24 research outputs found

    Knee alignment with and without implements in leg press and squat exercises: a systematic review

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    Resistance training has been commonly used as a method of intervention in the rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries affecting the knee. Thus, the objective of this systematic review was to identify the methods employed with and without implements in leg press and squat exercises for the maintenance of knee alignment. The literature search was performed in the databases: PubMed, SciELO, and Lilacs. We used the descriptors "muscle strength" and "exercise" and their synonyms, available in the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) and the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), with the terms "valgus knee" and "varus knee". From the 1,117 articles found, eight studies were considered for the review. The included studies had samples composed of young men and women with advanced levels of training. Despite verifying conditions of valgus or varus knee, the studies presented different protocols and assessment methods. The implements comprised physioball, elastic resistance, and wedge. Electromyography and kinematics were used to assess muscle activity and movement patterns. These results reinforced the possibility of using implements to induce muscle and joint actions to reduce varus and valgus conditions. We suggest more studies to define the best strategies to reduce the excessive deviation of the patella in people who have valgus or varus knee

    Early administration of fibrinogen concentrate in patients with polytrauma with thromboelastometry suggestive of hypofibrinogenemia: A randomized feasibility trial

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical effects of early administration of fibrinogen concentrate in patients with severe trauma and hypofibrinogenemia. METHODS: We conducted an open randomized feasibility trial between December 2015 and January 2017 in patients with severe trauma admitted to the emergency department of a large trauma center. Patients presented with hypotension, tachycardia, and FIBTEM findings suggestive of hypofibrinogenemia. The intervention group received fibrinogen concentrate (50 mg/kg), and the control group did not receive early fibrinogen replacement. The primary outcome was feasibility assessed as the proportion of patients receiving the allocated treatment within 60 min after randomization. The secondary outcomes were transfusion requirements and other exploratory outcomes. Randomization was performed using sequentially numbered and sealed opaque envelopes. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02864875. RESULTS: Thirty-two patients were randomized (16 in each group). All patients received the allocated treatment within 60 min after randomization (100%, 95% confidence interval, 86.7%-100%). The median length of intensive care unit stay was shorter in the intervention group (8 days, interquartile range [IQR] 5.75-10.0 vs. 11 days, IQR 8.5-16.0; p=0.02). There was no difference between the groups in other clinical outcomes. No adverse effects related to treatment were recorded in either group. CONCLUSION: Early fibrinogen replacement with fibrinogen concentrate was feasible. Larger trials are required to properly evaluate clinical outcomes

    Estimation of specific VO2max for elderly in cycle ergometer

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    The aim of the present study was to develop and validate a specific estimation model of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) based on submaximal ventilatory indicators on a cycle ergometer test protocol in elderly men. We tested, using an incremental protocol, 181 healthy and non-athletes male volunteers, aged between 60 and 79 years old, randomly divided into two groups: group A, of estimation (n = 137), and group B, of validation (n = 44). The independent variables were: body mass in kg, second workload threshold (WT2) and heart rate at the second ventilatory threshold (VT2). The cross-validation method was used in group B, with group A serving as the basis for the model and the validation dataset. The results presented a multiple linear regression model for estimation of VO2max = 31.62 + 0.182 (WT2) – 0.302 (body mass) in mlO2/kg/min-1; adjusted R2 = 0.98 and SEE = 0.682 (mlO2/Kg/min-1). The construction of this specific model for healthy and non-athletes elderly men can demonstrate that it is possible to estimate VO2max with a minimum error (SEE < 1.00) from indicators of ventilatory thresholds obtained in an incremental submaximal test

    Preparo de Itens de Ensaio de ProficiĂȘncia em Matriz Queijo para a Pesquisa de Salmonella spp.

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    The participation of analytical laboratories in proficiency testing allows the verification of the reliability of results in analysis of quality control. The aim of this study was to produce a batch of test items (TI) to be used in a proficiency assay for Salmonella spp. research in a cheese matrix. Ultrafiltered Minas cheese was used as the matrix and spiked with a strain of Salmonella Enteritidis. Trehalose was used as cryoprotectant, and freeze-drying was used as the preservation technique. The batch was evaluated for vacuum verification, homogeneity study, and long-term stability testing at temperatures of -70ÂșC  (reference temperature) and -20ÂșC (storage temperature). The batch was also evaluated for short-term stability at temperatures of 4ÂșC, 25ÂșC, and 35ÂșC (transport temperatures). The results showed vacuum in 95.6% of the bottles, and the batch was considered sufficiently homogeneous. TI remained stable at -70ÂșC for more than 360 days and at -20ÂșC for more than 160 days. TI was shown to be stable for up 6 days at 4ÂșC and 25ÂșC but not at 35ÂșC. It is concluded that the methodology used was satisfactory for this TI production for Salmonella spp. research in a cheese matrix.A participação de laboratĂłrios analĂ­ticos em ensaio de proficiĂȘncia permite a verificação da confiabilidade dos resultados gerados nas anĂĄlises de controle da qualidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi produzir um lote de itens de ensaio (IE) a ser utilizado em ensaio de proficiĂȘncia (EP) para pesquisa de Salmonella spp. em matriz queijo. Queijo Minas Frescal (QMF) Ultrafiltrado foi utilizado como matriz e fortificado com uma cepa de Salmonella Enteritidis. A trealose foi utilizada como crioprotetor e a liofilização como tĂ©cnica de preservação. O lote foi avaliado quanto a verificação do vĂĄcuo, teste da homogeneidade, estudo da estabilidade em longo prazo nas temperaturas de -70oC (referĂȘncia) e -20oC (armazenamento) e em curto prazo nas temperaturas de 4, 25 e 35ÂșC (transporte). O lote apresentou presença de vĂĄcuo em 95,6% dos frascos e foi considerado suficientemente homogĂȘneo. Os IE apresentaram estabilidade a -70ÂșC superior a 360 dias e a -20ÂșC superior a 160 dias. Os IE demonstraram ser estĂĄveis por atĂ© seis dias nas temperaturas de 4 e 25ÂșC, mas nĂŁo a 35ÂșC. Conclui-se que a metodologia utilizada foi satisfatĂłria para produção de IE para o ensaio de pesquisa de Salmonella spp. em matriz queijo

    Red (660 nm) and infrared (830 nm) low-level laser therapy in skeletal muscle fatigue in humans: what is better?

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    In animal and clinical trials low-level laser therapy (LLLT) using red, infrared and mixed wavelengths has been shown to delay the development of skeletal muscle fatigue. However, the parameters employed in these studies do not allow a conclusion as to which wavelength range is better in delaying the development of skeletal muscle fatigue. With this perspective in mind, we compared the effects of red and infrared LLLT on skeletal muscle fatigue. A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled crossover trial was performed in ten healthy male volunteers. They were treated with active red LLLT, active infrared LLLT (660 or 830 nm, 50 mW, 17.85 W/cm2, 100 s irradiation per point, 5 J, 1,785 J/cm2 at each point irradiated, total 20 J irradiated per muscle) or an identical placebo LLLT at four points of the biceps brachii muscle for 3 min before exercise (voluntary isometric elbow flexion for 60 s). The mean peak force was significantly greater (p < 0.05) following red (12.14%) and infrared LLLT (14.49%) than following placebo LLLT, and the mean average force was also significantly greater (p < 0.05) following red (13.09%) and infrared LLLT (13.24%) than following placebo LLLT. There were no significant differences in mean average force or mean peak force between red and infrared LLLT. We conclude that both red than infrared LLLT are effective in delaying the development skeletal muscle fatigue and in enhancement of skeletal muscle performance. Further studies are needed to identify the specific mechanisms through which each wavelength acts

    The effect of aquatic and land plyometric training on the vertical jump and delayed onset muscle soreness in brazilian soccer players

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    Purpose. To compare the effects of aquatic and land plyometric training on the vertical jump (VJ) and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) in soccer players. Methods. Twenty-four male soccer players aged 16-18 years (16.53 ± 0.5 years) were randomly divided into three groups: aquatic plyometric training (APT) (n = 8; age: 16.4 ± 0.4 years; body mass: 68.3 ± 7.54 kg; height: 179.75 ± 8.13 cm); land plyometric training (LPT) (n = 8; age: 16.5 ± 0.5 years; body mass: 68.2 ± 7.8 kg; height: 177.0 ± 7.4 cm); and control group (n = 8; age: 16.7 ± 0.6 years; body mass: 61.2 ± 6.5 kg; height: 171.43 ± 5.75 cm), not performing any jump program. An identical training program was applied for 6 weeks, totalling 944 jumps. The VJ was evaluated on a leap jump platform and the Visual Analogue Scale measured the change in DOMS perception. Results. There was a significant increase in the VJ height in both experimental groups (LPT and APT) (p < 0.05). A significant reduction in DOMS perception was verified for the APT group in comparison with the LPT group (p < 0.05) between the first and last week of training. The foot contact time significantly decreased (p < 0.05) in the APT group from pre- to posttest. Significant improvements (p < 0.05) were observed in the flight time and jump speed from pre- to post-test in both LPT and APT groups. Conclusions. APT can increase the VJ height and reduce DOMS perception in soccer players

    Epidemiologia de lesÔes em jovens atletas de futebol das categorias sub-17 e 20 de um clube profissional de futebol do Rio de Janeiro

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    O objetivo do estudo foi estimar aspectos epidemiolĂłgicos das lesĂ”es em jovens atletas das categorias sub-17 e 20 de futebol.Estudo epidemiolĂłgico com acesso ao banco de dados de um clube de futebol, categorias sub-17 e sub-20, quanto Ă s lesĂ”es em 2016,dados: posição do atleta, tipos de lesĂ”es, locais das lesĂ”es, quantidade de lesĂ”es, dia de afastamento, meses de afastamento, dia de retorno,meses de retorno, lado e classificação das lesĂ”es, dados coletados pela equipe cientĂ­fica, usando a ficha de anotação de lesĂ”es da FIFA. Osdados foram analisados na linguagem de programação Python 2.7, na interface grĂĄfica Spyder 3.3.1, com o uso do programa grĂĄficoAnaconda. Houve maior ocorrĂȘncia para o grau moderado e maior incidĂȘncia de lesĂ”es na quarta-feira e sexta-feira para o dia da liberação.As maiores incidĂȘncias de lesĂ”es foram nos meses de maio e outubro e de liberação março e outubro. A principal lesĂŁo foi entorse detornozelo seguida pela mialgia de adutores. HĂĄ destaque para lesĂŁo de coxa para defensores e atacantes. A maioria das lesĂ”es para todasas posiçÔes foram unilaterais. O lado direito do corpo teve maior quantidade de lesĂ”es no pĂ© e, em seguida, na coxa, exatamente o opostodo lado esquerdo, onde a maior quantidade de lesĂ”es foi antebraço e depois no pĂ©. Com os resultados do presente estudo, pode-se concluirque os jovens atletas das categorias sub-17 e sub-20 tendem a ter lesĂ”es moderadas, com incidĂȘncia principal no tornozelo e mialgias nacoxa.The purpose of the study was to estimate epidemiological aspects of injuries in young athletes in the under 17 and 20 soccercategories. Epidemiological study with access to the database of a football club, categories U-17 and U-20 regarding injuries in 2016, data:athlete’s position, types of injuries, injury locations, number of injuries, day off, months of leave, return day, return months, side of theweights and classification of injuries, data collected by the scientific team, using the FIFA injury record sheet. The data were analyzed inthe Python 2.7 programming language, in the Spyder 3.3.1 graphical interface, using the Anaconda graphics program. There was a higheroccurrence for the moderate degree and a higher incidence of injuries on Wednesday and Friday for the day of release. The highestincidence of injuries were in the months of May and October and release in March and October. The main injury was ankle sprainfollowed by adductor myalgia. Thigh injury is highlighted for defenders and attackers. Most injuries for all positions were unilateral. Theright side of the body had the greatest number of injuries to the foot and then to the thigh, exactly the opposite of the left side where thegreatest amount of injuries was to the forearm and then to the foot. With the results of the present study, it can be concluded that youngathletes in the U-17 and U-20 categories tend to have moderate injuries, with a major incidence in the ankle and myalgia in the thigh

    Determination and comparison of time under tension required to perform 8, 10 and 12-RM loads in the bench press exercise

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    Study aim: To determine and compare the time under tension (TUT) required to perform 8, 10 and 12 repetition maximum (RM) loads in the bench press exercise