469 research outputs found

    Response Properties of the Auditory Telencephalon in Songbirds Change with Recent Experience and Season

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    The caudomedial nidopallium (NCM) is a telencephalic auditory area that is selectively activated by conspecific vocalizations in zebra finches and canaries. We recently demonstrated that temporal and spectral dynamics of auditory tuning in NCM differ between these species [1]. In order to determine whether these differences reflect recent experience, we exposed separate groups of each species and sex to different housing conditions. Adult birds were housed either in an aviary with conspecifics (NORM), with heterospecifics (canary subjects in a zebra finch aviary, and vice versa: (CROSS)), or in isolation (ISO) for 9 days prior to testing. We then recorded extracellular multi-unit electrophysiological responses to simple pure tone stimuli (250–5000 Hz) in awake birds from each group and analyzed auditory tuning width using methods from our earlier studies. Relative to NORM birds, tuning was narrower in CROSS birds, and wider in ISO birds. The trend was greater in canaries, especially females. The date of recording was also included as a covariate in ANCOVAs that analyzed a larger set of the canary data, including data from birds tested outside of the breeding season, and treated housing condition and sex as independent variables. These tests show that tuning width was narrower early in the year and broader later. This effect was most pronounced in CROSS males. The degree of the short-term neural plasticity described here differs across sexes and species, and may reflect differences in NCM's anatomical and functional organization related to species differences in song characteristics, adult plasticity and/or social factors. More generally, NCM tuning is labile and may be modulated by recent experience to reflect the auditory processing required for behavioral adaptation to the current acoustic, social or seasonal context

    HYDRA: Macroscopic modeling of hybrid ablative thermal protection system

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    In the framework of HYDRA, an European funded program, technological solutions of hybrid Thermal Protection System (TPS) are developed. This advanced shielding relies on the hybridization of upper lightweight porous ablative material and inner Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC) bonded together with a novel high temperature adhesive. The aerial mass optimization of the full TPS requires a controlled reduction in the ablative material thickness to reach high operating temperature configuration of the CMC. Therefore, radiative heat transfer takes place in a thin layer of ablator and becomes a major contributor to the elevation of the interface temperature. In this paper we develop an high fidelity radiative transfer in porous carbon fibers charring and ablative material. Specific elementary characterization, plasma test campaign and numerical simulation are scheduled to feed this radiative heat transfer model

    One at a time, live tracking of NGF axonal transport using quantum dots

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    Retrograde axonal transport of nerve growth factor (NGF) signals is critical for the survival, differentiation, and maintenance of peripheral sympathetic and sensory neurons and basal forebrain cholinergic neurons. However, the mechanisms by which the NGF signal is propagated from the axon terminal to the cell body are yet to be fully elucidated. To gain insight into the mechanisms, we used quantum dot-labeled NGF (QD-NGF) to track the movement of NGF in real time in compartmentalized culture of rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. Our studies showed that active transport of NGF within the axons was characterized by rapid, unidirectional movements interrupted by frequent pauses. Almost all movements were retrograde, but short-distance anterograde movements were occasionally observed. Surprisingly, quantitative analysis at the single molecule level demonstrated that the majority of NGF-containing endosomes contained only a single NGF dimer. Electron microscopic analysis of axonal vesicles carrying QD-NGF confirmed this finding. The majority of QD-NGF was found to localize in vesicles 50–150 nm in diameter with a single lumen and no visible intralumenal membranous components. Our findings point to the possibility that a single NGF dimer is sufficient to sustain signaling during retrograde axonal transport to the cell body

    An effective mass theorem for the bidimensional electron gas in a strong magnetic field

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    We study the limiting behavior of a singularly perturbed Schr\"odinger-Poisson system describing a 3-dimensional electron gas strongly confined in the vicinity of a plane (x,y)(x,y) and subject to a strong uniform magnetic field in the plane of the gas. The coupled effects of the confinement and of the magnetic field induce fast oscillations in time that need to be averaged out. We obtain at the limit a system of 2-dimensional Schr\"odinger equations in the plane (x,y)(x,y), coupled through an effective selfconsistent electrical potential. In the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field, the electron mass is modified by the field, as the result of an averaging of the cyclotron motion. The main tools of the analysis are the adaptation of the second order long-time averaging theory of ODEs to our PDEs context, and the use of a Sobolev scale adapted to the confinement operator

    PEG Branched Polymer for Functionalization of Nanomaterials with Ultralong Blood Circulation

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    Nanomaterials have been actively pursued for biological and medical applications in recent years. Here, we report the synthesis of several new poly(ethylene glycol) grafted branched-polymers for functionalization of various nanomaterials including carbon nanotubes, gold nanoparticles (NP) and gold nanorods (NRs), affording high aqueous solubility and stability for these materials. We synthesize different surfactant polymers based upon poly-(g-glutamic acid) (gPGA) and poly(maleic anhydride-alt-1-octadecene) (PMHC18). We use the abundant free carboxylic acid groups of gPGA for attaching lipophilic species such as pyrene or phospholipid, which bind to nanomaterials via robust physisorption. Additionally, the remaining carboxylic acids on gPGA or the amine-reactive anhydrides of PMHC18 are then PEGylated, providing extended hydrophilic groups, affording polymeric amphiphiles. We show that single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), Au NPs and NRs functionalized by the polymers exhibit high stability in aqueous solutions at different pHs, at elevated temperatures and in serum. Morever, the polymer-coated SWNTs exhibit remarkably long blood circulation (t1/2 22.1 h) upon intravenous injection into mice, far exceeding the previous record of 5.4 h. The ultra-long blood circulation time suggests greatly delayed clearance of nanomaterials by the reticuloendothelial system (RES) of mice, a highly desired property for in vivo applications of nanomaterials, including imaging and drug delivery

    Benchmark performance of low-cost Sb2Se3 photocathodes for unassisted solar overall water splitting

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    Determining cost-effective semiconductors exhibiting desirable properties for commercial photoelectrochemical water splitting remains a challenge. Herein, we report a Sb2Se3 semiconductor that satisfies most requirements for an ideal high-performance photoelectrode, including a small band gap and favourable cost, optoelectronic properties, processability, and photocorrosion stability. Strong anisotropy, a major issue for Sb2Se3, is resolved by suppressing growth kinetics via close space sublimation to obtain high-quality compact thin films with favourable crystallographic orientation. The Sb2Se3 photocathode exhibits a high photocurrent density of almost 30mAcm(-2) at 0V against the reversible hydrogen electrode, the highest value so far. We demonstrate unassisted solar overall water splitting by combining the optimised Sb2Se3 photocathode with a BiVO4 photoanode, achieving a solar-to-hydrogen efficiency of 1.5% with stability over 10h under simulated 1 sun conditions employing a broad range of solar fluxes. Low-cost Sb2Se3 can thus be an attractive breakthrough material for commercial solar fuel production. While photoelectrochemical water splitting offers an integrated means to convert sunlight to a renewable fuel, cost-effective light-absorbers are rare. Here, authors report Sb2Se3 photocathodes for high-performance photoelectrochemical water splitting devices

    An inverse problem in quantum statistical physics

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    International audienceWe address the following inverse problem in quantum statistical physics: does the quantum free energy (von Neumann entropy + kinetic energy) admit a unique minimizer among the density operators having a given local density n(x)n(x)? We give a positive answer to that question, in dimension one. This enables to define rigourously the notion of local quantum equilibrium, or quantum Maxwellian, which is at the basis of recently derived quantum hydrodynamic models and quantum drift-diffusion models. We also characterize this unique minimizer, which takes the form of a global thermodynamic equilibrium (canonical ensemble) with a quantum chemical potential

    Quantum Dot Targeting with Lipoic Acid Ligase and HaloTag for Single-Molecule Imaging on Living Cells

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    We present a methodology for targeting quantum dots to specific proteins on living cells in two steps. In the first step, Escherichia coli lipoic acid ligase (LplA) site-specifically attaches 10-bromodecanoic acid onto a 13 amino acid recognition sequence that is genetically fused to a protein of interest. In the second step, quantum dots derivatized with HaloTag, a modified haloalkane dehalogenase, react with the ligated bromodecanoic acid to form a covalent adduct. We found this targeting method to be specific, fast, and fully orthogonal to a previously reported and analogous quantum dot targeting method using E. coli biotin ligase and streptavidin. We used these two methods in combination for two-color quantum dot visualization of different proteins expressed on the same cell or on neighboring cells. Both methods were also used to track single molecules of neurexin, a synaptic adhesion protein, to measure its lateral diffusion in the presence of neuroligin, its trans-synaptic adhesion partner.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (R01 GM072670)Camille & Henry Dreyfus FoundationMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Computational and Systems Biology Program. MIT-Merck Postdoctoral Fellowshi

    Increased frequency of the immunoglobulin enhancer HS1,2 allele 2 in coeliac disease

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    Background: Coeliac disease ( CD) is characterized by increased immunological responsiveness to ingested gliadin in genetically predisposed individuals. This genetic predisposition is not completely defined. A dysregulation of immunoglobulins (Ig) is present in CD: since antiendomysium antibodies (anti-EMA) are of the IgA class. One polymorphic enhancer within the locus control region (LCR) of the immunoglobulin heavy chain cluster at the 3' of the C alpha-1 gene was investigated. The correlation of the penetrance of the four different alleles of the HS1,2-A enhancer of the LCR-1 3' to C alpha-1 in CD patients compared to a control population was analysed. Methods: A total of 115 consecutive CD outpatients, on a gluten-free diet, and 248 healthy donors, age- and sex-matched, from the same geographical area were enrolled in the study. HS1,2-A allele frequencies were investigated by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results: The frequency of allele 2 of the enhancer HS1,2-A gene was increased by 30.8% as compared to the control frequency. The frequency of homozygosity for allele 2 was significantly increased in CD patients. Crude odds ratio ( OR) showed that those with 2/2 and 2/4 ( OR 2.63, P < 0.001 and OR 2.01, P = 0.03) have a significantly higher risk of developing the disease. In contrast, allele 1/2 may represent a protective genetic factor against CD ( OR 0.52, P = 0.01). Conclusions: These data provide further evidence of a genetic predisposition in CD. Because of the Ig dysregulation in CD, the enhancer HS1,2-A may be involved in the pathogenesis