28 research outputs found

    Rediscovery, ecology, and identification of rare free-tailed bats (Chiroptera: Molossidae) in Costa Rica

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    Five new specimens ofthe poorly known Sanborn's bonneted bat, Eumops hansae (Chiroptera: Molossidae), are reported for Costa Rica's central and northern Pacific lowlands based on a subadult male collected in 1990 and four adult females collected in 2003. We also report the second known specimen of Eumops underwoodi from Costa Rica and additional specimens of Cynomops mexicanus, Eumops glaucinus, Molossus molossus, and Molossus pretiosus. Most of the females captured in August and April were either lactating or pregnant, suggesting that parturition in these molossids occurs in the late dry season and the early to middle rainy season, periods when insects are especially abundant in this dry forest. Characters used previously to distinguish between the similar-sized E. hansae and E. nanus are evaluated, and external and cranial measurements for the specimens of E. hansae are provided. The best single character for distinguishing the two species is size and shape of the upper incisors. In E. hansae, the upper incisors are thin and recurved, whereas they are thick, straight, and slightIy procumbent in E. nanus. The six sympatric species of free-tailed bat found in the gallery forest along the Rio Enmedio vary in size, jaw thickness, and wing shape suggesting coexistence through resource partitioning in this molossid bat assemblage

    Planeamiento estratégico del sector seguridad y vigilancia de Lima Metropolitana

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    Dada la coyuntura de inseguridad ciudadana de Lima Metropolitana, el planeamiento estratégico del Sector Seguridad y Vigilancia es desarrollado a fin de poder establecer estrategias alcanzables y medibles que puedan implementarse a través de objetivos a largo plazo hacia el 2025. Así, la implementación del planeamiento estratégico busca desarrollar un modelo de agremiación empresarial privada orientada a disminuir, integral y sostenidamente, los índices de inseguridad de los clientes y usuarios asociados a un nuevo sistema tecnológico integrado de seguridad y vigilancia. El exhaustivo análisis interno, externo, cuantitativo y cualitativo muestra resultados que confirman la falta de integración –personal y tecnológica- con los organismos involucrados en seguridad y vigilancia en Lima Metropolitana; asimismo, la necesidad de llenar vacíos legales existentes con organismos gubernamentales que impiden el establecimiento de consensos en cuanto a legislación, normativas y procedimientos. De esta manera, a través del planteamiento estratégico de iniciativas integrales, se obtendrá mejoras en la estabilidad jurídica y reglamentaria; así como en el desarrollo tecnológico y la capacitación de recursos humanos, que en conjunto son necesarias para promover el crecimiento del sector agremiado. En consiguiente, se han identificado siete estrategias, a través de las cuales, el sector propuesto obtendrá un crecimiento organizativo y tecnológico sostenible en Lima Metropolitana hacia el 2025; asimismo, una mayor participación del mercado de seguridad y vigilancia, que fomentará en la ciudad capital, la implementación y estandarización de nuevas tecnologías de seguridad y vigilancia electrónica integradas con los principales organismos gubernamentalesGiven the situation of insecurity of Lima, the strategic planning of Security and Safety Sector is developed in order to set achievable and measurable strategies that can be implemented through long-term objectives by 2025. Thereby, the implementation of the strategic planning is looking for the development of a model of joining private enterprise oriented to decrease, integrally and steadily, the crime rates of customers and users associated with a new integrated security and surveillance technology system The comprehensive internal, external, quantitative and qualitative analysis shows results which confirm the lack of technological-and-personal integration with agencies involved in security and surveillance in Lima; also, the need to fill existing gaps with government agencies that hinder the establishment of consensus on legislation, regulations and procedures. Thus, through the strategic approach of integrated initiatives, improvements in the legal and regulatory stability will be obtained; as well as technological development and training of human resources, which together are necessary to promote the growth of the joined sector. In consequence, seven strategies have been identified, through which, the proposed sector will get sustainable organizational and technological growth in Lima by 2025; likewise, an increased security and surveillance market share, which will promote in the capital city, the implementation and standardization of new integrated security technologies and electronic surveillance with key government agenciesTesi

    Bat Assemblages along an Elevational Gradient in Costa Rica

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    Spatio-temporal patterns of species richness, Hill numbers, captures per species, feeding guilds, sex ratio, and biomass were studied in a Neotropical bat assemblage during 17 continuous months in four bands (low: 50–150, mid-low: 375–500, mid-high: 975–1,050, and high: 1,950–2,050 m a.s.l.) in an elevational gradient in Costa Rica. We found an effect of elevation on species richness. As expected, species richness was high in the low elevations; unexpectedly, however, we noted that species richness was highest in the mid-high band, a diversity pattern that has not been previously recorded in bats. We also found an effect of precipitation periods on species richness; in particular, at mid-high elevations, when precipitation was intermediate and highest, we observed a larger number of species. When analyzing data separately by feeding ensemble, we found an effect of elevation on species richness for three ensembles: animalivorous bats were more diverse at the mid-low band, nectarivorous bats were more diverse in the mid-high and high bands, and frugivorous bats were more diverse in the mid-low and low bands. Species richness of frugivorous bats was also affected by precipitation; when rainfall was intermediate and highest, we noted a higher species richness of this ensemble. There was no effect of elevation on species richness for the insectivorous, omnivorous or hematophagous ensemble, nor on the species capture, sex ratio or biomass. Our results not only provide further evidence of the importance of lowland forests as reservoirs of high species diversity, but also highlight the importance of tropical premontane rainforests for the conservation of bat communities given their high species richness, particularly for the nectarivorous and frugivorous ensembles. This is particularly relevant not only because this ecosystem has been heavily affected by land use changes in the Neotropical region, but also because the predicted future decrease of precipitation at this elevation could potentially affect overall species richness and particularly for certain feeding ensembles. Thus, conservation efforts in this life zone are of critical importance for maintaining functional and ecological diversity of bat communities in elevational gradients.UCR::Sedes Regionales::Sede del Su

    Spatio‑temporal distribution and reproductive phenologyof Neotropical bat species in an altitudinal gradient in Costa Rica

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    We studied the altitudinal and temporal patterns of species abundance and reproductive status for 18 Neotropical bat species during 17 continuous months in four ranges (low 50, mid–low 500, mid–high 1000, and high 2000 m a.s.l.) in an altitudinal gradient in Costa Rica. We found an efect of elevation on the abundance on ten species. We also found a combined efect of altitude and precipitation in two species; for example, Carollia castanea was more abundant at the low altitudinal range and during the high precipitation period, while Sturnira hondurensis was more abundant at the high altitudinal range and during the low precipitation period. We also found an efect of altitude and precipitation on the reproductive status of fve bat species. Carollia sowellii and C. castanea showed higher number of reproductive males in the low range and reproduc tive females in the low altitudinal range during the high precipitation period. We also found a larger number of reproductive males of Sturnira mordax in the mid–high range, while pregnant females were more abundant during the low precipitation period. Our results show altitudinal and temporal patterns of abundance and reproductive phenology that highlight the need for long-term studies of species assemblages along altitudinal gradients. This information is crucial to implement conserva tion strategies that are species-orientated, promoting habitat protection for a large number of species in altitudinal ranges involved at the specifc periods when bat abundance or reproduction is higher.UCR::Sedes Regionales::Sede del Su

    Environmental education around bats

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    Se da cuenta del estado de conservación de los murciélagos en Costa Rica, señalando elementos culturales y ambientales que constituyen amenazas para ellos. Se reseña el programa de educación ambiental en pro de la conservación de los murciélagos que se desarrolla hace poco en Costa Rica, dirigido a niños, y se explican sus logros: hasta hoy son documentables los avances cognitivos por parte de la población meta, esperándose que pronto se pueda confirmar avances actitudinales, que es a lo que tiende el programa.The condition of bat conservation in Costa Rica is analyzed, remarking the cultural and environmental elements that turns on threatens for them. There is noted the recent environmental education porgram in Costa Rica, focuses on children education for bat conservation, and there is explained their achievements: today is noted the progress on knowledge on the target population and soon there is expect attitude advances, the objetive of the program.Universidad NacionalRevista de Ciencias Ambientale

    Rediscovery, ecology, and identification of rare free-tailed bats (Chiroptera: Molossidae) in Costa Rica

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    Chassagne Serge. Notables napoléoniens. John Dunne, Notables and Society in Napoleonic France, The Seine-Inférieure, 1799-1815, ph. D., London University College, 1987 Louis Bergeron et Guy Chaussinand-nogaret, Enquête sur les Grands Notables du Premier empire, éditions du C.N.R.S., s. d. In: Études Normandes, 40e année, n°4, 1991. Les 25 ans de l'Université de Rouen - les 40 ans d'Etudes Normandes. pp. 81-84

    Plataforma web para el apoyo en la mejora de la comprensión lectora en alumnos de educación primaria

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    Implementar una solución de software que facilite la comunicación y organización de los maestros con los alumnos, la cual ayude a mejorar las habilidades y comprensión en la lectura, así ofrecer una plataforma web de libre acceso enfocada a la lectura para los estudiantes y maestros y determinar la situación actual de la educación a nivel primario enfocada a las competencias lectoras

    Seasonal guild variation of a bat assemblage in an agricultural landscape of a tropical dry forest of Costa Rica

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    In Costa Rica, the tropical dry forest is restricted into the North Pacific, being one of the few remnants of the Mesoamerican dry forest. This forest presents remarkable climatic variation throughout the year, especially in precipitation. This variation makes it necessary for the animals that live here to adapt according mainly to food availability. We analyze a bat assemblage in terms of its species richness and guild composition in an agro dry forest landscape. We describe how the presence, abundance and guilds of different bat species varies through time and closely relates to rainfall pattern, distinctly affecting nectarivorous, frugivorous, insectivorous or hematophagous. We propose that the species that make up the assemblage of bats at this site probably make local movements periodically, using the area only temporarily. We emphasize that, given the movement of species during the year, the maintenance of natural elements such as forest patches and wetlands within ago-landscapes is mandatory in order to achieve a regional conservation strategies.En Costa Rica, el bosque seco tropical se encuentra restringido al Pacifico Norte del país, siendo uno de los pocos remanentes de bosque seco mesoamericano existente. Este bosque presenta notables variaciones en las condiciones climáticas a lo largo del año, especialmente en términos de precipitación. Esta variación hace necesario que la fauna que aquí habita deba de adaptarse en función de la disponibilidad de alimento. Analizamos la variación del ensamblaje de murciélagos y la composición de gremios tróficos en un agro paisaje de bosque seco. Describimos como la presencia y abundancia de diferentes especies y gremios de murciélagos en el sitio está relacionada con la variación en el patrón de lluvias, afectando distintivamente a nectarívoros, frugívoros, insectívoros o hematófagos. Proponemos que las especies que conforman el ensamble de murciélagos en el sitio, probablemente realizan movimientos locales periódicos, utilizando el área de estudio solo temporalmente. Destacamos que dado el probable movimiento de especies durante el año, es necesario mantener elementos naturales, como parches de bosque y humedales, dentro de los agro paisajes como una estrategia de conservación de la biodiversidad a nivel regional.IntroductionIn Costa Rica, the tropical dry forest (TDF) life zone [1] is mainly found in the Tempisque River’s lower basin, in the Guanacaste province [2]. Climatically, this zone is characterized by high temperatures and the marked rainfall seasonality, represented by 4 to 6 months of drought [2] [3] with an average annual rainfall of less than 2000 mm [2]. Taking these conditions into account, the TDF presents greater bioclimatic variation throughout the year than the country’s wet and rainy forests [4