77 research outputs found

    Análise de acessibilidade: aplicação parcial do modelo SICOGEA em um Centro de Ensino de uma Instituição Federal de Ensino

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    TCC (Graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Socioeconômico. Curso de Ciências ContábeisEsta monografia tem como objetivo geral verificar a acessibilidade aos acadêmicos com algum tipo de deficiência ou com mobilidade reduzida em um Centro de Ensino de uma Instituição Superior Federal de Ensino. Para atender a este objetivo têm-se os seguintes objetivos específicos: verificar a existência de portadores de alguma deficiência ou com mobilidade reduzida; verificar a sustentabilidade sobre a acessibilidade com um (a) portador (a) de deficiência e propor um plano resumido de gestão – 5W2H, para as questões deficitárias. O 5W2H é uma ferramenta de gestão objetiva e consiste na resposta de sete perguntas para as questões deficitárias. Ressalta-se que pode ser utilizada para a tomada de decisão quanto à problemática encontrada após o cálculo de sustentabilidade. A metodologia quanto aos objetivos é descritiva e exploratória. No que se refere aos procedimentos técnicos trata-se de um estudo de caso. A abordagem do problema caracteriza-se como qualitativa. No final conclui-se que a sustentabilidade global sobre a acessibilidade obteve o índice de 48,8%, considerada “regular”, ou seja, “atende somente a legislação”. Assim, entende-se que as pessoas, de acordo com a legislação no Brasil, têm direito a estudar e todas as instituições precisam proporcionar condições de acesso e utilização dos ambientes para pessoas portadoras de deficiência ou mobilidade reduzida. Como um processo de melhoria contínua, no 5W2H sugere-se como uma das ações: ampliação do número de banheiros para acessibilidade dentro do que prevê a legislação.This work has the general objective to verify the accessibility to scholars with a disability or reduced mobility in a teaching center of a Higher Federal Teaching Institution. To meet this goal, there are this specific objectives: Check for people with disabilities or reduced mobility; Verify the sustainability of accessibility with a disabled and propose a summary management plan - 5W2H for the deficit issues. The 5W2H is an objective management tool and consists of seven questions to answer to the deficit issues. It is noteworthy that can be used for decision making about issues found after the calculation of sustainability. The methodology of the aims is descriptive and exploratory. With regard to the technical procedures this is a case study. The approach to the problem is characterized as qualitative. In the end it was concluded that the overall sustainability of the accessibility obtained the 48.8% rate, considered "regular", "only serves legislation". Thus, it is understood that people according to the law in Brazil have the right to study and all institutions need to provide access and use of environments for people with disabilities or reduced mobility. As a process of continuous improvement the 5W2H suggests as one of the actions: increasing the number of restrooms for accessibility within what the law provides. The study covers analysis of the ten dimensions for evaluation of courses by INEP

    Centro comunitario y de educación técnica restauración y obra nueva en la quinta del Rincón del Prado (Barrios Altos –Lima)

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    Mediante el proceso de crecimiento de la ciudad hacia la periferia, se generó un gradual abandono del Centro de Lima como sede de actividades económicas, comerciales y sociales de la capital. Sumándose a esto, empezaron los problemas de delincuencia y desorden ambulatorio. Es por ello que tal vez Barrios Altos no cuenta con un equipamiento cultural correspondiente al de un lugar con valiosa arquitectura colonial, tradiciones e historia, ya que las autoridades se han centrado primero en tratar de acabar con los problemas de delincuencia que aquejan este sitio. Por otro lado, la Quinta del Rincón del Prado es una de las últimas tres casas de recreo de la colonia que quedan en Lima; actualmente, se encuentra muy deteriorada, ya que ha sido mutilada prácticamente más de la mitad , y lo poco que queda está a punto de derrumbarse. La parte que se encuentra de pie está ocupada por una familia que mensualmente abona una reducida suma a la Orden Dominica (propietarios del inmueble). Ellos han tratado de adaptarse al lugar y han realizado algunas modificaciones que han alterado la imagen original de este palacete afrancesado. La parte posterior del monumento, también conocida como “pampón” por los vecinos del lugar, ha sido invadida por familias que sin el más mínimo reparo han terminado tomándola, para finalmente adaptarla en decenas de viviendas precarias que se han convertido en fumaderos y lugar de reunión de delincuentes. El lugar donde se encuentra es una zona urbana deteriorada donde abunda la población joven con tendencia a caer en el pandillaje, motivada por las condiciones limitadas en las que viven y por su entorno social; es eso lo que nos impulsa a querer desarrollar un proyecto que los incentive a relacionarse con su entorno, pero sobre todo a darles la oportunidad de surgir y sustentar su hogar, contribuyendo al desarrollo económico y social de la zona.Tesi

    Eficacia de un programa de Entrenamiento de Intervalos de Alta Intensidad en la modificación de variables corporales en escolares preadolescentes de un colegio de la ciudad de Temuco, Chile

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    Introduction: High caloric intake and lack of physical activity are causing alarming increases in the amount of overweight and obese children. The objective of this study was to determinate the effectiveness of an High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) program in the reduction of fat percentage, improve nutritional status and physical abilities of schoolchildren.Material and methods: 153 schoolchildren between the ages of 7 and 10 from a subsidized private school in the city of Temuco (Chile), were randomly selected, distributed in an experimental group (EG) who were applied a 12 week HIIT intervention in physical education classes, twice per week and a control group. The percentage of fat by bioelectrical impedance analysis, weight, height, body mass index and functional capacity, were measured before and after the intervention, using the 6-minute walk test.Results: In EG, the parameters that showed significant improvements (p <0.05) were weight, fat percentage that decreased while the number of meters traveled in the 6-minute test increased. At comparing ages between 7-8 only the weight and the 6- minute test and for the aged between 9-10 years only the weight and meters traveled in the 6-minute test. While it is true that only in EG all variables show a downward trend, except in the size and in the meters traveled in the 6-minute test, only statistically significant differences were obtained in those mentioned previously. Conclusions: The HIIT program in schoolchildren showed improvement in the parameters related to overweight and obesity, which highlights the importance of including interventions of this type at the school resume of our country.Introducción: La alta ingesta calórica y la falta de actividad física están provocando alarmantes alzas en la cantidad de niños con sobrepeso y obesidad. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la eficacia de un programa de Entrenamiento de Intervalos de Alta Intensidad (HIIT, por sus siglas en inglés) en la disminución del porcentaje de grasa, mejorar el estado nutricional y las capacidades físicas de los escolares.Material y métodos: Se seleccionaron 153 escolares de edades entre los 7 y 10 años de un colegio particular subvencionado de la ciudad de Temuco (Chile), distribuidos en un grupo experimental (GE), a los que se les aplicó una intervención HIIT de 12 semanas en las clases de educación física, dos veces por semana y un grupo control. Se midió previa y posteriormente a la intervención el porcentaje de grasa por análisis de impedancia bioeléctrica, peso, talla, índice de masa corporal y la capacidad funcional mediante el test de caminata de 6 minutos. Resultados: En GE los parámetros que mostraron mejorías significativas (p<0,05), fueron el peso, porcentaje de grasa que disminuyeron mientras la cantidad de metros recorridos en el test de 6 minutos aumentó. Al comparar entre las edades 7-8 sólo muestran diferencias estadísticamente significativas el peso y el test de 6 minutos y para los 9-10 años sólo el peso y metros recorridos en el test de 6 minutos. Si bien solo en el GE todas las variables presentan una tendencia a la baja, excepto en la talla y en los metros recorridos en el test de 6 minutos, únicamente se obtuvieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los que se mencionan anteriormente. Conclusiones: El programa HIIT en escolares mostró mejorías en los parámetros relacionados con el sobrepeso y obesidad, lo que resalta la importancia de incluir intervenciones de este tipo en el currículo escolar de Chile.

    Functional and Structural Analysis of the Internal Ribosome Entry Site Present in the mRNA of Natural Variants of the HIV-1

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    The 5′untranslated regions (UTR) of the full length mRNA of the HIV-1 proviral clones pNL4.3 and pLAI, harbor an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES). In this study we extend this finding by demonstrating that the mRNA 5′UTRs of natural variants of HIV-1 also exhibit IRES-activity. Cap-independent translational activity was demonstrated using bicistronic mRNAs in HeLa cells and in Xenopus laevis oocytes. The possibility that expression of the downstream cistron in these constructs was due to alternative splicing or to cryptic promoter activity was ruled out. The HIV-1 variants exhibited significant 5′UTR nucleotide diversity with respect to the control sequence recovered from pNL4.3. Interestingly, translational activity from the 5′UTR of some of the HIV-1 variants was enhanced relative to that observed for the 5′UTR of pNL4.3. In an attempt to explain these findings we probed the secondary structure of the variant HIV-1 5′UTRs using enzymatic and chemical approaches. Yet subsequent structural analyses did not reveal significant variations when compared to the pNL4.3-5′UTR. Thus, the increased IRES-activity observed for some of the HIV-1 variants cannot be ascribed to a specific structural modification. A model to explain these findings is proposed

    Infection of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells by ANDES Hantavirus enhances pro-inflammatory state, the secretion of active MMP-9 and indirectly enhances endothelial permeability

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Andes virus (ANDV), a rodent-borne Hantavirus, is the major etiological agent of Hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) in South America, which is mainly characterized by a vascular leakage with high rate of fatal outcomes for infected patients. Currently, neither specific therapy nor vaccines are available against this pathogen. ANDV infects both dendritic and epithelial cells, but in despite that the severity of the disease directly correlates with the viral RNA load, considerable evidence suggests that immune mechanisms rather than direct viral cytopathology are responsible for plasma leakage in HCPS. Here, we assessed the possible effect of soluble factors, induced in viral-activated DCs, on endothelial permeability. Activated immune cells, including DC, secrete gelatinolytic matrix metalloproteases (gMMP-2 and -9) that modulate the vascular permeability for their trafficking.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A clinical ANDES isolate was used to infect DC derived from primary PBMC. Maturation and pro-inflammatory phenotypes of ANDES-infected DC were assessed by studying the expression of receptors, cytokines and active gMMP-9, as well as some of their functional status. The ANDES-infected DC supernatants were assessed for their capacity to enhance a monolayer endothelial permeability using primary human vascular endothelial cells (HUVEC).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here, we show that <it>in vitro </it>primary DCs infected by a clinical isolate of ANDV shed virus RNA and proteins, suggesting a competent viral replication in these cells. Moreover, this infection induces an enhanced expression of soluble pro-inflammatory factors, including TNF-α and the active gMMP-9, as well as a decreased expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-10 and TGF-β. These viral activated cells are less sensitive to apoptosis. Moreover, supernatants from ANDV-infected DCs were able to indirectly enhance the permeability of a monolayer of primary HUVEC.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Primary human DCs, that are primarily targeted by hantaviruses can productively be infected by ANDV and subsequently induce direct effects favoring a proinflammatory phenotype of infected DCs. Finally, based on our observations, we hypothesize that soluble factors secreted in ANDV-infected DC supernatants, importantly contribute to the endothelial permeability enhancement that characterize the HCPS.</p

    Customer loyalty and administrative management of e-commerce in the telecommunications sector in Latin America

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    Business management plays a crucial role in brand positioning using the digitization of processes and strategies to attract customers, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. The objective of this study is to identify the actions implemented by the administrative management of international corporations regarding investing in e-commerce and enhancing consumer loyalty. The sample comprised leading telecommunication companies, such as O Globo, Claro, and Tigo, according to the Katnar Ranking. A qualitative non-experimental design methodology was applied based on the documentary analysis of the annual reports. As a result of the investigation, it was found that 54% of the investments in business management maintained a customer attraction approach through electronic commerce strategies based on the organizational communication policy. In addition, 57% of the investment is allocated to the design of marketing plans through official websites. 54% of the incentive scale focuses on special offers on commemorative dates. On the other hand, 61% represent the importance of recognition of the digital shopping experience. Finally, 47% of the investment is focused on strengthening the processes that guarantee compliance with the duty of suitability. In conclusion, the business strategies proposed to promote electronic commerce and consumer loyalty have managed to promote digital transformation in the long term because administrative management focused on customer satisfaction and acquisition, which is essential to achieve business success in the digital age

    Influencia de las estrategias del marketing digital para la reactivación económica de las pymes de Ambato

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    La expansión de la era digital en el Ecuador se ha acelerado, haciendo que las empresas lleguen a sus clientes a través de distintos medios. A pesar del incremento del uso de las herramientas digitales, el desconocimiento o el manejo inadecuado de estas, hacen que sea imposible crecer o competir. En la presente investigación se probó la influencia que tiene la implementación de estrategias de marketing digital en la reactivación de las PYMEs, particularmente en Ambato. Se realizó una encuesta para comprobar la influencia de la pandemia en las pequeñas y medianas empresas, así como el uso y el conocimiento del marketing digital en las mismas. Se utilizó para el estudio un enfoque mixto, cualitativo y cuantitativo, abordando el impacto de la pandemia en las PYMEs del cantón, analizando el resultado de las encuestas mediante métodos estadísticos. Se realizó un análisis bibliofigura, revisando antecedentes investigativos y un estudio de campo donde se evidenció la situación, en cuanto al uso de estrategias de marketing digital. El estudio es descriptivo, puntualizando las características de la población en estudio. Se describió el tema de investigación, sin cubrir por qué ocurre, ni encontrar asociaciones entre las variables. Se llegó a la conclusión de que las PYMEs han sido muy afectadas financieramente por la pandemia y las mismas han reducido drásticamente los presupuestos para la publicidad, por lo que plantear estrategias de marketing digital, que son económicas y masivas, alcanzando una gran cantidad de clientes potenciales, resulta muy provechoso para la reactivación de esta

    Organizacion social del trabajo en la posmodernidad

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    trabajo conjunto derivado del cuerpo academico de la facultad de ciencias politicas. salud mental y vida cotidianadesde la posmodernidad se analiza y contribuye a la explicacion del fenomeno desde el trabajo precario, la violencia laboral, las universidades y la perspectiva de genero. La discusion invade el mundo del trabajo, el estress, mobing y , terrorismo laboral que se expande desde un cotidiano que puede estar en el hogar con el trabajo domestico hasta realidades del mundo empresarial y academico. Se observan sintomas y cuadro de organizaciones toxicas que contaminan el cotidiano y la salud social

    Correlation between female sex, IL28B genotype, and the clinical severity of bronchiolitis in pediatric patients

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    Background: Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that impact on the differential expression of interleukin 28B (IL28B) are implicated in the progression of viral-induced diseases. In this prospective longitudinal cohort study, we evaluated the association between IL28B SNPs rs12979860 and rs8099917 and the clinical outcome of bronchiolitis in pediatric patients. Methods: A total of 682 infants suffering from bronchiolitis, categorized based on the final clinical outcome as mild or severe, were genotyped for IL28B SNPs rs12979860 and rs8099917. Results: When infants were categorized exclusively based on the final clinical outcome, no association was established between IL28B SNPs and the severity of bronchiolitis. However, when stratified by sex, the homozygotes for the minor alleles of rs12979860 (T) and rs8099917 (G) were associated with a mild disease in girls but not in boys. Conclusion: SNPs rs12979860 and rs8099917 correlate with the severity of bronchiolitis and display a sex bias, where GG rs8099917 and TT rs12979860 genotypes are associated with a mild disease in girls but not in boys. These findings suggest that innate immunity and female sex links with the outcome of the diseases induced by respiratory viruses, such as RSV. © 2019, International Pediatric Research Foundation, Inc.Indexación: Scopu