate that analyzing with reads provide a more trustworthy representation of the species in a sample than contigs especially in cases that present a high genomic variability.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Workflows and service discovery: a mobile device approach

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    Bioinformatics has moved from command-line standalone programs to web-service based environments. Such trend has resulted in an enormous amount of online resources which can be hard to find and identify, let alone execute and exploit. Furthermore, these resources are aimed -in general- to solve specific tasks. Usually, this tasks need to be combined in order to achieve the desired results. In this line, finding the appropriate set of tools to build up a workflow to solve a problem with the services available in a repository is itself a complex exercise. Issues such as services discovering, composition and representation appear. On the technological side, mobile devices have experienced an incredible growth in the number of users and technical capabilities. Starting from this reality, in the present paper, we propose a solution for service discovering and workflow generation while distinct approaches of representing workflows in a mobile environment are reviewed and discussed. As a proof of concept, a specific use case has been developed: we have embedded an expanded version of our Magallanes search engine into mORCA, our mobile client for bioinformatics. Such composition delivers a powerful and ubiquitous solution that provides the user with a handy tool for not only generate and represent workflows, but also services, data types, operations and service types discoveryUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Diseño e implementación en FPGA de un filtro Kalman Unscented para aplicaciones biomédicas

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    Actualmente, la vida de los pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus está muy controlada. Su enfermedad no les permite mantener un nivel estándar de glucosa en sangre y necesitan de insulina externa para bajarla, ya que este tipo de diabetes suele generar altos niveles de glucosa en sangre o hiperglucemia, que es peligroso para su vida. Otra causa de muerte más peligrosa todavía es el caso contrario, la falta de glucosa en sangre o hipoglucemia, que se puede dar por no llevar una buena dieta o por pasarse en la dosis de insulina. Para mejorar la calidad de vida de los diabéticos se han desarrollado durante años Monitores Continuos de Glucosa (MCG). Estos miden la Glucosa Intersticial (GI) entre las capas de la piel, derivada de la Glucosa en Sangre (GS). La GI está relacionada con la GS, pero no son el mismo valor. Debido al retardo provocado por todas las capas de piel, hasta llegar a la zona intersticial la GS se va difundiendo y bajando. Además, la medición de la GI es ruidosa y degenerada por la degradación del sensor llamada ganancia del sensor. Un gran cambio en los MCG fue el inicio de la aplicación de Filtros Kalman para estimar el valor de la GS. La capacidad de este filtro reside en que, con medidas indirectas de una variable que se quiera estimar, es capaz de pronosticar el estado oculto, que es el valor de la variable que nos interesa. El objetivo de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado es usar un Filtro Kalman Unscented para la estimación de la GS (estado oculto) a través de las medidas de un sensor de glucosa situado debajo de la piel del paciente y que mide la GI (medida rápida, cada cinco minutos). Además se dispondrá de otra medida muy fiable, ya que se medirá la glucosa en sangre directamente mediante un pinchazo en el dedo, para la calibración y corrección del error del filtro (medida lenta, cada ocho horas). El filtro está implementado en una FPGA por sus características de robustez, seguridad y velocidad de cómputo. El resultado del uso del filtro es un sistema capaz de aproximar la GS y la ganancia del sensor a partir de una medida ruidosa fuertemente no lineal

    Automatic field tracking in recorded football games

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    Trabajo de Fin de Grado en Ingeniería Informática, Facultad de Informática UCM, Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación, Curso 2021/2022.Este trabajo se ha centrado en el tratamiento para la detección de las líneas correspondientes al terreno de juego de un partido de fútbol a partir de las retransmisiones producidas para la televisión. Una vez aplicados todos los tratamientos previos se procede a la implementación del algoritmo encargado de la detección de las líneas correspondientes al terreno de juego, así como de su identificación y refinamiento buscando la máxima precisión posible y desestimando posibles falsos positivos o líneas irrelevantes para la detección del terreno de juego. Por último, se documenta una breve implementación para un caso de uso concreto a partir de la eliminación del efecto de la perspectiva en la imagen, logrando una imagen resultado en un plano de dos dimensiones, a partir de la cual se abre un extenso campo de investigación y utilidad para diferentes áreas del mundo del fútbol como son los clubes, periodistas, analistas, etc...This work has focused on the processing for detection the lines corresponding to the field of play of a football match from the broadcasts produced for television. Once all the previous treatments have been applied to the image, the algorithm in charge of detecting the lines corresponding to the playing field is implemented, as well as its identification and refinement, seeking the highest possible accuracy and discarding possible false positives or irrelevant lines for the detection of the playing field. Finally, a brief implementation is documented for a specific use case based on the elimination of the perspective effect in the image, achieving an image result in a two-dimensional plane, from which a wide field of research and usefulness for different areas of the football world is opened such as clubs, journalists, analysts, etc...Depto. de Sistemas Informáticos y ComputaciónFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Hallmarks of Cancer Expression in Oral Lichen Planus: A Scoping Review of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses

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    Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a common chronic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology and likely autoimmune nature that is currently considered an oral potentially malignant disorder, implying that patients suffering from this process are at risk of developing oral cancer in their lifetime. The molecular alterations that develop in OLP and that make the affected oral epithelium predisposed to malignancy are unknown, although, as in other autoimmune diseases (ulcerative colitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, etc.), they may be linked to oncogenesis-promoting effects mediated by the inflammatory infiltrate. So far there is no in-depth knowledge on how these hallmarks of cancer are established in the cells of the oral epithelium affected by OLP. In this scoping review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses the state of evidence based knowledge in this field is presented, to point out gaps of evidence and to indicate future lines of research. MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Library and Dare were searched for secondary-level studies published before October 2022. The results identified 20 systematic reviews and meta-analyses critically appraising the hallmarks tumorpromoting inflammation (n = 17, 85%), sustaining proliferative signaling (n = 2, 10%), and evading growth suppressors (n = 1, 5%). No evidence was found for the other hallmarks of cancer in OLP. In conclusion, OLP malignization hypothetically derives from the aggressions of the inflammatory infiltrate and a particular type of epithelial response based on increased epithelial proliferation, evasion of growth-suppressive signals and lack of apoptosis. Future evidence-based research is required to support this hypothesis

    Fabrication of Reduced Graphene Oxide Supercapacitor Electrodes Through Easily-scalable Laser-method

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    The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the projects ENE2017-89210-C2-1-RPeer reviewe

    Caracterización del flujo de aire en colinas para el emplazamiento de parques eólicos

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    Este artículo presenta el análisis del comportamiento de flujo de aire sobre una colina en la zona inferior de la capa límite atmosférica, empleando un software de propósito general de Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional (CFD). Mediante un análisis comparativo entre los resultados obtenidos en las simulaciones y los datos experimentales disponibles de colinas estandarizadas con diferentes topografías; se ha logrado validar convenientemente el procedimiento de simulación. A continuación; se simuló bidimensionalmente el flujo de aire sobre una loma real; se compararon los resultados numéricos con estudios científicos similares y de manera puntual con los datos de operación del parque eólico instalado en el sitio, logrando caracterizar con cierto grado de detalle el campo de velocidades y de energía cinética turbulenta a lo largo del dominio; además de obtener coincidencias cercanas en cuanto su magnitud con variaciones en el orden de 1 a 2 m/s para la velocidad horizontal media.// This article presents the analysis of the behavior of air flow on a hill in the bottom of the atmospheric boundary layer, using a general purpose software Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Through a comparative analysis of the results of the simulations and the experimental data with different topographies standardized hills available; It has been achieved conveniently validate the simulation procedure. Next; is two-dimensionally simulated air flow over an actual ridge; the numerical results with similar scientific studies and in a timely manner with the operating data of wind farm installed on site, achieving characterize with some detail the velocity field and turbulent domain along the kinetic energy is compared; plus get close coincidences as its magnitude with variations in the order of 1 to 2 m/s for the average horizontal velocity

    Effective macrospin model for CoxFe3xO4Co_{x}Fe_{3-x}O_{4} nanoparticles: decreasing the anisotropy by Co-doping?

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    CoCo-doping of Fe3O4Fe_{3}O_{4} magnetic nanoparticles is an effective way to tailor their magnetic properties. When considering the two extreme cases of the CoxFe3xO4Co_{x}Fe_{3-x}O_{4} series, i.e. the x=0x=0 and x=1x=1 values, one finds that the system evolves from a negative cubic-anisotropy energy constant, KC0K_{C}^{-}0. Thus, what happens for intermediate xx-compositions? In this work we present a very simple phenomenological model for the anisotropy, under the \textit{macrospin} approximation, in which the resultant anisotropy is just directly proportional to the amount of CoCo. First, we perform a detailed analysis on a rather ideal system in which the extreme values have the same magnitude (i.e. KC=KC+|K_{C}^{-}|=|K_{C}^{+}|) and then we focus on the real CoxFe3xO4Co_{x}Fe_{3-x}O_{4} system, for which KC+18KC|K_{C}^{+}|\sim 18|K_{C}^{-}|. Remarkably, the approach reproduces rather well the experimental values of the heating performance of CoxFe3xO4Co_{x}Fe_{3-x}O_{4} nanoparticles, suggesting that our simple approach may in fact be a good representation of the real situation. This gives rise to an intriguing related possibility arises: a CoCo-doping composition should exist for which the effective anisotropy tends to zero, estimated here as 0.05.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure