83 research outputs found

    Mentale Gesundheit in Zeiten des Krieges

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    Das ukrainische Gesundheitswesen im Bereich der psychischen Gesundheit ist geprägt vom sowjetischen Erbe. Es ist nach Erlangung der Unabhängigkeit 1991 kaum reformiert worden und war nicht darauf vorbereitet, die Folgen eines großangelegten Krieges aufzufangen. Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine hat immense Folgen für die psychische Gesundheit: Laut der UNO haben 15,6 Millionen Familien in der Ukraine eine Verschlechterung der psychischen Gesundheit erlitten. Jede:r vierte Ukrainer:in ist in Gefahr, durch den Krieg verursachte psychische Störungen zu erleiden. Dienste zur psychischen Gesundheit sind stärker gefragt als je zuvor. Gleichzeitig ist das Gesundheitssystem selbst militärischen Angriffen ausgesetzt und steht unter großem Druck

    Principles of construction of ultrasonic tomographs for solution of problems of nondestructive testing in mechanical engineering

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    The paper considers the problems of ultrasonic nondestructive testing of products intended for mechanical engineering. The functional and electronic circuits of an ultrasonic tomograph are presented. The function of signal radiation from the clocked multielement apparatus is described, the cross-functional flowchart of the prototype of a US tomograph is considered. The development trends of ultrasonic tomography for near-term outlook are demonstrated

    Using a stepped-care approach to help severely obese children and young people

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    Weight management is a game of chance for most children and young people, and is dependent on service availability and the expertise of the provider. Many localities are without established weight-management services, and the effectiveness of those provided is often not well-known. SHINE (Self Help, Independence, Nutrition and Exercise) is the only documented tier 3 community-based service provider in the UK. It offers a plethora of interventions tailored to each child or young person using a stepped-care approach (SCA) to treat severe obesity: as the severity of obesity increases, so does the intensity of intervention. This article describes an SCA and uses this model to demonstrate a range of appropriate, available interventions. A SCA can provide a holistic and integrative care pathway for children and young people with severe obesity when implemented at tier 3


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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic is an extraordinary challenge for all countries and affects the psychological wellbeing of healthcare professionals working with people suffering from COVID-19 and puts them at a high risk of mental health problems. The aim of the study was to identify stress-related factors that affect the mental health of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine. Subjects and methods: A total of 1098 Ukrainian healthcare workers were surveyed using an online questionnaire consisting of questions relating to a) socio-demographic characteristics; b) perceptions of the COVID-19 related situation; and c) stress and protective factors. Respondents were divided into two groups, depending on whether they provided care to the patients with COVID-19 or not. Results: Of the 1087 healthcare workers, 863 (79.4%) were found to have anxiety / fear caused by the COVID-19. No significant difference was detected between professionals who did and did not provide personal assistance to patients with COVID-19 concerning anxiety / fear related to COVID-19 (p=0.0776). Based on logistic regression model (χ2(6)=263.70, p=0.000) the most significant predictive factors for anxiety / fear caused by the COVID-19 were factors related to safety and risk perception (the risk of getting infected, dying, infecting loved ones, perception of the threat of the epidemic spread), information factors (constant news about COVID-19), as well as factors related to the organisation of care (lack of staff in health care facilities). Conclusions: Negative risk perception, high consumption of COVID-19 news, and shortage of staff in health care facilities were significant predictors of anxiety / fear caused by the COVID-19

    Сhronic kidney disease complications in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus after simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation – potential role of oxidative stress and glycation end products

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    BACKGROUND: Normoglycaemia in patients with diabetes mellitus type 1 (T1DM) after simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation (SPKT) is very interesting in regards to chronic kidney disease (CKD) complications dynamics depending of posttransplantation period and possible targets of potential treatment from the point of view “metabolic memory” AIM: To evaluate the relationship between oxidative stress indicators and advanced glycation end products and complications of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in patients with T1DM аnd a long-term history of diabetes decompensation, who reached stable euglycemia after SPKT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 20 patients with compensation of carbohydrate metabolism after SPKT performed from November 2011 to September 2018. Assessment included examination of complications of ESRD (arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, anemia, mineral and bone disorder) and analysis of "metabolic memory" markers: 3-nitrothyrosine (3-NT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), advanced glycation end products (AGE) and AGE receptor (RAGE). We performed follow-up examination of patients included in the early postoperative period (1st day/week) in 6-12 months after SPKT. RESULTS: All patients with DM1 duration for 22 [19; 28] years, diabetic nephropathy (DN) 8 [6; 14] years and duration of renal replacement therapy (dialysis) for 3 [1.5; 4] years reached euglycemia (HbA1c 5,5 [5,1; 5,8] %; С-peptide 3,2 [2,45; 3,63] ng/ml) after 6 month of surgical treatment. Despite of stable graft function (estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) CKD-EPI 84 [69; 95] ml/min/1.73m2) 35% of patients still needed antihypertensive therapy, 40% needed treatment with recombinant human erythropoietin (RHuEPO) and 15% – ferrotherapy. With vitamin D deficiency, observed in 80% of cases (13.3 [9.3; 18.5] ng/ml), 55% of patients had secondary hyperparathyroidism, 45% – osteoporosis. The results of the correlation analysis revealed the association of the state of ESRD target organs with the studied "metabolic memory" markers: oxidative stress and AGE-RAGE system. CONCLUSIONS: SPKT as the way to achieve compensation of carbohydrate metabolism and uremia does not provide regress of diabetes and complications of ESRD. Analysis of "metabolic memory" markers indicate their direct contribution to the persistence of metabolic consequences of diabetic nephropathy (DN). Found trends need more long-lasting observation and enlargement of study groups

    Использование гемостатического препарата Спонгостан в качестве носителя мезенхимальных стволовых клеток при лечении экспериментального недержания мочи у крыс

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    The adhesion and proliferation of rat adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) as part of biocomposite with haemostatic drug Spongostan Absorbable Haemostatic Gelatin Powder as well as its regenerative efficiency after its introduction into the periurethral region in rats with experimental urinary incontinence were studied. It was found that MSCs rapidly adhere to the surface of the carrier and actively proliferate. The periurethral injection of biocomposite (Spongostan + MSCs) quickly and effectively recovers the urine continence function in animals that have undergone modeling of incontinence by urethrolysis. Spongostan hydrated in the ratio of 1 :24 inphosphate-saline buffer has a volume-forming effect in the urethra of experimental animals.Изучены адгезия и пролиферация мезенхимальных стволовых клеток (МСК) жировой ткани крысы в составе биокомпозита с носителем на основе гемостатического препарата Спонгостан (Spоngostan Absorbable Haemostatic Gelatin Powder), а также регенерационная эффективность биокомпозита при его введении в парауретральную область крысам с экспериментальным недержанием мочи. Установлено, что МСК быстро адгезируют на поверхности носителя и активно пролиферируют. Введение биокомпозита (Спонгостан + МСК) в парауретральную область быстро и эффективно восстанавливает функцию удержания мочи в мочевом пузыре у животных после моделирования недержания посредством уретролизиса. Спонгостан, гидратированный в соотношении 1 : 24 в фосфатно-солевом буфере, оказывает также объемообразующее действие в области уретры экспериментальных животных

    Staphylococcal Enterotoxins

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    Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is a Gram positive bacterium that is carried by about one third of the general population and is responsible for common and serious diseases. These diseases include food poisoning and toxic shock syndrome, which are caused by exotoxins produced by S. aureus. Of the more than 20 Staphylococcal enterotoxins, SEA and SEB are the best characterized and are also regarded as superantigens because of their ability to bind to class II MHC molecules on antigen presenting cells and stimulate large populations of T cells that share variable regions on the β chain of the T cell receptor. The result of this massive T cell activation is a cytokine bolus leading to an acute toxic shock. These proteins are highly resistant to denaturation, which allows them to remain intact in contaminated food and trigger disease outbreaks. A recognized problem is the emergence of multi-drug resistant strains of S. aureus and these are a concern in the clinical setting as they are a common cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea in hospitalized patients. In this review, we provide an overview of the current understanding of these proteins

    Model of formation of the price of the state construction contract in the conditions of innovative development of economy

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    Analysis and probation of the optimization model when determining the starting price of the construction contract in the current conditions of economic development. During the research, methods of economic theory, economic statistics and mathematical and statistical tools have been used. The methodical bases of the formation of the initial maximum contract price by dividing it into basic and manageable (controlled) components are considered. The division of the controlled factors into qualitative and quantitative indicators is proposed. The list of the basic expenses by division on the base and conditionally operated components at calculation of the starting price, which essentially differs from the technique of calculation of the estimated cost of the building order, is generated. A methodology for the formation of the contract price for the introduction of innovative investment and construction projects in the system of state procurement has been developed. Based on the research, it follows that, through the controlled factors, it is possible to influence the initial maximum contract price, in particular, by changing qualitative coefficients. As a part of the initial maximum contract price, there are basic and conditionally manageable components that change the contract price without adversely affecting other factors in the implementation of the state construction order. The integral qualitative indicator is a conditional coefficient, which depends on a certain set of qualitative components of the controlled factors, i.e. corresponds to the available set of significant indicators. It is enough to change the value of one of the qualitative indicators, and it will lead to a change in the initial maximum contract price through the integral indicator

    The history of development of psychiatry and its establishment in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

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    The paper is devoted to the study of the development of psychiatry and its establishment as a science in the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. The leading method of research was the analysis and synthesis of historical sources of the 19th to 21st centuries. The historical analysis of the development of psychiatry was carried out through the study of the life and scientific path of Ivan Sikorsky, Mykhailo Lapinsky, Volodymyr Seletsky, who were the founders of psychiatry as an academic discipline in Ukraine. In 2020, 135 years have passed since the foundation of the Department of Nervous and Mental Diseases in the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. The founders of the department are well-known talented scientists, whose activities have enriched psychiatric science. But from 1920 to 2019, psychiatry as a science and a subject of teaching disappeared from the University. Psychiatry received its further development at the university in 2019, with establishment of the Institute of Psychiatry. The practical significance of the study lies in the substantial contribution to the history of domestic medical science, in particular, mental disorder studies, as well as the possibility of using the findings in the teaching of an educational course in psychiatry

    Model of formation of the price of the state construction contract in the conditions of innovative development of economy

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    Analysis and probation of the optimization model when determining the starting price of the construction contract in the current conditions of economic development. During the research, methods of economic theory, economic statistics and mathematical and statistical tools have been used. The methodical bases of the formation of the initial maximum contract price by dividing it into basic and manageable (controlled) components are considered. The division of the controlled factors into qualitative and quantitative indicators is proposed. The list of the basic expenses by division on the base and conditionally operated components at calculation of the starting price, which essentially differs from the technique of calculation of the estimated cost of the building order, is generated. A methodology for the formation of the contract price for the introduction of innovative investment and construction projects in the system of state procurement has been developed. Based on the research, it follows that, through the controlled factors, it is possible to influence the initial maximum contract price, in particular, by changing qualitative coefficients. As a part of the initial maximum contract price, there are basic and conditionally manageable components that change the contract price without adversely affecting other factors in the implementation of the state construction order. The integral qualitative indicator is a conditional coefficient, which depends on a certain set of qualitative components of the controlled factors, i.e. corresponds to the available set of significant indicators. It is enough to change the value of one of the qualitative indicators, and it will lead to a change in the initial maximum contract price through the integral indicator