432 research outputs found

    CSCWD technologies, applications and challenges [Editorial]

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    As CSCWD (Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design) has involved the cooperation of multidisciplinary design teams, traditionally the communication among different design teams has been facilitated by the Intranet or Extranet, which makes the applications of CSCWD more expensive and hardly accessible to most organizations, especially small and medium enterprises. The Internet which can be accessed anywhere and at anytime has changed the whole world as well as CSCWD communities. The phenomenon of Internet has significantly reshaped the research of CSCWD. The universal and nearly free accessibility has made it much easier for people to coordinate and do collaborative design jobs without any physical location boundaries. The new technologies and applications from CSCWD have significantly contributed to the multidisciplinary design teams. Over the past thirteen years, CSCWD communities have been actively involved in the dynamic researches and practical developments from both academia and industry. In order to address the new challenges that CSCWD communities are facing, we carefully selected 15 manuscripts from 198 papers (from 360 original submissions) presented at the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2008), Xi�an, China on April 16-18, 2008, to forge this J.UCS special issue. It is intended for researchers and practitioners interested in CSCWD Technologies, Applications and Challenges. All selected papers have been revised and extended into current versions by three rigorous review rounds


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    Bridging the gap between information architecture analysis and software engineering in interactive web application development

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Science of Computer Programming. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Science of Computer Programming, 78, 11 (2013) DOI: 10.1016/j.scico.2012.07.020Special section on Mathematics of Program Construction (MPC 2010) and Special section on methodological development of interactive systems from Interaccion 2011Web development teams comprise non-computer experts working on the conceptual modeling of non-functional aspects in software applications. Later on, such conceptual information is processed by analysts and software engineers to face the technical phases of the software project. However, this information transfer is often difficult to automate since the information processed by the different professionals involves different abstraction levels, as well as important cost and effort that need to be considered. The main aim of this research is to minimize these problems by increasing automation and interoperability in the development of interactive web applications. To take up this challenge, we have created and evaluated a tool that aims at bridging the gap between the conceptual definitions of web contents – i.e., the information architecture, and the UML elements for analysis and design required by software engineers, connecting functional and non-functional information to achieve the rest of technical activities during the software development process.This work has been supported by the founded projects TIN2011-24139 and TIN2011-15009-E

    SSP: a simple software process for small- size software development projects

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    A large number of software development projects in Latin- American countries are small-size, poorly defined and time pressured. These projects usually involve under qualified people. Provided that well-known software development models have shown limited applicability in such scenario, developers usually carry out ad-hoc software processes. Therefore, the obtained results are unpredictable. This article presents a Simple Software Process (SSP) for small-size software projects involving under qualified people. The proposal is motivated by current practice in Chile. SSP proposes a step-by-step process which structures the development activities and it improves the process visibility for clients and team members. Furthermore, SSP formally includes “the user/client” as an active role to be played during the project. This process has been used in 22 software projects and the results are encouraging.1st International Workshop on Advanced Software Engineering: Expanding the Frontiers of Software Technology - Session 3: Software Development ProcessRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Experiences in teaching Hydrogen Technologies in the framework of the International Campus of Excellence Andalucia TECH

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    The increasing importance of hydrogen technologies is demanding prepared professionals in the numerous topics related to this energy vector. Apart from some basic and advanced courses given by actual experts in these topics, universities must play an important role in the general formation of future professionals. In this way, the International Campus of Excellence (ICE) Andalucía TECH has created several degrees taught jointly by its participating universities of Seville (US) and Málaga (UMA). Among those degrees, Energy Engineering is the best suited to the field of this conference because this degree provide future engineers with specialized training in energy generation, transformation and management. In relation to hydrogen technologies this degree includes a cross sectional optional unit named Hydrogen Based Systems (4.5 ECTS/112.5 h), which is placed in the last term of the fourth year and sharing space with work placement and mobility courses. This paper will present some author’s experiences as teachers of that unit during its short history of only three years. In spite of being a joint degree, which is coordinated between both universities (US and UMA) trying to give similar contents, it is interesting to highlight the differential experiences coming from the teachers of both universities in relation to the teaching methodologies and academic results.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Are Notifications a Challenge for Older People?: A Study Comparing Two Types of Notifications

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    Elderly users are usually not the target of design of mobile applications, and they may have cognitive and physical difficulties. Mobile notifications may help them remember to use an application, promoting adoption and allowing them to become content providers. We developed a mobile application, QuestionReport, that asks users one question per day, and implemented two types of notifications: one that is activated at the same time each day, and one that is activated while using the smartphone. We tested both notification types with 18 users over a period of 8 days, measuring the time it took to answer the question after receiving the notification and their perceptions about each notification style. We found that the ideal time for users to receive a notification depends on their employment status and that users with low digital skills have less confidence in their abilities to use a mobile application such as QuestionReport.

    Analysis and Design of Mobile Collaborative Applications Using Contextual Elements

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    Collaborative mobile applications support users on the move in order to perform a collaborative task. One of the challenges when designing such applications is to consider the context where they will execute. Contextualized applications are easy to adopt by the users; unfortunately the design of contextualized tools is not evident. This paper presents a framework of contextual elements to be considered during the conception, analysis and design phases of a mobile collaborative application. This framework supports developers to identify non-functional requirements and part of the architectural design in order to get contextualized applications. The use of this framework is complementary to any structured software process. A framework use example is also presented as an illustration of its applicability

    Teamwork Evaluation with a Microworld Platform

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    Trabalho apresentado em IEEE 20th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design,4-6 maio 2016, Nanchang, ChinaN/

    Experimental Type 2 Diabetes Induces Enzymatic Changes in Isolated Rat Enterocytes

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    Diabetes in humans and in experimental animals produces changes in the function and structure of the small intestine. The authors determined the activity of intestinal disaccharidases (maltase and sucrase) and of 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase (PFK-1) in enterocytes isolated from the small intestine of male Wistar rats (2.5 to 3 months old) with experimental nonobese type 2 diabetes, induced by streptozotocin (STZ) injection on the day of birth (n0-STZ) or on the 5th day of life (n5-STZ), with different degrees of hyperglycemia and insulinemia (n0-STZ and n5-STZ models). The glycemia (mmol/L) of the diabetic rats (n0-STZ: 8.77 ± 0.47; n5-STZ: 20.83 ± 0.63) was higher (P < .01) than that of the nondiabetic (ND) rats (5.99 ± 0.63); on the contrary, the insulinemia (ng/mL) was significantly lower in both n0-STZ (1.74 ± 0.53; P < .05) and n5-STZ (1.12 ± 0.44; P < .01) diabetic rats than in normal rats (3.77 ± 0.22). The sucrase and maltase activities (U/g protein) in diabetic rats (n0-STZ: 89 ± 9 and 266 ± 12; n5-STZ: 142 ± 23 and 451 ± 57) were significantly higher than those in the ND group (66 ± 5 and 228 ± 22). The PFK-1 activities (mU/mg protein) in the diabetic models (n0-STZ: 14.89 ± 1.51; n5-STZ: 13.35 ± 3.12) were significantly lower (P < .05) than in ND rats (20.54 ± 2.83). The data demonstrated enzymatic alterations in enterocytes isolated fromthe small intestine of n0-STZ rats that are greater (P < .05) than in the more hyperglycemic and hypoinsulinemic n5-STZ animals. The results also show that nonobese type 2–like diabetes in the rat produces modifications that favor an increase in glucose absorption rates

    Aplicación de un programa de aquaeróbic de muy corta duración (4 semanas) para la mejora de la condición física saludable en mujeres jóvenes sanas

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la influencia sobre la condición física saludable de un programa de aquaerobic de muy corta duración en mujeres jóvenes sanas. Participaron en este trabajo 22 mujeres sin patologías aparentes (20,560,98 años), estudiantes de la licenciatura de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte, que no practicaban ningún deporte. Los sujetos llevaron a cabo un programa de acondicionamiento físico en el medio acuático basado en el aquaerobic de muy corta duración (8 sesiones de 30 minutos). Se valoró la condición física saludable, inmediatamente antes y después de la actividad. Los resultados muestran una disminución del peso graso estimado y una mejora de la flexibilidad de tronco, fuerza de prensión manual, fuerza-resistencia abdominal, equilibrio y potencia aeróbica máxima estimada. Las conclusiones del presente trabajo fueron: a) un programa de acondicionamiento físico de muy corta duración en el medio acuático se muestra eficaz en la reducción de la masa grasa corporal y b) mediante dicho programa se consiguen mejoras en la mayoría de los parámetros de la condición física saludable en mujeres jóvenes sanas, en especial en los relacionados con la fuerza, la flexibilidad y el equilibrio