160 research outputs found

    Integrative analysis reveals the divergence and speciation between sister Sooty Copper butterflies Lycaena bleusei and L. tityrus

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    The comparison of closely related taxa is cornerstone in biology, as understanding mechanisms leading up to differentiation in relation to extant shared characters are powerful tools in interpreting the evolutionary process. Hotspots of biodiversity such as the west-Mediterranean, where many lineages meet are ideal grounds to study these processes. We set to explore the interesting example of Sooty Copper butterflies: widespread Eurasian Lycaena tityrus (Poda, 1761) comes into contact in Iberia with closely related and local endemic, L. bleusei (Oberthür, 1884), which hasn’t always been considered a distinct species. An integrative analysis was designed, combining the use of extensive molecular data (five genes), geometric morphometrics analyses, verified and up-to-date distribution data, and environmental niche modelling, aimed at deciphering their true relationship, their placement within European Lycaena and trace their evolutionary history. We revealed several levels of differentiation: L. bleusei and L. tityrus appear to be reciprocally monophyletic independent gene-pools, distinct in all genes analysed, having mutually diverged 4.8 Ma ago. L. tityrus but not L. bleusei, further displays a genetic structure compatible with several glacial refugia, where populations assignable to infraspecific taxa surface. Conversely, L. bleusei shows a loss in mtDNA diversity in relation to nuDNA. Morphological analyses differentiate both species according to size and shape but also discriminate strong seasonal and sexual traits and a geographical phenotype segregation in L. tityrus. Finally, updated distribution and its modelling for current and glacial timeframes reveal both species respond differently to environmental variables, defining a mostly parapatric distribution and an overlapping belt where sympatry was recovered. During the last glacial maximum, a wider expansion in L. bleusei distribution explains current isolated populations. Our study highlights the importance of gathering several lines of evidence when deciphering the relationships between closely related populations in the fringe of cryptic species realm.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Is surgical debridement necessary in the diabetic foot treated with photodynamic therapy?

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    Background: Diabetic patients are susceptible to developing foot ulcerswith serious complications such as osteomyelitis and amputations. Treatment approaches are still empirical and the benefit of usual procedures such as surgical debridement has not been properly evaluated. Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a non-invasive and highly efficient method for the treatment of the diabetic foot, being able to eradicate the infection and to stimulate healing, decreasing considerably the amputation risk. In the day-to-day practice of our service, we have been faced with the question whether debridement is necessary before PDT. In here, we designed a study to answer that question. Methods: Patients were divided in two groups: In one of the groups (n = 17), debridement was performed before PDT and in the other (n = 40) only PDT treatment was performed. PDT sessions were performed once a week in all patients until healing was achieved, as indicated by visual inspection as well as by radiographic and laboratory exams. At the start of the study, the two groups had no statistical differences concerning their clinical features: average age, gender, insulin use, diabetes mellitus onset time and previous amputations. Results: PDT was effective in the treatment of 100% of the patients showing no relapses after one year of follow up. The group submitted to PDT without previous debridement had a statistically significant (p = 0.036, Mann-Whitney) shorter cure time (29 days, similar to 27%). Conclusion: Our data indicates that debridement is not necessary in the treatment of diabetic foot in patients that have enough peripheral arterial perfusion. In addition, we reproduced previous studies confirming that PDT is an efficient, safe, simple and affordable treatment method for the diabetic foot.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao PauloCNPqHosp Anchieta, Fac Med ABC, Sao Bernardo Do Campo, BrazilFac Med ABC, Dept Bioquim, Santo Andre, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Dept Bioquim, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilFAPESP: 12/50680-5FAPESP: 13/07937-8Web of Scienc

    Controlo mecânico de infestantes

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    As infestantes são plantas indesejáveis que crescem juntamente com as plantas cultivadas e que interferem no seu desenvolvimento normal. As infestantes podem ser uma das principais causas da diminuição do rendimento das culturas, porque competem com elas para o espaço, para a água, luz solar, nutrientes e dióxido de carbono, podem segregar substâncias alelopáticas, ser o meio no qual temporariamente se instalam alguns organismos responsáveis por inúmeras pragas e doenças que atacam as culturas dificultando assim o combate às mesmas, dificultam a colheita quer esta seja manual ou mecanizada, podem contaminar o produto final, depreciando-o e, asseguram a reinfestação para as culturas seguintes. O controlo de infestantes ter-se-á iniciado quando o homem deixou a de ser nómada e de assegurar as suas necessidades através da colheita de frutos e da caça e passou após a “domesticação“ das espécies animais e vegetais a fazer agricultura, tornando-se sedentário. Portanto, desde o início da agricultura, que o homem tem feito grandes esforços para controlar as plantas infestantes, primeiro à mão, depois com o uso de alguns artefactos, ferramentas e equipamentos para melhorar a eficiência no seu controlo. Hoje existem equipamentos mecânicos sofisticados tal como, substâncias químicas ou biológicas que permitem o seu controlo prevenindo ou retardando a sua germinação ou crescimento. Interferência das plantas infestantes com a cultura pode gerar perdas significativas, na qualidade e quantidade de alimentos produzidos, desperdiçando enormes quantidades de energia, especialmente não renováveis. Os custos no controlo e os efeitos sobre os rendimentos são muito variáveis, dependendo do agricultor, das espécies de plantas infestantes e da estratégia ou estratégias adoptadas para garantir a eficácia no controlo. Nas últimas cinco décadas têm vindo a fazer-se significativos avanços científicos e tecnológicos na criação de estratégias para o aumento da eficácia no controlo de infestantes seja mecanicamente, seja através da utilização de substâncias químicas ou biológicas menos tóxicas para o homem, menos agressivas ao meio ambiente, com menores custos de produção e ao mesmo tempo, mais selectivas para as culturas onde são aplicadas. A alternativa ao controlo químico de infestantes através da aplicação de herbicidas é o controlo mecânico pela utilização de diversas alfaias agrícolas, tais como a charrua de aivecas, a charrua de discos, o escarificador de braços rígidos, o escarificador de braços flexíveis (vibrocultor) e a fresa. O controlo mecânico de infestantes poderá ser levado a cabo também por máquinas de corte, como por exemplo, as gadanheiras. Cortar as infestantes numa fase de desenvolvimento antes da produção de semente evita a sua propagação. Se o agricultor optar pela sementeira directa como técnica de instalação das culturas, a única alternativa que tem para o controlo de infestantes é a química, mas se optar pelo sistema de mobilização tradicional ou pela mobilização reduzida poderá controlar as infestantes, química e/ou mecanicamente. A eficácia das diferentes alfaias no controlo de infestantes depende da própria alfaia, da época do ano em que se realiza esse controlo, do estado do solo, das espécies de infestantes presentes e seu estádio de desenvolvimento. Iremos no presente trabalho, referir os aspectos mais importantes do controlo mecânico de infestantes

    HBM4EU chromates study - Usefulness of measurement of blood chromium levels in the assessment of occupational Cr(VI) exposure

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    Occupational exposures to hexavalent Chromium (Cr(VI)) can occur in welding, hot working stainless steel processing, chrome plating, spray painting and coating activities. Recently, within the human biomonitoring for Europe initiative (HBM4EU), a study was performed to assess the suitability of different biomarkers to assess the exposure to Cr(VI) in various job tasks. Blood-based biomarkers may prove useful when more specific information on systemic and intracellular bioavailability is necessary. To this aim, concentrations of Cr in red blood cells (RBC-Cr) and in plasma (P–Cr) were analyzed in 345 Cr(VI) exposed workers and 175 controls to understand how these biomarkers may be affected by variable levels of exposure and job procedures. Compared to controls, significantly higher RBC-Cr levels were observed in bath plating and paint application workers, but not in welders, while all the 3 groups had significantly greater P–Cr concentrations. RBC-Cr and P–Cr in chrome platers showed a high correlation with Cr(VI) in inhalable dust, outside respiratory protective equipment (RPE), while such correlation could not be determined in welders. In platers, the use of RPE had a significant impact on the relationship between blood biomarkers and Cr(VI) in inhalable and respirable dust. Low correlations between P–Cr and RBC-Cr may reflect a difference in kinetics. This study showed that Cr-blood-based biomarkers can provide information on how workplace exposure translates into systemic availability of Cr(III) (extracellular, P–Cr) and Cr(VI) (intracellular, RBC-Cr). Further studies are needed to fully appreciate their use in an occupational health and safety context

    The 5S rDNA family evolves through concerted and birth-and-death evolution in fish genomes: an example from freshwater stingrays

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    Background: Ribosomal 5S genes are well known for the critical role they play in ribosome folding and functionality. These genes are thought to evolve in a concerted fashion, with high rates of homogenization of gene copies. However, the majority of previous analyses regarding the evolutionary process of rDNA repeats were conducted in invertebrates and plants. Studies have also been conducted on vertebrates, but these analyses were usually restricted to the 18S, 5.8S and 28S rRNA genes. The recent identification of divergent 5S rRNA gene paralogs in the genomes of elasmobranches and teleost fishes indicate that the eukaryotic 5S rRNA gene family has a more complex genomic organization than previously thought. The availability of new sequence data from lower vertebrates such as teleosts and elasmobranches enables an enhanced evolutionary characterization of 5S rDNA among vertebrates.Results: We identified two variant classes of 5S rDNA sequences in the genomes of Potamotrygonidae stingrays, similar to the genomes of other vertebrates. One class of 5S rRNA genes was shared only by elasmobranches. A broad comparative survey among 100 vertebrate species suggests that the 5S rRNA gene variants in fishes originated from rounds of genome duplication. These variants were then maintained or eliminated by birth-and-death mechanisms, under intense purifying selection. Clustered multiple copies of 5S rDNA variants could have arisen due to unequal crossing over mechanisms. Simultaneously, the distinct genome clusters were independently homogenized, resulting in the maintenance of clusters of highly similar repeats through concerted evolution.Conclusions: We believe that 5S rDNA molecular evolution in fish genomes is driven by a mixed mechanism that integrates birth-and-death and concerted evolution

    A Streamlined DNA Tool for Global Identification of Heavily Exploited Coastal Shark Species (Genus Rhizoprionodon)

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    Obtaining accurate species-specific landings data is an essential step toward achieving sustainable shark fisheries. Globally distributed sharpnose sharks (genus Rhizoprionodon) exhibit life-history characteristics (rapid growth, early maturity, annual reproduction) that suggests that they could be fished in a sustainable manner assuming an investment in monitoring, assessment and careful management. However, obtaining species-specific landings data for sharpnose sharks is problematic because they are morphologically very similar to one another. Moreover, sharpnose sharks may also be confused with other small sharks (either small species or juveniles of large species) once they are processed (i.e., the head and fins are removed). Here we present a highly streamlined molecular genetics approach based on seven species-specific PCR primers in a multiplex format that can simultaneously discriminate body parts from the seven described sharpnose shark species commonly occurring in coastal fisheries worldwide. The species-specific primers are based on nucleotide sequence differences among species in the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer 2 locus (ITS2). This approach also distinguishes sharpnose sharks from a wide range of other sharks (52 species) and can therefore assist in the regulation of coastal shark fisheries around the world

    Methylthioadenosine reprograms macrophage activation through adenosine receptor stimulation

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    Regulation of inflammation is necessary to balance sufficient pathogen clearance with excessive tissue damage. Central to regulating inflammation is the switch from a pro-inflammatory pathway to an anti-inflammatory pathway. Macrophages are well-positioned to initiate this switch, and as such are the target of multiple therapeutics. One such potential therapeutic is methylthioadenosine (MTA), which inhibits TNFα production following LPS stimulation. We found that MTA could block TNFα production by multiple TLR ligands. Further, it prevented surface expression of CD69 and CD86 and reduced NF-KB signaling. We then determined that the mechanism of this action by MTA is signaling through adenosine A2 receptors. A2 receptors and TLR receptors synergized to promote an anti-inflammatory phenotype, as MTA enhanced LPS tolerance. In contrast, IL-1β production and processing was not affected by MTA exposure. Taken together, these data demonstrate that MTA reprograms TLR activation pathways via adenosine receptors to promote resolution of inflammation. © 2014 Keyel et al