1,710 research outputs found

    The causal effect of family size on child labor and education

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    This paper investigates the causal relationship between family size and child labor and educationamong brazilian children. More especifically, it analyzes the impact of family size on child labor,school attendance, literacy and school progression. It explores the exogenous variation in familysize driven by the presence of twins in the family. The results are consistent under the reasonableassumption that the instrument is a random event. Using the nationally representative brazilianhousehold survey (Pnad), detrimental effects are found on child labor for boys. Moreover,significant effects are obtained for school progression for girls caused by the exogenous presenceof the young siblings in the household.

    QoE over-the-top multimédia em redes sem fios

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    One of the goals of an operator is to improve the Quality of Experience (QoE) of a client in networks where Over-the-top (OTT) content is being delivered. The appearance of services like YouTube, Netflix or Twitch, where in the first case it contains more than 300 hours of video per minute in the platform, brings issues to the managed data networks that already exist, as well as challenges to fix them. Video traffic corresponds to 75% of the whole transmitted data on the Internet. This way, not only the Internet did become the ’de facto’ video transmission path, but also the general data traffic continues to exponentially increase, due to the desire to consume more content. This thesis presents two model proposals and architecture that aim to improve the users’ quality of experience, by predicting the amount of video in advance liable of being prefetched, as a way to optimize the delivery efficiency where the quality of service cannot be guaranteed. The prefetch is done in the clients’ closest cache server. For that, an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used, where through a subjective method of attribute comparison, and from the application of a weighted function on the measured quality of service metrics, the amount of prefetch is achieved. Besides this method, artificial intelligence techniques are also taken into account. With neural networks, there is an attempt of selflearning with the behavior of OTT networks with more than 14.000 hours of video consumption under different quality conditions, to try to estimate the experience felt and maximize it, without the normal service delivery degradation. At last, both methods are evaluated and a proof of concept is made with users in a high speed train.Um dos objetivos de um operador é melhorar a qualidade de experiência do cliente em redes onde existem conteúdos Over-the-top (OTT) a serem entregues. O aparecimento de serviços como o YouTube, Netflix ou Twitch, onde no primeiro caso são carregadas mais de 300 horas de vídeo por minuto na plataforma, vem trazer problemas às redes de dados geridas que já existiam, assim como desafios para os resolver. O tráfego de vídeo corresponde a 75% de todos os dados transmitidos na Internet. Assim, não só a Internet se tornou o meio de transmissão de vídeo ’de facto’, como o tráfego de dados em geral continua a crescer exponencialmente, proveniente do desejo de consumir mais conteúdos. Esta tese apresenta duas propostas de modelos e arquitetura que pretendem melhorar a qualidade de experiência do utilizador, ao prever a quantidade de vídeo em avanço passível de ser précarregado, de forma a optimizar a eficiência de entrega das redes onde a qualidade de serviço não é possível de ser garantida. O pré-carregamento dos conteúdos é feito no servidor de cache mais próximo do cliente. Para tal, é utilizado um processo analítico hierárquico (AHP), onde através de um método subjetivo de comparação de atributos, e da aplicação de uma função de valores ponderados nas medições das métricas de qualidade de serviço, é obtida a quantidade a pré-carregar. Além deste método, é também proposta uma abordagem com técnicas de inteligência artificial. Através de redes neurais, há uma tentativa de auto-aprendizagem do comportamento das redes OTT com mais de 14.000 horas de consumo de vídeo sobre diferentes condições de qualidade, para se tentar estimar a experiência sentida e maximizar a mesma, sem degradação da entrega de serviço normal. No final, ambos os métodos propostos são avaliados num cenário de utilizadores num comboio a alta velocidade.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Terminal sterilization using supercritical carbon dioxide : SCCO2 : influence of several processing parameters

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    Dada a expansão do mercado de biomateriais e sofisticação dos dispositivos médicos, os processos de esterilização terão necessariamente de ser reformulados e melhorados para responderem eficazmente. Algumas das técnicas de esterilização utilizadas atualmente não conseguem executar a sua função de uma forma eficaz. Em muitos casos o material é danificado durante o processo ou a esterilização não é realizada eficientemente. Assim sendo, a esterilização por dióxido de carbono em estado supercrítico (SCCO2) responde eficazmente ao esterilizar diversos materiais biológicos e polímeros sensíveis, que antes não eram esterilizados por outras técnicas. A par desta vertente, o custo de operação, a sua segurança e rapidez processual são características positivas na esterilização por SCCO2. O trabalho realizado no âmbito da presente tese teve como objetivo estudar e analisar as variáveis de esterilização em tiras de esporos bacterianos de três estirpes diferentes: Bacillus atrophaeus, Bacillus pumilus e Bacillus stearothermophilus. Com este estudo, as variáveis como o tempo de esterilização efetiva, pressão e “Shelf life” foram aprimorados, aumentando assim a eficiência do processo. Em paralelo a este estudo, foram também estudadas amostras de placenta humana antes e depois do processo de esterilização de forma a verificar se a esterilização por SCCO2 poderá danificar ou modificar as propriedades físicas ou químicas deste material biológico. Conclui-se que para esterilizar eficazmente as tiras de esporos bacterianos é recomendável um tempo de esterilização efetiva no mínimo de 3 horas com um shelf life mínimo de 1 semana. De forma a aumentar a viabilidade do processo, demonstrou-se que é possível a utilização dos materiais esterilizados logo após o processo sem reativação dos esporos, quando estes estão em contacto com o SCCO2 no mínimo 3 horas. No reator os valores recomendados são: pressão a 140 bar, 600 rpm, 40ºC e com a adição de 300 ppm H2O2. As análises de High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) e Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) demonstraram que as amostras de placenta após esterilização não sofrem alterações químicas significativas. Contrariamente, os testes mecânicos e análises de Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) revelaram mudanças físicas e químicas significativas nas amostras. A esterilização por SCCO2 conferiu um aumento de rigidez nas amostras biológicas estudadas, assim como um aumento na sua resistência térmica. O estudo da eficácia desta técnica de esterilização (SCCO2) em amostras biológicas deve ser continuado para que se possa reunir mais informação que permita validar a sua aplicabilidade na área dos materiais médicos e biomateriais.Due the expanding market for biomaterials and the sophistication of medical devices, sterilization processes need to be refined and reinvented to respond effectively to this demand. Nowadays the current sterilization techniques, cannot perform their function effectively without damaging the material during the process. Thus, supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) sterilization can be an alternative solution for sterilizing various biological materials and complex/sensitive polymers. The great advantages of SCCO2 sterilization englobes the price of operation, its safety and procedural speed among others. The main goal of this thesis project was to study and analyse different variables, like effective sterilization time or pressure in the effective sterilization process of three different bacterial spore strains: Bacillus atrophaeus, Bacillus pumilus and Bacillus stearothermophilus. In this study, the effect of the time interval between SCCO2 sterilization and the microbiological validation was also evaluated, despite of being a parameter that is not taken into account in the works described in literature to date. Parallel to this work, human placenta samples were analysed before and after the sterilization process to verify whether SCCO2 sterilization could damage or modify the physical or chemical properties of this biological material. Regarding the results obtained of the sterilization of the bacterial spore strips, the mildest conditions optimized were: 140 bar, 600 rpm, 40ºC, 300 ppm H2O2 and 4 hours of effective sterilization. Interestingly, the effectiveness of terminal sterilization of these biological indicators was dependent on the time period after scCO2 treatment. In addition, the minimum “shelf life” required is at least 1 week. In the second part of the work, the placenta samples sterilized by scCO2 did not undergo significant chemical changes as demonstrated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses that. In contrast, the mechanical tests and analyses of Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) demonstrated significant physical and chemical changes in the samples. SCCO2 sterilization conferred rigidity to the biological sample and a different behaviour of the samples were detected when exposed to a constant increase of temperatures. The study of the innovative sterilization technique (SCCO2) should be continued to increase its applicability in the area of medical materials and biomaterials and their efficiency

    Fiscal federalism, institutions and social capital : lessons from the italian mezzogiorno

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    Mestrado em Economia Internacional e Estudos EuropeuaThe aim of this paper is to investigate whether fiscal federalism can represent an effective barrier for regional development. We discuss the relationship between decentralization, lack of appropriate institutions and feeble economic growth, based on the existing literature. In order to identify the conditions that can hinder a successful progress towards fiscal federalism, we study the case of the Italian Mezzogiorno, exploring complementary ways to explain this reality. We review literature on fiscal federalism, institutions and social capital, and we critically discuss the previous findings, trying to disentangle the main features of this region that obstruct the possibility of looking at fiscal federalism as a good solution for development, without previous institutional improvements. Decentralization comes then as a potential danger, representing an additional problem rather than a solution to the region. We observe that the process of decentralization can be part of the explanation for the non-convergence of the Mezzogiorno, as it fostered the magnitude of low levels of institutional capacity and social capital of the region and turned them into an effective barrier to economic growth, creating a steady fiscal dependence and letting regional administrations exposed to free-riding, rent-seeking and corruption. In this vein, we suggest a set of substantial institutional and economic reforms. The lessons from this case study can be useful for assessing the potentials and bottlenecks of Portuguese regions’ economic development.O presente estudo tem como objectivo averiguar em que medida poderá o federalismo orçamental representar uma barreira efectiva ao desenvolvimento regional. Debatemos a relação entre descentralização, carência de instituições apropriadas e frágil crescimento económico, com apoio na literatura existente. A fim de identificar as condições que podem obstruir um avanço próspero em direcção ao federalismo orçamental, estudamos o caso do Mezzogiorno italiano, explorando diversas formas de explicar esta realidade. Revemos a literatura sobre federalismo orçamental, instituições e capital social, e discutimos criticamente os resultados anteriores, tentando discernir as características essenciais desta região que possam obstruir a possibilidade de olhar para o federalismo orçamental como uma solução para o desenvolvimento, na ausência de melhorias institucionais prévios. A descentralização apresenta-se assim como um perigo potencial, representando um problema adicional e não uma solução para a região. Observa-se que o processo de descentralização pode ser parte da explicação para a não-convergência do Mezzogiorno, tendo sustentado a magnitude dos baixos níveis de capacidade institucional e de capital social da região, tornando-os numa barreira efectiva ao crescimento económico, criando uma dependência orçamental firme e deixando as administrações regionais expostas ao free-riding, ao rent-seeking e à corrupção. Nesta linha de entendimento, sugerimos um conjunto de reformas substanciais, no plano económico e institucional. As lições deste estudo de caso poder-se-ão demonstrar profícuas para avaliar as potencialidades e os riscos para o desenvolvimento económico das regiões portuguesas.La présente étude vise à enquêter si le fédéralisme budgétaire peut constituer une barrière effective au développement régional. La relation entre décentralisation, défaut d’institutions appropriées et croissance économique faible est débattue, sur la base de la littérature existante. Afin d’identifier les conditions qui peuvent prévenir un progrès fructueux dans la direction du fédéralisme budgétaire, le cas du Mezzogiorno italien est étudié, en explorant des moyens complémentaires d’explorer cette réalité. Nous passons en revue la littérature sur le fédéralisme budgétaire, les institutions et le capital social, et les résultats précédents sont discutés de manière critique, en essayant de percevoir les principales caractéristiques de cette région qui puissent obstruer la possibilité de considérer le fédéralisme budgétaire comme une bonne solution pour le développement, sans des améliorations institutionnelles préalables. La décentralisation apparait alors comme un danger potentiel, représentant un problème additionnel plutôt qu’une solution pour la région. Nous observons que le processus de décentralisation peut être une partie de l’explication pour la non-convergence du Mezzogiorno, étant donné que ceci a soutenu les bas niveaux de capacité institutionnelle et de capital social de la région et les convertis en effectives barrières à la croissance économique, créant une dépendance budgétaire constante et laissant les administrations régionales exposées au free-riding, au rent-seeking et à la corruption. Dans cette optique, nous suggérons un ensemble de substantielles réformes institutionnelles et économiques. Les leçons de cette étude peuvent être utiles pour évaluer les potentiels et les risques au développement économique des régions portugaises

    Impact of the feeding eycle upon the neuronal membrane properties of rat hippocampal neurones : the involvement of voltage-gated sodium and calcium currents and the maintenance of plasma membrane organization

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    Tese de doutoramento, Bioquímica (Biofísica Molecular), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2018Feeding behaviour and energy balance is regulated by the central nervous system, through a concerted endeavour of different brain areas. The hippocampus, historically regarded as a substrate for learning and memory processes, has also been implicated in such energy regulation. In recent years, researchers have established that hippocampal neurones form a memory of a meal and act to delay meal initiation during the postprandial period. However, more experiments are needed to identify the processes involved in such control. The present thesis starts to fill this gap, by identifying possible neuronal mechanisms by which the hippocampus processes satiety and meal termination. By assessing the functioning of ion currents/channels and the lipid composition and organization of the plasma membrane throughout the feeding cycle, this study furnishes a global perspective of the effect of post-prandial and fasting conditions upon intrinsic neuronal plasma membrane (PM) properties. The involvement of ion channels of rat hippocampal CA1 neurones in a feeding cycle context has already been studied. Indeed, the feeding cycle was found to impact the excitability of these neurones by modulating the activity of voltage-gated potassium currents. This finding has urged further investigation to evaluate the broadness of the effect of feeding cycle on the activity of other ion channels. Hence, it was critical to address the involvement of a) voltage-gated sodium (Na+) currents/channels, given their importance in the initiation and propagation of action potentials, and b) voltage-gated calcium (Ca2+) currents/channels, as they mediate the influx of this ubiquitous second messenger, with wide-ranging physiological roles, into the interior of the neurones. The influence of feeding cycle on the biophysics of Na+ and Ca2+ channels was undertaken in neurones acutely isolated from the CA1 subfield of the rat hippocampus. Two classes of neurones were used: those obtained from animals that fasted overnight (‘fasted neurones’) and those from animals that, after such period, were fed (‘fed neurones’). Voltage-gated Na+ currents were recorded by applying electrophysiological voltage clamp techniques - namely whole-cell (WC) and excised inside-out patches. Fed neurones, in comparison to fasted neurones, showed increased mean maximum macroscopic Na+ current density (1.5 ± 0.12mA.cm-2 vs. 1±0.10mA.cm-2) and a greater single-channel conductance (16.7 ± 0.76pS vs. 12.6 ± 1.30pS). Furthermore, the larger amplitude of the ‘window current’ obtained in fed neurones, derived from hyperpolarized activation curves and depolarized steady-state of inactivation curves (h∞), indicates a greater Na+ channel availability to respond to activation. Such variation is supported by a higher concentration of Nav1.2 isoform at the plasma membrane-enriched fractions of hippocampus of fed animals. Overall, the results indicate a variation in the biophysics and expression of voltage gated Na+ channels of rat hippocampal CA1 neurones, pointing out that feeding cycle changes the neuronal excitability. Voltage-gated Ca2+ currents were analysed with whole-cell recordings. It was observed heterogeneity in whole-cell Ca2+ currents, here sorted into three categories – ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ currents. The differential distribution of these currents between fed and fasted neurones determined significant alterations on the inactivation properties of Ca2+ currents. The increased values of the time-constant of inactivation - τh -, observed upon feeding, can be ascribed to a conspicuous slowly-inactivating current mainly assigned to fed neurones (current ‘A’), as oppose to the fastest kinetics of inactivation, solely seen in fasted neurones (current ‘C’). Furthermore, in fed neurones, a depolarizing shift of the most depolarized component (Vh2) of the voltage-dependence of h∞ was observed, which indicates that fasted neurones inactivate at more negative membrane potentials. Altogether, these observations point to a facilitated entry of Ca2+ into the soma of fed neurones, which, ultimately, potentiates the Ca2+-dependent intracellular events. The observed influence of feeding cycle on the biophysical and molecular expression of voltage-gated Na+ and Ca2+ channels did not have repercussions on the lipid environment of the PM. The plasma membrane-enriched fractions of rat hippocampus were labeled with molecular probes: 1,6-diphenyl 1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH) and trans-parinaric acid (t-PnA). By assessing the fluorescence properties of these probes, it was possible to study the molecular organization and lateral heterogeneity (in the membrane plane) of the lipid domains. Specifically, two types of fluorescence spectroscopy measurements were used, either in steady state (anisotropy measurements) and time-resolved domains (fluorescence intensity decay). The molecular biophysics analysis indicated that the order and rigidity of the acyl chains of the phospholipids constituents of the PM is not altered during the feeding cycle. Furthermore, the proportion of the different lipid domains at the surface of the neuronal PM is identical between conditions, which clearly indicates that the lateral heterogeneity of such domains is similar throughout the feeding cycle. This observation must be interpreted at a hydrophobic core level, where the t-Pna and DPH preferentially locate within the PM. The lipid content of the plasma membrane of rat hippocampus also did not endure any variation during the feeding cycle. The ratios calculated for the total lipid, phospholipid and cholesterol content were identical between the membranes of fed and fasted animals. The results concerning the molecular biophysics and biochemical characterization of the lipids imbedded in the neuronal plasma membrane indicate that neurones must have a shield mechanism to preserve their functional viability, regardless of the peripheral metabolic state. In summary, the greater levels of neuronal excitability and the promotion of Ca2+ entry into the neurones upon feeding may imply a subsequent increase on neuronal synaptic performance. A positive relationship between feeding and higher levels of synaptic plasticity-related phenomena (formation and consolidation of memories) is suggested, which could help to explain the role of hippocampus on the regulation of energy intake, mainly due to its role on meal-related episodic memories. This work gives new insights into the function of hippocampus on energy homeostasis, by adding new elements to the equation, namely, voltage-gated Na+ and Ca2+ channels.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Fan-club relationships: The effect of player transfers on brand love and fan-club engagement

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    The Player Transfer Market plays a key role on a club’s financial and sports performance. Additionally, the total transfer fees have been growing exponentially in the past years and becoming even more important for football clubs’ business models. But what do fans think and feel about this? This research work adapts the marketing concept of Consumer-Brand relationships which have been studied through several fields, to Fan-Club relationships. This type of relationships was studied in the past yet, no research included the Player Transfer Market as an important phenom that can possibly affect this relationship. Therefore, a conceptual framework including this phenom was developed around main concepts like Brand Love and Fan-Club Engagement as well as its antecedents and outcomes picturing a Fan-Club relationship model. A questionnaire shared among online football communities was performed gathering 452 respondents. It was found that the Players Transfer Market has a positive influence both on Brand Love and Fan-Club Engagement. This influence concerns the emotions generated during these specific times of the year. Yet, the Past Transfers’ quality and value perception do not influence the extent to which a fan loves more his club or not. This study presents some managerial recommendations on how football clubs should take advantage of this phenom to engage with their fans during these special times of the year, as well as academic implications, limitations and future directions of research.O Mercado de Transferências de Jogadores tem um papel chave na performance financeira e desportiva de um clube de futebol. Em adicional, os valores de transferências têm aumentado exponencialmente nos últimos anos tendo-se tornado ainda mais importante para os modelos de negócio dos clubes. Mas o que pensam e sentem os fãs? Esta dissertação adapta o conceito de Relação Consumidor-Marca que tem sido estudado em vários setores para Relação Fã-Clube. Estes tipos de relações foram estudados no passado, mas nunca incluíram o Mercado de Transferências como um importante fenómeno que pode ser influenciador das mesmas. Assim sendo, um modelo conceptual que inclui este fenómeno foi desenvolvido à volta de conceitos principais como Amor à Marca e Compromisso Fã-Clube assim como os seus antecedentes e consequências, formando um modelo de relação Fã-Clube. Um questionário foi partilhado através de comunidades de futebol online que reuniu 452 respostas. Foi descoberto que o Mercado de Transferências tem de facto um efeito positivo no Amor à Marca e Compromisso Fã-Clube. Esta influência baseia-se nas emoções geradas durante estas fases específicas do ano. Contudo, a perceção de qualidade e valor de transferências passadas não influenciam o quanto um fã ama mais ou menos o seu clube, tal como o seu compromisso para com o mesmo. Esta dissertação apresenta recomendações de como os clubes de futebol devem atuar nestas fases para tirar partido melhor deste fenómeno e fortalecer o compromisso dos fãs, assim como implicações académicas, limitações e futuras direções de estudo

    Kering equity research: from catwalk to cashflow - tailoring success in luxury

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    This report is an integral component of an Equity Research Field Lab focused on Kering S.A, a noticeable French conglomerate specializing in luxury goods. Commencing with a company overview, highlighting the huge transformation from retail conglomerate to a luxury group, our objective is to scrutinize how the group has been able to establish itself as a leader in the luxury goods industry. This involves an in-depth analysis of the competitive landscape of the global luxury goods industry, in which the group competes with other players that strive to capture the attention of affluent consumers. Furthermore, we delved our analysis in describing how the M&A activity within this industry has been evolving overtime. Bearing in mind the dynamic nature of the luxury sector, it was no surprise the significant wave of mergers and acquisitions witnessed in recent times. Moreover, the report focuses on a comparative valuation of Kering S.A within the luxury goods industry, benchmarking against its peers. Two key multiples, the forward P/E ratio and forward EV/EBIT ratio are employed, to assess Kering’s standings. Our findings reveal that Kering exhibits lower multiples compared to a group of peers, suggesting a potential discount in market perceptions

    Design and modeling of a hybrid database schema: transactional and analytical

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    Os sistemas de bases de dados em contexto organizacional estão segmentados em duas categorias: bases de dados operacionais e bases de dados analíticas. Como consequência da constante evolução tecnológica, vários esforços foram levados a cabo com o objetivo de reavaliar o paradigma atual. Assim, a conceção de bases de dados híbridas capazes de suportar o processamento transacional e analítico é vista como possível e viável. No entanto, é clara a presença de uma lacuna no que diz respeito à existência de abordagens que demonstrem como modelar esquemas conceptuais para este tipo de bases de dados. Neste póster é apresentada uma conceção e modelação de um esquema lógico de uma base de dados híbrida.Database systems in organizational context are segmented in two categories: operational databases and analytical databases. Several efforts have been undertaken to re-evaluate the current paradigm, based on the constant technological evolution. Thus, the design of hybrid databases, capable of supporting transactional and analytical processing is possible and feasible. Even so, it is clear a gap about the existence of approaches regarding the modelling of conceptual schema for this type of databases. In this poster, is presented a logical schema for a hybrid database.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A company reorganization: recovering after the restructuring plan

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    The presented thesis concerns the valuation of Ford Motor Company through a DCF and comprehends a forecasted period from 2020 to 2031,being the purpose to reach a target stock price and to present a recommendation to investors. The valuation includes the analysis of Ford financial statements since 2011 to the 2019 third quarter. A multiples analysis was also performed and recalls on the same recommendation as the DCF result. The conclusion regarding the DCF result is a buy recommendation that ends up in a price per share of 10,75$and in a potential total return for shareholders of 28,05%